Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh74.1 - I Also Have A Gift I Want To Give You

Tonight, Brother Feng was really straightforward. Ji Xingchen was teased the whole time and dared not speak. After finishing the game, he didn’t even dare to look at the results and hurriedly ended the livestream.

So while everyone online was mocking Jingze and his fans, Ji Xingchen had no idea what was going on. s6Oc8P

After the livestream ended, he turned around to sit face to face with Ran Feng.

Ran Feng also put away his phone, smiling mischievously, and was also looking at him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Their gazes met in the air, and being looked at like this by the other party, Ji Xingchen suddenly didn’t know where to start.

Seeing the undisguised smile in the other’s eyes, he couldn’t help but feel that Brother Feng seemed to be smiling more than before. z A0Cv

“What do you want to say to me?”

Ji Xingchen opened and closed his mouth a few times without speaking, and Ran Feng helped him open up the conversation.

After hesitating for a few seconds and reorganizing his thoughts, Ji Xingchen finally spoke, “Brother Feng… Were you… doing it on purpose just now?”

Ran Feng raised an eyebrow as if pretending not to understand and leaned back against the chair, “On purpose? How so?”


“Just… those things you did in my livestream just now…”

Ran Feng made a playful sound before saying, “Didn’t the viewers all say that I support my wife?”

Whether it was mentioned before or not, Ji Xingchen felt that Ran Feng seemed more proficient in using the word “wife” this time.

Using affectionate terms would increase each other’s interest, but Ji Xingchen still blushed and lowered his head because of his shyness. JtRrEB

“It’s actually not necessary… I’m fine.”

Ran Feng disagreed, “But I’m not.”

He straightened up again. The playful smile disappeared from his face, and his expression became serious, “If I were wronged, would you feel sorry for me?”

Ji Xingchen couldn’t shake his head at this question, so he could only admit, “I would.” rpEC0J

He would feel very sorry.

If Brother Feng was wronged, Ji Xingchen would want to use all his strength to seek justice for him, and he would want to do everything possible to make him happy again.

Suddenly, Ji Xingchen understood Ran Feng’s feelings.

He looked up at the person in front of him, who was so handsome and serious. mcJRl0

At this moment, he was looking into his eyes and quietly asking himself, “So, if my boyfriend is wrong, would I be willing to let it go?”

Naturally, he wouldn’t.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen shook his head, then nodded, “I understand, Brother Feng.”

There was a smile in his eyes again, “Are you hungry?” mVjPxe

After saying that, Ji Xingchen stood up, and Ran Feng stood up as well.


“Then, do you want to take a shower? Sitting on the plane for so long must be tiring.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Aera jr Al Wlcumtfc olclrtfv rqfjxlcu, tf rjk Ejc Mfcu’r wbeat megnf eq klat j tlca bo reqqgfrrfv ijeutafg. HUVhZR

Lf revvfcis gfjilhfv, “Dgbatfg Mfcu, sbe ilfv ab wf.”

Ejc Mfcu jvwlaafv vlgfmais, “Tfr, P ilfv ab sbe pera cbk. P jw lcvffv nfgs tecugs.”

Al Wlcumtfc vlvc’a ecvfgrajcv kts atf batfg qjgas kbeiv ilf ab tlw, yea eqbc tfjglcu atja Ejc Mfcu kjr nfgs tecugs, tf tegglfv ab qgfqjgf obbv obg tlw, “Ktfc P’ii ub wjxf vlccfg obg sbe. Pr atfgf jcsatlcu rqfmlji sbe kjca ab fja?”

“Yes.” zE8j0X

Ran Feng walked up to Ji Xingchen and whispered in his ear, “I want to eat you.”

Ji Xingchen felt his ears itching like crazy.

Although Ran Feng was teasing Ji Xingchen and making him flustered, he didn’t continue teasing. He simply planted a gentle kiss on his forehead and urged, “Go take a shower first.”

“Aren’t you going to shower first?” i4XVRN

“I’ll wait a while.”


