Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh55.1 - Brother Feng Is Holding His Face And Giving Kisses

After saying this, Ji Xingchen himself felt embarrassed.

Who hugs someone while sleeping? 1gn2J6

However, words spoken cannot be taken back so easily.

He raised his eyes and secretly looked at Ran Feng and found the peach blossom eyes looking at him.

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His gaze was deep, with a hint of interest.

Ran Feng, upon hearing the words, casually curved his lips and intentionally dragged out the ending sound, saying, “Okay, want to hug now?” hDLz84

As he spoke, his chin lifted slightly, which in Ji Xingchen’s eyes seemed like Brother Feng was tempting him to come and hug.

Ji Xingchen was caught in a dilemma, feeling both embarrassed and itchy in the heart.

After estimating the distance and realizing it was not easy to hug, Ji Xingchen moved his body forward a bit, bringing them closer.

But he moved a bit too nervously, almost pressing his chest against the other person’s.


The shallow breath sprayed against his ear, and before Ji Xingchen could blush, he gently hugged Ran Feng.

However, as soon as his fingers touched the other’s clothes, Ji Xingchen quickly withdrew.

“Brother Feng, it’s back to you.”

He withdrew his hand and took a step back, creating a few centimeters of space between them. n8cp6A

Ji Xingchen felt like it was still too close, so he wanted to move back further.

Ran Feng stopped his movement, reaching out to hold his shoulder.

“Is there something you want to say to me?”

Ran Feng lowered his eyes, staring straight at Ji Xingchen. izV7WF

Ji Xingchen met his gaze upon hearing this.

“Say… what?”

“Like, why did you run?”

In the dim light, he found Ran Feng’s eyes dark and intimidating, with a hint of aggression, making him unable to look directly at them. Q1hN5M

Ji Xingchen quickly averted his gaze.

“I was too shocked at that time, I didn’t know how to talk to you.” Ji Xingchen felt his throat and lips dry, so he lightly licked them.

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“I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

Brother Feng had never brought up this topic before, so he thought the other wouldn’t ask. sXdaB1

But debts must be repaid eventually, and now that they were lying on the same bed, Brother Feng seized the opportunity to settle the score.

Ji Xingchen told half of the truth, keeping the other half of the secret hidden in his heart.

“I did deliberately hide this from you,” Ran Feng bluntly pointed out the truth they both knew.

Ji Xingchen nodded, of course he knew Brother Feng had intentionally kept it from him, and he did so perfectly. q2EI3B

Thinking about it, he raised his head to meet Ran Feng’s gaze again, half complaining and half feeling aggrieved, “Brother Feng, if you recognized me earlier, why didn’t you say anything to me?”

He had been holding onto this sentence for a long time.

Especially when he had just learned the true identity of Wanfeng Picks Star before, he almost wished he could die on the spot.

If Wanfeng Picks Star were just an ordinary internet friend, then everything he had said and done before would have been meaningless, as they were merely strangers who intersected online. rBXn6l

But Brother Feng was different; they knew each other, they understood each other, they were once intimate friends and the most familiar unrequited love.

In front of his unrequited love, Ji Xingchen had made so many jokes; while he felt embarrassed, he also felt deceived by the other.

“You kept changing your voice to fool me…”

Ran Feng smiled bitterly, “That’s because I was afraid fans would recognize me.” zb9iHl

Ji Xingchen’s mind was sharp now, and he immediately retorted, “But privately, I sent you photos, called you, and even video chatted with you. You didn’t say anything then.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pausing for a second, he added, “You wouldn’t even show your face, yet pretended to be a stranger asking to meet today…”

Al Wlcumtfc’r abcf kjrc’a nfgs lcafcrf, yea la kjr mifjg tf kjr j yla eqrfa.

Vfflcu tlr qeoos mtffxr jcv tlr tfjv yeglfv ilxf jc lcoijafv qeoofgolrt, Ejc Mfcu ufcais qbxfv tlr ojmf, “Zs yjv, P’w rbggs.” FYZO6g

Yglulcjiis, Al Wlcumtfc atbeuta Ejc Mfcu kbeiv fzqijlc, yea lcrafjv, tf qgbwqais jqbibulhfv, ifjnlcu tlw offilcu ilxf tf tjv rafqqfv bc rboa mbaabc.

Ji Xingchen felt like he shouldn’t be angry anymore, but at the same time, he felt a bit unwilling to let it go.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After thinking for a moment, he realized the familiar tone in Brother Feng’s words.

Ji Xingchen furrowed his brow in confusion, “Why does it feel like you’re coaxing an angry girlfriend…” 8jlQiF

“Isn’t that what I’m doing?” Ran Feng chuckled softly, a lump forming in his throat as he let out a low laugh from his chest.

The person in front of him was too cute; he couldn’t help but gently pinch Ji Xingchen’s cheek again, “Coaxing an angry boyfriend.”

Ji Xingchen felt his face tickle from being touched, so he grabbed Ran Feng’s index finger and pulled it down.

