Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh71.2 - I Miss You

Ji Xingchen didn’t recognize this person’s voice. At first, he thought Bu Huo had invited some of their usual gaming buddies.

But when he heard the name Brother Jing, he suddenly realized something was wrong. vF3GZl

There were very few people surnamed Jing in the entertainment industry… And the most well-known one…

Sure enough, just as Ji Xingchen thought of his name, someone in the livestream exposed their alt account.

Chrysanthemum Garden.


[The voice sounds like him, right?] qtEfdj

As soon as the viewers recognized Jingze, his army of fans flooded into the battlefield.

Then Ji Xingchen’s livestream was filled with his fans’ comments.

[Ahhh Brother Jingze!!!! You actually play games unexpectedly!!]

[!!!! But brother, why are you playing ranked with this streamer…]


Everything was going smoothly until this fan of Jingze said a word, successfully making the atmosphere in the chatroom strange.

[??? I kind of don’t understand what the fan is trying to express with this sentence?]

[Why is it so weird all of a sudden, are we not worthy of Xingxing?]

More people joined in afterward. 1uFCO4

[No way, don’t you know? Jingze and Ran Feng are rivals, Ran Feng personally destroyed their CP. Now both sides’ fans have deep-seated hatred. You, as Ran Feng’s old classmate, couldn’t possibly not know this, right? And now you’re playing games with Jingze, what are you thinking???]

[That’s kind of intense.]

Many viewers in the livestream were unaware of the fan circle’s grievances. After being enlightened by a bystander, the barrage became even more subtle.

[Emmmmmmmmmmm, now that you mention it… it feels like Xingxing has betrayed Brother Feng] OcIHGR

[Since they’re friends’ rivals, this doesn’t seem right…]

[But Xingxing didn’t invite him, why blame him??]

[Xingxing isn’t from the entertainment circle, how would he know so much about your grievances?]

[Don’t overthink it, it’s just playing a game together, why imagine so many schemes, you’re all paranoid] a3LbRS

With everyone chatting back and forth in the barrage, it instantly became noisy.

Ji Xingchen glanced at the barrage and noticed that the topic was still involving Brother Feng, so he immediately muted the livestream for ten minutes.

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“Let’s focus on the game for now.”

Besides this statement, Ji Xingchen couldn’t think of anything else to say. w6Gpst

Ever since he found out that Bu Huo had invited Jingze, he actually lost interest in playing games.

If he had known earlier, he definitely wouldn’t have started this five-player game.

It’s not just because of the feud between Brother Feng and Jingze, but he personally doesn’t like this person either.

But now that the game has started and there are so many viewers, he can’t suddenly say he won’t play. OVt2QS

That would definitely spark a debate among the fans, and it would also involve Brother Feng being criticized.

So, for now, he could only keep his mouth shut, grit his teeth, and finish the game as if he didn’t know who the other person was.

Ji Xingchen glanced at him, curious as to how he ended up in his car.

Doesn’t he know about his relationship with Brother Feng? IBZeaK

Among these people, Jingze has the highest status. When it came time to choose heroes, the other three small idols all let him go first and choose his hero.

Jingze didn’t hold back either. Despite saying earlier that it didn’t matter if he played mid lane or not, he directly chose Zhang Liang.

Zhong Xingxian took his previous words seriously. When he saw Jingze wanting to lock Zhang Liang, he subconsciously wanted to speak up to stop him.

But the next moment, he suddenly realized that saying so might upset Jingze, so he held back. SCKywG

Normally, when they duo or trio queue with Xingxing, they just play whatever they want.

But when it comes to a five-player queue, if someone wants to be carried, they usually default to letting him take the mid lane.

After all, there are a lot of variables in a five-player queue, and it’s easy to run into other streamers or professional players’ smurfs, so giving him the safest mid lane is more secure.

They’ve played five-player queues many times before, and as long as they let Xingxing carry in the mid lane, they rarely lose. P5Wa1i

This game could be their promotion match to King, so he originally wanted Xingxing to play Hai Yue or Sun Quan, but who knew Jingze would pick Zhang Liang.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ciatbeut Itbcu Wlcuzljc vlvc’a olclrt tlr rfcafcmf, Alcuhf ralii tfjgv la jcv gfqilfv atgbeut atf wlm, “Qtja’r eq, Wljbzljc?”

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“Rbatlcu, cbatlcu. P pera kjcafv ab jrx lo sbe tjnf atf rxlc obg Qeilcu Pwwbgaji. Ktf qjrrlnf ibbxr ugfja.”

