An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh61 - Real Culprit

The entire process of development.

Ji Yue was slightly surprised, “You knew?” Zxl7pf

As soon as Wei Lian saw Ji Yue’s reaction, he knew that the young man also knew who the real murderer was.

The shadow guards around the King of Qin were not just for show, and Ji Yue himself was no fool. There was no way that he could not investigate Princess Chonghua’s real murder.

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When the female medical officer handed the burned letter to Wei Lian, he considered the interests for all the parties involved in the incident.

Princess Chonghua was poisoned, and the person who reacted the most was Prince Huyankemu of the Chen Kingdom. Huyankemu has always been hostile to Wei Lian, and he also has admiration for Princess Chonghua. Anyone with a discerning eye can see it. When Princess Chonghua died, Huyan Kemu would definitely complain about it and question Wei Lian. Wei Lian was from Chu, so even the state of Chu would not be able to get away with it. Tb1kvL

Princess Chonghua was poisoned, and the one with the biggest reaction was Prince Huyan Kemu of Chen. He had been hostile to Wei Lian and had nothing but admiration for Princess Chonghua, something that anyone could see. When the Princess died, that admiration was the reason Huyan Kemu had fought for her justice, questioning Wei Lian, who was from the country of Chu, so that made the country of Chu be held responsible.

Later, it was revealed that the poison poisoned by Princess Chonghua was Chi Yan, which directly dragged Liang Guo into the water. Liang Guo and Chen Guo were feuding. Huyankemu quickly changed his target and pointed the finger at Liang Guo, making the situation even more chaotic.

Later, it was revealed that the poison used on Princess Chonghua was Chi Yan, which directly dragged the country of Liang into the mess. The country of Liang and the country of Chen were feuds. Huyan Kemu quickly shifted his target and aimed his fault-findings towards the country of Liang, causing the situation to become more chaotic.

The real murderer figured out Huyankemu’s psychology and made him jump so much. Later, the kumis incident was brought out and Huyankemu was identified as the murderer. It can be said that after many twists and turns, Huyankemu was confirmed.


The real murderer had Huyan Kemu’s mentality down to the smallest detail, making him stomp in anger very impressively. Later, when the horse milk wine incident came out, it redirected the murderer’s name to Huyan Kemu. It could be said that after many twists and turns, this was the final verdict.

Moreover, because the two countries of Liang and Chu were already suspicious, they would certainly not raise any objection to whether the real murderer was Huyan Kemu. It was important for Mingzhe to protect himself and avoid his own suspicions. Whether Chen Guo was wronged or not had nothing to do with them.

Because the country of Liang and the country of Chu were suspected before, they would not raise an objection to whether the real murderer was Huyan Kemu. It was important to protect themselves by getting rid of their suspicion. Whether the country of Chen was innocent or not, it had nothing to do with them.

The country of Chen would be the only one who would suffer an unjust loss. 0us5d6

But the real murderer also knew that such a layout could shut up Liang and Chu, but it could not convince King Qin. He was afraid that the King of Qin would continue to track down the real culprit secretly, so he kept a backup plan.

But the real murderer also knew that such a ploy could shut the countries of Liang and Chu up but might not convince the King of Qin. He was afraid that the King of Qin would secretly continue to track down the real killer, so he had a backup plan.

—Letter from Yollıg Dan.

If a complete letter is found in Ningyue Tower, it will obviously be framed. Someone who can lay out such a series of schemes cannot be so careless. But it happened to be a burned letter with only a few words remaining, which made people think that this was the real murderer. NZRt2u

If the complete letter was found in the Moon Gazing Tower, it would have been obvious that it was planted. Those who could lay out a series of traps would not be so careless, so it was only what was left of a letter with a few legible words, which could make anyone fill in the blank and determine who was the real murderer.

Princess Chonghua lost her innocence, and Yeludan’s whereabouts happened to be a mystery on the same day. He returned to Yulong Pavilion to bathe and change clothes at noon. It was almost confirmed that he was the perpetrator.

On the same day Princess Chonghua had lost her innocence, Yollıg Dan happened to disappear. At noon, he returned back to the Jade Dragon Pavilion to bathe and change clothes, easily pinpointing him as the real killer.

Yollıg Dan once fought with Huyan Kemu for Myrna’s attention in the Qin palace, which was enough to show that beauty could cloud his judgment. It was absolutely possible for Yollıg Dan to tarnish Princess Chonghua. N4GjdT

As a result, among the seven kingdoms, Chu, Lu, Liang, and Chen were all involved in the whirlpool. The loss of a princess by the Yan Kingdom was even more tragic. As the host, the Qin Kingdom must also give an explanation for this. If it is not handled carefully, it will Offend everyone.

Then, out of every country, Chu, Lu, Liang, and Chen were all dragged into this large whirlpool. The loss of this Princess was even more tragic for the country of Yan, and as the host, the country of Qin must also give a statement about this. One careless handling could offend everyone.

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As soon as the plan was set, everyone was dragged into the game.

