After the protagonist of the sadistic novel turns into a salted fish!Ch34 - After the scumbag’s destined omega turned into a salted fish

What is it like to have a non-human partner?

Nowadays, you can find all sorts of answers to this question on the Stellar Emotions Forum. Ec5NIR

It’s been seven years since the end of the war. With the arrival of peace, inter-species marriage has become increasingly common. Now, even in the capital star, you can see many non-human faces.

Time heals all wounds.

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In the first two years after the war, people were still caught up in the aftermath, compounded by the fact that there were indeed many messes to clean up.

Economy, livelihoods, post-war resettlement, and so on were all massive undertakings. The power struggles at the imperial level, as well as frequent outbreaks of racial issues, caused numerous disturbances. pIv706

For a while, the atmosphere within the empire remained gloomy.

It wasn’t until the fourth or fifth year after the war that things began to improve.

The wounds left by the war were gradually being filled, and the power dynamics at the imperial level underwent reshuffling. The rights of noble families were greatly diminished, and the core of power shifted back to the parliament and the royal family.

All industries began to recover, especially agriculture and animal husbandry, which experienced the most obvious rebound. This industry, which suffered the most during the war due to its geographical location, finally saw the light of recovery.


The government’s subsidy tendency towards agriculture and animal husbandry was also very obvious, with various policies providing support, and several designated star systems receiving assistance.

The FY57 star system was one of them, and after several years of development, it has become one of the top-ranked star systems in terms of resident happiness.

With low living pressures, a slow pace, and very human-friendly infrastructure and assistance, living here is very suitable if you don’t have ambitions of getting rich quick.

Many people want to settle here. kZietr

However, the settlement policy here is particularly strict, and any slight blemish in the records won’t pass the inspection.

The agricultural and animal husbandry star, which couldn’t be sold for even a few hundred million interstellar credits a few years ago, has now doubled in price, which is still considered low.

Farming has become a hot commodity again, and many people who sold their agricultural and animal husbandry stars when the market was sluggish regret their decision.

Lun Xi is one of them. He sold several agricultural and animal husbandry stars right after the war ended. 1zKIOG

However, he wasn’t purely annoyed because he sold the stars at a loss. Mainly, he couldn’t forget the handsome beta who bought his last agricultural and animal husbandry star.

He didn’t have the courage to ask Mr. Bai for contact information when they met. After returning home, he couldn’t shake off the regret. After months of hesitation, he finally contacted Mr. Bai through their online transaction records.

To his surprise, he inadvertently learned during their conversation that Mr. Bai had recently gotten married. Calculating the timing, it was around the time he settled on his agricultural and animal husbandry star.

He was struck as if by lightning. w3gDRf

He couldn’t help but wonder if, had he mustered the courage back then, the person married to that black-haired beta would be him?

Well, he knew it was impossible.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Some people, upon seeing their appearance, just know they are not meant to be.

It was actually a very absurd crush, or rather, it was just a case of infatuation at first sight. 8UZ1Ff

They didn’t even get to the point of starting anything, but he remembered it for a long time.

It wasn’t because he had deep feelings for that person. Perhaps it was because the beta’s temperament was too unique.

People who live on the ground always seem to remember the moon that once passed by.

Perhaps there’s truth to the saying that what you cannot forget will surely resonate. Several years later, Lun Xi met the beta known as “white” on a starship during a business trip. knMU6A

He was sitting next to his partner, occupying adjacent seats.

Lun Xi almost didn’t recognize him.

His impression of Bai Muxing was still stuck on that image. The black-haired beta, with his fair skin, gave off a distant, untouchable vibe.

Now. eNSrCi

His appearance was still the same, and his expression seemed unchanged, still very indifferent.

But he was so intimate with his partner, holding hands as they disembarked from the starship. His tall partner, with a fierce appearance, cold silver hair and eyes, emitted a chilly aura under the artificial light, but he smiled at the black-haired beta with an almost foolish grin. He looked so large yet was like a large pet dog, harmless and docile, with the reins held by his owner.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Cr atfs gbecvfv atf mbgcfg, Oec Wl rjk atf akb bo atfw fzmtjcuf kbgvr.

Ktf yijmx-tjlgfv yfaj revvfcis aliafv tlr tfjv eq jcv ilutais xlrrfv atf rlinfg-tjlgfv wjc’r pjkilcf. dfOL0V

Qtfc tf ibkfgfv tlr tfjv jujlc, atfgf kjr j riluta megnf ja atf mbgcfg bo tlr ilqr.

Pa rffwfv ilxf j rwlif.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the crowd, they were just like any other couple, savoring the small joys of life in their mundane existence.

The sense of distance that once separated the black-haired beta from others was now nowhere to be found. ksRyQb

The snow-white had melted into clear stream water, flowing into the colors of spring.