Alcuhf rwlifv ufcais, “Tfr, P ybeuta la ijra sfjg ktfc la gfaegcfv ab atf rabgf.” rMTZBd

“Last year… I never played games last year, and I only played this year and I didn’t get a chance to buy it.”

Ji Xingchen quietly listened to the conversation between Jingze and Zhong Xingxian, not saying a word.

Whether to carry or not was completely unimportant to him now. He just wanted to finish this round quickly and didn’t want any trouble.

With this in mind, Ji Xingchen typed “I’ll fill” in the game and then helped his teammates secure their heroes. qj6eNb

None of the four stars on their team knew how to play jungle, so in the end, this half-hearted Jungler King could only reluctantly take the jungle role.

The barrage immediately began to ridicule him, but Ji Xingchen actually had some confidence.

Because of Ran Feng’s influence, he had been secretly practicing jungle recently, so playing jungle while everyone else avoided it wasn’t that difficult for him.

After looking at the lineup, he directly picked Pei Qinhu. YEPvGO

After chatting briefly about skins, Jingze and Zhong Xingxian fell silent again. Jingze seemed particularly aloof, as if he were keeping his distance from everyone.

The three little idols tried to cue him a few times, but his responses were indifferent, so they also reduced the frequency of their conversations.

When the game started loading, surprisingly, no one in the room wanted to speak.

Ji Xingchen glanced at the game poster, only to find his phone vibrating beside him. XTrBiN

He picked up the phone and swiped the screen. It was a message from Ran Feng—

[That’s not necessarily the case]

“You can’t kiss me today either.”

“That’s not necessarily the case.” bB3m6N

Brother Feng is…


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The game loaded quickly, and before Ji Xingchen had time to reply to Ji Xingchen, it already began.

He put down his phone and immediately sent a request to gather to go against the enemy’s blue buff. tvR489

The support Guiguzi quickly followed, but Jingze in the mid lane did not.

The opponents were all experienced players, so they naturally anticipated that Ji Xingchen would lead a counter-jungle invasion with Pei Qinhu. When Ji Xingchen approached, the enemy mid, jungle, and support were already waiting for him in the brush near the blue buff.

However, Ji Xingchen was fortunate. Guiguzi’s crowd control was effective, and they surprisingly won the 3v2 skirmish in the early game.

After successfully killing the enemy jungle and stealing the blue buff, Ji Xingchen returned to his side of the map. He noticed that Jingze was already standing next to the blue buff, preparing to take it. Dv8H94

Seeing Ji Xingchen approach, he sent a system voice request for Ji Xingchen to take the buff, hinting that he should have it.

Ji Xingchen didn’t contest the blue buff when he saw that Jingze already had it. Instead, he quietly helped weaken it before leaving.

Jingze remained silent the whole time, seemingly feeling justified in taking the blue buff.

After clearing the jungle monsters, Ji Xingchen went to gank the bottom lane. rb3UuA

However, the opponents played cautiously and didn’t overextend, so Ji Xingchen decided to start the dragon.

At this moment, someone on the enemy team started typing in the chat.

[All] [Little Furry Toy]: Brother Jing, why did you run to the other side?

It was obvious that this comment was directed at Jingze, indicating that the person knew him. HPCfTj

[All] [zzzz]: ??

Seeing that Jingze didn’t recognize him, the person continued to clarify his identity.

[All] [Little Furry Toy]: It’s me, Big Fox, my smurf account.

Once the person clarified their identity, everyone understood. 9D0qIb

Big Fox was a popular streamer on another platform who had gained recent popularity. He was known for his networking skills and had good relationships with many celebrities. He often played games with different celebrities during his streams.

When Big Fox spoke to Jingze, his tone was familiar, leading Ji Xingchen to speculate that they often duo queued together.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[All] [zzzz]: Understood.

[All] [Little Furry Toy]: Why didn’t you invite me for a five-man queue? 7sLqwy

[All] [Little Furry Toy]: Didn’t I just send you an invitation earlier?

[All] [Little Furry Toy]: Don’t tell me you think my driving skills are unstable?

Jingze didn’t directly reply but simply typed a meaningless [。].

After recognizing Big Fox, the viewers in the chat went to his stream to watch and then came back to tell Ji Xingchen that the five-man queue on the opposing side consisted of five streamers’ smurf accounts, advising him to be cautious. 580xvA

Upon hearing this lineup, Ji Xingchen knew the game wouldn’t be easy, so he played even more cautiously.

In the early game, Pei Qinhu dominated, combined with Ji Xingchen’s good rhythm, he managed to drag four teammates along and even gained an advantage, securing four kills first.

