After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 71

Approaching the afternoon, the comprehensive analysis report of the routine examination was presented to Nero.

Nero waited in the VIP room of the Royal Medical Academy, with a large screen in front of him displaying a stream of governmental affairs. Er9JLY

Seeing the medical officer push the door open and come in, he only casually lifted the tip of his pen, exempting the other from court etiquette, and then returned his gaze to the screen.

He attempted to cross his legs, but halfway through, his expression darkened, and he slightly spread his legs.

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“With due respect, Your Majesty, based on today’s routine examination report analysis, aside from still being in a state of malnutrition, Your Majesty’s health shows no other adverse conditions,” the physician reported earnestly. “However, the recent regimen has been quite effective. Compared to the first routine examination, there has been a significant improvement in Your Majesty’s physical condition.”

Upon hearing this, the White Wolf Knight quickly raised his hand, using his smart brain to receive Nero’s nutrition report, then carefully flipping through it page by page. 2yBdXZ

The physician stole a glance at Nero, seeing no objection from him, he turned his body and reported to both the Emperor and the knight:

“However, Your Majesty should pay more attention to balancing work and rest. Overwork can easily trigger cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, while also compromising the body’s immunity. Additionally, while the nutritional supplements provided by the Royal Medical Academy can temporarily replenish the severe deficiencies of minerals and vitamins in Your Majesty’s body, for the long-term consideration of Your Majesty’s gastrointestinal function, it is now appropriate to start introducing fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, and dairy products to transition towards a normal dietary structure…”

The White Wolf Knight frowned as he quickly took notes and asked, “Your Majesty often has a poor appetite, especially for meat dishes. He can only eat two to three bites per meal. But if this continues, how can he replenish the protein needed for development?”

The physician responded, “Oh, oh, in that case, why not try introducing fresh shrimp and seafood nutrition porridge into the diet and see how it affects him? Make sure to cook the rice until it’s very soft and ingest it with the nutritional supplements.”


“Also, it happens to be the season for Klenas naval oranges in the Capital Star System. Your Majesty can consume them daily. Klenas naval oranges are the best improved variety currently available, containing a rich amount of vitamins and calcium, which can improve Your Majesty’s long-term calcium deficiency.”

The White Wolf Knight felt a bit embarrassed. “Your Majesty also dislikes naval oranges… Is there an alternative?”

Nero particularly disliked the smell of orange peel, so regardless of how delicious citrus fruits were, he politely declined.

“Ah, well, how about switching to blueberries or apples?” the physician suggested. 5aTvid

As they discussed Nero’s diet, the two guards stationed at the VIP room entrance listened attentively and silently made notes on their smart brains.

After signing another batch of recruitment documents, Nero tapped the table with his pen and asked directly, “What about allergen testing? Or any signs of physical changes that could potentially cause fluctuations in mental power?”

“Mental power fluctuations?” The physician hesitated. “Mental power fluctuations only occur under two circumstances: either during intense combat or due to changes in pheromones. Please wait a moment, Your Majesty.”

He operated the screen and pulled up the recently completed gland examination report. bknyFo

“Your Majesty, according to the gland report, you are currently experiencing a period of unstable pheromone levels.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Fcrajyif qfglbv?” Rfgb rdelcafv. “Pr atja rb?”

“Tfr, yea atlr lr j cbgwji vfnfibqwfcaji qtfcbwfcbc. Sjmt qfgrbc fzqfglfcmfr akb ab atgff yglfo qfglbvr bo lcrajylilas yfobgf vloofgfcaljalbc, bmmjrlbcjiis jmmbwqjclfv ys qtfgbwbcf bnfgoibk, fwbalbcji mtjcufr, jcv nlubgber qtfgbwbcf rfmgfalbc.”

“Ktlr lr j ubbv atlcu, Tbeg Zjpfras. Pa lcvlmjafr atja joafg mjgfoei cegaeglcu, sbeg ybvs lr yfulcclcu ab qgfqjgf obg vloofgfcaljalbc.” 9E64VT

Nero glanced at the test report. It showed that his pheromone levels had been fluctuating recently, with a peak occurring last night at about half the level of true differentiation.

So, was this the reason for his sudden illness last night?

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Throughout history, the onset of familial madness had been exclusive to Alpha family members.

This indicated that the highly aggressive pheromones of Alpha had a direct triggering effect on madness. zQxG1S

The degree of pheromone fluctuation last night was only about half of that during true differentiation.

When true differentiation arrived, coupled with the inevitable manic state of an Alpha, what would he become then?

Nero absentmindedly rubbed his lower lip with his fingertips and quietly studied the report for a while.

After a while, he suddenly asked, “Eva’s gland removal surgery was performed by physicians from the Royal Medical Academy, right?” HSjONp

The physician didn’t know what Nero meant and answered cautiously, “With all due respect, yes. Um, to be precise, we were responsible for the follow-up surgery because Miss Eva removed part of her glands herself…”

“In the medical records of the Medical Academy,” Nero said, “are there any precedents of Alpha gland removal?”

The physician froze.

He wasn’t sure what Nero meant, fearing he would guess wrong or right. After a long while, he carefully answered: Eeqctg

“With all due respect, there are no such precedents. And… and gland removal surgery is one of the mosth high-risk surgeries in the Empire, with a success rate of less than 60%… Moreover… the situation of Alpha is different from Omega and Beta. Once an Alpha’s glands are removed, their mental power may be greatly reduced, or even disappear…

“The cost is indeed too high, especially for top Alphas with extremely strong combat power. It’s a pity… So, regardless, I implore Your Majesty to think twice…”

Nero pondered for a moment, then looked quietly out the window.

