Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh52.2 - Brother Feng, Can I Sleep with You…

Thinking that he might never see Ran Feng’s sexy appearance again, Ji Xingchen felt a slight regret in his heart, “Actually, you look quite handsome when smoking…”

“But, it’s better to quit for the sake of your health.” u6vhQj

But compared to Ran Feng’s health, no amount of sexiness from smoking could match up.

After a period of calmness, Ji Xingchen had almost sorted out his thoughts.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ignoring his past flirtatious actions with Ran Feng, now standing shoulder to shoulder with him, Ji Xingchen felt like he had regained some of the tacit understanding they once shared.

Just as he was about to speak and catch up with Ran Feng, he saw him crouch down and pick up a beautifully wrapped gift box from the ground. UIl8zE

Ran Feng asked knowingly, “Such a beautifully wrapped package, is it for someone?”

Ji Xingchen’s gaze fell on the familiar packaging, and the calmness he had just felt was instantly replaced by a surge of emotions.

He thought, Ran Feng must have done this on purpose!!!

Seeing Ji Xingchen silent, Ran Feng smiled and approached him again.


“Xingxing, tell me, what’s this?”

Ji Xingchen reached out to snatch the tie, “It’s nothing…”

Ran Feng hid the tie behind him, and when Ji Xingchen tried to grab it, he ended up bumping into Ran Feng’s arms.

“A gift for me?” u8MzKq

Ji Xingchen rubbed his head and took a step back.

He thought he had embarrassed himself enough already, so he met Ran Feng’s gaze and admitted directly, “Yeah, it’s for you. Why don’t you open it?”

Ran Feng unpacked the wrapping in front of Ji Xingchen.

The deep blue tie was exposed in the air, and before Ran Feng could speak, Ji Xingchen explained, “I thought you were thirty, so I thought this color would suit you better…” 8Ezsw3

At this point, Ji Xingchen remembered his previous speculation about whether Boss Wanfeng might be Ran Feng…

No wonder he felt like their conversations were so similar.

How could they not be similar? They were basically the same person!

Hearing the mention of thirty, Ran Feng raised an eyebrow, “I’m that old in your mind?” HxlCLW

“You sound like you’re thirty…” Ji Xingchen said, then looked at Ran Feng curiously, “Which voice actor taught you? I didn’t even notice.”

Not only did he not notice, but he had also been deceived for so long…

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


After listening to Ran Feng’s explanation, Ji Xingchen couldn’t help but glance at the tie again. MvUWNt

“This color doesn’t seem to suit you after all. How about you give it back to me?” Ji Xingchen reached out to take it.

Ran Feng didn’t let him succeed. “Can gifts already given be taken back?”

“Then let me write you an IOU, and I’ll give it to you next time?”

Ran Feng shook his head and teased Ji Xingchen, “No, this is a gift from a little streamer who’s about to transition from online dating to reality with me. You don’t have the right to take it back.” j yYJf

Transitioning from online dating to reality…

Why do these words sound so familiar…

Ji Xingchen, who once again wanted to die, glared at Ran Feng, “Are you done yet?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ran Feng, seeing that Ji Xingchen was getting angry, quickly said, “I didn’t say I didn’t like it.” eSHv5m

Ktfc tf qea atf alf bc tlr mbiijg, “Ktf alf olar qfgofmais. Tbe mjc tfiq wf alf la.”

Al Wlcumtfc rabbv ralii, ralii jcugs. “Qts rtbeiv P tfiq sbe? Gbc’a afii wf jii atf mibatfr sbe kfjg jgf rasifv ys j rasilra?”

Ejc Mfcu ibkfgfv tlr tfjv jcv wfa Al Wlcumtfc’r ujhf, rjslcu lc j ibk nblmf, “Qtb vb sbe atlcx tfiqr wf klat fnfgsatlcu?”

Ji Xingchen didn’t understand, so he repeated, “A stylist, isn’t it?” x9DwIG

Ran Feng suddenly smiled, glanced at him with meaning, and said, “Of course not.”

Seeing that Ji Xingchen didn’t help him with the tie and really didn’t understand anything, Ran Feng didn’t insist further.

After carefully tidying up the tie, he picked up the suit that had slipped from his arm onto the ground.

“Are you hungry?” he asked Ji Xingchen. 8du4MF

“I am.”

From early morning makeup to now, he had only eaten a boxed lunch at one o’clock in the afternoon.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

During the competition earlier, he was so excited on stage that he didn’t feel hungry, but now, after the revelation that Brother Feng was actually the boss Wanfeng, along with the ups and downs of his mood, his body also felt drained of energy.

