After Waking up Beside the VillainCh41 - Ghost Marriage 1

The increasingly intense flames of war captured everyone’s attention.

Within the Federation, there was unprecedented unity in this external war. With the downfall of the Ye family and the Feng family as a cautionary tale, the infighting among the major aristocratic families gradually subsided. The efficiency of various sectors improved significantly, and the entire national machinery operated at high speed. zd8WRJ

The Empire, pressured by resource constraints, and the Federation, determined to fight to the end.

The two colossal entities that occupied the vast starry sky collided with a thunderous crash, igniting countless fires and extinguishing countless lives.

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This war lasted for ten years.

At the beginning of the war, no one had anticipated that it would devolve into such a prolonged war of attrition. 8QIvU6

The Federation and the Empire engaged in full-scale combat near the warp passages, engulfing the entire outer rim star systems of the Federation and the archipelago planets of the Empire in blood and smoke.

No one escaped severe injuries or near-death experiences, struggling on the brink of life and death. No one avoided the collapse of their beliefs, the erosion of their humanity, and the relentless pulling of triggers in their dreams amidst irreparable trauma.

Chu Yunsheng’s most severe injury occurred when a light blade pierced through his cockpit, almost completely incinerating and shattering his liver and spleen.

He was unconscious for two months, and less than a month after waking up, he was back in his mecha on the battlefield.


Ye Qing lost his hearing in one ear due to an explosion and had to constantly adjust the hearing aid that Chu Yunsheng had made for him.

After taking over the small units from the Ye and Feng families, the first and second squads of the fifth stronghold were disbanded and reorganized.

Chu Yunsheng and Ye Qing each led their teams to different areas to fight. Over the ten years, they spent more time apart than together.

For an entire year, the communication records between Chu Yunsheng and Ye Qing consisted solely of brief messages like “good morning,” “good night,” and “take care,” making them seem like mere acquaintances. 4cJdf3

But during each brief reunion, the rising temperature inside the enclosed mecha cockpit seemed capable of melting even the hardest metal.

The war finally ended with the Empire’s surrender.

When Chu Yunsheng first received this news, he was very surprised.

Perhaps because there was no longer the plot-driven influence of Su Wenshu and Feng Huan, the Empire and the Federation did not continue to destroy each other’s boundaries in this war. They did not deploy omega suicide attacks, erasing the last principles of humanity and causing nearly self-destructive post-war consequences. 3rJoW1

As a result, this war lasted much longer than in the original plot.

The reason for the Empire’s eventual surrender was also different from the original plot. Instead of both sides being unable to bear the destructive consequences and having to compromise, it was the h617 pheromone stripping agent that, during the war, inevitably flowed into the Empire through various black market channels.

The Empire was highly hierarchical, but oppression often came with resistance.

The influx of h617 intensified internal conflicts within the Empire. mAoSbE

The upper echelons suppressed its spread, unwilling to let h617 undermine their royal rule and the absolute authority of alphas. Meanwhile, the long-oppressed lower classes, countless despised betas, and ordinary omegas reduced to breeding tools all saw a glimmer of hope in h617.

The resistance forces seized this opportunity and rose up in rebellion.

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The high-pressure policies implemented by the Empire for the sake of the war had caused widespread public discontent. The resistance forces quickly gained support, organized a large group of people, and engaged in armed conflict with the Imperial government.

A civil war began within the Shire Empire. 8kW93g

More and more troops and firepower were tied up by the civil war, causing the front lines to be strained, retreating step by step, and suffering heavy losses.

This war with the Federation increasingly deviated from the Shire Empire’s original intentions.

Ultimately, under the pressure of both internal and external attacks, the Shire Empire chose to temporarily retreat and focus on the civil war.

After surrendering to the Federation and compensating with a large amount of resources, the Shire Empire ceded the vast star regions of the archipelago planets, retreated to the warp passages, and temporarily sealed the entrance to the passages. 2ed6Sd

Like a wounded lion that had lost everything, it retreated in defeat.

The Federation ultimately did not choose to take advantage of the situation to launch an invasion war.

In this vast starry sky, besides humans, there were countless other unknown races and life forms. The Federation was unwilling to perpetuate human infighting to the end.

Moreover, the Federation did not have sufficient manpower and resources to engage in another protracted war. XewYbl

In war, there are victors and losers, but there are no perpetual beneficiaries.