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Lun Xi had originally wanted to go over and greet them, but halfway there, he stopped, turned around, and silently watched them leave.

There was some melancholdxy, but more than that, there was a sense of resignation. F4BWfP

He thought to himself, he had already seen the moon’s ending.

Passing by a glass curtain wall.

Seeing his own reflection, he suddenly realized that he had unknowingly begun to smile.


Returning to that question.

What is it like to have a non-human species as a partner?

With the opening up of racial integration, the answers to this question on the forum are varied.

Some complained that their partner was a certain aquatic species, forcing them to build a large water tank at home. The excessive moisture caused a sharp increase in furniture damage rates. The couple quarreled all day long, leading to several explosive family conflicts and eventually divorce. dDXtPf

Some claimed to be insect researchers themselves. By chance, they became partners with a hybrid of an insect species. They published a paper titled “Sensitivity Study of 1/4 Hybrid Insect Tentacles,” and their life together was very harmonious.

Many people below asked for more details.

There was also someone who, after marrying a certain oviparous species, unexpectedly expelled a “stone” two months after marriage. They thought they had a terminal illness and even found their will. In a panic, they rushed to the hospital for a check-up, only to find that it was not a stone at all, but an egg incubating new life.


However, among those responses, there was nothing related to Yijia.

Overall, the individual strength of human-married races does not exceed human imagination too much, which is determined by the nature of biological tendencies to seek advantage and avoid harm. If asked to answer this question, Bai Muxing probably wouldn’t have much to say.

Yin Yeyou’s racial ability includes mimicry, and most of the time he takes on a human form, with no noticeable differences from ordinary humans except occasionally eating disorderly and having great strength.

However… wYmr9p

One day, Bai Muxing did ask a question: “If you don’t use your original form, do you feel uncomfortable, like something is blocking you?”

When he asked this question, his eyes were clear, his expression serious, no different from when discussing the weather and field affairs.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Huh?” Yin Yeyou was silly for a moment before realizing what he meant.

His mind went blank for a moment, his heart pounding irregularly. “Um, maybe? Yeah, a little uncomfortable…” dYe4XJ

Bai Muxing waited for him to finish his nonsense and said, “Oh, I was just asking. If you’re uncomfortable, there’s nothing I can do.”

“It’s too big,” he said confidently. “Not allowed.”

“… ” Yin Yeyou could only look at him pitifully.

However, on that day, Bai Muxing noticed Yin Yeyou secretly making small movements. f3JboO

His voice still had a hint of hoarseness as he asked in confusion, “Why… are you fidgeting?”

Yin Yeyou was kissing his face with a chirping sound, “Huh? Is it?”

Trying to play dumb.

But Bai Muxing wouldn’t be fooled by him: “Yes, human parts can’t transform.” JIEyQX

Yin Yeyou glanced around with a confused look, “I’m not human.”

Bai Muxing: “?”

He was suddenly stunned, his logic overturned, and he didn’t know how to argue.

Taking advantage of the situation, Yin Yeyou kissed him again. eYcxR5

This is probably Bai Muxing’s only insightful answer to the question, “What is it like to have a non-human species as a partner?”

However, it’s not quite suitable for posting on online forums.

About lifespan. LXSAdj

At first, Bai Muxing didn’t pay attention, but when he realized that he still looked young and energetic while his peers began to show signs of aging at over a hundred years old, he sensed something was wrong.

Without thinking, he knew where the problem lay.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Bai Muxing went to ask Yin Yeyou, who had to confess that their race had evolved to modify their partner’s physique for mating. Such detailed information naturally wasn’t found in human research data.

But he spoke of it with some frustration: “I’ve lost too much strength and become short-lived. Similarly, I can only make you live a few hundred more years.” f9nypK

This was also why he used to play dumb and avoid discussing this with Bai Muxing.

He felt too useless.

Unlike what he had seen in the inherited memories, those predecessors who found partners had never achieved such poor results.

Perhaps it should be considered that those predecessors did not expend most of their strength sending another soul back to the past. i9H5px

But no matter what, there was a sense of shame in coming in last.

Bai Muxing: “…”

Bai Muxing wanted to say, “This is already quite long for humans,” but then he thought of the data he had seen before, where the lifespan of Yin Yeyou was counted in tens of millions of years, and he understood.

Before Bai Muxing could come up with comforting words, Yin Yeyou perked up again, wagging his tail happily at Bai Muxing, saying, “Although human life is short, every day I spend with you feels so happy. Just one day of happiness is worth more than many years spent before. So sometimes I feel ashamed of how lucky I am to have these days with you.” u8TC5l

Bai Muxing quietly watched him and just said, “I feel lucky too.”

After a pause, he added, “Thank you for your hard work.”

