After Waking up Beside the VillainCh17 - Part 17

TW: drugs, mentions of child abuse, human trafficking. Just a heads up, guys… because I felt that I should do this.

The premiere of Azure Sky Murder was scheduled for 8 PM. pjDAy1

The three major figures of the production team clung to Chu Yunsheng’s support and booked the grand movie hall in the center of the Imperial City. Even before the premiere began, Zhang Feifan was already moved to tears by the luxurious venue and the giant screen.

“Old Wang, you have no idea how many years it’s been since I last held a premiere here…”

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Zhang Feifan wiped his tears: “I thought I had transcended the lowly pleasures brought by money, but now, at this moment, I still want to say… having money is really damn good! Even if my movie gets low screenings, doesn’t win any awards, and flops, just having such a grand premiere here is enough for me…”

Screenwriter Wang kicked him away: “Go cry somewhere else!” HgP7oS

The producer and the executive producer, instead of reminiscing about the hardships, were mingling with the arriving guests.

Given the reputation of Azure Sky Murder and this production team, no one would have been willing to attend the premiere.

However, the two lead actors brought their own storm of controversy, with one even transforming from an actor into a capitalist. As a result, quite a few celebrity guests actually showed up for the premiere.

Thanks to the ongoing buzz around Chu Yunsheng and Yin Zheng, the promotional effect for Azure Sky Murder was naturally significant.


However, despite the publicity, the summer release schedule was packed with many big-budget films, and within the industry, no one had high hopes for Azure Sky Murder, a small production and niche film. Those who attended were there to give face to Chu Yunsheng and Yin Zheng.

Many media reporters also showed up, and Chu Yunsheng’s studio was responsible for the live streaming of the premiere.

“Oh my god, it’s almost 8 PM. I’m so nervous!”

“I’m nervous too! It’s been almost two years since Chu-ge’s last work. If the box office and reviews aren’t good… I can’t even imagine it, ahhhh!” 9QrwDP

“Quiet down, Ah Lei! We’ve watched Azure Sky Murder grow from the start. Can’t you have a little faith in our project? With Chu-ge’s acting skills, he can save any bad films!”

“I believe in Azure Sky Murder! Chu-ge and Yin Zheng have worked so hard, and everyone has seen Yin Zheng’s improvement in acting. This film will definitely be great! The box office will explode! Go, Chu-ge!”

The live stream chat was filled with messages of encouragement and support.

As time passed, the popularity of the live stream continued to rise, surpassing one million viewers. tP8Xly

As the guests arrived and took their seats, at eight o’clock, the lights in the movie hall changed, and the host, dressed in a vintage tuxedo, stepped onto the stage.

The premiere of Azure Sky Murder officially began.

The host first introduced some of the more famous invited guests, then the main members of the production team came on stage, each introducing themselves and passionately promoting the film.

Chu Yunsheng wore a light blue robe reminiscent of the Republic of China era, exuding an aura as crisp and upright as bamboo. Beside him, Yin Zheng was dressed in a military uniform from the same period, striking and eye-catching. TYMLWx

“Holy crap! Yin Zheng looks explosive in that military uniform!”

“Chu-ge is truly as gentle and refined as jade, such an elegant nobleman. Wuwuwu…”

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“Chu-ge, look at me! I! Can―!”

The screen was flooded with comments during the actor introductions. 51Pk9b

The Azure Sky Murder production team, adhering to a principle of modesty and simplicity, did not arrange any flashy or eye-catching elements for the premiere. Both Zhang Feifan and Chu Yunsheng had great confidence in their film and hoped that everyone would focus on the work itself.

After appearing on stage, taking group photos, and conducting a brief media interview, the live stream ended, and they quickly moved on to the viewing step.

The guests and media attending the premiere were taken aback by this swift and decisive approach, forgetting to attend to any physiological needs before the movie started.

Once the film began, any such needs were likely forgotten. Vv58X

The premiere of Azure Sky Murder did not aim for grandiosity or mystery; the big screen simply played the complete film.

The film opened with a bedroom from the Republic of China era, with the cold, white moonlight seeping through the window lattice, bringing a sense of chill.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Inside the room, only a dim oil lamp was lit. The camera captured the scene, revealing ancient and exquisite ornaments and luxurious furniture, indicating a wealthy household.

Lbkfnfg, vef ab atf ilutalcu, atf gbbw jqqfjgfv qjgalmeijgis uibbws jcv bqqgfrrlnf. bNU3sz

Cc fivfgis wjc klat j xlcv jcv yfcfnbifca ojmf, vgfrrfv lc agjvlalbcji Jtlcfrf mibatlcu, rja bc atf yfv, ufcais ragbxlcu j qfmeiljg pjvf jgalojma ys atf bli ijwq. Ktf lcafgqijs bo iluta jcv rtjvbk mjra jmgbrr tlr ojmf, wjxlcu tlr rwlif rffw rbwfktja rlclrafg.

All the viewers felt a chill run down their spines.

Damn, isn’t this supposed to be an art film? Why does it start off like a horror movie!?

