After Transmigrating through Books, I Transmigrated BackCh38 - Indigenous Wildness

Worried exclamations echoed inside the helicopter cabin as everyone noticed Xu Qiao’s safety rope slipping off.

“What’s wrong with the safety rope?” yJ0AXz

“Tell Xu Qiao to be careful and hold onto the ladder.”

Viewers, seeing Xu Qiao’s safety rope detached, thought it was intentionally designed as part of the program’s effect. The comments section exploded in excitement.

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Xu Qiao looked up to see Xu Siyi kneeling, hands gripping the cabin edge, his lips pressed straight as he stared down.

His forehead revealed as the wind lifted his hair, accentuating his sharp features. AMYxzK

Sensing his concern, Xu Qiao extended a hand, gesturing an ‘ok’ towards him.

Xu Siyi: “……”

Even with the safety rope off, he dared to free one hand.

Xu Siyi took a deep breath and shouted down, “Hold on tight.”


His voice blurred amid the thunderous roar of the propellers. Xu Qiao’s ears twitched as he firmly gripped the rope ladder, steadily descending.

Seeing Xu Qiao safely on the ground, Xu Siyi withdrew his gaze and looked at the personnel inside the cabin.

With the safety rope suddenly detached, it could now be considered a program mishap.

The director wiped off some sweat, visibly shaken by the recent mishap. He glared at the staff who fastened Xu Qiao’s safety rope. “What’s going on? How can you be careless about such things? I’ve emphasized countless times that safety issues must be taken seriously.” IWAP E

The staff lowered his head, stammering a few words.

Xu Siyi glanced at him, then turned to the director, his tone indifferent, “Nothing happened this time. What about next time?”

The director forced a smile. “No next time, absolutely none. I’ll talk to them later. Safety measures need to be strengthened.”

Bringing in Xu Siyi, a popular figure, wasn’t easy. The director dared not upset him. L5YiFM

Regarding Min Yang’s claim of a car accident preventing him from recording, the director checked with some contacts. The so-called accident was just a minor scrape during a performance, nothing serious. It seemed like just an excuse to avoid coming.

The director had worked with Min Yang several times and had a good understanding of his personality, so he could more or less guess why he didn’t want to come.

Min Yang had a lofty attitude, believed in his own talents, always wanting to stand out. But this variety show, National Style, didn’t follow the usual conventions, lacked a script, not at all like he imagined.

In the very first episode, the director sensed something amiss. He feared Xu Qiao overshadowed Min Yang too much, which led to the excuse of not showing up. The director wasn’t pleased thinking about it, tagging Min Yang as difficult to work with and unprofessional. vGD yr

Min Yang’s absence prompted the idea of asking Xu Siyi as a replacement, and unexpectedly, he agreed. For the production team, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Before attaching the safety rope to Xu Siyi, the director personally checked multiple times, ensuring there wouldn’t be any issues before letting him descend.

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Once all six guests had landed, the production team handed out backpacks with supplies and left with the onboard cameras, taking off in the helicopter.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xu Qiao unzipped the backpack, finding only a bottle of purified water, a bag of compressed biscuits, and a foldable military shovel. Ku2CeB

Lbe Tlcuojc bqfcfv tlr bkc yjmxqjmx jcv ogbkcfv. “Pr atlr fcbeut ab fja?”

Mjc Zfcutej rlutfv. “Obbxr ilxf kf cffv ab mbwqifaf atf ajrxr delmxis. P vbc’a kjca ab rqfcv atf cluta bc atlr lrijcv.”

We Hljb rabbv bc atf rjcvs yfjmt, rmjcclcu atf mjiw rfj, ufcaif kjnfr gbiilcu lc jcv ifjnlcu agjmfr bc atf rtbgf. Ktf kfjatfg kjrc’a ugfja, klat atf rec qffxlcu yftlcv atf mibevr. Ymmjrlbcjiis, j ofk rfjylgvr oifk jmgbrr atf rxs.

Behind him lay a dense forest, lush and green. The salty tang of the sea mingled with the fresh scent of foliage, yielding a revitalizing aroma. He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply, feeling his chest rise and fall with each breath. gdtHni

Xu Siyi shifted his gaze from the sea to Xu Qiao, pausing for a moment.

The camera turned its lens towards the two figures, creating a marvelous composition against the vast sea not far away.

The wind tousled their hair and lifted the edges of their clothes, rendering the scene tranquil and beautiful.

「Hide the comments, step aside, let me take a screenshot.」 vwInjq

「I’m done for, utterly captivated by Xu Qiao’s silhouette. Waaah!」

「The scenery on this little island is quite nice.」

「Is Xu Siyi looking at Xu Qiao? Is he? Is he? That side profile is just stunning.」

As Xu Qiao turned around, withdrawing his gaze from the sea, Xu Siyi also shifted his eyes away from him. ME5yhb

Xu Qiao looked at the others and asked, “Shall we explore around, look for clues?”

The others had no objections.

After the last episode, they understood the production team’s style. Besides having no script, even extracting a few words from them felt like pulling teeth. They had to explore the clues themselves.

Ying Wenlin looked around and suggested, “Should we split up?” 4C8SkH

Fan Menghua immediately shook her head. “No, no. This isn’t like the village last time. We don’t know if there are people here. It’s safer if we stick together.”

The unfamiliar, quiet island gave a stark contrast to the lively village. What if they got lost in this place?

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After walking along the beach for a while with no discoveries, they decided to venture into the jungle behind.

The path was narrow. The only two young adults, Xu Siyi and Xu Qiao, exchanged a glance and silently took the lead. TPurnR

Using the military shovel to clear a path, Yu Feipeng and the others followed behind, with the handheld cameras diligently capturing their progress on both sides, keeping the lenses focused on the group.

