Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh63 - Brother Feng probably likes him too…

Ji Xingchen was stunned on the spot, unsure of how to react.

Did he hear correctly just now? wb8jJi

Was Brother Feng’s words what he thought they meant?

Ji Xingchen looked at Ran Feng in disbelief, his eyes filled with astonishment.

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“A kiss… a kiss?”

As he uttered these three words, Ji Xingchen doubted himself, feeling like he had turned into a stutterer automatically. ndgVBf

Although it’s normal for good relationships between straight guys to often joke around with hugs and kisses, he felt like Brother Feng’s words just now weren’t simply a joke.

Ji Xingchen looked into Ran Feng’s eyes.

The charming corners of the other’s eyes lifted, the gaze deep and focused, captivating, as if deliberately tempting him to indulge in it.

Ji Xingchen’s heart fluttered slightly as he looked.


Seeing Ji Xingchen still standing there without responding. Ran Feng’s afraid that he might have been scared by his words, so he smiled and tried to hide it.

“Just kidding, just a hug will do…”

As soon as Ran Feng’s words fell, he felt an added warmth in his arms.

Two soft lips gently pressed against his lips, like a butterfly stealing a sweet nectar from a flower. frg8w9

The man in front of him suddenly stepped forward, raised his chin, and quickly planted a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

The kiss was brief, and the lips barely touched before pulling away.

But Ji Xingchen’s face burned hot.

He didn’t know where he got the courage from, but his mind is heating up, and he just went for it directly. cG54IK

After doing the boldest thing, Ji Xingchen suddenly felt timid.

“I forgot to turn off the stove for the stew…”

After successfully stealing a kiss in broad daylight, he didn’t dare to even look into Ran Feng’s eyes and hastily found an excuse to run to the kitchen.

The yam ribs were already cooked, just needed to be served in a bowl. 9sHVYc

After finishing it, Ji Xingchen started making tomato scrambled eggs.

He came to the kitchen to escape, hoping that busyness would occupy all his thoughts.

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But the result seemed to be not very effective.

Ji Xingchen, who had just kissed Brother Feng, was like a child tasting honey cake for the first time. That scene kept replaying in his mind. MDS1Oq

Ji Xingchen couldn’t remember how many times he had recalled it, and the heat on his face never subsided.

That kiss just now.

It was both a test and an impulse.

Part intentional, and part unexpected. sy2dd

But because he was too nervous just now, he actually forgot to see Brother Feng’s reaction…

The tomato scrambled eggs were quickly done, and Ji Xingchen stir-fried some bok choy, then brought the three dishes to the dining table.

After setting up dinner, Ji Xingchen noticed Ran Feng was busy writing something, so he called out to him.

“Brother Feng, are you ready for dinner?” V73GJ

Ran Feng looked up and saw the food on the table.

“You waited for me on purpose?”

Ji Xingchen, caught in the act, neither admitted nor denied, just said, “I was livestreaming just now, so it’s perfect timing for dinner now.”

Ran Feng had seen Ji Xingchen livestream before, so he knew what time he used to have dinner. LSOtoe

Eating so late today, he must have been waiting for him.

Ran Feng sat down at the dining table and looked at the fresh hot dishes and rice in front of him, feeling a softness somewhere in his heart.

In the past, when he came back from work, his home was always cold and empty, devoid of any warmth.

If he wanted to eat something, he would just order takeout or have his assistant buy it for him. vQrOjx

In these few years, it was the first time he felt so eager to come back home.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

With one more person in the house, it could be this warm.

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Pc ojma, atgbeutbea atf vjs’r kbgx, yfmjerf bo Al Wlcumtfc’r qgfrfcmf, tf jikjsr kjcafv ab olclrt delmxis jcv mbwf yjmx.

Ejc Mfcu ibbxfv ja Al Wlcumtfc bqqbrlaf tlw, klat bcis bcf atbeuta lc tlr wlcv. qJpbwM

Lf kjcafv ab xffq Al Wlcumtfc obgfnfg.

Dfmjerf bo atja xlrr pera cbk, Al Wlcumtfc yeglfv tlr tfjv lc fjalcu, jcv rlcmf Dgbatfg Mfcu vlvc’a wfcalbc la, tf vlvc’a rjs jcsatlcu flatfg.

