Sweet AlphaCh61 - The Empress


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Translator's Note

A term used by Mao (originally in 1949) to refer to corrupting bourgeois influences. Also go by, cannonballs wrapped in icing. The metaphor is an offensive method that is cleverly disguised to make people happy to accept.

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  1. Hmm…when he’s done peeling her, will we see whose heart is blackest? As much as the BL genre loves a man who appears cruel but is soft inside, it is still very satisfying when bad people get what they deserve at the hands of their target.

  2. This world is so messed up and the royal family is horrible ><

    Thank You for the new chapter -ω(´•ω•`)♡

  3. i did not expect him to be pure and im really really enjoying the fact that he’s truly IS NOT merciful to those who hurt his mother and his people!! that is really satisfying to read

    thank you so much for the chapter!!!