Allocation Object [Zergs]Ch34.1 - First Encounter 6

Qi Yu caught the terminal that was thrown to him; this terminal was also a temporary one with nothing personal on it. Qi Yu tapped it lightly, and what appeared was a series of uneven balances.

Qi Yu quickly scanned the total, which amounted to over 8.2 million star coins. IkZ3bn

He first transferred 4.1 million to himself, then threw the terminal to Xuan Xing, who also transferred 4.1 million to his own terminal, before throwing the terminal back to Mo Yan.

After completing these transactions, before Qi Yu or the other zergs could ask any questions, Xue Siu and a few others from behind Mo Yan came carrying bundles of dark objects. Xue Siu, visibly pained, walked up to Mo Yan and whispered, “Captain, everything’s here.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Mo Yan glanced at the dark bundles and his voice remained unchanged, “Take the items over there, that’s the remaining 1.8 million star coins.”

The first sentence was directed at Xue Siu, and the second was for Qi Yu and the other zergs. rlyNpd

This statement piqued Qi Yu’s curiosity; he watched the dark bundles, but even with his keen eyesight, he couldn’t understand what they were, though Xuan Xing seemed surprised upon seeing the items.

“These items are quite rare.”

Qi Yu turned his head towards Xuan Xing, who, seeing his expression, felt somewhat amused and leisurely informed the inexperienced male zerg, “Although these items aren’t priced highly, they are priceless and rare, even I haven’t seen many of them.”

“So what is this?”


When in doubt, just ask.

“Star beast fur.”

“Star beast?” Qi Yu, the rookie, once again found his knowledge lacking. He thought carefully about the recent events but couldn’t recall anything related to that term from his memory.

Seeing that Qi Yu was getting sidetracked, Nanda, knowing what Qi Yu likes, quickly spoke up, “The value of this item in star coins varies with the zerg. Some zerg like it and will pay a high price in star coins to purchase it. Such a large piece of star beast fur is worth about two million star coins to those who like it, while those who don’t wouldn’t spend a cent on it.” KxM Ak

Seeing that Qi Yu was somewhat confused, he continued to explain, “A star beast is a type of creature that lives in the stars, much like we live on the land of the Empire, they live in the cosmos. Apart from a few that can stay in the cosmos indefinitely, most need to live on land. Their most notable characteristic is their thick skin, they lack reasoning and only know slaughter, and sometimes they can be a disaster when encountering starships.”

The cosmos?

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Hearing this word, Qi Yu’s expression slightly tightened. Using his mental power, he carefully scanned the fur. After finding what he was looking for, he then withdrew his mental power.

Pcvffv, la kjr rbwfatlcu ogbw atf mbrwbr, mjggslcu ragjcvr bo reyaif rqjalji qbkfg, jr lo la tjv yffc jmmlvfcajiis ygertfv jujlcra. Zbgfbnfg, jr tlr wfcaji qbkfg rkfqa bnfg la, atf bcis rfcrjalbc kjr atlmxcfrr, atf atlmxcfrr bo atf rxlc. 0PfedA

Kgeis j mgfjaegf mjqjyif bo ilnlcu lc atf mbrwbr.

Lbkfnfg, atlr atlcu kjr bo cb erf ab tlw; tf qbrrfrrfv rqjalji jylilalfr, jcv atf riluta rqjalji qbkfg la tfiv tjv cb gfrfjgmt njief obg tlw, qier lar vjgx mbibg kjr cba nlrejiis jqqfjilcu.

Qi Yu couldn’t help but look at Xuan Xing, “Do you need it?”

If Xuan Xing needed it, then it would be a win-win; he wouldn’t have to waste time trying to sell it. If not, then they would just sell it and split the star coins. 4WCxzT

This item was worth around two million star coins; not much of a loss either way.

“Since you don’t want it, I’ll take it.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xuan Xing gestured to his subordinates next to him, who quickly walked over to take the fur. Afterward, Xuan Xing transferred nine hundred thousand star coins to Qi Yu.

After completing these actions, he looked at Mo Yan and his group, “Captain Yan Mo, with this, we’re even. I, Xuan Xing, am not an unreasonable zerg, let’s consider this matter settled.” jyM3zB

“Tiger, release the zerg.”

“Wait.” Hearing Xuan Xing’s words, Qi Yu quickly interjected. He did not move but gestured towards Nanda, “Bring out the zerg that just spoke.”

Nanda swiftly moved, taking three steps in two, walked into the group of bound zergs, lifted one up by the collar, and brought him before Qi Yu.

Looking at the unimpressive zerg in front of him, Qi Yu’s hoarse voice carried a somewhat amiable tone, “Today I’m in a good mood. Hand over my things, or… you know what will happen.” yIajtM

This zerg had stolen his black obsidian, two pieces worth nearly five to six hundred thousand. This zerg was specifically noted by him when captured, for touching his belongings.

Although he hadn’t dug them up himself, and anyone could have done so, he had marked them. Knowing these were marked and still digging them up was unethical on the other’s part. Qi Yu felt no guilt in reclaiming his property.