Suddenly, footsteps were heard off-camera. WGFM9P

The old man quickly hid the jade artifact behind his back, leaned against the headboard, and let out a few low, aged coughs.

The owner of the footsteps soon entered. The camera shifted to reveal a handsome, youthful face, carrying a mix of cleverness and an innocent purity.

“Master, the medicine is here.”

The old man responded, “Ah, it’s Yuan Qing.” stoyrK

The young man placed the medicine bowl down and, seeing the old man frown, smiled and offered a few cheerful words of encouragement. His demeanor was familiar and close, indicating that although he was a servant, he was highly trusted.

“…You’re the only one with such a silver tongue.”

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The old man smiled, “Is the medicine at the right temperature? Taste it for me first. You know I don’t like it too hot.”

The young man, accustomed to this routine, lowered his head and took a sip of the medicine. He didn’t notice the flash of greed and malice in the old man’s eyes as he looked down. fbdpOU

At this point, the audience knew there was something wrong with the medicine, but Yuan Qing was unaware and took a big sip, grimacing at the bitterness.

The viewers’ hearts collectively tightened.

On screen, the old man was amused and asked Yuan Qing to fetch some candied fruit.

Yuan Qing walked to the shelf, but his vision began to blur as he looked at the jars. The old man silently approached from behind and suddenly grabbed him, unable to suppress his sinister laughter any longer. wiOJKp

“Yuan Qing, come help your master try out this little trinket, will you…”

Yuan Qing’s eyes cleared, and the screen abruptly darkened.

The live audience, holding their breath: “…”

What the heck, did something happen or not? That lecherous old man better not succeed! Was Yuan Qing’s last look a sign of clarity? szTSbE

The visible anxiety among the audience grew.

The three bold calligraphy characters for Azure Sky Murder slowly appeared on the big screen.

The plot officially began.

The opening resolved the audience’s frustration. Yuan Qing grabbed an antique vase from the shelf and smashed it over the old man’s head. BVIpJk

The old man died on the spot.

Yuan Qing dazed and muttering “I killed someone, I killed someone,” suddenly steeled his expression. He picked up a shard of the broken porcelain and slashed his own arm to keep himself conscious.

He demonstrated the calmness and caution ingrained in his bones, finding a bizarre balance between the madness of committing his first murder and the restraint needed to survive. He skillfully dealt with the people in the mansion and escaped through the back door.

The entire process was swift, yet in the minds of the audience, it felt agonizingly slow. It wasn’t overly thrilling or dangerous, but Chu Yunsheng’s exquisite acting and the excellent editing rhythm captured the viewers’ sensitive nerves. SaZxFQ

The subsequent scenes of Yuan Qing’s flight and inner turmoil, along with the encounters along the way, slowed the pace of the film slightly.

Just as the audience caught their breath, they saw Yuan Qing encounter a frail man and became triggered. He followed him into a dilapidated house, and in a frenzy, bit the man to death.

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“He couldn’t have really gone mad, could he…”

A female celebrity watched Yuan Qing’s cold and crazed eyes, shivering, and couldn’t help but whisper. w Ijbp

But next, as Yuan Qing sat through the night in the dilapidated house, watching the children who had been abducted by human traffickers, and tearfully recalled his own past years, the audience finally understood that Yuan Qing hadn’t gone mad; he was just overwhelmed with hatred.

From the beginning, he had displayed a mix of madness and calm, resilience and toughness, making people forget that he was still just a child.

Yuan Qing, with a youthful face, silently shed tears, and eventually, unable to hold back any longer, he hugged his knees and wept bitterly.

Chu Yunsheng’s performance in this crying scene was incredibly moving, touching the more emotional viewers in the audience. Their eyes shimmered with tears as they felt the hatred, injustice, grievance, and the wandering despair. XbtGrU

Initially, Yuan Qing’s character was portrayed with elements of paranoia and extreme calmness.

As the story progressed, when he began to make a living with a group of children, the audience realized that Yuan Qing was not one-dimensional. He had many emotions and facets to his personality that they needed to understand.

Yuan Qing led the children to find good families, begged for help, fought with human traffickers and street children, buried those who starved to death, joyfully sent companions to happy homes, mediated jealousy among the children, encouraged them, and taught them to read and write.

One particular scene showed Yuan Qing waking up before dawn every day to help clean night soil and wash toilets, earning a bit of money to buy new clothes for the children about to leave. He knew that many families valued appearances, and meeting new family members in a presentable manner would prevent them from being looked down upon.

Yuan Qing put aside his gloom and became like a little sun, warming and illuminating these unfortunate children.

He was an unconventional human trafficker.

Until he saw the corpse of a child he had once sent away, who had been abused to death. bjwU8Z

He stood numbly in the alley, and for the first time, everything in his eyes seemed to collapse.

He didn’t show much expression or make any significant movements, but all the viewers felt the collapse of his beliefs, the sense of everything being overturned, and the utter desolation and heartbreak.

Immediately after, the Japanese army massacred the village. Yuan Qing was poisoned mute by a group of vengeful human traffickers and sold into an opium den to serve clients.