He needed to eat something to replenish his energy. Eog4XD

“Then let’s go eat.”

After saying this, Ran Feng took Ji Xingchen’s wrist and started to walk back.

Ji Xingchen stood still, his gaze falling on Ran Feng’s fair and slender fingers.

Where their skin touched felt like little ants crawling, tingling and itching… P7 Eih

He remembered that before, Ran Feng usually pulled at his school uniform, and only he liked holding the other’s wrist like this.

After five years, Ran Feng had changed a lot…

Seeing Ji Xingchen standing still, Ran Feng turned back to look at him. “Aren’t you going to treat me to a meal? Why aren’t you coming?”

Ji Xingchen stared at him blankly. “Did I say that?” nvY2wZ

Ran Feng took out his phone and pretended to check it, then continued to ask Ji Xingchen, “And now? Did you or did you not say it?”

Darn it…

Ji Xingchen felt like he had dug himself a lot of holes using his past WeChat chat records with Wanfeng.

He had said many times before that he would treat Wanfeng to a meal… 9seArz

He even made plans, saying he would treat him today!

“I did, I did, let’s go. Brother Feng, what do you want to eat?”

Ji Xingchen gritted his teeth and followed behind Ran Feng, letting him lead the way.

Suddenly, Ji Xingchen’s phone rang, and he stopped again, answering the call with his other hand. PpFcUu

The caller was 17 years old.

“Big Brother Xingxing, where are you? Why haven’t you come back yet?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Hearing the voice of 17 years old, Ji Xingchen remembered that he had forgotten to tell 17 years old after he ran away fearing to hug Ran Feng just now, and resulted in being out for so long.

Originally, he was supposed to go back to the hotel with him. xVpsh2

“I just met a… friend backstage, and now I’m going out to dinner with him. I probably won’t be back for a while. You just go back to the hotel after you finish, don’t wait for me.”

Ji Xingchen hesitated slightly when mentioning Ran Feng’s identity. In the end, he felt that the relationship of friends was closer than classmates.

“Is it okay if I go directly to your room?” 17 years old was still a little worried, feeling that it wasn’t very appropriate for him to go in like that since it wasn’t his room and Big Brother Xingxing hadn’t come back yet.

“It’s okay, there’s nothing in my room, don’t worry, just stay there.” tjKqMm

Just as Ji Xingchen finished saying this, he felt that Ran Feng’s grip on his hand was a bit stronger than before.

It hurt a little, so he glanced at the other person.

As a result, the other person was also looking at him, with a slightly unhappy expression?

Everything was fine just now, why suddenly upset? WAjSZE

After hanging up the phone, Ji Xingchen found that 17 years old had sent him a message on WeChat more than ten minutes before making this call.

Not only 17 years old, even Cheng Yu was also asking him why he couldn’t find anyone anywhere.

Ji Xingchen didn’t want Cheng Yu to worry, so he said to Ran Feng, “Brother Feng, I’ll reply to a WeChat message.”

“You reply.” RsogAu

Ji Xingchen glanced at him again.

Seeing that the other party didn’t mean to let go, he could only open the voice message with one hand and reply to Cheng Yu with voice.

After putting his phone back in his pocket, Ji Xingchen jokingly looked at Ran Feng, “Brother Feng, are you really going out like this?”

Of course, Ran Feng knew what he meant. Without even lifting an eyelid, he nodded, “Yes.” ztKfX2

Initially, Ji Xingchen thought Ran Feng had forgotten, but the response was so rational and confident that it actually made Ji Xingchen nervous.

Having been through fan forums, Ji Xingchen had naturally developed a concept in his mind.

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Being seen like this outside, those gossip media would make up all sorts of stories about his beloved Brother Feng!

Ji Xingchen also knew that this could lead to rumors of a romantic relationship between them, so he subtly reminded Ran Feng, “Going out like this for dinner seems a bit too conspicuous. Your fans are waiting at the door, and you might get photographed directly.” VephSu

Ran Feng, of course, knew this, but he didn’t let go.

“Who’s staying with you?”

Ji Xingchen was puzzled by Ran Feng suddenly bringing up another topic.

“17 years old, the one who was playing jungle just now. What’s wrong?” Ran Feng said calmly. jqalyh

Ji Xingchen felt like there was something wrong with the logic in Ran Feng’s statement.

