After the Tyrant Differentiated into an OmegaChapter 105

The campaign against the Sean Family’s rebellion ended with the Emperor’s overwhelming victory. The rebel commanders listed by Nero either died or fled, while many others were shackled with electronic restraints and sent to the fleet heading to the Capital.

Although both the Imperial Scepter and the Heka Star System’s troops were elite forces, they were still outnumbered by the rebels. If it weren’t for the sudden mutiny of the stationed troops responsible for guarding the noble commanders and the capture of fleeing noble commanders seeking refuge, the duration of this campaign would have been unknown. 7omGzj

The first challenge from the high nobles to the Emperor unexpectedly ended in the most embarrassing way and was broadcasted to the entire Empire through the parade broadcast arranged by the Sean Family themselves, revealing the brutal defeat.

For a moment, the noble lords who had intended to unite and march on the Capital became hesitant again.

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Especially after the rebel commander was brought to the capital, the Imperial Tribunal, at Nero’s behest, made the judgment of the Sean Family completely public. They presented evidence of the Sean Family’s crimes over the years to the entire Empire one by one, and then carried out the executions on the spot.

After the gunshots, among the high noble families listed by Nero, those whose military power was far inferior to the Sean Family began to feel uneasy. qxvogI

As the deadline for the amnesty decree approached, three noble families successively announced their acceptance of the Capital’s orders. The commanders of their star systems’ stationed troops were all demoted to civilian positions, relinquishing control of military bases and fortresses and retaining only administrative power over their respective stars.

Nero promptly dispatched a new Star Provincial Committee, escorted by a part of the Heka Star System’s troops, to oversee the transfer of authority on the these stars.

“With this, there are only six left…”

Nero’s fingertip rested on the list of those who had yet to execute the orders from the Joint Tax Decree.


His gaze paused for a moment when he skimmed over the name of the Laud Family.

The Laud Family had been quite cautious during the Rupert era, but that didn’t stop them from constantly annexing neighboring stars and using various means to imprison or eliminate the mid-level noble lords responsible for governance.

After Nero’s return to power, the Laud Family began to act recklessly, especially after Nero and Heidrich deliberately instigated them to engage in fierce competition with other families in the high noble group. Although there were wins and losses, while overthrowing the same-class high nobles, the Laud Family’s star systems expanded to a terrifying 19.

It should be noted that Marquis David had only seven star systems under his control, while the recently suppressed Sean Family had six. egkTlI

If the high noble families in this civil war could truly set aside past grievances and unite as a coalition, then the most likely leader would be the Laud Family, which had trillions of troops.

“As per your instructions, Harrison Laud and his family members stationed in the Capital have been placed under house arrest. External communications have been completely cut off, and their conditions are regularly monitored by the Capital’s forces.”

A Heka Star System’s general reported to him.

This is also the best part of the system of noble attendance: anyone who can be sent to serve in front of the Emperor must be the one with the most say in the family. a swEp

Once these people were tied down in the Capital, the family left in the territory would have to spend more time to re-elect a leader, and due to the lack of a comprehensive view of the Empire, there would be more mistakes in their actions.

“Today’s report shows that Duke Harrison and the family members are all in good health, but their spirits are very low. Duke Harrison has written many long letters to you, and asked the Heka Star System’s soldiers to deliver them.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Rfgb abbx atfw jcv ibbxfv atgbeut atfw. Vlcmf dejcaew mbwweclmjalbc tjv yffc mea boo, tlr ecmif tjv ab kglaf ifaafgr ab tlw klat qfc jcv qjqfg.

Lf kgbaf j atlmx rajmx bo atfw, atflg abcf rtloalcu ogbw jcufg ab vfrqbcvfcms, ogbw gfrfcawfca ab uglfnjcmf. Pclaljiis, tf fijybgjafv fzafcrlnfis bc tbk Rfgb tjv nbiecajglis ygbeuta jybea tlr bkc vfragemalbc. Ktfc, tf yfujc ab qijs atf fwbalbcji mjgv, lcnbxlcu Rfgb’r wbatfg. Coafg yflcu mea boo ogbw atf Vajg Rfakbgx jcv mbwweclmjalbcr obg cfjgis j wbcat, atf mbcafcar bo atf ifaafgr ugfk lcmgfjrlcuis qjatfalm. dxpLOX

The latest letter even requested Nero to return some of the Omegas taken from his mansion, even if it was just four or five.

“As I have previously thought of him,”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Nero sneered, “Harrison Laud has always been a cunning opportunist with no guts. Compared to Rupert, his ambition and courage are far inferior. I am curious how such a family head like him managed to survive during the time of the rebellion and expand the star stars so extensively.”