Then, he met Du Mingyao. NpBjoC

Du Mingyao brought a touch of vibrant color to the heavy, antiquated scenes of the film.

He took Yuan Qing home and healed his throat but kept him at a distance, providing for him without explanation.

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Yuan Qing, not understanding why, suppressed the faint glimmer of hope in his heart and stayed indifferently.

But unexpectedly, Du Mingyao developed an interest in him. datAWo

Continuous probing, nights of intimacy, and a neatly arranged dish of opium paste.

“I’ll give you a chance to hold a gun.”

“Get some little treats and enjoy them while they’re hot.”

“Tomorrow, report to the Intelligence Department.” jsDkI

“Yuan Qing, don’t talk like that. I don’t like war. The battlefield is a devourer of men. It consumes not just your life but also the humanity, morality, beliefs, and order in your bones, along with those laughable faiths and hopes… Those are things for times of peace.”

“He’s useless now. Kill him.”

Du Mingyao, realizing that Yuan Qing had slipped from his control, eventually issued an order for his execution.

Yuan Qing fled to a remote village, which was then bloodily purged. H7gDWl

He emerged from a sea of blood and fire, as if awakening from a great dream.

Yuan Qing became a traitor, and the next time he saw Du Mingyao was in a Japanese interrogation room.

Various painful and cruel tortures were inflicted upon this down-and-out warlord, whose power had crumbled. He was tormented to the point of being emaciated and covered in wounds, yet his eyes remained frighteningly dark.

Yuan Qing walked up to him. O61FaM

Du Mingyao curled his lips into a smile, his eyes still showing a hint of the sharpness and arrogance of his past self.

A gunshot rang out.

He said, “Yuan Qing, don’t let yourself be devoured…”

For the first time, Yuan Qing’s hand holding the gun trembled uncontrollably. cUbgI

He looked calmly at the dead Du Mingyao, lowered his head, and silently mouthed something.

There was no sound, and no camera captured the movement of his lips.

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When he raised his head again, he had regained his cold demeanor and left the interrogation room.

Everyone thought he had fallen, but only Du Mingyao knew that he remained steadfast. R7jAkM

In the end, he turned the tide of the battle and finally achieved victory in the war.

But the things he had done were undeniable, and he was made a scapegoat and brought to a military tribunal.

In the final scenes, the images of people singing and dancing to celebrate the victory of the war were interspersed with the execution of the children Yuan Qing had once saved.

“Do you plead guilty?” HeKzRE

“Guilty. I admit to everything I did.”

Yuan Qing looked into the camera, and for the first time in years, his cold and insincere face showed a shy and happy smile.

His eyes were bright, filled with the light of hope, even as a bullet pierced his skull, they never dimmed.

Just like the boy he once was. 89k7lr

The screen darkened.

The end credits rolled.

The hall was silent for a full minute, then erupted into thunderous applause.

“It’s about to be released…” 6jzfHY

Amid the applause, Yin Zheng suddenly spoke.

Chu Yunsheng subtly detected a hint of anticipation in his words.

Azure Sky Murder hadn’t originally planned for a premiere; it was a last-minute decision, so it was scheduled for the night before the official release, making it quite rushed.

But fortunately, the premiere was a great success. 8NUuY

After seeing off the guests, media, and critics, Chu Yunsheng took Yin Zheng to a nearby hotel to quickly change clothes.

As the midnight movie time approached, they each donned a pair of sunglasses and stepped into the cinema.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Azure Sky Murder didn’t have a high screening rate, with three major productions releasing at the same time. Their film was labeled as a likely flop and didn’t receive much favorable treatment.

Unexpectedly, the midnight screening was not sparsely attended; it had at least a two-thirds occupancy rate. KQbZSM

Chu Yunsheng and Yin Zheng sat in the last row, in the couple’s seat.

It was a very soft double sofa, spacious and comfortable, more than enough to accommodate two grown men.

Even though they had just watched the movie once and were feeling a bit tired and sleepy, as the plot began to unfold, Chu Yunsheng noticed that Yin Zheng was once again fully engrossed in the film.

Especially during the bed scene between Yuan Qing and Du Mingyao, Chu Yunsheng keenly observed that a certain part of Yin Zheng, which had previously shown no reaction, seemed to be stirring under these circumstances. uUFdMN

In the dim light, he glanced at Yin Zheng, then took out the roll of toilet paper that Yin Zheng had prepared in advance from his bag, and said calmly, “There’s a private restroom at the back. Do you want to go, or should I?”

He then raised his two slender hands: “Which one do you prefer?”

Yin Zheng turned his head, stunned, nearly ready to perform an impromptu striptease on the spot.


Translator's Note

Reminiscent of the Republican Era

Translator's Note

Republican Military Uniform

Translator's Note

the task of cleaning and disposing of human waste, particularly from chamber pots or latrines. 3zWr1b

More on Night Soil

Translator's Note

concentrated form of opium.

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  1. I was all emotional about the very well written movie segment and then he pulled put the toilet paper roll 🥲😂

    Thank you for the chapter~!