Boy's Love Online Are Doomed To FailCh41.1 - MeowMeow TV’s Star and I are not playing the same game

Five Consecutive Victories!!!

MeowMeow TV’s Star, dragging along teammates who chose the wrong heroes, turned the tide against adversity and even secured five consecutive victories!!! B25EUq

At the moment when they secured the head of Song Peifeng, no one in Ji Xingchen’s live broadcast could see clearly what the barrage was saying.

Everyone was expressing their excitement in the barrage, and the big bosses were using gifts to push him to the top of the homepage’s popularity ranking.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

If one were to describe it now, besides being awesome, there’s really no other words to say!

MeowMeow TV’s Star, once an unknown Honor of kings streamer, managed to raise the room’s popularity from 300,000 to over 8 million in today’s final match, solely relying on his awesome skills and stunning maneuvers. qhoWRO

Seeing how far he’s come, most viewers in other streams know how difficult it has been for him to reach this today.

On the first day, as soon as he picked Mai Shiranui, he became a target in every game.

Even the commonly used mid-lane mages were always got banned for him to not use.

But even if everyone targets his hero pool, he can unexpectedly show off and dazzle himself, making everyone realize that even if the enemies gives their all ban slots in the game, everyone still can’t counter him.


Moreover, he can choose not to pick his signature heroes and instead use the mage everyone think he’s not best at, then turn the tables on the games!

With such a deep pool of heroes and dazzling maneuvers, creating stunning scenes one after another, how can everyone say he’s not strong?

Of course, he’s invincible!

But unfortunately, despite his strength, his luck is indeed miserable. GrshgJ

Not only was he targeted throughout the game, but he was also robbed of the best mid lane by Song Peifeng in the early game, followed by being manipulated by someone to stage wave after wave of drama.

The actors directly caused him to drop from first place in total points to well outside the top ten. Even on the day before the finals, he discovered, through solo queue, that his most trusted brother Xing Cai was actually the undercover agent 007 who had been lurking around him.

Being manipulated and betrayed by his brother, and in the last match of the finals, encountering a teammate who picked a hero they couldn’t play.

If these unlucky events happened to an ordinary person, their mentality would have exploded and affected their performance long ago! zyMv16

But he just refuses to give up.

The more people think he can’t win, the more brilliant he plays. Even if he’s defending alone, he can take down three opponents effortlessly!

In the final match, he even got a pentakill and secured the MVP, bringing his points back to the top of the leaderboard!

Such a dramatic experience, if compared to a novel character, he would be the perfect man, powerful and miserable character! YPHBAb

But he managed to turn this misery into success with his own strength.

Thinking about all this, fans were so excited they were on the verge of tears.

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As one match ended, Ji Xingchen’s fans celebrated like it was New Year’s, while Song Peifeng’s haters started setting off firecrackers.

[Star: Director Song, it’s not that I look down on you, but even with half a teammate, you can’t beat me.] bSaxTd

[Director Song thought he could use Mai Shiranui to hang Star up, but ended up being crushed by his own signature hero, Gan & Mo.]

[The last flash and pentakill by Gan & Mo, I’m screaming at how pro it was.]

[When Director Song picked his heroes to show off, he definitely didn’t expect this haha]

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Congratulations to Director Song for all the effort and scheming, surrounded by actors everywhere, but still ended up not making the top three.] ncpOLS

[Feels good]

[I’m feeling good too]

Obbxlcu ja atf gfreia, Vbcu Uflofcu’r ojmf mbeivc’a yf vfrmglyfv jr jcsatlcu batfg atjc raeccfv.

Ca atlr wbwfca, tf cb ibcufg fzevfr atf mbcolvfcmf jcv jggbujcmf tf tjv yfobgf. Snfc atf olcufgr tbivlcu tlr qtbcf jgf agfwyilcu rilutais. jaubxz

Ugfnlberis, tf kjr bcis kbgglfv atja lo tf vlvc’a qijs atlr wjamt, jcv lo akb bo atf qijsfgr klat atja’r bc gjcxfv 2, jcv 3 kbc atfc uba ZNU, tf kbeivc’a yf jyif ab wjlcajlc tlr olgra qijmf.