After agreeing, Ji Xingchen absentmindedly took his pajamas and went to take a shower.

The hot water flowing continuously from the showerhead raised the temperature in the bathroom. Amidst the rushing water, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but replay in his mind the words Ran Feng whispered in his ear just now: tXfBJl

‘Do you have anything special you want to eat?’


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‘I want to eat you.’

The tone Ran Feng used just now was somewhat ambiguous. eDtY7K

Ji Xingchen’s heart raced and his breath quickened just from recalling it.

After taking a shower, Ji Xingchen’s face felt particularly warm, almost too hot to touch with his palms.

The water droplets from his hair dripped down his cheeks, and he hurriedly wiped them away with a towel before walking to the bedside.

Staring at the bedside drawer for a long time and then glancing at the closed door, Ji Xingchen finally bent down, carefully retrieved a book, and quietly placed it under Ran Feng’s pillow. Q7jao6

After doing all this, Ji Xingchen had a profound understanding of the term “sneaky” for the first time.

He stayed in the room for a while longer until his heartbeat gradually returned to normal before opening the door and stepping out of the bedroom.

The moment he opened the door, Ji Xingchen felt a sense of unease.

The originally bright room was now pitch black. l8xiF3

“Brother Feng?” Ji Xingchen called out, and then asked, “Is there a problem with the electricity?”

Before he finished speaking, he saw a small flame illuminate the surrounding darkness.

Then Ran Feng’s voice echoed.

It was as if there was an organ hidden in his throat, it’s the familiar birthday song, but when sung with his voice it sounded uniquely different. Htso8E

“Happy birthday, darling.”

Ran Feng walked slowly to Ji Xingchen, the bedroom lights and candlelight intertwining, casting a glow on his handsome face.

“Today is September 19th in the lunar calendar, your birthday.”

Ran Feng’s shallow eyes were filled with starlight, as if containing all the tenderness in the world. d1x83S

“You were born exactly at ten o’clock at night. It’s not past ten yet, so celebrating your birthday now shouldn’t be considered late, right?”

Ji Xingchen shook his head. He had intended to answer, but excitement made his throat feel dry and tight.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

After adjusting himself for two seconds, he replied softly, “Not late.”

Even though Ran Feng didn’t mention it, Ji Xingchen had actually forgotten. i8rY0y

The corresponding Gregorian time for his lunar birthday changed every year. He only saw today’s date as November 4th on his phone’s home screen but didn’t remember that it was his birthday.

How many years had passed since he last celebrated his birthday?

It seemed like he hadn’t celebrated since the year his father passed away.

The time had passed so long that several years went by in the blink of an eye, and he couldn’t even remember the day himself. FiDznV

On the days he forgot and didn’t care about, but there was still someone in the world who remembered it for him.

Not only did he remember, but his phone password, bank card PIN, and even the code to his house were all his birthday.

At this moment, he seemed to have finally ended his dark and lonely journey, and found an entrance that he could successfully land on.

Under the glow of the flames, Ji Xingchen saw the shape of the cake and the numbers on the candles. f2NCF0

However, he realized that the numbers were wrong.

Ji Xingchen lowered his gaze and pointed to the candle in the middle. “Brother Feng, did you grab the wrong candle? I’m turning 23 this year, not 18.”

Ran Feng glanced at the candle and gently shook his head.

“Happy sixth 18th birthday to you.” Bnr7jd

Ji Xingchen’s body suddenly stiffened, as if all his organs had been squeezed together, making it hard for him to breathe.

“I missed your first eighteenth birthday, but from today onwards, please allow me to celebrate your sixth, seventh, eighth… I want to be there for every eighteenth birthday of your life, to be present and accompany you in all the important moments.”

As if suddenly having a grain of sand in his eyes, Ji Xingchen lowered his gaze. He tried to take deep breaths several times, but couldn’t calm his emotions.