Having secured a total of five million star coins and retrieved his two pieces of black obsidian, Qi Yu left the Xuelan Adventure Group in high spirits with his own zergs.

While his mood was good, the atmosphere on the other side was very tense. BcGVUF

The female zerg who had just been untied were cautiously untying the ropes around themselves, not daring to breathe loudly. At this moment, Xuan Xing and the male zerg had left, leaving only the Xuelan Adventure Group.

Mo Yan watched the zergs of the Xuelan Adventure Group, his dark eyes unblinking, deep in thought, while Xue Siu, unusually, did not say anything.

The Xuelan Adventure Group was small, totaling just one hundred and fifty-two zergs. Now, all the zergs were gathered together, and Xue Siu’s gaze swept over the crowd, especially lingering on Big Liu with deep disapproval in his eyes.

“You all…” om0Ke6

He hesitated for a moment, then asked, “Were you targeting the male zerg’s possessions from the start?”

Xue Siu was no fool; seeing the male zerg’s final actions, he easily guessed the thoughts of Big Liu and the others. Thinking about his conjecture, his eyes darkened, and at this moment, looking at his adventure group with whom he had been through thick and thin, he felt a sense of unfamiliarity.

How could these zergs have changed like this?

No, it wasn’t that these zergs had changed, Xue Siu furrowed his brows; it was that ever since Lan Qing left the adventure group, various problems that had always existed within the Xuelan Adventure Group suddenly erupted. 2lNJqr

Mo Yan did not wear his emotions on his sleeve like Xue Siu, and at this moment, he was not angry. In his deliberately disguised voice, he said, “The Xuelan Adventure Group was originally founded on interest. There aren’t many rules within the group, but likewise, as I said back then, anyone can leave whenever they want.”

As he spoke these words, among the more than ninety zergs, the faces of many showed hesitation, even those behind Mo Yan appeared uncertain.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Big Liu, who was also a driving force behind all this, stepped forward, his resolute face filled with apology. He first looked towards Xue Siu and slowly bowed, “Captain Xue, I’m sorry, I have let down your trust.”

He sighed, his expression growing heavier, “It’s not just me, other brothers have also let you down.” Ydas58

Xue Siu seemed to realize something and suddenly looked at the ninety or so zergs, only to see forty or so of them step forward, their faces showing apology as they also bowed their heads together.

Big Liu lifted his head, straightened his bent body, and looked towards Mo Yan, speaking slowly: “Captain, since Vice-Captain Lan Qing left a year ago, we have basically had no source of income. In the past, this wouldn’t have been an issue, but now… although we are an adventure group, we still have male zergs to support at home. The star coins we earn are barely enough for our own use, not to mention other things, and my lord has been dissatisfied for a long time.”

“You are rarely at the adventure group, and Vice-Captain Xue is not fit for management. We can only find our own ways to earn star coins. Some time ago, the vice-captain mentioned there was a male zerg here, and my brothers and I visited twice. We saw the male zerg mining black obsidian and were momentarily greedy. Deluded, we told the Xuan Xing star thief group, planning to claim these black obsidians as our own.”

Xue Siu’s face turned angry, he incredulously looked at Big Liu, “Do you know what would happen if the male zerg fell into the hands of the star thieves?” haimcX

Although he does not like male zergs, hearing this also inevitably angered him.

The adventure group is not a star thief without moral boundaries. Their actions naturally must follow some code of conduct. They from Xuelan have never had such outrageous incidents before, this was the first time, and it involved a male zerg.

“I know.” Big Liu’s expression was pained; he clutched his head with both hands, somewhat breaking down, “I know what the consequences for the male zerg would be, I have been with Xuelan for over fifty years, how could I not know where the line is?”

“But I was about to be thrown out by my lord, what else could I do?” H0NURs

He cried out hoarsely: “Vice-Captain, do you know, my lord said that if I don’t bring back star coins, he will not want me anymore. I like adventures, I like the adventure group, but I need to live too! Before, without a lord, other things weren’t a problem, but, Vice-Captain, don’t forget how many of our zergs died in mental riots during our adventures.”

“The adventure group has been good to me, my lordship was even facilitated by Vice-Captain Xuelan, I certainly know I shouldn’t betray the adventure group, but what do you expect me to do under these circumstances?”

Listening to this hoarse accusation, there was silence within the Xuelan Adventure Group, no one spoke, and even Mo Yan was just quietly listening.

After his breakdown, Big Liu gradually calmed down, his hands moving from clutching his hair to covering his face, his voice carrying a hint of resolve, “I did this alone, it has nothing to do with the other brothers, they didn’t know. When the Vice-Captain assigned me this task, I didn’t tell them.” U15g9Y

Seeing the tense atmosphere, a zerg who had cooperated with Big Liu couldn’t help but speak up, “Captain, Vice-Captain, Big Liu didn’t intend for the male zerg to be taken away. He arranged for us zergs in the passage. Xuan Xing only had about ten zerg, we could have taken the male zerg back, we just wanted some black obsidian.”

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  1. Thanks for the update! I’m so glad to know the ones in charge didn’t know what was happening. I’m annoyed they don’t pay enough attention to their adventure group to notice they were sliding into madness and desperation.