Heidrich listened on the side, pondering for a moment. adYuhe

Suddenly, he asked, “Your Majesty, are all the members of the Laud Family remaining in the Capital currently under your control?”

Nero looked at him, his expression suddenly freezing.

The White Wolf Knight quickly checked the harbor records.

Before long, there was an answer: OkPzij

“Your Majesty, since the issuance of the compulsory detention order, none of the high noble families and their members listed have left the Capital. However, there is one person from the Laud Family who left with his guards before Your Majesty issued this order.”

Nero tilted his head slightly, searching his memory for this person.

He indeed didn’t have much impression of his grandfather. Because in his childhood, he didn’t seem to have much contact with his mother’s relatives.

Occasionally, he heard from the Eldest Sister that his mother had a quite miserable life in the family before marrying his father. After marrying the king, the king never said anything openly, but he often deliberately restrained the influence of the Laud Family and never allowed them to visit the palace. jrcMvy

At that time, this move was criticized by the high noble families in the Capital for a long time, saying that he treated his Empress as strictly as he treated soldiers.

For the royal family that needed to marry into noble families, it was commonplace to occasionally fight with their relatives and distant relatives. Not having close relations was even better, as Nero could then deal with the Laud Family more freely.

Nero asked, “Titus Laud retired during the reign of my father and handed over the public office in the Capital to Harrison Laud. He stayed in the Capital probably just for leisure in his old age. What could be the reason for leaving the Capital at this time?”

The White Wolf Knight replied, “According to the secret information collected by the Wolf Riders, there was nothing unusual when Titus Laud left. He only told his subordinates that it was because the family’s young grandson was born, so he took a group of personal guards and left the royal capital on a lightweight touring boat.” TRPhX

Nero rubbed his lips with his fingertips, lost in thought for a moment, then looked up at Heidrich sitting at the table.

The black-haired general, instead of avoiding his gaze as usual, looked back deeply—

Due to their equally keen sense of combat, they instinctively sensed that something was amiss.

Heidrich: “Titus Laud isn’t even from the same generation as my father, so my knowledge of him is almost nonexistent. Judging by his current age, he should have started his career during the later years of Emperor Vashir II’s reign.” T5Ynkd

Despite the escape of a family member, there was no turmoil within the Laud Family’s territory at the moment. Nero kept a watchful eye and continued to exert pressure on the noble lords.

With the downfall of the Sean Family, all their assets naturally flowed into the imperial treasury.

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With unprecedentedly abundant funds, the efficiency of constructing Anchor Point stars began to grow exponentially.

Because time was pressing and the Empire was facing the threat of civil war, Nero ordered the completion of the transportation function of the Anchor Point stars to be prioritised. That is, using the planetary thermal energy to create planetary-level warp ports directly connecting the Capital with other Anchor Points. TdEXCh

The authority over the Anchor Points was already in Nero’s hands, equivalent to building a military transport network accessible only to the Emperor, fundamentally eliminating the possibility of being controlled by the noble lords cutting off military routes.

Another week passed, and two high noble families in the southern border of the Empire, seeing the deadline approaching, formally formed a coalition and joined forces against the Emperor and his army.

Facing two or more noble coalition forces, even though the Imperial Scepter was powerful, the disadvantage of Nero’s directly subordinate forces being outnumbered gradually became apparent.

The battle was quite difficult, and casualties began to increase among the Heka Star System’s fleet. Asaga, relying on his absolute personal strength and the advantage of Zerg blood, alone infiltrated the rebel supreme commander’s base and took away the commanders who were in the general command room at the time. Bm0Dov

But the Heka Star System’s fleet responsible for cover was almost surrounded and annihilated by the rebels.

After careful consideration, the command headquarters in the Capital issued a temporary retreat and reorganization order.

“Alright, alright! Is this how you want to fight?! Do you think that tyrant will spare you? It’s all fake benevolence and righteousness! When we had military power, we could offer you wine and meat; once the military power is taken by the Emperor, whether you live or die, it’s all up to the tyrant! Do you really think he won’t settle scores after autumn? After you die, your wives and daughters will also be sent to the Mirror Spring Palace where Omegas are raised!”

In the rebel base, a noble commander was angrily lecturing the stationed soldiers. ZKL1B

Their casualties were also quite heavy. No one would have expected Asaga to be so fierce that, during the fierce battle in the temporal domain, he sneaked behind enemy lines and killed 24 of the highest stationed commanders—

A full 24!

