After Waking up Beside the VillainCh36 - Part 17

With the battle report received, the outer rim star systems’ army immediately mobilized from the port, heading straight to the battlefield.

Chu Yunsheng had to stay behind to verify the effects of the h617 pheromone stripping agent with the expert team and participate in the press conference announcing the agent’s release, so he couldn’t join the unit Ye Qing was in. Pvaw2

After completing all these tasks, he was finally approved for enlistment and boarded the second batch of warships dispatched to the front lines.

The military debated for three whole days about sending him to the front lines.

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The old experts in the team were even more dramatic, crying and pleading, with snot and tears, to implement the talent protection policy and keep this promising scientist in the research institute.

But Chu Yunsheng’s attitude was very resolute. WbIZ7t

And just as Lieutenant General Wang Qu said, the Federation was a country that at least superficially respected human rights.

Moreover, Chu Yunsheng’s combat abilities were indeed formidable, and the h617 had been fully exploited. Additionally, some people were very wary of his ability to stir up trouble and would rather see him perish on the battlefield. So, in the end, the result was as Chu Yunsheng wished.

However, there was one aspect that didn’t go as he had hoped. As soon as Chu Yunsheng stepped onto the departing warship, he saw the deputy commander of this fleet, Ye Xian.

“Chu Yunsheng, don’t you know to salute when you see a superior officer?”


Ye Xian, with the demeanor of a scholarly general, sat in the lounge. His eyes, filled with coldness and darkness, looked over from behind his glasses, and his tone was authoritative.

“Good day, sir.”

Chu Yunsheng didn’t engage in a pointless struggle over such trivial matters. He promptly gave a standard military salute, his demeanor calm and indifferent: “Lieutenant General Ye Xian, is there something you need from me?”

Being summoned as soon as he stepped onto the warship, Chu Yunsheng didn’t believe Ye Xian just wanted to have a chat. FEvK6Z

In fact, encountering Ye Xian here didn’t surprise Chu Yunsheng.

Because even before boarding the warship and sealing off external communication devices, Chu Yunsheng had already received news about the Ye family from Lieutenant General Wang Qu.

Ye Qing’s public revelation of his identity during the highly anticipated Federation-wide military academy exercise competition indeed drew significant attention from all sectors.

Falsely reporting someone as an omega was a serious violation, and the Ye family’s reputation and influence within the military would likely be diminished, along with a decline in public support. vsa8wR

However, it seemed the Ye family was well-prepared. As soon as the incident occurred, Ye Xian, in conjunction with Marshal Feng from the Feng family, went to the Presidential Palace.

Ye Xian candidly admitted his mistake of being blinded by his love for his only son and expressed the Ye family’s willingness to make corresponding concessions, offering benefits in certain military and political positions. Moreover, with the imminent war, the Federation needed to unite against external threats, and internal discord was not an option. Under various interests and pressures, the President and the Parliament accepted the conditions proposed by the Ye and Feng families.

Ye Xian publicly apologized to the citizens, voluntarily demoted himself, and went to the front lines to fight. He also donated a large sum of money to various medical and charitable causes.

Coupled with the guidance of official media and the onset of war, the Ye family’s incident was quickly forgotten by the public. pLEWiQ

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ciatbeut la kjr j rluclolmjca rjmglolmf, la kjr gfijalnfis ecfnfcaoei.

Lbkfnfg, joafg atlr lcmlvfca, atfgf kjr jcbatfg wjaafg atja Jte Tecrtfcu obecv ybat regqglrlcu jcv jwerlcu.

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Tf Wljc, pera j vjs ijafg, qjmxjufv eq Ve Qfcrte jcv rfca tlw atgbeut atf Mfcu ojwlis’r vbbg klat j wjggljuf mfgalolmjaf. Mfcu Lejc jccbecmfv atja tf jcv Ve Qfcrte kbeiv yf ufaalcu wjgglfv ja atf fcv bo atf wbcat, j alwfilcf wemt fjgilfg atjc lc atf bglulcji qiba.

It almost felt like selling one’s son. lR3gkF

“Lieutenant General Ye Xian?”

