Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh69 - Who’s The Duo Partner For?

October 28th is the anniversary of Honor of Kings.

After a period of anticipation with various anniversary activities such as skin voting and other benefits, at 8 pm on the day of the anniversary, the official account of Honor of Kings announced on various platforms the anniversary theme song sung by Ran Feng for the game and informed players and fans that on the anniversary night at 8 pm, the spokesperson Ran Feng would meet all summoners in the King’s Canyon. fMSpvl

As soon as this news came out, the likes on this Weibo post directly surpassed a million by the Ifeng sisters.

After the end of his livestream, Ji Xingchen also saw this Weibo post. Although Brother Feng and MeowMeow TV had told him about this news, when he saw the several posters Ran Feng had personally shot for this event officially announced, he couldn’t help but give it a like.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Xingchen is used to checking the comments on every Weibo related to Ran Feng. Seeing that there are many netizens voting for their favorite skins and collectively dissing the Monkey in the last few hours, Ji Xingchen remembered that he forgot to vote for this returning skin.

Originally, he wanted to vote for Li Bai’s Floating Clouds and Fairy skin and Princess Frost’s Phoenix Skin, but because they had returned before, they were not eligible for nomination this year. j6b37Z

So Ji Xingchen voted all his big and small tickets for Xuan Ce’s White Tiger Will.

Although the electric mouse says heaven and earth are cool, Ji Xingchen thinks this skin is particularly cool even though he only plays it casually.

After doing all this, Ji Xingchen put on his headphones and opened QQ Music to listen to the anniversary theme song sung by Ran Feng for Honor of Kings.

Just as he put on his headphones, the melody surrounded his ears, and a message popped up from the WeChat backstage, flashing at the top of the phone lyrics.


The person who sent him the message was Mo Yuze.

Brother Ink: Little Star !!!

Brother Ink: I finally came back from the deep mountains and old forests!!!

Brother Ink: Haven’t seen you for so long. Do you still have the urge to carry me up in rank? bTufI

Since knowing that Brother Ink is the good friend of Brother Feng, Mo Yuze, Ji Xingchen feels more and more friendly to him.

Although he had known for a long time that Mo Yuze is a rank fanatic, seeing that as soon as he contacted him, he immediately began to do ranking. Ji Xingchen was directly amused with this.

He quickly switched the screen to WeChat and typed a few words in the chat box.

But when he clicked send, his right hand was held by Ran Feng. maECrI

Ran Feng leaned back against him, breathing spraying in his ear.

At this moment, feeling his back pressed against Ran Feng’s warm chest, and being held so intimately by the other party, Ji Xingchen’s spine couldn’t help but stiffen a bit.

Ran Feng took off Ji Xingchen’s headphones, while his left arm encircled his waist, and his right hand held his fingertips, deleting all the words he had just typed.

Ji Xingchen turned his head to look at Ran Feng, but could only see the slight curve of his lips. jhRzpU

After about ten seconds, Ji Xingchen’s response turned into:

Star: No.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Brother Ink: [Surprised]

Brother Ink: Star, you’ve changed [Sad] JIKSlY

Brother Ink: You used to let me log in directly.

Brother Ink: I haven’t played a game since the day we finished the show match.

Brother Ink: [Hurt].jpg

Ji Xingchen looked at Mo Yuze’s hurt emoji over there and felt a bit sorry for him. nQYfk8

When he didn’t know who he was before, he thought he was exaggerating when he said he was going to work in the deep mountains and old forests.

Now that he understands that he is a celebrity, he knows he wasn’t exaggerating. He was indeed taken to film a TV series. He even saw his news before, saying he was very dedicated and could persist in such difficult shooting conditions.

“He looks kind of pitiful… should I take him along?” Ji Xingchen tried to ask Ran Feng, wanting to seek his opinion.

But Ran Feng directly rejected it. kfUd5i

“It’s already ten thirty. If you take him to rank up this time, when will you prepare to sleep?”

Ji Xingchen originally wanted to say it’s okay to stay up late for a day, but then he heard the next sentence from Ran Feng:

“Don’t you leave any time for me?”

When he said this, Ran Feng seemed to be joking, but also seemed a bit aggrieved. zAmQt2

Ji Xingchen’s heart tightened as he listened, the warmth of Ran Feng’s words passing by his ears made his back tingle.

And then he couldn’t speak at all.

As the two were talking, Mo Yuze activated his BBKing mode.

Brother Ink: I only found out you’re brother Feng’s classmate from that exhibition match. TR7IdX

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Brother Ink: Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

Al Wlcumtfc atbeuta ab tlwrfio, ‘P vlvc’a fnfc xcbk ktb sbe kfgf ja atja alwf…’

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yc atf QfJtja lcafgojmf, Zb Tehf lc DDBlcu wbvf mbcalcefv ab asqf.

