After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 72

Nero was unaware of the complicated thoughts going through his mind. As long as he could ensure his own strength, the gloom on his face would lift significantly.

They walked along the Silverleaf Rose Garden for a while, seeing the sky gradually darken. Nero then ordered the shuttlecraft to wait at the garden exit, ready to take them back to the palace. nzODtc

Just then, a Wolf Knight serving at the rear suddenly turned back and shouted in a low voice, “White Wolf Knight! Someone is following us!”

The White Wolf Knight’s eyes glared fiercely, his right hand swiftly activating a protective force field, his left hand firmly protecting Nero’s head, completely hiding the young Emperor within his cloak.

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Several Wolf Knights closest to them also quickly aimed their guns outward, backing away from the White Wolf Knight, shielding Nero in the middle.

The Wolf Knights were elite soldiers born from rigorous selection and brutal training, possessing top-tier capabilities in pheromone detection and mental acuity within the Empire. YATkp3

However, just now, including the White Wolf Knight, all the Wolf Knights suddenly sensed a strange presence that didn’t belong to any of them—a fierce and violent aura, dangerously close.

Previously, no one had noticed the approaching figure, indicating how proficient the individual was in concealing their own aura while stealthily tracking.

“Pall, three o’clock direction!” The White Wolf Knight immediately pinpointed the intruder’s location.

The named Wolf Knight didn’t hesitate at all, swiftly grabbing towards the deep end of the flower wall to the right.


When the metal arm retracted, it actually brought back a big figure from the other side of the flower wall.

The Wolf Knight grabbed the intruder’s arms, pushed down with his knee, forcing him to kneel on the ground.

Dozens of energy guns buzzed loudly, harshly pressing against the intruder’s head.

“…Do you want to die?!” No8dtj

Thinking of the endless assassination attempts against Nero during his exile, the Wolf Knight’s tone was extremely hostile. “Approaching His Majesty’s security perimeter without permission, according to the Imperial Law, warrants immediate execution!”

It was only then that Nero emerged from the White Wolf Knight’s cloak.

The surrounding Wolf Knights were all tall and burly. Nero had to prop himself up on the White Wolf Knight’s shoulder armor to raise himself higher to see what was happening in front of him.

There was a large hole in the Silverleaf Rose latticework wall, and on the ground was a tall man subdued by the Wolf Knights, wrapped in thorny vines and scattered flower petals. zZ201e

Even under the heavy pressure of the metal armor on his knees, he made no resistance. He just trembled slightly, lifting a pair of golden eyes, silently searching for Nero’s figure.

Nero was somewhat surprised. “…Asaga?”

Upon hearing his voice, Asaga seemed to be stung by a slight electric shock, his sturdy body trembling.

From the moment his gaze met Nero’s, those golden eyes no longer saw anyone else. eTHUId

The eagerness in his eyes seemed to materialize, blazing hotly as it licked across Nero’s cheeks.

“Cough, um… Greetings, Your Majesty.”

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Asaga’s voice was naturally hoarse and deep, like the edge of a knife dripping with blood.

However, in front of his master, his tone was completely mismatched with that cold and ruthless voice. He suddenly became unusually clumsy with his words, fumbling and showing a shy and anxious expression. UE2CM0

“I…I apologize for the conflict, Your Majesty, please forgive me…”

“Conflict.” Nero pointed out his choice of words mistake, not noticing the man’s flushed face. “How did you end up here?”

The last time Nero saw Asaga was during the experimental accident. Later, he had been busy with the affairs of the Heka Star System.

On Asaga’s side, Nero had ordered new clothes to be custom-made for him. GiVBW6

Also, a place within the Imperial Science Bureau was arranged for him to stay.

Once Heydrich settled matters with the noble faction and set off for the Heka Star System, he would take Asaga along with him.

Asaga’s golden eyes flickered. “I…”

“Your Majesty! Spare his life, Your Majesty!” S5Rkpn

Shouting came from afar, and the bald Minister of National Defense and Technology was running over.

He first slid to his knees, kneeling beside the subdued Asaga, then sweating profusely as he explained, “Your Majesty, please forgive me, it was I who brought Asaga into the palace! Today was the routine day to transfer Asaga’s blood samples to the Medical Academy. Later, I thought I might as well bring the live sample, making it easier for the Medical Academy to conduct further research… Please forgive me, Your Majesty!”

Nero glanced at the distant spire of the Medical Academy. The distance from here was quite far.

But since there was a guarantor and the matter was explained clearly, Nero just raised his fingertip, letting the Wolf Knights release Asaga. ovHmn8

Asaga quickly got up from the ground, his sturdy thighs obediently kneeling, his forehead still bearing a few silver leaves.