Ye Xian repeated Chu Yunsheng’s address with a questioning tone. His cold and stern face suddenly relaxed and became gentle: “You married Ye Qing, so you’re technically my son-in-law. Is that how you address me so formally? But with the recent trouble you’ve stirred up, I’m not quite ready to be called ‘father-in-law’.”

He picked up his teacup, looking at Chu Yunsheng with a meaningful gaze.

“To be honest, I’m quite satisfied with you as a son-in-law. Regardless of any misunderstandings we’ve had in the past, that’s all behind us now. There are some things I wasn’t aware of…” GL2qHA

Ye Xian took a sip of tea and continued speaking to himself: “You’re a good young man, a good soldier. But you’re too young, too self-assured, and you need to smooth out your rough edges. I heard you were expelled from the Chu family? I can take you to see Old Master Chu someday; the Chu family will still give me some face.”

“Young people are bound to make mistakes. But the key is to recognize and correct them, and be willing to admit them, right?”

Ye Xian maintained his authoritative posture, speaking in a tone befitting an elder.

As Chu Yunsheng listened, he glanced around and found a chair to sit on. zld5PI

After Ye Xian finished his long-winded speech, filled with obvious hints of trying to win him over, Chu Yunsheng finally looked up, his expression cold and calm, with a hint of tired indifference: “Are you done?”

Ye Xian’s brow furrowed slightly: “Who gave you permission to sit? Such disrespect…”

“Your surname is Ye, my husband’s surname is Su.”

Chu Yunsheng interrupted him calmly: “My father-in-law recently moved from the slums to the cemetery. Who might you be? And after all you’ve said, I have only one question—Lieutenant General, did you forget to bring your face when you left the house today?” Nml9pe

“Otherwise, you wouldn’t be saying such shameless things.”

His voice was cold and steady, his indifferent gaze resting on the increasingly angry Ye Xian, his tone so calm it didn’t even sound like mockery.

“Chu Yunsheng, do you think that you alone, mixed up with that useless beta, can stand against the powerful aristocratic families?”

Ye Xian finally dropped his pretense, sneering coldly: “You are truly naive.” ZHrqmF

Chu Yunsheng’s gaze remained calm and unperturbed: “The Federation does not belong to the aristocratic families. Besides, I understand your intentions very well. I can tell you that neither returning to the Ye family nor freely contributing the pheromone stripping agent formula will ever happen. Lieutenant General Ye, eat more and dream less.”

Ye Xian: “…”

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He was genuinely a bit taken aback. The Chu family boy, who was rumored to be cold, aloof, and psychologically troubled, turned out to be quite the sharp-tongued individual.

Although Ye Xian was a soldier, he had long been entrenched in the political arena, accustomed to scheming and indirect tactics. Faced with Chu Yunsheng’s straightforward and civilized retorts, he found himself momentarily at a loss for how to strike back effectively. FpGzQk

But before Ye Xian could speak again, Chu Yunsheng suddenly said, “If the Ye family truly wants the pheromone stripping agent business, then I can make a deal with the Ye family.”

“A deal?”

Ye Xian narrowed his eyes warily: “What kind of deal?”

Chu Yunsheng said, “Tell me the truth about the child swap from back then. Once it’s verified, I’ll give the Ye family a complete formula for h617.” uhTOCa

The emotions on Ye Xian’s face immediately vanished: “I’ve already explained the child swap incident to the public many times. If you don’t remember, you can look up the old news reports.”

Chu Yunsheng curled his lips into a slight smile and, without another word, got up to leave.

Just as the door of the lounge opened a crack, Ye Xian’s cold voice came from behind: “Are all young people nowadays so impatient?”

Chu Yunsheng slightly turned his head, his black hair brushing past the corner of his eye. His gaze was indifferent and nonchalant, but he didn’t speak. ovGmQT

Their eyes met.

An invisible pressure and tension seemed to quickly fill the lounge.

They remained in a standoff for about a few minutes.