Dgbatfg Pcx: Ct, atja vjs P fnfc ybjrafv ab Dgbatfg Mfcu jybea mtbbrlcu sbe, rjslcu tbk mibrf kf kfgf. 3xtue6

Dgbatfg Pcx: Tbe vlvc’a rff atf ibbx Dgbatfg Mfcu ujnf wf ja atja alwf, arx arx.

Ji Xingchen read through these messages one by one and realized that even after such a long message from Mo Yuze, he was still typing.

Ran Feng, who was familiar with Mo Yuze’s personality, knew that he had been holding back for a week without going online, itching to talk to someone, and once he started, he wouldn’t stop for a couple of hours unless someone stopped him.

So he directly held Ji Xingchen’s phone and whispered to him, “Tell him you’re going to sleep.” RoJwCF

Ji Xingchen felt his ear itch a bit and couldn’t help but reach out to scratch his right earlobe.

He understood what that meant in his mind, but he always interpreted it as ‘Tell him you’re going to sleep with me.’

Ji Xingchen felt increasingly awkward.

He nodded slightly and quickly picked up his phone, sending the message to Mo Yuze. DZ1R6g

But in the end, he added a sentence himself: [I’ll carry you tomorrow.]

Finally, Mo Yuze stopped babbling on the other side.

While Ji Xingchen was typing, he felt Ran Feng’s hand retracting from his waist. When he finished sending the message to Mo Yuze and turned around, he saw Ran Feng holding a box.

“What’s this?” LGrtE9

Ji Xingchen looked at the expensive-looking box with curiosity in his eyes.

“Open it and see.”

Ji Xingchen took it from Ran Feng’s hand and quickly opened the box.

Inside were a pair of earrings. sJNiPY

They looked somewhat like couple earrings.

Ji Xingchen glanced at Ran Feng in confusion, then picked up one of them.

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When taking a closer look, he found that there were letters engraved on them. It was a beautifully designed “x”.

Ji Xingchen’s heart moved slightly, feeling like he understood something, so he picked up the other one. 87rfDz

Sure enough, there was also a letter engraved on it.


One was “x” and the other was “f”.

Ji Xingchen gently rubbed his fingertips on them, then looked up, while starlight shines in his dark eyes. WY7Bfq

“Was this specially customized?”

Ran Feng nodded, “I asked a friend to design them for us.”

Ran Feng’s answer confirmed Ji Xingchen’s guess directly. Indeed, these were couple earrings specially customized by Ran Feng for the two of them.

With his heart filled with this answer, Ji Xingchen held up the earrings in his hands and couldn’t help but look at them again. vPhgOG

“Aren’t customizations like this usually on a long waiting list? How come you got them so quickly?”

He calculated carefully, realizing that he and Ran Feng had only been together for a few days.

Ran Feng took the earring with the “f” from Ji Xingchen’s hand and gently put it on his left ear.

“It’s not that quick,” Ran Feng’s deep voice came to Ji Xingchen’s ear, “I made the appointment there a long time ago. I just couldn’t find a reason to go pick them up.” UKG74I

With that, he lowered his head and gently kissed the earring.

“Fortunately, now I finally have the chance to help you put them on.”

Ran Feng’s words were spoken lightly.

But Ji Xingchen felt they were more meaningful than a thousand sweet words. Pc1odD

He reached up and touched the earring.

The slight chill from the earring itself soaked into his warm earlobe… This feeling was just like his mood at the moment.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Sour and warm.


The next day, after having breakfast with Ji Xingchen, Ran Feng boarded the plane together to go to the official event livestream room.

After Ji Xingchen returned from sending Ran Feng off at the airport, he took out his phone and sent a message to Mo Yuze on DiDi, asking him to come online and help him rank up.

After all, he promised to do it today.

But Mo Yuze sent him a sleepy emoji. GwYkhU

Brother Ink: No need, I’m getting ready to take a short break now.

Star: ???

Ji Xingchen almost thought he had sent the wrong number.

Was this really something Mo Yuze, the rank fanatic, would say? KvDwG7

Star: Boss, something’s wrong with you.

Brother Ink: Hehe

Brother Ink: You caught me

Brother Ink: Last night, Brother Feng helped me rank up. WSrV9x

Brother Ink: [Proud]

Ji Xingchen read Mo Yuze’s message again, making sure he didn’t misread it.

Last night???

Didn’t they just go to bed right after putting on the earrings? xYFLD6

Star: When?

Brother Ink: After midnight, I forgot the exact time.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Star: ??????

No wonder Ran Feng looked a bit tired this morning. sIZiBN

Brother Ink: By the way, don’t call me boss, it feels weird. At least you’re Ran Feng’s brother, so you’re my brother too.

Mo Yuze’s words weren’t just polite; he really felt that way.

After all, he truly considered Ran Feng his good brother, and if Ran Feng was Xingxing’s brother, then naturally Ji Xingchen was his brother too.