Thank you for trying so hard to bring me back and coming to my side again.

Clearly, it was for me that he depleted his strength, yet he felt guilty for it. tpzAFq

He never asked why Yin Yeyou’s strength was depleted so severely, but with his intellect and the research data from the Empire, he naturally couldn’t fail to guess.

The two of them leaned against each other in the moonlight.

This time it was in the Silver Star Grass Field.

In the midst of summer, even without clothes, they wouldn’t feel cold. T8ZMk

Even the wind was warm and gentle.

In a daze, Bai Muxing heard Yin Yeyou ask, “Muxing, when we enter the cycle of reincarnation one day, can I hide you in my core? Put your spores with mine so we’ll never be apart.”

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After a few minutes, or perhaps just a few seconds.

Bai Muxing heard his own answer. 29I1WL


Hundreds of years later, as the beast returned to the chaos of the galaxy.

His body dissolved, becoming part of the new planet’s core after a complex and lengthy evolution.

The original spore and its companion would forever nestle in the core, and every tiny flower and blade of grass that grew on this planet was proof of their enduring embrace. rwJh O


Let’s rewind time.

In the chaotic currents of the galaxy, the raging magnetic fields never ceased, devouring everything that dared to venture into them.

Because of the magnetic fields contained within, they were almost terrifying existences in the universe. Even some races known for their physical strength dared not approach these currents too closely, fearing being swept away and leaving no trace behind. KBCdgL

But there were exceptions.

For example, races like the Yin Yeyou, with bloodlines imbued with divinity, could still survive in the core, so the chaotic currents of the galaxy could not harm them.

One day, this galaxy’s chaotic currents encountered an unfortunate incident.

Yin Yeyou ventured into them. EBo3c6

Actually, it’s quite strange.

Normally, they only follow the instinctual guidance to enter the chaotic currents of the galaxy when their lives are about to end, using the powerful and violent magnetic fields here to melt their massive and tough bodies after death.

But that day, for some inexplicable reason, Yin Yeyou in his prime ventured into the chaotic currents.

This was completely illogical. fL hl4

Considering it was still in a chaotic and disorderly state at the time, it could only be attributed to fate.

The massive body of the young royal Yin Yeyou shattered countless magnetic fields, stirring up the relatively small chaotic currents.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

This bizarre and chaotic race had no concept of restraint whatsoever.

But before long, its wildly rampaging body suddenly came to a halt. cImzKa

It passed by a pile of debris, where the scattered remnants, once shining, had been completely worn down, leaving only some dull fragments inside. It was the product of human high technology crushed by the universe—a decomposed starship.

After decades of decomposition, only an inconspicuous relic remained.

It neither contained enough power nor was prominent enough; originally, it should not have caught its attention.

But it stopped its rough destructive actions for this almost cautiously, approaching these remnants. 7Pih2G

Among these fragments, it saw a photo—a yellowed, damaged photo.

Of course, at that time, it didn’t know what this thing was called in human society.

The photo was preserved using human technology, and because it was too small, with a probability of one in a billion, it luckily found a balance in the magnetic field, not completely destroyed.

The giant beast gently captured the photo. yIh8P

Then, it sniffed a trace of human soul lingering on it. The owner of the photo had cherished it so much that even after the human body had disappeared, the scent could still be smelled on it.

Thirty years after Bai Muxing’s death, they met.

The gears of fate began to turn. r8SwLW

It was the end of everything, but also the beginning of everything.

Author’s Note:

The story of Muxing and his puppy ends here. I quite like it myself, and I hope everyone enjoyed it too.

The next story is about the succubus; a lazy and pampered incubus lord who falls for a foolish, drooling-over-his-wife every day, blackened demon king. 2MF0lk

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  1. Yay~ I’m so happy for Bai Muxing and Yin Yeyou, it’s great that they could come together and spend eternity with each other.

    Looking forward to the next couple!

    Thank you for the chapter~!

  2. Thank you for the mass release!!

    Question about the author’s note: shouldn’t it be an incubus, since it’s a guy?

    • Maybe his version is where the succubus is the submissive partner while the incubus is the dominant in the sexual relationship. Its another version of the sex demons where the terms lean on the preference or target of the demon rather than their gender/sex.

  3. The flurry of chapter updates made me read this arc in one go and I love it sm 😭♥ so happy for our cool indifferent prince with his large obedient puppy-like alien~~~ 🤭 next story seems intriguing as well!

  4. Thank you for the translation !

    I tear up in the last chapter 🤧

    I think i’ll also wait for the next arc to end and read it in one go

  5. This arc is so fluffy. I love that they were together for eternity. Their story is so touching that i hope this arc is 100chapters long .

  6. Omg that’s so cute! And wow I thought they met seconds before Bai’s death, not 30y later! That’s why he’s so weak! So much time!