When everything was declared over, Chu Yunsheng jumped down from the mecha cockpit and saw on the screen of the smart device the celebrations throughout the Federation. The capital star was filled with jubilant, boiling-over parade crowds, and the entire Federation was celebrating the victory of the war.

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But the outer rim star systems before him were still a complete wasteland.

Ktf kjg kjr kbc, yea atf rmjgr la ifoa kfgf qfgwjcfca jcv vloolmeia ab tfji. dUsfjW

Qlat atf afc-sfjg kjg bnfg, agbbqr ogbw batfg wlilajgs vlraglmar ugjvejiis klatvgfk ogbw atf ogbca ilcfr. Ktf gfwjlclcu obgmfr jcv mlnliljcr lc atf beafg glw rajg rsrafwr kfgf ifrr atjc bcf-afcat bo atflg bglulcji cewyfgr, aegclcu atf jgfj lcab j agef vfrbijaf vbwjlc.

After Chu Yunsheng and Ye Qing attended the major general commissioning ceremony on the capital star, they returned together to the outer rim star systems and settled there.

Chu Yunsheng resigned from military duties and buried himself in the laboratory. One invention after another quickly emerged and was rapidly integrated into the post-war reconstruction of the outer rim star systems.

Ye Qing took over the responsibilities Chu Yunsheng left behind, overseeing the military affairs of the outer rim star systems. The once charming and adorable youthfulness had been honed into a sharp yet restrained demeanor, exuding a calm and elegant presence. biCu7

Walking on the streets of the outer rim star systems, it was no longer possible to distinguish between alphas, omegas, and betas by appearance alone. Only the faint and indistinct pheromones could provide a clue to their identities.

However, the presence of pheromones could no longer influence anyone’s rationality or emotions.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Due to the numerous injuries sustained during the war and the lack of proper treatment and recuperation, Chu Yunsheng was already plagued by illness and unable to perform any heavy work by the time he was in his early fifties.

The Federation’s Star Network chose to interview this legendary man of half a lifetime during this year. O23K6R

When the reporters set foot on the central planet of the outer rim star systems, the towering skyscrapers, crisscrossing aerial tracks, bustling street scenes, and peaceful smiles all proclaimed the astonishing changes of the past twenty years in the outer rim star systems and the immense dedication of Chu Yunsheng and Ye Qing.

“Yes, it was worth it.”

When asked whether all the effort was worth it, Chu Yunsheng’s response was very calm: “I believe it was worth it. Whether true or false, I am grateful for ‘this war’ and this healing.”

His somewhat ambiguous answer left the reporters puzzled, but Ye Qing, who was sitting next to him for the interview, was slightly taken aback. Kn4F2z

Whether it was the development of h617, the merits of the ten-year war, or the reconstruction of the outer rim star systems, Chu Yunsheng’s life was indeed worthy of the phrase “glory and honor.”

And the final interview article by the Federation’s star network indeed used this phrase to evaluate him.

On the day the Federation’s star network published the interview, a tabloid reported the capture of the Federation’s wanted criminals, Feng Huan and Su Wenshu.

However, due to fierce resistance during the arrest and the presence of hostages, the security forces chose to shoot the two fugitives on the spot. dqC17e

Prior to this, in the Federation’s military prison, Chu Yunsheng had already ensured that Ye Xian “died of illness” quietly.

In the subsequent investigation, Chu Yunsheng confirmed that it was Ye Xian who had killed the Su family members.

Silencing him was for this simple reason. And Su Wenshu knew about it.

For the first time, Chu Yunsheng killed someone out of a sense of revenge. UCdYSH

The baptism of war had made him no longer hesitant to stain his hands with blood.

On the eve of his sixtieth birthday, Chu Yunsheng and Ye Qing were reclining on lounge chairs, enjoying the cool evening.

The terrace was bathed in moonlight and a light frost.

He reached out and held Ye Qing’s hand, his slightly clouded gaze gently sweeping over Ye Qing’s head of white hair: “You have aged too.” S9lfoW

Ye Qing adjusted the blanket on Chu Yunsheng’s knees, his military uniform collar slightly loose, and smiled faintly: “I have aged, you have aged, we are still a perfect match.”