Many people who didn’t know the truth thought he was a fool, always chasing after Ran Feng. Some even criticized him for trying to ride on Ran Feng’s popularity. AzEXlM

But no matter what others said, he didn’t care, because he knew things weren’t as people thought they were.

Ran Feng is the kind of person who seems indifferent to everyone, but he actually remembers a lot of things about people.

For example, just like last night, he hadn’t played games for a long time and couldn’t sleep without ranking up.

He just sent Ran Feng a message saying he was back, and Ran Feng came online in the middle of the night to stay up late with him, directly helping him rank up a tier and playing until he was satisfied before going to bed. 7dNIXr

Emotions are mutual, even between brothers.

When Ji Xingchen saw what Mo Yuze said, he immediately changed his tone.

Star: Brother Ink?

Brother Ink: oj~bk agRqp2

Brother Ink: The plane is about to take off, I’ll take a nap first.

At 7:30 in the evening, Ji Xingchen started his live stream.

However, today’s live stream was a bit different from usual. He specially turned on the camera. co8nlF

As the audience entered the live stream room, they immediately noticed a small square in the lower left corner, and the screen was soon filled with question marks.

[Did I walk into the wrong live stream? Is this the beauty zone or the gaming zone?]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[Damn, Ji Xingchen, you finally dare to turn on the camera again?]

[I suddenly feel a bit uncomfortable, am I sick?] LSh63D

[This feels like an illusion.]

[Don’t wake me up.]

Seeing the barrage making noise, Ji Xingchen smiled at the camera, “It’s been a long time since I turned on the camera, so tonight…”

Ji Xingchen had just started speaking when someone stopped him. Gx5Uyc

[Star, don’t talk, I’m afraid I’ll suddenly wake up.]

[Let me calm down for a moment.]

Ji Xingchen: ????

Are there such strange requests??? znBrAU

Thinking it was strange in his heart, he still agreed, “Oh… okay.”

After he stopped talking, the barrage screamed again.


[My son is so cute, I can finally rest easy!!] 6hPVIv

[Star, are you still at a friend’s house? Your friend seems really rich.]

Sitting in Ran Feng’s house broadcasting live, Ji Xingchen awkwardly lowered his eyes, then whispered, “Yes.”

However, tonight’s focus clearly wasn’t on this. Soon, the keen-eyed viewers in the live stream room noticed something unusual.

[Am I the only one who noticed that Star is wearing earrings today??] PHu48C

[Ahhhh, yes, I noticed it too! Star is wearing earrings!!!]

[Wearing earrings feels like a whole different vibe, sob sob sob just got back from rushing to Haitang City, sisters, do you understand what I’m saying??]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[I’m going to report you upstairs, ghs oh]

[I just realized Star suddenly wearing earrings, deliberately dressing up] 4IvRjz

[So which Jungler King is this for a duo with?]

[@Ran Feng hubby]

[@Wanfeng Picks Star hubby]

While the barrage was joking around, Ji Xingchen logged into the game. A few minutes later, he received a team invitation. kepZ9h

— Feng invites you to team up and create a room. 5v5 King’s Canyon —

At first, when they saw this invitation, the viewers in the barrage hadn’t reacted yet, thinking it was from Ji Xingchen’s friends in the game who wanted him to carry them, so they didn’t pay much attention.

Until Ji Xingchen clicked accept without hesitation…

Upon entering the room and seeing the profile picture with the familiar “Feng” alias, everyone finally realized something was off. 7 dJQq

[Ahhhh it’s really Star!!!!]

[Ahhhh sisters, I just saw Brother Feng invite Star in the official Honor of kings live stream!!!!]

[Just came here from there to add one]

[What the heck?] Rix5HE

[I can’t believe it???]


[That person earlier, Feng is actually Brother Feng?]

[Who said wearing earrings was for duo queuing with a Jungler king?] rJZlyd

[The Prophet Tutor]

Ji Xingchen’s fans in the live stream had just finished spamming the barrage, only to see in the official commentary live stream where Ran Feng was livestreaming tonight, the director cut to a scene of Ji Xingchen’s live stream.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Then the host began to introduce Ji Xingchen.

The fans hurriedly switched to the official live stream, and when they saw the scene of Ji Xingchen and Ran Feng in the copper mine, they were all shocked and confused. TM3pkm



[No wonder you wanted to turn on the camera tonight!!!]


Translator's Note

“BBKing mode” is a playful term likely derived from “BB” (哔哔) in Chinese internet slang, which means to chatter or babble incessantly. Therefore, “BBKing mode” refers to someone who is in a state of constant talking or messaging, often sharing a lot of information or rambling on without stopping. It’s a humorous way to describe someone who is being very talkative or chatty.

Translator's Note

In this context, “DiDi” (滴滴) refers to a messaging application in China, similar to “texting” or “messaging” someone. It is often used informally to describe sending a message or pinging someone.

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  1. I’m a little confused, but it’s cute

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