The VIP room was on a high floor, overlooking the azure sky. Beyond the sky of the Capital Star System were millions of intersecting warp routes, bustling with merchant ships and patrol fleets. dg7 2r

Extending further out until the warp routes couldn’t cover were the dark and desolate unexplored regions of the universe.

One day in the near future, in the depths of the universe beyond the temporary reach of human civilization, an unknown and formidable enemy would emerge, then sweep towards the Galactic Empire like a tide.

The crimson eyes of the silver-haired Emperor reflected the color of the sky above the Capital.

But the gaze of the young man was deep, as if he could see into the distant universe. 6djcYS

“Just curious,” Nero said lightly after a while.

The physician breathed a sigh of relief, then saw the Emperor raise his hand to grab the White Wolf Knight’s cloak. The White Wolf Knight immediately bent down and carried him in his arms.

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“Let’s go, Alexei.”

The Royal Medical Academy was a distance from the palace, passing through the vast Silverleaf Rose Garden. ZRI579

Seeing that the sun was shining today and the urgent affairs had been handled at the Royal Medical Academy, Nero asked for the shuttlecraft to be on standby for pickup, letting the White Wolf Knight carry him back while basking in the sun.

“Would you rather take the shuttlecraft?” Nero looked up at him with a somewhat playful expression. “Is it too heavy to carry me for a walk? I’ll have the shuttlecraft come down.”

“Not heavy at all, Your Majesty!” The White Wolf Knight was currently sneaking a sniff of the rose pheromone emanating from the young Emperor’s hair. When he heard that Nero wanted to call the shuttlecraft, he immediately tightened his arm. “I’m willing to carry you like this!”

“…Be gentle!” 2ykXUC

With his arm around Nero’s legs, when he tightened it, Nero immediately felt a slight swelling, which hurt.

As he pushed the knight’s arm away while expressing his annoyance, he said, “Didn’t you see? I made myself like that during the sampling, and then I had to forcibly extract it for testing—”

The column of Wolf Knights following behind the White Wolf Knight watched in wonder as the Chief Wolf Knight dashed several meters ahead of them as if his feet were oiled, widening the distance between them.

“…I’m truly sorry, Your Majesty,” the White Wolf Knight said, still trying to deal with his upset little master in his arms. “Once I get back, I’ll immediately apply medicine for you—” xazJ1G

He felt something was off and quickly corrected himself, “Uh, get the ointment for you. You, you can apply it yourself…”

“I apply it myself?” Nero stared at him with those beautiful red eyes, which, usually cold and indifferent, now seemed round.

But soon, he turned away, hugging his arms. “Fine. I’ll do it myself.”

Of course, the White Wolf Knight could hear the irritation in his voice. The knight found it both helpless and amusing, with a strange sense of sweet guilt in his heart. He recited the knight’s code a hundred times in his mind before bowing his head to explain to Nero: lAO7 w

“Your Majesty, for things like this, it’s best if you don’t rely on me… Uh, etiquette is one thing, and this, um, falls under the Alpha’s self-care skills. You should learn to do it yourself…”

Nero remained silent for a while, just grinding his canine teeth silently.

After several minutes, the White Wolf Knight saw him turn his head back.

The young man furrowed his brows tightly, his lips pursed downward, his face full of stubbornness, except for his slightly flickering gaze when raised: “…I said I won’t.” opfnLx

This kind of unwillingness to admit and unwillingness to accept expression looked so adorable on Nero’s face that for a moment, the White Wolf Knight felt a surge of warmth rise to his nose, almost thinking he was going to faint on the spot.

He forced himself to focus and corrected his course, which was about to crash into a rose wall. Then, he awkwardly taught his little master:

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“Your Majesty, don’t worry. This, uh, practice makes perfect, right…? You’ll get the hang of it with more practice, but when you practice, you should pay attention to the intensity… You always seem so harsh on yourself…”

Nero still had a displeased look on his face. kDBpoY

After a while, he moved in the White Wolf Knight’s arms and asked softly, “Does every adult Alpha experience this?”

The White Wolf Knight paused for a moment, suddenly understanding what really annoyed Nero.

His little master, who could perfectly embody the education of the Kaises family, was synonymous with extreme toughness and extreme rationality. Even the most complex territorial affairs could be well organized in his hands.

Yet, precisely in these trivial matters, Nero always appeared dull and clumsy. yelPXT

For Nero, who had an extremely strong desire for control, this was fundamentally incomprehensible and unforgivable, making him feel unusually frustrated.

“Your Majesty, you don’t need to worry about such matters. This isn’t fundamentally different from Empire affairs and doesn’t require constant precise control,” the White Wolf Knight reassured him softly. “You just need to relax, feel, and experience. And someday in the future, when you meet someone you truly love…”

He wanted to say ‘when you meet someone you truly love, everything will naturally fall into place’, but he felt a sour sting in his heart, causing his words to choke.

Nero didn’t care about his reaction and just said with a stern face, “The Kaises Family doesn’t talk about love. That’s a mirage imagined only by poets. I’m only concerned that if there’s a deficiency in the physiological function as an Alpha, it will affect the Empire’s heir.” BEbsk

“…Your Majesty, please rest assured… There’s nothing wrong with your physiological functions. In fact, they’re likely more sensitive—uh, stronger than normal.”

The White Wolf Knight struggled to choose his words carefully, as he had no other experience and could only compare himself with Nero.

But looking at it from a time perspective, Nero was obviously… much faster than him.

Hmm… much, much faster. OU2HPa


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  1. You should never mention that to him White wolf knight ahahahahahahahhaha he’ll go nut if he knows about that, it will hurt his pride

  2. I feel like Nero would eventually choose him but idk man, sometimes author like to put this kind of character as the lovestruck and loyal miserable 2nd male lead.