How would Brother Feng know that 17 years old was staying with him later?

“His roommate snores, grinds his teeth, and talks in his sleep, also sleepwalks, scaring the poor kid from sleeping, so I let him stay in my guest room.”

After Ji Xingchen explained honestly, Ran Feng finally let go of his wrist and smiled again, “Got it, let’s go eat. I’ll change clothes first.” xiQTlL

Seeing Ran Feng’s sudden change in mood, Ji Xingchen followed him, while his mind was full of question marks…

Ji Xingchen followed Ran Feng through a small passage, twisting and turning. Surprisingly, they didn’t encounter a single fan except for a few staff members.

When they walked out, they went straight to the garage, where a black car was parked at the entrance.

Ji Xingchen sat in the passenger seat. RUGZjY

Originally, he was puzzled by how smoothly they were able to walk through, but then he suddenly realized that with so many people trying to uncover the spokesperson for Honor of Kings, and with so many people watching, being able to keep Ran Feng hidden until the last moment must have meant that someone arranged a VIP channel exclusively for him.

So, the route Ran Feng took him just now was probably a secret passage!

After helping Ji Xingchen fasten his seatbelt, Ran Feng remembered something and said to him, “Wait here for me, I’ll go get something.”

With that, he got out of the car and went to the trunk to fetch something. HG1Zpe

Ji Xingchen sat in his seat, about to check his phone for nearby dining options, when his phone rang again.

It was 17 years old calling again.

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“Sorry to bother you again, Brother Star.” This time, unlike last time, 17 years old sounded urgent and apologetic.

Hearing the unusual tone, Ji Xingchen quickly asked, “What’s wrong?” 1DCFpe

After hesitating for a moment, 17 years old finally spoke up.

“I told you before that my parents were worried about me coming to accompany me for the performance match… The official didn’t provide accommodation for them, so they booked their own hotel.” Here, 17 years old sounded even more embarrassed, “But my dad isn’t very familiar with it. When he booked the hotel, he didn’t choose the right date and only booked last night! Today, they wanted to extend their stay, but the front desk said it was fully booked and refused to extend their stay, and the guests were already arriving, so my parents had to move out. But now all the nearby hotels are fully booked, and they can’t find a place to stay.”

17 years old paused for a moment, “So, can my parents stay in your guest room for one night, and I’ll go back to my original hotel.”

Hearing this, Ji Xingchen felt relieved. fRtqSo

“No problem, just let your parents stay there.”

After saying that, Ji Xingchen thought it over and felt it wasn’t appropriate, “Or, why don’t your parents stay in my room with you? I won’t be coming back tonight.”

Ji Xingchen wasn’t really planning not to go back; he just thought it might be inconvenient for 17-year-old’s parents if they all stayed together. So, he simply decided to give up his room and let them stay as a family.

Anyway, he was a loner, and he could sleep anywhere. leLsXu

“Really? Wouldn’t that be inappropriate?”

“I can stay with my friend here. It’s been years since we last saw each other, so we can catch up.”

Ji Xingchen casually made up a reason to reassure 17 years old.

Sure enough, hearing this, the innocent 17-year-old believed him, and his tone became much lighter than before. co720J

“Thank you, Brother Star! I really love you so much!”

Listening to the lively and happy tone of the teenager, Ji Xingchen smiled and hung up the phone.

Later on, he took out his phone and began searching for nearby hotels.

However, after looking around, he found that there wasn’t a single room available anywhere. tlLvFB

It wasn’t until after Ji Xingchen searched in vain that he realized 17-year-old had come to him because his parents couldn’t find a room…

Ji Xingchen patted his head, he feels like his brain hasn’t been working properly lately…

Chrysanthemum Garden.

But since he had already promised 17 years old and his family, he couldn’t go back on his word now.

Even though his brain wasn’t functioning properly, if he couldn’t find a room tonight, he would have to sleep on the streets. 0RwNO

He stubbornly opened the app again and searched for rooms in farther areas.

Still no luck…

Could tonight be any more unlucky???

Just as Ji Xingchen thought he might have to sleep on the streets, he suddenly saw Brother Feng getting back into the car. OfYAar

In the urgent situation, without thinking, he blurted out to Ran Feng.

“Brother Feng, can I sleep with you tonight?”

Translator's Note

An IOU is a written acknowledgment of debt. It stands for “I Owe You” and indicates that one party owes a specific amount of money or a particular item to another party.

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  1. Oh, babe, you MUST do it

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