Ji Xingchen absentmindedly ate the yam, and suddenly remembered that he had just run away abruptly, leaving the livestream running!

He put down his chopsticks and immediately stood up. Pbu iN

“Why suddenly stop eating?” Ran Feng asked as soon as he stood up.

Ji Xingchen pointed to the livestream room, “I forgot to end the stream just now.”

Saying that, he was about to go and end the livestream.

But Ran Feng didn’t let him. 7JDNcl

“I already ended it.”

Although Ji Xingchen knew that Brother Feng had already ended it for him, he still felt uneasy.

“They might worry if the livestream suddenly ends, I should tell them again.”

Ji Xingchen said as he took out his phone, ready to open the MeowMeow TV app. RkarZF

“I already told them you went to eat.”

Ji Xingchen’s movement stopped, “You told them?”

As soon as he finished saying these three words, he suddenly realized something, “Did you… Did you turn on the microphone…”

Damn, if Brother Feng turned on the microphone, it would be over!!! 6UfrvC

Originally, his fans in the livestream room were already shipping them hard, and now, wouldn’t they all know that he was living with Brother Feng, and take off directly from there?

Seeing Ji Xingchen so nervous, Ran Feng picked up a bite of the tomato scrambled eggs, smiled at him, and said, “Don’t worry, I typed using your account, I didn’t turn on the microphone.”

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After saying that, Ran Feng ate the egg, took a few bites, and then took a bite of rice.

Feeling relieved, Ji Xingchen followed Ran Feng to pick up some tomato scrambled eggs. 0iGern

“Brother Feng, how is it? Is the egg I made okay? It shouldn’t be worse than the restaurant on Xiaodong Street, right?”

Their school wasn’t completely closed before, and students could go out for lunch at noon.

At that time, there’s restaurants around their school, and they liked the one on Xiaodong Street the most. Although it was a bit far, the taste was good.

He remembered that Brother Feng used to love ordering tomato scrambled eggs from that restaurant the most. SA5Op8

Ji Xingchen originally didn’t like this dish, but after eating it many times with Ran Feng, the taste lingered in his mind.

Later, when he learned to cook by himself, the first dish he learned was tomato scrambled eggs.

He was smart and quite talented in cooking. The replicated taste was almost indistinguishable from that of the restaurant.

Today, when Brother Feng tasted the dish he made for the first time, he specifically cooked this one. Ako6TH

Ji Xingchen had always been confident in his cooking skills, and he believed that Brother Feng would be satisfied too.

So when he saw Brother Feng’s expression after eating just now seemed quite good, he felt pretty pleased.

Just as Ji Xingchen proudly finished speaking, before he could even reach for the dish with his chopsticks, Ran Feng stopped him.

“Better than that restaurant,” Ran Feng smiled, his tone gentle, “I haven’t had this in a long time, so don’t compete with me.” ndPTV7

After that, Ran Feng moved the tomato scrambled eggs to his side, while pushing the yam stewed ribs in front of Ji Xingchen, and scooped a bowl of soup for him.

“Just have some soup to replenish yourself. Eat a bit more meat, it’ll be good for you.”

After doing all this, Ran Feng focused on eating the tomato scrambled eggs.

Ji Xingchen didn’t think much about this sudden move, while feeling bubbly inside. 9PUWm7

But later, as he sipped the soup and watched Ran Feng, he noticed that Ran Feng had to take a bite of rice after every mouthful of food, which immediately alerted him that something was off.

Ji Xingchen wasn’t a particularly observant person, and often missed many details.

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But this didn’t hold true for Ran Feng.

“You didn’t eat like this before, Brother Feng.” SsN90R

As he spoke, he quickly scooped up a bit of the tomato scrambled eggs while Ran Feng wasn’t paying attention and put it in his mouth.

Ji Xingchen didn’t dare to chew much, just swallowed the egg down.

He had spaced out a bit while cooking earlier and accidentally poured in too much seasoning, making the taste a bit strong.

No wonder Brother Feng was eating so strangely today!!! 28WlBc

“Brother Feng, stop eating, stop eating. I made a mistake while cooking just now… I’ll make it again next time.”