Ye Xian closed his eyes in a gesture of compromise, lit a cigarette, and spoke in a low voice: “Twenty years ago, I was fighting on the front lines, and Meiling was with the army. We got separated during a night raid by the Empire. Meiling’s squad was targeted by the Imperial forces because they were escorting important supplies.” teidRd

“Meiling died in childbirth while fleeing. By the time I arrived, I found Meiling’s body and a baby left behind.”

“The baby was already at least four or five days old, not a newborn. I knew it wasn’t my child, but I still brought it back. Over the years, I’ve been torn and hesitant. I knew this wasn’t my child and couldn’t truly love him, but I also knew the child was innocent. So, I couldn’t let him get caught up in the Ye family’s conflicts. That’s why I used a simulated pheromone agent on him, making him appear as an omega…”

Ye Xian seemed genuinely emotional, his eyes welling up with tears as he spoke.

Chu Yunsheng frowned slightly, his fingers tapping lightly on his smart device. 83odq7

Growing impatient with Ye Xian’s performance, he directly said, “Then, why did the medical team’s investigation report I received state that although Madam Ye had a difficult labor, she did not die immediately but survived for half a day while fleeing with the child?”

“Moreover, before Madam Ye died, she encountered civilians being relocated to a peaceful planet due to the war. Among them was a pregnant woman who gave birth at that time.”

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“Madam Ye, sensing the danger of staying on the battlefield, secretly swapped her child with that of the civilian woman. Thus, Su Wenshu was safely sent back to the Federation with the civilian group, while Ye Qing remained on the battlefield and was later picked up by you and brought back to the Ye family.”

“You knew about this.” Dhf8a5

Chu Yunsheng’s tone was resolute.

In reality, the only evidence he had was the vague testimony of an old nurse from the medical team, obtained through Wu Ke’s investigation. There was nothing more concrete.

But he had read the original text.

Although the original story was written from Su Wenshu’s perspective, there were many clues suggesting that the truth about the child swap was not as the Ye family publicly claimed. The Ye family had some guilty conscience. Moreover, the timing of Su Wenshu’s parents’ deaths coincided with Su Wenshu’s rise to fame in the joint exams and his subsequent recognition by the Ye family. aRwKso

Coincidence was something Chu Yunsheng never believed in.

“You are accusing a superior officer, Chu Yunsheng.”

Ye Xian’s expression changed slightly, his voice turning cold: “And even if Meiling did swap the children and put Ye Qing in danger during his childhood, didn’t he survive? Moreover, in the following twenty years, Ye Qing enjoyed endless wealth and luxury, the status of the eldest son of the Ye family, and the pampered life of an omega.”

He arrogantly displayed a look of entitlement: “If it weren’t for Meiling, he would have been a worthless nobody trapped in the slums his entire life. Now that he has gained all this, he should be grateful, not turn around and bite the Ye family like an ungrateful wretch!” ZXFLfT

Chu Yunsheng had obtained the answer he wanted and had no desire to remain in the same room with such a repulsive individual.

Without wasting any words, he immediately sent a copy of the h617 formula to Ye Xian and then promptly turned and left the lounge.

In the following days of the voyage, Chu Yunsheng stayed in his room. He did not step out even once and fully focused on his next experiment to avoid being disgusted by Ye Xian.

When the warship, after several hyperspace jumps, finally arrived at a war-preparation planet on the front lines, the fleet, upon restoring external communications, immediately sent two messages to the capital star. ba6dRU

Ye Xian was the first to send the h617 formula back to the Ye family.

But almost simultaneously, he received news that the h617 formula had been made public to all major pharmaceutical factories in the Federation three days earlier—no wonder Chu Yunsheng had agreed to the deal so readily!

Who would have thought that the Federation would be so determined in this war, openly sharing such a controversial and easily stolen formula by Imperial spies.

Ye Xian looked at the communication, almost fainting from anger on the spot. awQCr4

But before he could recover, a story about a deserter from the war twenty years ago had already spread across the entire star network.

Desertion was punishable by death in the Federation military.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


The author has something to say:
Chu Yunsheng: Snap. You’re dead. 49UZXT

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