But upon hearing the words “boyfriend,” he suddenly froze. 8vVUD2


Ran Feng let him hold onto his finger, meeting Ji Xingchen’s inquisitive and puzzled gaze before slowly speaking, “Male friend.”


After emitting an incomprehensible monosyllable, Ji Xingchen fell silent. 5rIMtp

Why did hearing this corrected term feel a bit disappointing…

Lost in his complex thoughts, Ji Xingchen completely forgot that he was still holding onto Ran Feng’s index finger and began to space out.

In the end, he was successfully distracted by the term “male friend,” and even forgetting the fact that Brother Feng intentionally covered his vest to play a trick on him.

After a few minutes passed, he heard Ran Feng’s voice in his head again. ygMXpH

“Still angry?”

Ji Xingchen wanted to shake his head, but then he heard the other’s voice continue.

“I didn’t intend to hide it from you. I just wasn’t sure about a few things.”

This time, there was no hint of amusement in Ran Feng’s tone when he spoke, but rather a slight seriousness mixed with a great deal of sincerity, making him exude an emotion that Ji Xingchen couldn’t quite grasp. CJvIS5

“Not sure about what?”

As he spoke, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but look into Ran Feng’s eyes again.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He really wanted to know what uncertain matters made Brother Feng choose not to reveal his identity to him.

Ran Feng didn’t answer; instead, he covered Ji Xingchen’s eyes with one hand. neWNLg

In the darkness, Ji Xingchen heard Ran Feng say to him, “Once I figure it out, I’ll tell you first thing.”

At this point, Ji Xingchen knew it would be futile to ask further.

“Brother Feng, could you let go? I can’t see anything.”

Ji Xingchen looked at the pitch-blackness in front of him and tried to widen his eyes. wC bJV

Ran Feng didn’t speak but removed his hand.

When you lose sight in the darkness, your hearing and sense of smell become much more sensitive than usual.

Just now, when Ran Feng covered his eyes, Ji Xingchen asked about the faint fragrance on his pajama sleeve.

Ji Xingchen remembered that scent; it was the same fragrance as the jacket Brother Feng had lent him before. yj6xFL

“Brother Feng, what laundry detergent do you use? It smells really good.”

Ran Feng didn’t expect Ji Xingchen’s thoughts to jump so quickly. He chuckled and raised an eyebrow, “I’ll ask my assistant.”

He reached for the phone beside him and immediately unlocked it.

Seeing this, Ji Xingchen quickly stopped him, “No need, no need. I just suddenly remembered that the jacket you gave me to wear is the same.” Ita0eP

After saying that, Ji Xingchen lowered his head and straightened the pajamas he was wearing, wanting to smell if they were the same.

The fragrance emanating from the clothes gave Ji Xingchen a sense of peace of mind.

He understood that this psychological feeling had nothing to do with which brand of laundry detergent was used.

It’s just that these clothes happened to belong to Brother Feng, so they quietly absorbed his scent. lIJUNZ

Having the person he liked lying in bed with him and actively wanting to smell his clothes.

Although it was unintentional, it felt like some kind of implication.

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A few playful strands of hair on Ji Xingchen’s head tickled Ran Feng’s chin. He scratched it, feeling it still had no effect, then raised his hand and pulled the person into his arms, hugging him from behind.

“By the way, let’s see if this smell is the same too.” wXi8FH

Ji Xingchen plunged into Ran Feng’s warm embrace, immediately surrounded by the scent emanating from him.

Smelling this tantalizing fragrance, Ji Xingchen felt like he was under a spell, especially wanting to hug the person in front of him and then kiss his lips.

“A hug requires response from both sides to count.”

Ran Feng didn’t loosen his grip but instead held the person in his arms tighter, asserting his dominance over Ji Xingchen. 2D8T3a

“So what you just did doesn’t count.”

As he spoke, the man’s lips pressed against the back of Ji Xingchen’s neck.

With each word he uttered, his shallow breath sprayed onto the skin of Ji Xingchen’s neck.

Ji Xingchen felt uncomfortable from the tickling sensation. QiBaL1

Not only his skin but also his heart and body felt the same.

He felt like his whole body was on fire, especially where his skin was pressed against Ran Feng’s, the intense sensation becoming even more fervent.

Ji Xingchen dared not move, letting the person in front of him continue to hold him like this.

After a long while, when he felt like his whole body was burning and he could hardly breathe, he suddenly heard the other person speak again. mCgvhP

“Xingxing, do you remember how long it’s been since we parted?”

Ji Xingchen, whose mind was already a bit fuzzy, murmured softly, “More than five years…”

Ran Feng chuckled softly, “It’s been 1967 days.”

“1967 days?” Ji Xingchen repeated the number, “Are you counting in days? I didn’t have time to calculate just now…” 0jfdJ8

“It’s because you never actively contacted me every single day.” Ran Feng vetoed his guess and slowly explained the reason behind it, “So I kept track, so that one day when I meet you, you’ll compensate me.”

Ran Feng’s tone was slow, and his voice was extremely gentle when he spoke.