Xu Qiao and Xu Siyi occasionally glanced backward, ensuring the safety of the others.

The jungle path was challenging, but after a while, the trees became sparse, and the terrain leveled out. They could vaguely see a large clearing ahead.

「Speaking of which, there shouldn’t be any large animals like lions or tigers on this island, right?」 9T4rXN

「…It’s too small for that.」

「The program crew must have checked and cleared the area.」

The dense overhead canopy dimmed the light, making Fan Menghua, the only woman, shiver as she followed Ying Wenlin. “Wenlin, did you hear anything?”

Ying Wenlin looked at her with confusion. “Hear what? Bird calls? The sound of waves?” Ck2vmu

Fan Menghua shrank her neck. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

As soon as she spoke, two people sprang out from the nearby woods, as if lying in wait in advance.

Before anyone could react, the two grabbed Fan Menghua and ran off.

Instantly, Fan Menghua’s screams echoed through the skies. ptZiU1

The viewers were in shock.

The camera reacted swiftly, focusing on the screaming Fan Menghua.

Two indigenous people, bare-chested, wearing grass skirts, and painted faces, carried her for a distance. They stopped in an open area ahead, where two more companions appeared behind.

The four were muscular, with prominent chest and abdominal muscles, fierce expressions, wielding spears and pointing them at Xu Qiao and the others. jC1d0

Despite being in her forties, Fan Menghua, who regularly practiced dance and maintained good skincare, looked slender and delicate. Being carried by a few rough-looking indigenous people made her appear even more pitiful.

She kicked and struggled, tears streaming down in fear, her screams relentless.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The extras sent by the production team, seeing her distress, felt awkward. Considering their job, the leader steeled himself, cleared his throat, put on a fierce expression, and shouted a string of incomprehensible words.

Xu Qiao squinted, not understanding what the indigenous people were trying to convey. ZIJs7f

「Oh my, if someone didn’t know, they’d think Teacher Fan was practicing soprano hahaha.」

「My dear Teacher Fan looks so pitiful. What are these natives saying hahahahic.」

The production team had been monitoring the situation through the screens. When the staged scene unfolded, they satisfiedly provided translations to Xu Qiao and the others through their headphones.

“They say—” dnIaY7

Before he could finish, Xu Qiao had already removed his headphones and microphone, placing them on the ground. He flexed his wrists and walked toward the four natives.

Production team: “???”

Before they could react, Xu Siyi also took off his headphones and recording equipment, joining Xu Qiao’s footsteps.

“Hey hey hey, Xu Qiao, Xu Siyi, you two, don’t be impulsive. They say you need to hand over all your food and water and help them — hey hey hey, Xu Qiao!” 4UcXEt

Xu Qiao, without his headphones, naturally couldn’t hear the production team’s thoughtful translation. Seeing Fan Menghua crying miserably, he walked up directly.

Xu Siyi followed him, asking in a low voice, “Will there be a fight?”

Xu Qiao glanced at him. “Could be.”

As the words fell, a clean and swift side kick landed on the spear held by the foremost native. The spear broke into two, causing a tremor in the hearts of the four extras and the production team. 1Ns48u

The spear snapped directly in half.

The leader of the natives took two shocked steps back, tugging at the grass skirt around his waist, forcibly maintaining his fierce appearance.


「Why do I feel a chill down my spine?」 qnpVjo

「That spear must be made of paper, right?!」

「Look at the broken end, it’s a solid wooden stick…」

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing Xu Qiao’s strength, Xu Siyi raised an eyebrow. He kicked backward with his right foot, stepped forward with his left foot, tripped the native holding Fan Menghua, and brought him down to the ground.

Despite their robust appearance, the combat abilities of the fierce-looking natives were not as formidable as imagined. cdXbC5

Xu Qiao and Xu Siyi swiftly overturned the four natives in succession. Fan Menghua’s makeup was smudged from crying as she rushed behind Xu Qiao, trembling.

The fallen extras: “……” Who should be crying in this situation? This doesn’t match the script. Director, prepare to pay extra.

「Just went to the bathroom, what happened here??」

「Sister who was in the bathroom, you missed a show worth a billion.」 4Km8u

「Brother is so cool.」

「I know Xu Siyi won the gold belt in the International Youth Martial Arts Competition during his school days, but why is Xu Qiao so skilled?」

「When did being able to fight become a mandatory requirement for being a star? Completely confused.」

“Waaah, Xu Qiao, they scared me.” Fan Menghua couldn’t stop crying. Being taken away directly by strangers in an unfamiliar environment left her still in a daze. G0WROV

“It’s okay,” Xu Qiao comforted her with a few words.

At this moment, Ying Wenlin and the others who had just realized what happened silently approached.

Yu Feipeng cleared his throat and handed the equipment that Xu Qiao and Xu Siyi had thrown on the ground. “The production team just said—”

Xu Qiao took the equipment, put on the headphones, and noticed the strange look on the old man’s face. He asked with a bewildered gaze, “What did they say?” swU3ya

Ying Wenlin hesitated a bit in his gaze. “They said we have to hand over all our food and water, then go to their tribe to work, and they’ll release Teacher Fan…”

Hand over food and water? Go work?

Xu Qiao glanced at Fan Menghua, who was still sobbing beside him, then at the shivering indigenous people on the ground. He innocently looked at Ying Wenlin. “I guess we don’t need to do that now.”

Production team: “……” d0JlCB

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  1. … Yeah I have a flashback to all C-reality show that I have watch.

    Let just say sometimes they can be so…cringe.


  2. Xu Qiao overthrowing any script the production makes just in a few minutes. Don’t mess with our transmigrator king!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. this would be so traumatising! you should’ve let her know before hand! this is just awful, i’d be traumatized for life!