The viewers in the live stream were amazed by this play.

[All] [Brother handsome handsome handsome, Star loves loves loves] 7znxCm

[All] [ CPDD ]

[All] [Jungler King Kang Kang me, Yaria of the national server, you deserve to have]

[All] [Jungler King, you seem so unfamiliar]

[All] [Jungler King, quickly return our little star to us] lTUE2N

[All] [《Soul Transmigration》]

“Honor of kings” is a game where joy easily turns into sorrow.

While the viewers in the live stream were still showering colorful praise, the situation in the game suddenly reversed.

The reason was Jingze, who, for some reason, messed up the tempo in the mid lane, and resulted in the death of the marksman. SZpkyr

Ji Xingchen joined in afterward. Although he had the highest economy in the game, he couldn’t turn the tide, and he died as well.

This teamfight greatly weakened them, nullifying all the advantages they had gained earlier.

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The opposing five streamers were good at seizing opportunities. They took advantage of the situation to farm and then ruthlessly crushed Ji Xingchen’s team.

The outcome was predictable. 5DlhxY

In the final teamfight, Ji Xingchen’s team suffered a humiliating wipeout, with all five of them lying in front of the crystal.

Ji Xingchen was the most unfortunate. He was killed by the opponent’s marksman in the fountain just after respawning, and the fountain’s healing couldn’t keep up with the damage.

At that moment when he fell, Jingze, who had been silent, suddenly typed a line.

[All] [zzzz]: It seems your car is more stable after all. u1QrgD

While Jingze’s comment seemed directed at the opponents, it successfully made the atmosphere awkward.

Because there was no voice chat, judging solely from the text, everyone couldn’t tell whether this sentence was a complaint or a praise towards the opponents.

But regardless of the tone of this sentence, the underlying meaning implied that Ji Xingchen’s play was unstable, and he lacked the skills to carry the team.

In a game where streamers lead their viewers in ranked matches, variability is expected, and it’s normal for both wins and losses to occur. Generally, people don’t say much about it. zDdG2F

However, when Jingze typed, even Zhong Xingxian, who failed his own play, sensed that something was amiss in the atmosphere.

He quickly chimed in, “Isn’t this Elo system too much? I failed my own play, is the system deliberately punishing me and not letting me reach King rank?”

But this attempt to diffuse the tension seemed to be futile, as Jingze’s fans had already flooded Ji Xingchen’s livestream with comments.

Whether intentional or not, their comments carried a certain tone. vf3 IO

[All] [This streamer isn’t good.]

[All] [Jing Bao: Don’t ask, asking is regretful.]

[All] [Brother, just go play ranked with Big Fox. There’s no need to give attention to someone you don’t know.]

[All] [Brother, you were already amazing in that last match, it’s not your fault.] jOtYVF

Fans from the entertainment circle and those in the livestream community have distinct natures, and their ability to set the tone is top-notch.

Soon, Ji Xingchen found himself subtly and openly criticized by them.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing how shameless the celebrity fans were, the viewers in the livestream were feeling quite aggrieved.

Star’s decision to let them play ranked with four noobs ruined everything. And to top it off, they ran into the five streamers’ smurfs. Who could they blame for the loss? r0CEiH

Moreover, it was Jingze’s problematic tempo control that caused them to be at a disadvantage. How could these fans have the audacity to turn around and complain that Star couldn’t carry their brother?

And this Jingze not even sending gifts aside, his fans kept acting all superior, as if Star was just trying to leech off their brother’s popularity. It’s really irritating everywhere you look.

Since both sides were unhappy, it’s no surprise that they started quarreling in the livestream, the place most prone to arguments.

Ji Xingchen’s livestream was filled with hot-headed viewers, both older brothers and older sisters. Seeing them arguing with entertainment fans and the main stars, they began to engage in heated debates. ZY1qA5

[Selecting a utility hero to drag the team down, then have the nerve to blame the carry?]

[Why don’t you give him an aircraft carrier and see if he can fly 250 meters?]

[Stop bringing entertainment industry grudges into our livestream.]

[Who do you think you’re fooling with your passive-aggressiveness?] AuTUQc

[A dignified celebrity, is this all you’ve got?]

As the sound of the crystal exploding rang out, the rhythm in Ji Xingchen’s livestream soared.

Seeing everyone start to argue, Ji Xingchen got a headache. He hadn’t said much throughout the game, but ended up joining the argument.

Because the target was Jingze, he actually felt a bit frustrated inside, but he couldn’t fuel the fire, so he turned on the microphone and started a giveaway. GTy21X

“Let’s do a giveaway to lighten the mood.”