However, even in his current disheveled appearance, it was already quite different from when he was in the arena. Nero couldn’t help but size him up for a while.

Asaga’s robust physique made it impossible for him to be confined in the frilly collars and lace cuffs, nor could he manage the fitted Imperial officer uniform.

Based on this, Nero had also made suggestions to the palace tailors. QHFJ3B

So, the tailors braided his thick black curls with golden threads into thin braids, tied them behind his head, and put on him a simple open-front shirt. This attire fully showcased the man’s sturdy brown chest and some complex dark gold tattoos.

With his curls neatly braided, Nero could finally get a clear look at Asaga’s face.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

His features were quite stern and resolute, with heavy brows and sharp lip lines.

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Pa kjr ecmfgajlc ktfatfg la kjr vef ab atf reqfglbg ufcfr bo atf Ifgu Heffc qgbnlvlcu tlr ilcfjuf, yea atf wjc qbrrfrrfv j kliv jegj atja cb Pwqfglji mlalhfc mbeiv fnfg qbrrfrr. puecyS

Qtfc tlr ubivfc fsfr rlifcais rmgealclhfv rbwfbcf, la ofia ilxf j ijguf yfjra rajglcu ja lar qgfs.

Ktlr ujnf tlw ybat jc lcalwlvjalcu olfgmfcfrr atja mbeivc’a yf vlgfmais ojmfv jcv j raglxlcu tjcvrbwfcfrr atja wjamtfv la qfgofmais.

“Not bad.”

Nero nodded. Although he himself didn’t value appearance, this kind of appearance that clearly indicated strength would give Asaga more opportunities. Tufw84

He glanced again at the distant spire of the Medical Academy, somewhat amused. “Since you were going to the Medical Academy, how did you end up here?”

“Yeah, why did you run so far?”

The nearby Minister of National Defense and Technology asked anxiously in a low voice, “Didn’t I tell you to wait for me first!”

Asaga, who had been staring straight at Nero with unblinking golden eyes, showed a rare hint of guilt upon hearing this question. FTSh79

How could he explain that he had followed Nero’s scent to find him…

After the experimental accident, Asaga had only symbolically rested for two days before being released by the Medical Academy.

He didn’t know that Nero had given orders. He only knew that one day, dozens of royal tailors rushed into his room, opened their measuring tapes, and gestured at him.

Asaga stood naked in the middle of the room, silently covering his private parts with his hands. rF0ZX9

Seeing the tailors about to throw away his old pants, he immediately spoke up:

“Wait, those were given to me by His Majesty!”

The palace tailors were first startled by this big guy, then looked at the old pants, which were already washed white, and said in confusion:

“Wasn’t this brought in by the Imperial Science Bureau? Rest assured, if it’s really given by His Majesty, we can make something a hundred times better than this.” VCWqFl

But Asaga still cherished them.

When he wasn’t paying attention, he quietly picked up the pants and brought them back to the room.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

With a snap, the tailors put away their measuring tapes and left as they had come.

Two days later, nearly forty sets of neatly packed new clothes were delivered to the Imperial Science Bureau. 1fpvhm

There were daily wear pajamas and bathrobes, summer T-shirts and shorts, autumn and winter outerwear and cloaks, as well as several sets of black-silver interspersed starship camouflage suits and several pairs of cold-black military boots.

The materials were not top luxury, but they were still well-made and durable.

Even his underwear was custom-made. Asaga put on the delivered boxer shorts and found that even the pouch was made larger on purpose, making them comfortable and not tight at all.

As he tried on each piece of clothing, he couldn’t help but remember the soft touch of Nero’s fingertips that lingered under his chin when he was forcibly restrained. hwme1G

…Although he knew that the silver-haired Emperor would never have time to inspect these clothes, or hold them in those unbelievably white hands, or even examine them with his fingertips…

A wave of embarrassment surged to his head, even making the tattoos on his abs flush red.

After tidying up his appearance, the Minister of National Defense and Technology came to take him away from the Imperial Science Bureau, boarded the shuttle, and headed towards the center of the Capital.

“Last time, I apologize. I should have promptly conveyed His Majesty’s orders to you.” 08Ihuq

The Minister of National Defense and Technology said to him, “Today, I’ve arranged for you to enter the palace. Consider it a visit.”

For Asaga, who was born in the Star Pirates’ territory and spent half his life in narrow cages, the grandeur and prosperity of the Capital were beyond his wildest dreams.

Since the reign of Emperor Caesar, this planet had nurtured over thirty generations of emperors. Each emperor would renovate and improve the Capital, erecting numerous commemorative statues and obelisks, establishing museums recording the Empire’s significant history, and erecting the white towers of the Imperial Science Bureau on the skyline. Additionally, they founded military academies and educational centers.