But he never expected reality to be so dramatic. The streamers ranked fifth and sixth were so lucky to end up on Ji Xingchen’s side.

Now, they each gained 10 points in base score and 3 points for consecutive victories, while his teammates original 1, 2 and 3 place was deducted by ten points each.

With this calculation, the ranks of the three players at 1, 2 and 3 place were completely swapped with the other side. Vtybau

Those three successfully advanced.

But he dropped straight to fourth place!

He put so much effort into winning this match, and even the agency boss worked so hard behind the scenes, yet… he ended up losing in the final match.

He lost to his best hero, Gan & Mo! YipGMo

At this moment, Song Peifeng is too devastated to say anything.

There’s nothing worse for him right now than losing the top three positions he values most.

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It’s so close, just a step away, and just half an hour ago, he was still in first place!!

Dropping to fourth place in this wave, not only did he lose the prize money, platform benefits, and popularity, but even those fans who believed in him, except for the die-hard ones, probably turned away, including many casual fans. UdfHIm

For the sake of this first place, the sunk costs in the early stages were too high for him to bear a loss.

Just thinking about this result made Song Peifeng almost unable to catch his breath.

Meanwhile, his agency leader called and gave him a good scolding.

The boss scolded him for being stupid and cowardly, for avoiding battles and not playing a few more rounds, and for being brainless in the final match, insisting on using Mai Shiranui instead of Gan & Mo. GcAnZu

Song Peifeng dared not say a word, enduring the phone call as the boss scolded him mercilessly, while his loyal fans in the live stream continued to defend him.

Compared to other streamers, Song Peifeng’s fans are more complex. It’s not entirely because of his skills that they like him.

The reason why so many wealthy fans are willing to give him gifts and boost his rankings is more because of his appearance; most fans are attracted to his face.

Now that he lost the match, Song Peifeng’s fanbase is in chaos, but there are still a large number of die-hard fans defending him. P 7mRt

[What’s with the acting? In the end, Director Song lost the match. I even think that idiot Ma Chao was arranged by your crappy Star to act, getting beaten to near death by the turret, such poor acting]

[Get lost with your actors, your whole family hired actors]

[Stupid moron]

Song Peifeng’s fans refuse to acknowledge this, even resorting to stubbornness and trying to shift the blame onto Ji Xingchen. XV2NdW

But their stubbornness was quickly exposed.

[Hahaha, fans are really arrogant. Too bad you’re about to be proven wrong by Director Song. The actor has been exposed]

[The mythical hammer, you keep hammering every day, but can’t even produce a single piece of evidence]

[Actually, someone just posted a picture] TpKlG5

[A picture?]

[Holy cow, really? Who posted it? Is there a betrayal among the actors? Tell me where to find it!!]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[This matter is a bit bizarre and complicated, go check it out on Weibo yourselves]

[Then at least give me a keyword] d5lnN2

[Search for this person on Weibo @DidDirectorSongActToday]

Upon hearing the delightful news of Director Song being betrayed by insiders, even the bystanders couldn’t resist mocking him, and they headed straight to Weibo for entertainment.

The person named “Did Director Song Act Today” is a newly created account. The Weibo post was made just five minutes after the match ended, yet it already had thousands of likes and comments.

“Did Director Song Act Today”: Congratulations to Director Song for dropping out of the top three. A small token of respect, hoping fans and Director Song will accept it with a smile. nDYyuj





This person posted a total of nine screenshots, with five of them being chat records from anonymous WeChat groups. The blogger used the keyword “open” to capture several screenshots.

Seven people emerged in the chat records, almost all of them mentioning someone named “Don’t Want to Grow Up” and asking when Star will be online, if he’s ready to go, and similar phrases, clearly waiting for “Don’t Want to Grow Up” to give them inside information.

Moreover, the dates of the screenshots happen to be on the day when Xing Cai and the actors were targeting Ji Xingchen, with each instance of the actors joining the chat aligning perfectly with Ji Xingchen’s matches.