These commanders were the most experienced group of people within the noble families in combat. Without them, the nobles could only rely on those who had attended military academies, gained experience in fortresses, or even just observed a little bit of battlefield experience to take their place.

“Who said that having more people isn’t the greatest advantage? Think about the comparison of our forces! One hundred thousand starships against one? Even if it’s a hundred thousand children, throwing stones should be enough to kill an adult, right? As long as morale doesn’t falter, victory will be ours, and as long as we persist, our reinforcements will increase! Let’s make that tyrant fall from the Rose Throne!!” umEwa

That night when the Heka Star System’s troops were near the Anchor Point for reorganization, Nero received an urgent battle report from the frontlines.

The middle-level nobles in the Empire’s southern border suddenly rose up simultaneously!

“What’s their problem?”

Nero quickly got up, hastily dressed, and was brought to the study in the palace. oymADX

The commanders who had been waiting in the study since early on also had serious expressions, just like him.

Although the high noble families controlled 70% of the Empire’s territory, the stationed troops were usually provided by the same family, and the forces were dispersed across various leading stars;

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On the other hand, although the middle and lower-level nobles only occupied the remaining 30% of the leading stars, due to the need to survive in the squeeze between the high noble families, the number of families was extremely large. Even if a family only provided a large fleet, if they could truly unite, their army size and strength would be comparable to that of the top noble families of the Empire. For the Heka Star System’s fleet, which had already suffered considerable casualties, this would undoubtedly be a further blow!

“Middle-level nobles have no reason to intervene in the civil war.” cda1B

Although Heidrich’s brows were tightly knit, his tone remained as calm as usual. “Their joining forces with the high noble families will not bring them any benefits. But since the alliance between the middle-level nobles and the high noble families has become a fact, we need to rethink our overall strategy.

“In the meantime, I propose that the Heka Star System’s troops retreat to the Capital. The Capital has heavy defense structures built by the imperial family over hundreds of years and there are enough galaxy resources. If the Wolf Knights are responsible for guarding the checkpoints to prevent the possibility of traitors inside, and then all the troops directly under His Majesty’s leadership are assembled in the Capital

“We can completely shift from offense to defense and turn the blitzkrieg into a protracted war. The alliance between the nobles is not firm, and any crack can cause the coalition to completely collapse. By continuously sending spies to the coalition and with the coalition forces far from their star systems and the supply lines stretched thin, and under long-term siege, all we need is enough time to achieve victory. What do you think?”

In the most urgent moments of the war, Heidrich’s outstanding military expertise was undoubtedly fully displayed. gU6wDm

In a very short time, he proposed a highly feasible counterattack strategy, directly injecting a sedative into all the commanders present.

The commanders immediately relaxed, and smiles gradually appeared on their stiff faces. “Yes, that’s right! What do we have to worry about? The middle-level nobles choosing to unite, so what? We have the might of the Heka Star System’s military, the Imperial Scepter, and the defense system of the Capital. There’s nothing to be afraid of!”

“Your Majesty, the immediate priority is to recall the Heka Star System’s troops and preserve our strength before considering anything else!”

Amidst the confident discussion of the commanders, the silver-haired Emperor remained silent. 3HIcpR

His eyes were downcast, filled with a deep melancholy.

Yes, he also knew that Heidrich’s plan would succeed—given enough time.

But… time.

The most scarce thing for him right now wasn’t military power, but time. nlYrzq

Nero’s long silence gradually quieted the discussion among the commanders, who looked at the young Emperor with worried expressions.

In the midst of the silence, Nero’s communication panel suddenly lit up with an urgent battle report from the frontline: “Your Majesty! Urgent military situation!”

Nero’s heart skipped a beat, and he immediately said, “Are we being surrounded by the coalition forces? At all costs, jump back to the Capital from the Anchor Point! If there’s not enough time, abandon the transport ships and supply depots!”

Frontline troops: “It’s not exactly…” HuNCX

The frontline sent a radar map to the Capital.

All the commanders watched in disbelief as a massive cluster of red dots, representing the middle-level noble coalition forces, suddenly made a wide arc near the rebel leading stars and swiftly descended upon the unguarded rebel headquarters.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Frontline troops: “T-They… they’re fighting among themselves…”

Nero: “?” kQI0zq


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  1. How strange!! Idek what is going on, just eating my popcorn in the background 🤭🍿

    Thank you for za update, glorious translator!!

  2. Ohhh my guess is that the mysterious (past life) prime minister persuaded the middle level nobles to support the emperor/attack the high nobles. Just my guess