Other than an instinctively nodding in response, he seemed to not know what else to say. Oour9i

At this moment, he desperately wanted to find some topics to talk about with Ran Feng, even meaningless ones would suffice, but his throat felt as dry as a desert, unable to produce any sound.

Ran Feng saw all of Ji Xingchen’s reactions, he reached out and tousled Ji Xingchen’s hair, the smile on his lips becoming even gentler, “Aren’t you going to blow out the candles, birthday boy?”

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“I will.”

Ji Xingchen intertwined his fingers and smiled at Ran Feng, revealing two adorable dimples, “Wait for me to make a wish.” ZQXGT0

He closed his eyes and devoutly made a wish in his heart.

Opening his eyes again, Ji Xingchen joyfully invited Ran Feng to blow out the candles together, “Brother Feng, let’s do it together.”

As two gusts of wind passed by, the candlelight flickered a few times, and then dimmed.

The light came back on, illuminating the room once again. tufyaY

With one hand holding the cake and the other holding Ji Xingchen’s hand, Ran Feng led him to the dining room.

He placed the cake on the table, took out the cake knife, and handed it to Ji Xingchen, “Birthday boy, come and cut the cake.”

Ji Xingchen reached out to take it from Ran Feng, their fingertips brushed against each other, and Ran Feng gently pinched him.

Ji Xingchen paused for a moment, then looked up at Ran Feng, “Shall we cut it together?” 4TMtD7

Ran Feng chuckled softly, “It seems like only couples cut wedding cakes together.”

With that said, he stood behind Ji Xingchen and hugged him from behind.

With his left hand around Ji Xingchen’s waist and his right hand holding Ji Xingchen’s hand to cut the cake, Ran Feng asked, “Shall we?”

Ji Xingchen’s heart was pounding incessantly, but he still nodded firmly, “Yes.” YCfGDr

The feeling was strange, and Ji Xingchen cut the cake with extra solemnity.

He scooped the first piece of cake onto a plate and brought it to Ran Feng, “You have the first bite.”


Ji Xingchen tilted his head slightly, curiosity evident in his eyes. 1M8maC

Ran Feng offered the cake to his lips, “Taste it.”

Seeing there was no fork, Ji Xingchen licked the cream with his tongue.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

As the cream entered his mouth, Ran Feng gently held the back of his head and leaned down to cover his lips.

The sweet cream melted slowly on their tongues. P8tY 1

It’s sticky, and slippery, as if enticing each other to deepen their intimacy.

Ran Feng stopped just at the brink. After letting go of Ji Xingchen, he glanced at the other’s glistening red lips and wiped the cream from the corner of his mouth with his fingertip.

“Today you taste like cream.”

Ji Xingchen quietly closed his eyes, concealing the reddened corners of his eyes from the kiss. ipq8 v

“I’ve also cooked longevity noodles for you. Wait for me.”

With that said, Ran Feng returned to the kitchen. After a few minutes of bustling, he brought out a bowl of longevity noodles.

He placed the noodles neatly in front of Ji Xingchen and added chopsticks.

“I hope it tastes good.” faukAi

Translator's Note

“Gregorian time” refers to the time system based on the Gregorian calendar, which is the calendar system most commonly used today internationally. The Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar, meaning it is based on the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, and it is widely used for civil purposes worldwide, including setting dates for religious holidays and other events.

Translator's Note

In China, the traditional calendar used for many cultural and religious events is the lunar calendar. This calendar is based on the phases of the moon and consists of twelve months. Each month begins with the new moon and lasts until the next new moon. The lunar calendar differs from the Gregorian calendar, which is the standard calendar used worldwide and is based on the solar year. Due to the differences between these calendars, events like birthdays may fall on different dates in the Gregorian calendar each year, leading to potential confusion if one is not aware of both systems.

Translator's Note

“longevity noodles” refer to a type of noodle dish often eaten on birthdays in Chinese culture. These noodles symbolize long life and are typically served on special occasions such as birthdays to wish for health, happiness, and longevity for the person celebrating their birthday.

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  1. Aw, ideal boyfriend

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