And in the bustling and vast trading market, interwoven with countless shuttles, there was a circle of majestic white curtains descending from the sky like sacred light. i KYgO

The curtain tightly enveloped a majestic golden palace.

That was the highest administrative center of the Galactic Empire, as well as the royal residence under the protection of the divine—the Solar Palace.

Asaga stood quietly on the deck of the shuttle, gazing into the distance.

This was the world where Nero was born and raised. zJndVi

He silently thought.

No wonder his master could be nurtured to be so noble and beautiful. Even stealing a glance at him felt like an unbearable sacrilege.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The shuttle passed through the curtain barrier and descended slowly in front of the Solar Palace gate.

After passing through the permission check and body search at the palace gate, the Minister of National Defense and Technology took Asaga to transfer to a new palace shuttle, flying low over the vast Silverleaf Rose Garden. lCb9M

When they were 1000 meters away from the main hall of the Solar Palace, the shuttle landed again.

The Minister of National Defense and Technology led Asaga out of the shuttle, and they walked to the Solar Palace on foot.

The Solar Palace under the curtain was magnificent, with a four-story high, huge Greek white marble staircase connecting the Emperor high above with the mortal world.

However, Asaga noticed that there were several very abrupt battle scars on the stairs and the columns of the palace gate. 1iEAxG

He was very familiar with these scars.

These were giant cracks that could only be caused by lightsabers inserted into the ground or heavy armored mechas smashing the stone surface.

The Minister of National Defense and Technology explained beside him, “Those were ordered to be preserved by His Majesty. On the day of his return, His Majesty led 500 Wolf Knights to fight the rebel forces, ultimately executing the rebel leader, Rupert. At that time, most of the areas in front of the Solar Palace were destroyed by the flames of war. However, during the reconstruction by the artisans, His Majesty requested to preserve some of the cracks on the columns and stairs as a warning to the Empire and his descendants.”

After a tour around, the Minister of National Defense and Technology took Asaga to the Medical Academy to continue the live sample extraction research. t7nWJ2

The Medical Academy covered a large area. From among the square buildings, Asaga saw a high-tech building with a different style at the deepest point, with rose banners hanging on the walls.

“The Royal Medical Academy.” Minister of National Defense and Technology glanced at it and told him, “You absolutely cannot approach that place! That’s where only His Majesty can go.”

Asaga nodded silently.

After the sample extraction was completed, it was already dark. FCLENq

The Minister of National Defense and Technology instructed, “I’ll go get a report. Wait for me at the entrance of the Medical Academy, and don’t wander around. There are many prohibitions inside the Solar Palace. I’m afraid you’ll go to the wrong place and be executed directly by the Wolf Knights.”

Asaga nodded again, turned around, and stood on the stone steps in front of the Medical Academy gate, waiting.

From this angle, he could see the huge Silverleaf Rose Garden in front of the main hall of the Solar Palace. With a sense of smell more than 4000 times more developed than humans, he could sense the faint scent of roses in the wind.

No… cPQHaJ

Not just the scent of roses.

The beast-like golden eyes suddenly lit up!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He began to walk back and forth at the entrance of the Medical Academy, sniffing discreetly in all directions.

Yes, it was his master! 68axKe

The cells in his body began to clamor one by one!

His master had been here, it was his scent!

He was like being struck by a happy lightning bolt, his usually fierce and cold golden eyes widening slightly in astonishment.

His sense of smell told him that Nero’s pheromone concentration today was higher than any other time before, as if it were in some kind of overflow state. G9jdnM

After circling for a while, Asaga began to move slowly along the path Nero had taken, step by step.

He really longed to see his conqueror again, even if it was just to sneak a glance from afar.

Nero was the Supreme Ruler of the Galactic Empire, and he was a lowly slave from the arena. If he missed today, he might never have the chance again in this lifetime.

Asaga sniffed the scent of roses, traversing forest paths, passing flower walls, and carefully following behind the group of heavily armored Wolf Knights. UZj IE

Seeing the Wolf Knights, he felt a very strong longing—a longing to guard by His Majesty’s side day and night, until one day he could lay down his life for His Majesty, which would be the ideal end to his life.

But he was just a wild dog picked up from the arena, completely different from the privileged Wolf Knights who had the fortune to grow up by Nero’s side since childhood.

Even his desire to steal a glimpse at Nero could only be satisfied from afar, hiding and peeking between the towering forms of the Wolf Knights, trying to catch a fleeting glimpse of his beautiful silver hair.

The overflowing scent of roses agitated him, lured him— rTA3My

Before he could react, he found himself pinned down by a Wolf Knight, a gun barrel pressed against his head.

“…Why aren’t you answering again?”