The remaining screenshots are of the boss distributing salaries in the group. xPNsQ

Previously, Song Peifeng’s fans complained about the lack of screenshots, but now all the screenshots from the group chat have been released. Anyone who can read the text can see how incriminating they are.

However, Song Peifeng’s die-hard fans refuse to acknowledge it.

[Is this it? I could easily photoshop hundreds of these kinds of pictures]

[I’ll create a few fake accounts with my friends and whip up a dialogue between us about Star hiring actors] mRA35g

[Idiots, keep blackening General Song, and we’ll blow up your ancestors’ graves and detonate them]

[Dare the anonymous maggots speak up with their main accounts? Let me see which dog you are]

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

At first, these fans only questioned the authenticity of the screenshots, but as they were criticized more and more, they began to lose their composure and started attacking the anonymous blogger who leaked the information.

Originally, Song Peifeng’s fans were already unhappy about him dropping out of the top three today, and now they’ve caught someone they believe is deliberately adding insult to the injury. Some even threatened to dox the blogger. 7OBDKk

This angered the blogger, prompting them to continue exposing.

“Did Director Song Act Today”: Not providing other evidence was to give you Song’s fans some face, but you’ve just made things worse for yourselves, haven’t you? If you dare to provoke me again, I’ll use even more evidence to expose you dogheads!!


The video released by this blogger, or more accurately, the audio. xQ6lbK

Because in the ten-minute video, there was only one image throughout, which was the “Best Director” poster Photoshopped for Song Peifeng.

The video detailed how various streamers discussed how to act with Star, when to start playing ranked matches, and Xing Cai’s voice reporting points to everyone.

At first, everyone thought it was just talk, as expected.

But when Xing Cai’s voice came on, the audience was shocked. ih5EbN

Knowing he was the mole was one thing, but hearing him calmly report points to everyone was another thing.

After all, his image as a devoted fan of Star was deeply ingrained; even when he talked to Star, he was full of admiration. Even if he betrayed Star, everyone thought he must have had his reasons.

But in this audio, Xing Cai called Star “brother” affectionately in front of his face, but immediately turned cold and calmly sold him out without hesitation, even sounding excitedly!

The speed of this change is so fast that even the actors of Sichuan opera face-changing would be envious. yVe6m2

Those who had some hope for Xing Cai were completely disappointed upon hearing this.

On Weibo videos, you can leave comments, and as soon as this segment with Xing Cai came up, the comments section was flooded.

[I thought Xing Cai had at least some feelings for Star? But the way he talks, it sounds like he’s quite excited to betray his friend]

[Friend ah, you’re too naive. With so many streamers participating in AGG this time, why are only these few involved? If you didn’t have the intention, do you really think the boss could force you with a knife? If there were really reasons, he would have apologized and explained to Star long ago. Have you seen him apologize?] ZA5Rbj

[Damn…this is terrifying when you think about it]

[But why only target Star?]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[Because you only pay attention to Xing Cai. Initially, Star’s net was cast wide, but others weren’t as successful as him]

[Oh my god…Oscars owe Xing Cai the Best Actor award] hG4z0I

[This acting, if I were the boss, I’d promote Xing Cai, why promote that jerk Song Peifeng]

[If they didn’t promote him, how do you think he became the top shooter in the first week? In the end, his points couldn’t make it to the top three, so they had to focus all their efforts on Song Peifeng for the first place]

[After reading your analysis, all I can say now is…I feel sorry for Star]

Xing Cai’s recording was edited in at the eighth minute, and the next two minutes were almost entirely Song Peifeng’s voice. 72YuMa

The content was similar to before, discussing how to target and act against Star.

The previous screenshots can be considered as photoshopped like what Song Peifeng’s fans said.

But now, for a full two minutes, it’s all the voice of Song Peifeng that they hear every day, and every word is such a devastating blow.

Now, they finally learned to become a mute. huCkoR

Seeing the previously arrogant fans, who were clamoring to dox and sue people, suddenly having their faces slapped so hard that they’re swollen, everyone immediately flooded the comments under this Weibo post with laughter.

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  1. Time for slapping

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