Ji Xingchen hurriedly explained, but choked on his words.

He quickly turned away, coughing to cover it up.

Ran Feng, being discovered by Ji Xingchen, remained calm. He smiled and handed Ji Xingchen a tissue, gently patting his back. “I think it’s fine.” iyLXnu

With Ran Feng’s remark, Ji Xingchen coughed even more severely.

After dinner, Ji Xingchen continued his livestream while Ran Feng went to his studio to start working.

In a few days, it would be time for the concert, and he had been occupied with this matter almost all the time these days.

Ji Xingchen didn’t dare to disturb him, so he quietly played games on the livestream. 6c53AW

The viewers in the livestream room were all sharp-eyed and noticed something unusual on Ji Xingchen’s side tonight. They kept asking if someone else was playing for him.

Ji Xingchen didn’t hide it from them and admitted that his friend saw him being beaten badly and helped him out.

The viewers in the livestream room didn’t care much about this, and since the opponent’s Nakoruru had taunted Ji Xingchen before, they actually felt quite satisfied seeing his friend helping him turn the tide.

But while they felt satisfied, they just loved to keep teasing Ji Xingchen incessantly. 8zeQBD

[Wow, is your friend also a Jungler king?]

[Star, turn on your camera and let us see your Jungler king friend!]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[Tsk, why do I feel like all the men around Star are Jungler Kings!]

[Boss Wanfeng is, Brother Ran Feng is, and even a roommate’s friend is!] j0afR9

[Ahhhhh, don’t say anymore, I couldn’t handle the previous two CPs, and now there’s another new roommate CP!!]

Seeing the excited comments in the barrage, they even started to argue about who among these three was the best Jungler King, but Ji Xingchen kept his mouth shut, and secretly not telling them that these three people they’re talking about were actually the same person.

They were all his Brother Feng!

At ten o’clock in the evening, Ji Xingchen ended the livestream. adE9Te

He walked out and happened to see Ran Feng also coming out after finishing his work.

Seeing the tiredness in Ran Feng’s eyes, Ji Xingchen felt a bit sorry for him.

“Brother Feng, you look so tired.”

Ji Xingchen poured a glass of freshly squeezed juice for Ran Feng, the fruits inside were specially bought for Ran Feng by him today. xUQdds

Ran Feng took off his earphones, took the juice and drank almost half a glass in one gulp. “There have been some adjustments to the concert, and some small details need polishing.”

After speaking, he raised his earphones, “Some songs haven’t been sung for a long time, so I need to familiarize myself with them again.”

Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but laugh, “I thought singers would be very familiar with their own songs.”

“There are times when we forget the lyrics.” E52HtX

“Isn’t there always a prompter?”

“The prompter isn’t very reliable; sometimes it shows lyrics from other songs.” Ran Feng smiled as he finished the remaining juice. “It’s better to be prepared.”

“I remember, there was indeed a singer who hummed through the whole performance before.”

Ji Xingchen remembered that singer who had a problem with the prompter. He came on stage, flipped the microphone backwards, and let everyone sing together. nEhzvb

As a result, after the fans in the audience sang the climax, they couldn’t continue, and he could only hum until the end of the song.

Ji Xingchen felt a bit embarrassed yet somehow found it funny thinking about that scene.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He knew Brother Feng took everything seriously and wouldn’t let such a thing happen naturally.

Thinking of this, Ji Xingchen glanced at Ran Feng and suddenly began to look forward to the concert. wgFZQs

He couldn’t help but anticipate what explosive effect it would have, with both Brother Feng himself and the stage being so amazing.

The more Ji Xingchen thought about it, the more excited he became. He couldn’t wait for the day to arrive soon!

With strong anticipation, Ji Xingchen naturally looked at Ran Feng, only to find that he had also turned his gaze towards him.

Then Ran Feng asked him, “Will you go that day?” S9dcB4

Ji Xingchen was stunned for a few seconds before realizing that Brother Feng was talking about the concert.

How could he not go to Brother Feng’s concert?! He had put in so much effort to get those tickets.

At first, Ji Xingchen had wanted to secretly go without telling Brother Feng, but he was suddenly pointed out by Brother Feng and had to nod honestly, “Of course… you gave me the ticket before, and such a good seat shouldn’t be wasted.”