Nero didn’t know what he was thinking, but seeing Asaga’s easy-to-bully look, and thinking about how this man had fought him back and forth in the arena, this huge contrast made it easy for him to feel the urge to tease, “Do you know how much a Silverleaf Rose costs in the Galactic Empire?”

Asaga suddenly looked up, glanced at the miserable flower wall, then looked at Nero, his golden eyes slightly widened in astonishment. GbxIkT

“Three million credits,” Nero said coldly, and elegantly spread out his palm.

The White Wolf Knight holding Nero and the Minister of National Defense and Technology both silently coughed and decided not to expose the young Emperor’s lie.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Asaga on the ground visibly panicked, carefully removing the vines still wrapped around him, and his voice trembled as he said:

“Your Majesty, please forgive me, I…” qFfAno

“Can’t afford it, hmm?” Nero squinted, “So, what are you going to do?”

“I… Your Majesty, I am willing to use my life—”

“Keep your life to yourself, I only want credits.”

Asaga’s hands were shaking as he placed them on his knees. vjGxYe

At that moment, thousands of thoughts raced through his mind. He knew that his value in the arena far exceeded 3 million, perhaps just a few fights would be enough to compensate for a Silverleaf Rose wall.

But now the arena was completely destroyed by His Majesty, where could he go to earn credits?

In the end, he could only droop his head weakly and say in frustration:

“Please forgive me, Your Majesty, I don’t know what to do… Please feel free to command and use me, I am willing to do anything for Your Majesty, even if it costs my life…” ZAHT7V

Nero smirked slightly but ultimately didn’t push him further. He said, “You said it yourself. When I need to use you, you must be ready at all times. Each use will count as one Silverleaf Rose. Understand?”

“I understand, Your Majesty.”

Nero patted the White Wolf Knight’s shoulder, indicating that it was time to return to the palace.

As they walked away, Nero glanced back from the White Wolf Knight’s shoulder and saw Asaga still kneeling in place, picking up the scattered silver leaf roses from the ground, actually counting how many petals he had knocked off. d9ibuQ

Nero couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking his head as he continued to observe, “What a big fool. If I had known he had this personality in the arena, maybe I would have been gentler when I beat him.”

The White Wolf Knight didn’t look back, just looked up.

After receiving the pheromone detection report, Nero’s mood noticeably dampened, and it wasn’t until then that his mood recovered somewhat.

He lifted the little master’s buttocks for some strange reason, muttering under his breath with a hint of dissatisfaction, “I’m also a big dumb wolf.” bX7dyG

Nero found it even more amusing, “Dumb wolf, if there are wolves comparing intelligence, how can there be ones comparing who’s dumber?”

The silver-haired Emperor had already walked far away, while Asaga, under the urging of the Minister of National Defense and Technology, buried the torn vines in the soil.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

As he buried them, he suddenly saw something flickering where Nero had just stopped, as if something was emitting a faint glimmer.

He went over to take a look and found a silver cufflink, with delicate rose patterns on it. He had been staring intently at Nero just now, so he naturally knew it had fallen from Nero’s cuff. Y69qFD

He hurriedly picked it up.

“If you don’t hurry, Asaga, I won’t care about you anymore!”

The Minister of National Defense and Technology was holding the smart brain and calling for the shuttle, “There’s no shuttle, you’ll have to walk back yourself.”

Asaga silently lowered his head. QqWbF6

His gaze fell on the beautiful rose cufflink in his palm, and a vague and unclear thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

Seeing the Minister of National Defense and Technology talking to the smart brain, Asaga brought his face close to his palm and secretly sniffed the cufflink.

Although it was almost imperceptible, his highly developed olfactory cells still allowed him to recognize the cold scent of roses.

Yes, it was this scent… NrPXDc

… the scent of his master.

Asaga shuddered all over, forgetting about his worries about credits.

For him, as long as he could repeatedly confirm that he belonged to Nero, he could feel immense happiness.

It was like a person suddenly waking up from a long nightmare, repeatedly confirming that they were in the wonderful real world. 7SKdD3

After confirming again that the Minister of National Defense and Technology hadn’t looked over, he stared at the cufflink in his hand and finally did something he considered unforgivable—

Blushing, he quietly tucked the cufflink into the pocket close to his chest.

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  1. new reader here, the story is so good so i can’t wait to see how it continues. thank you so much for your translations! 🤗

  2. Moooooommm can i keep Asaga????😭😭😭😭 he’s too cute I wanna squish him. I bet Asaga has big boob- I mean chest

  3. I’m still waiting for the real cp to show… I’m all up for the holy so and the prince cp…

    Also damn an innocent big puppy and a silly wolf…

    Thankyou for the chapter