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Chu Yunsheng smiled: “But I still very much want to know, are you… real?”

The fingers curled in his palm stiffened slightly. arykxZ

Chu Yunsheng looked down at Ye Qing’s hand and continued without pause: “Innocent yet not naive, worldly yet not cunning. Strong and fearless, gentle and considerate, obedient and sensible…”

“We never argued, never having any disagreements.”

“Such a likable person is indeed the perfect lover everyone dreams of.”

“But such a person cannot truly exist.” UEzFd3

Chu Yunsheng looked at Ye Qing.

Under the cold, clear moonlight, the slightly aged face of Ye Qing still showed the handsome and elegant contours of his youth.

His ink-black pupils moved slightly, holding a trembling light, and met Chu Yunsheng’s gaze.

Chu Yunsheng felt the strength in his body rapidly draining away. hBwKCg

He looked into Ye Qing’s eyes, gazing at the face that was so familiar to him over two lifetimes, and revealed a gentle and calm smile: “Humans are creatures of both light and darkness, Yin Zheng.”

“I love the light, but that doesn’t mean I reject the darkness.”

This statement was addressed to both Ye Qing and Yin Zheng.

The scene before his eyes gradually became blurry. YsSRe7

Chu Yunsheng closed his eyes and felt Ye Qing holding him tightly, the other’s body trembling like a young beast shivering in the cold wind.

He had thought that after experiencing separation by life and death, and then reuniting, he would no longer feel such softness and pain. But at the moment of death, Chu Yunsheng deeply regretted that he was leaving first, leaving Ye Qing alone.

He wanted to reach out and hug back, but he no longer had the strength to lift a finger.

His consciousness drifted, as if falling into an eternal night. ROpHLP

“Task: Change Yin Zheng’s fate, completion rate 25%. Please choose whether to enter the next world to continue the task.


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Inside the space research institute. pHom D

Wen Fan paused his hand that was recording the world data, pushed up his glasses, and looked in surprise at the handsome young man stepping out of the sleep pod: “Professor Yin, aren’t you going to enter the next world immediately?”

The young man ignored Wen Fan’s question, walked straight into the bathroom, and turned on the faucet to splash his face with cold water.

Wen Fan, feeling uneasy, walked to the bathroom door and looked inside. As he raised his eyes, he saw the young man’s exceptionally beautiful face reflected in the mirror.

Long eyebrows like willow leaves, eyes containing starlight, a nose like a jade mountain, standing tall—he looked like a magnificent painting etched into the mirror. jvINQu

Stunning and radiant.

Water droplets rolled down as the young man casually wiped his face, the slightly pressed corners of his lips forming a chillingly cold curve that starkly contrasted with his beautiful features.

Cold sweat seeped from Wen Fan’s forehead as he uneasily adjusted his glasses: “Professor Yin, did something happen in the last world…? You haven’t had your nutrient solution yet…”

The young man leaned against the sink, wiping his hands, and said with his eyes lowered, “The data?” wZ29bo

Wen Fan immediately snapped out of his somewhat startled state, quickly returning to his workstation. He pulled up the light screen and reported to the young man walking out of the bathroom: “The patch completion rate for the second world is very high, exceeding our initial expectations. Dr. Chu has successfully replaced the malignant data in the second world and obtained the original protagonist’s golden finger. The second mental power patch has been perfectly integrated…”

“Currently, Dr. Chu’s mental power recovery progress is at 25%. We have already automatically transferred him to the passage of the next world…”

The young man took the nutrient solution and drank it down, his cold gaze sweeping over the light screen: “25%… He has remembered some things from the past, including that war.”

Wen Fan was taken aback: “Isn’t it a good thing that Dr. Chu can remember?” X4ZO69

The young man stood in front of the sleep pod where Chu Yunsheng was peacefully sleeping, gazing at the person inside for a moment. He tugged at the corner of his lips: “Obedient, gentle, upright, and strong—I always thought he only liked people like that… But unfortunately, I am not. I could act for a lifetime, but now that I think about it, it’s actually unnecessary, right?”

Wen Fan: “Professor Yin…”

The young man pulled up a light screen, the data flickering. He glanced at the originally planned next world, decisively pressed the delete key, and then brought up another world, clicking confirm.

After doing all this, the young man lay back in the sleep pod, sealing off most of his memories and mental power, and closed his eyes. 6AOMW

“Begin the transfer.”