After Ji Xingchen finished speaking, he saw Ran Feng smiling at him, his light-colored eyes shining like a galaxy, filled with sparkling brilliance. IWJO8v

Brother Feng looked so good in this state that Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed.

He looked away and scanned the room.

His mind was racing with various topics, and finally, he came up with one.

“Brother Feng, where’s your rabbit?” 7fA6Nl

Ran Feng evidently didn’t expect Ji Xingchen to still remember about his rabbit.

Seeing Ji Xingchen so persistent, he decided not to tease him anymore and led him to his bedroom directly.

He picked up the rabbit, which had been sitting on his pillow all along, and handed it to Ji Xingchen. He lowered his gaze as he said, “It’s been here.”

Ji Xingchen had seen this rabbit before; when he and Ran Feng had video calls, Ran Feng would often be holding it. Fh1l7B

Watching this rabbit in the video, Ji Xingchen felt familiar with it. Now, seeing it in person, he felt even more that this rabbit was exactly the same as the one he couldn’t catch from his memory.

Ji Xingchen reached out and touched the rabbit’s ears, then pinched its cheeks before asking, “Is this the one I couldn’t catch before?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Although it was a question, he already had an answer in his heart.

Ji Xingchen looked up at Ran Feng and saw him nodding. CxTWr7

The rabbit seemed like a key opening Pandora’s box. At that moment when Ran Feng nodded, Ji Xingchen felt like he understood something.

The rabbit’s birthday is 0919…

Ji Xingchen suppressed the thousands of thoughts in his heart and tried to calm himself down to continue asking Ran Feng, “When did you catch it?”

Without looking at Ji Xingchen, Ran Feng said faintly, “After the college entrance examination.” pE1Bja

Upon hearing this timeframe, Ji Xingchen fell silent for a few seconds, feeling sad.

In these five years, he used memories to commemorate each other, while Brother Feng put it into action.

He didn’t know what he missed, whether it was just this rabbit or more other things…

But he understood that with time passing, those lost things couldn’t be compensated no matter how hard he tried. R4mFVW

“I remember… you said before that you wanted to help me catch this rabbit.”

Seeing Ji Xingchen shaking his head, Ran Feng walked up to him and gently hugged him. “So, is it too late to give it to you now?”

“Not late.”

How could it be too late? Q80mvo

Ji Xingchen buried his head in Ran Feng’s shoulder, feeling even sadder thinking about the five lost years.

“Brother Feng, I’m sorry, I missed our appointment,” Ji Xingchen’s voice sounded muffled.

Seeing Ji Xingchen suddenly feeling down, Ran Feng stroked his hair to comfort him, “Since you’re back, there’s no need to apologize. If you don’t want to talk about the past, then let’s not. If you’re willing to talk to me, we can do it whenever you feel it’s appropriate. We’ll take it slow.”

Ran Feng’s voice felt like gentle hands holding him, and Ji Xingchen hugged Ran Feng’s shoulders back, feeling all the knots in his heart untangling. MsDSV5

Back in the bedroom, Ji Xingchen tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep.

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He looked at the rabbit buddy now sitting by his bedside, and his mind kept replaying all the scenes from today.

He’s quite dense when it comes to emotions. He used to be teased by others, saying he looked very smart, but when it came to dealing with feelings, his reaction time was longer than the equator! iBcrbu

There was a middle school classmate who, after graduation, angrily sent him a message, complaining throughout.

The girl said she had liked him for three years, and everyone in the class could see it, except him. At first, she thought he just wasn’t interested in her, until graduation when she realized he was just that clueless, but he really didn’t notice anything.

Compared to the subtlety of middle school girls, high school admirers were much more direct.

Perhaps they all knew that if they didn’t make it clear, he wouldn’t understand, so they were all very bold, confessing directly to him. eljDZz

Ji Xingchen remembered that Ran Feng had also said something similar before, saying how he never seemed to understand other people’s feelings for him.

But this time, his intuition told him that he seemed to understand everything.

Ji Xingchen closed his eyes, feeling suddenly enlightened.

Brother Feng probably likes him too… qSsnwL

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  1. Bunny boyfriend, you are genius!!!

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