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But after hearing this, all the grievances and reluctance Ji Xingchen felt about being deceived by Brother Feng disappeared in an instant.

What right did he have to blame Brother Feng for keeping it from him? His actions were the same as Brother Feng. RbO0fg

There were so many opportunities, yet he never took the initiative to contact him either.

So… Brother Feng wasn’t doing it on purpose, right?

They were even.

The anger Ji Xingchen felt just now automatically dissipated in his heart, resolving the conflict with Ran Feng. hdNRo4

Just like before.

They never really fought, and he never truly got angry with Ran Feng.

The same goes for the other.

Remembering what Ran Feng said about a hug requiring a response from both sides, Ji Xingchen proactively reached out and gently hugged his back. fVodX

“Brother Feng, what do you want me to compensate for?”

Ran raised his eyelids and looked at him, half jokingly saying, “Compensate for my youth.”

Ji Xingchen was startled and quickly withdrew his hand, “Is it that serious?”

Ran Feng also let go of him, “Just kidding. I haven’t figured it out yet. I’ll let you know when I do.” 3bnyWq

Ji Xingchen nodded vaguely, pulled up the covers, closed his eyes, and hid all the excitement of tonight under the covers.

He slept uneasily at night, constantly tossing and turning in his dreams.

In his dreams, he dreamt of something he couldn’t quite grasp, but he kept kicking the covers.

Every time he kicked, he felt someone tucking him back in. UAEwk6

But each time, he felt a bit too warm and wanted to stop the other person from helping him.

So he raised his hands, intending to grab the hand of the person helping him cover the blanket.

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As Ji Xingchen hugged his neck, Ran Feng stiffened.

He looked steadily at the person below him and noticed that he was sleeping particularly deeply. ITl8PS


Sweeping his gaze over Ji Xingchen’s long eyelashes, Ran Feng softly called his name.

Ji Xingchen rubbed his head against Ran Feng’s wrist propped against his pillow, mumbling in response.

Then he exerted a bit of force with his hand, pulling Ran Feng towards him. DW3KZm

He opened his mouth and boldly bit the other’s lips.

Feeling unsatisfied, he kissed him again before finally letting go.

Ran Feng’s breath immediately became chaotic after being bitten by Ji Xingchen.

Completely unaware of what was happening while he slept, he blissfully turned over, his uncovered body brushing against Ran Feng’s waist. TnqMfB

With someone constantly igniting the fire, Ran Feng, whose self-control had long since collapsed, wished he could wake the person up immediately.

But seeing how content he looked in his sleep, he couldn’t bear to.

In the end, he lightly kissed Ji Xingchen’s forehead, got out of bed to cover him again, and then went back to the bathroom to shower.


Early the next morning, when Ji Xingchen got up, he noticed that Ran Feng, who had already been up before him, had a dark bruise under his eye.

“Brother Feng, did I disturb you last night?” Ji Xingchen looked apologetically at him, feeling that Ran Feng’s lack of sleep must have something to do with him.

Ran Feng shook his head. “No, it’s my issue.”

Ji Xingchen was somewhat skeptical, feeling that Ran Feng was just trying to reassure him. qwe1UE

After finishing his morning routine and returning to the living room, Ji Xingchen glanced at Ran Feng and realized that he had already changed into regular clothes. Suddenly, he remembered that he had taken off his shirt and suit last night, but all his belongings were still next door. Now he had nothing else to wear.

“Do you want to have breakfast at the hotel or go out?” Ran Feng also looked at him.

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Seeing Ji Xingchen staring absentmindedly at his pajamas, Ran Feng took the initiative to ask, “Do you want to temporarily wear my clothes today?”

Ji Xingchen snapped out of his reverie. “Let’s eat at the hotel. There are still many fans outside, so it’s not very convenient to go out.” zAkZed

He looked at Ran Feng and remembered another issue. “As for clothes… Let me check if my friend is awake. He’s next door, I’ll go get them.”

Ji Xingchen sent a message to 17, but received no reply. Figuring he was probably still asleep, Ji Xingchen felt too embarrassed to knock on the door.

“Brother Feng…” Ji Xingchen plucked up the courage to speak, “Could you help me find some clothes?”

Ran Feng didn’t say anything, just looked up at him and smiled. UBRq3z

While Ran Feng went to find clothes for himself, Ji Xingchen didn’t idle either.

He returned to his room and tidied up the sheets and blankets.

Years of experience caring for patients had instilled many good habits in him, so even in a hotel, he made sure to keep everything neat and tidy every time he got up.

After making the bed, Ji Xingchen noticed that Ran Feng hadn’t come over yet, so he sat on the edge of the bed waiting for him. Originally, he was going to play with his phone, but his attention was suddenly drawn to a book placed on the bedside table. RgF8 d

The book was titled “I’m Not a Heartless Killer.”

Ji Xingchen found the title intriguing, so he casually opened it and started flipping through it. He initially thought it was a novel but realized it was a collection of poems.

Translator's Note

“covered his vest” means to hide or conceal one’s true identity or intentions.

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  1. Kiiissssssss!!!!! OMG

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