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A familiar scorching heat spread throughout his body.

The air seemed to be filled with a strange fragrance faintly entwining, like sandalwood yet not exactly the same, and it was cool as mist. 62pxmR

Chu Yunsheng suddenly opened his eyes, and what met his gaze was an overwhelming sea of vivid red.

Directly in his line of sight, two ancient-style chairs held two red paper effigies with eerie smiles. On the table between the chairs, white candles burned with a crackling sound, and all the items were made of paper.

A vague sense of foreboding lingered. uQOnTA

Chu Yunsheng lowered his head and indeed found himself kneeling on a prayer mat, holding a red silk ribbon. The other end of the ribbon was tied to a headless red rooster.

Judging by the setup, it seemed he was in the middle of a wedding ceremony with a rooster.

The entire room was decorated in a vintage style, yet it exuded a chilling and eerie atmosphere.

Chu Yunsheng frowned and was about to stand up and leave this cold and strange environment when suddenly, his heart skipped a beat. A slender, pale, and jade-like hand appeared in front of him, reaching from behind. R7MYDK


Before he could finish speaking, that hand had already pressed lightly on his Adam’s apple.

The icy touch made Chu Yunsheng instinctively swallow, wanting to resist, but he found that his body seemed to be frozen, unable to move an inch.

However, the uncontrollable heat within him burned even more intensely. rz0bPX

“Are you the Taoist sent by the Zeng family to eliminate me?”

A familiar voice came from beside his ear, but it carried a rasping, eerie, and mocking tone that was different from what he remembered: “You look good, but your spiritual power is too weak.”

This deeply familiar feeling slowly eased the vigilance that had risen in Chu Yunsheng’s heart.

He raised his eyes, feeling that cold hand playing with his Adam’s apple as if it were a delicate flower or jade. 9Ldhs

The chilling, mist-like breath that was both terrifying and entangling brushed against his neck, as if it could mercilessly kill him at any moment.

It was like treading on the edge of a knife, with desire becoming increasingly uncontrollable.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Chu Yunsheng’s breathing grew heavier, and he said in a hoarse voice, “Stop touching.”

This warning seemed to have the opposite effect. ZQfzs1

The lingering murderous intent faded slightly, but then, like a fire doused with oil, it immediately became even more intense and overwhelming.

“I am Shen Yiqing, your newlywed husband. What can’t I touch?”

That hand swiftly traced along Chu Yunsheng’s neck, causing buttons and the belt to burst open wherever it passed.

Chu Yunsheng was pushed back to sit down by an invisible force. nDkgVi

The trailing red wedding robe brushed against his knees, and two slender, jade-like legs, cool and white, slowly pressed down on his waist.

Dark hair cascaded gently.

Chu Yunsheng’s hand involuntarily lifted, grasping that cold, jade-like waist. The other’s icy, soft lips, like dew-laden petals, pressed against his.

“Don’t make me look at your hypocritical face anymore, Master Chu. On our wedding night, put in some effort… fill me up, and I’ll spare your life, alright…?” JnWEYp

The cold breath entwined around him, carrying a mesmerizing and enchanting allure.

As his body regained control, Chu Yunsheng’s eyes darkened, and he grabbed that icy ankle.


The author has something to say:
Chu Yunsheng: Good request, I’ll satisfy you. jGT CI


This world is supernatural but not scary. Don’t be afraid, my dear readers. The main focus is on fun and humor; everything else is just fleeting clouds. _(:3∠)_


T/n: Alrighty! I will take about 3 to 4 days of break and after that, I will immediately resume. I am also working on new novels that I am planning to release here in CG. Though… please go easy on me :blobsweats: Once again, please support the author in any way you can! Have a great day, everyone! Sh9e4j

Translator's Note

are funerary items that are originally intended to be burned as companions to the dead, but can also be used as spiritual weapons.

Know more: Paper Effigies. Well, you guys don’t have to really read the use since it came from a different novel, but it is basically the same, I think.

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  1. I love that every arc starts like this, it’s very satisfying~

    Wishing our dear translator a restful and enjoyable break! 💛

    Thank you for the chapter~!

  2. This novel never disappoints. The new arc seems very promising, I’m intrigued.

    Thank you for translating and have a good break! ^^