Ji Xingchen wanted to use the giveaway to brush past the tense atmosphere.

Just as he set up the giveaway, he heard a light knock on the door.

Almost instantly, Ji Xingchen turned off the microphone and hurried to open the door. H3SG1r

Brother Feng is back!!!

His intuition told him so.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Swiftly opening the door to the livestream room, Ji Xingchen truly saw that familiar face.

“Brother Feng, why are you back? Wasn’t it supposed to be tomorrow??” 06Qm4y

Even though he knew it must be Brother Feng upon hearing the knock, seeing him in person made it feel like he was dreaming.

Ran Feng curved his lips. “Because someone said I couldn’t kiss him today.”

As he spoke, his index finger lightly traced Ji Xingchen’s lips, hinting at a subtle seduction.

“So I came back specifically to fulfill that.” Sbmnhi

Ran Feng’s appearance instantly cleared away all the frustration in Ji Xingchen’s heart.

At this moment, his eyes could only contain Ran Feng.

Ji Xingchen stared at the elegant man in front of him with wide eyes ——

His coat still carried a chill, and his hair slightly messy. It obviously showed the rush of his return to see Ji Xingchen ahead of schedule. NdmgTp

Ji Xingchen’s heart fluttered slightly, he opened his lips lightly, and couldn’t resist extending his tongue to lick the fingertip that had set his lips on fire.

The gesture was initially a bit awkward, but Ji Xingchen’s gaze was particularly pure, making him look like an adorable and obedient kitten.

Ran Feng’s eyes darkened as he stopped teasing Ji Xingchen’s lips with his fingertip, instead, he lifted Ji Xingchen’s chin and leaned down to plant a kiss.

The kiss was a bit forceful, leaving Ji Xingchen’s lips red when they parted. t2Ao1

Ran Feng’s beautiful eyes glanced at Ji Xingchen’s lips, then he lightly pressed his fingertip against them twice, saying with a smile, “I haven’t finished yet, we’ll continue later.”

Continue later?

Ji Xingchen silently repeated these words in his mind, whether it was due to lack of oxygen or shyness, his face suddenly flushed hot.

“How much longer are you going to livestream?” LQkZ0w

Seeing Ran Feng inquire about the livestream, Ji Xingchen remembered that the rhythm of his livestream was still at the same pace as before.

Afraid that Ran Feng might see the content, he quickly replied, “I can end the livestream right away.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ran Feng glanced at the screen, then used the cool back of his hand to gently touch Ji Xingchen’s burning face, saying softly, “Then end it, I’ll go take a shower first.”

Ji Xingchen nodded hastily and rushed back to his computer. 81BnRm

Looking at the barrage in the livestream, he found that he had already finished the giveaway for the kiss-back reward, but the chat was still arguing.

Ji Xingchen felt a headache coming on, so he decided to do another giveaway to calm things down before ending the stream.

However, just as he was about to turn on the microphone to speak, he heard a voice behind him.

“Jingze?” TtdvD7

Ji Xingchen turned around and saw Ran Feng, who had just said he was going to take a shower, standing behind him.

At this moment, he was frowning, his gaze fixed on the chaotic barrage, and his expression did not look too good.

Translator's Note

“ended up in his car” is a metaphorical expression used here to mean “joined his team” or “became part of his group.” In the context of online gaming, “getting in someone’s car” or “riding in someone’s car” often refers to joining a game session led by another player.

Translator's Note

“smurf account” is an alternate account used by a player, typically in online games, that is of a lower rank or level compared to their main account. Experienced players often create smurf accounts to play against less skilled opponents, either for fun, to play with lower-ranked friends, or to avoid the pressures and responsibilities associated with their main account.

Translator's Note

“CPDD” is an acronym commonly used in Chinese gaming and online communities. It stands for “找CP请带灯” (zhǎo CP qǐng dài dēng), which translates to ‘Looking for a couple, please light up’ or ‘Looking for a partner, please respond.’

Translator's Note

In the context of Chinese online communities and gaming, “康康我” (kāng kāng wǒ) translates to “look at me” or “notice me.” It’s a playful way of asking for attention or recognition from someone, often used when someone wants to be noticed by a streamer, influencer, or another player.

Translator's Note

“Elo system” is a ranking method used to rate the skill levels of players in competitive games. Players gain or lose points based on match outcomes, adjusting their rankings to reflect their performance. It’s commonly used in chess and online games to match players of similar skill levels.

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1 comment

  1. Oh, the terrible third wheel (((

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