There was only one who stayed out of the matter from beginning to end, innocently watching the fires burning across the river. d5 Ybd

The fisherman who watched the sandpiper and clam fight together and reaped the benefits.

The low-key and rarely seen Crown Prince of Xia, Wen Heng.

Of course, this should be based on evidence. Although the most flawless was often the most suspicious, one could not poison the well for no reason.

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Wei Lian suspected that Wen Heng was not groundless. zIeSdd

In any case, Chi Yan in Kumis can be proven to be a slander after the fact. Yangyang had no problem secretly drinking the kumiss, which shows that Chi Yan drank the kumiss after something happened to Princess Chonghua in order to frame Chen Guo.

In any case, Chi Yan in horse milk wine could be proved to be slander afterwards. Yang Yang was fine after taking a sip out of the wine, which meant that Chi Yan was added in the horse milk after Princess Chonghua’s death in order to frame the country of Chen.

Geglcu jii atf mbwwbalbc, jiwbra fnfgsbcf ujatfgfv lc atf Zbbc Xjhlcu Kbkfg, fzmfqa obg bcfr atja vlv cba kjca ab ufa lcnbinfv jcv mtbrf ab ifjnf.

Pa kjr cbcf batfg atjc Qfc Lfcu, atf Jgbkc Uglcmf bo Wlj. LHQJgE

Qtlif fnfgsbcf kjr lc atf Zbbc Xjhlcu Kbkfg, Qfc Lfcu kjr atf bcis bcf ktb tjv atf alwf ab ub ab atf lwqfglji xlamtfc jcv qblrbc atf tbgrf wlix klcf.

There is also a possibility that he is the prince, and he may not necessarily do the poisoning himself. But if you think about it from another person’s perspective, this matter is extremely dangerous. Once discovered, Xia State will never be able to withstand Qin State’s wrath. If it were Wei Lian, he would not trust others to handle it.

There was also the possibility that the dignified Crown Prince didn’t have to carry out the task himself, but after some thought, Wen Heng knew how dangerous this task was. Because once it was found that the country of Xia was the culprit, they would be absolutely helpless against the country of Qin’s wrath. If Wei Lian was in his shoes, he would not trust others to accomplish this.

What’s even more interesting is that Prince Heng is said to have no knowledge of martial arts, but he is very knowledgeable in poetry, calligraphy and painting. Wei Lian just met him face to face, but he noticed that there was a thin callus of martial arts in the tiger’s mouth of Wen Heng’s palm, his steps were as frivolous as possible, and his breath could not be concealed. Adqbu4

More interestingly, it was said that Crown Prince Heng did not know martial arts; instead, he has deep attainments in poetry, calligraphy and painting. During their earlier meeting, Wei Lian noticed that there were thin calluses in the hollow of Wen Heng’s palm, one that could only be obtained from practicing martial arts. Wen Heng’s steps were also light, and he breathed with a steady manner that was hard to break from.

Both of them were experts in pretending to be weak, there was no way Wei Lian would mistake the same peer.

The other party did not act badly, it was just that Wei Lian’s martial arts were better, so he could detect the clues.

However, this was only the final accidental evidence. Wei Lian found many suspicious points before that. J7YRAj

After the letter incident, Yollıg Dan became the most suspect.

Since he bathed and changed clothes, Wei Lian had sent someone to ask around the laundry office and learned that the Jade Dragon Pavilion did not send anything there.

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Where were the dirty clothes? Why wasn’t it sent to the laundry office? Something too shameful to be seen?

Wei Lian followed the clues and continued to investigate secretly along with the palace servants serving in Yulong Pavilion. Yeludan could guarantee that he would not reveal any flaws, but he could not guarantee that the palace people around him would not reveal any flaws. He was in the Qin State, and he did not dare to kill anyone at will. l 1hXn

Wei Lian traced the clue and privately investigated the palace workers serving the Jade Dragon Pavilion. Yollıg Dan might be able to ensure that nothing could be traced back to him, but he could not guarantee the palace workers around him would do the same. In the country of Qin, he could not afford to silence anyone at will.

Soon, Wei Lian learned from a frightened little palace maid that Yelu Dan was disheveled when he came back from abroad that day, looking frightened. He threw the clothes to her and ordered her to burn them, and warned not to tell anyone.

Soon, Wei Lian learned from a trembling palace maid that when Yollıg Dan came back, he was disheveled with a shocked expression. He threw his clothes at her, ordered her to burn them and threatened her not to speak of this to anyone.

Seeing the mottled marks on her clothes, the little palace maid thought that Yelu Dan had befriended one of the palace maids. She never expected that she would be related to Princess Chonghua. But she did not burn the clothes. Instead, she saw that the clothes were valuable and became selfish. She wanted to wash them and sell them in exchange for some money. lq gN6

Spotting signs on the clothes, the young palace maid wondered which palace maid Yollıg Dan had slept with; she would never have thought it had something to do with Princess Chonghua. As it happened, she did not burn the clothes. Seeing that the clothes were precious, she selfishly planned to wash the clothes and sell them for some money.

Before she could do anything, Wei Lian showed up, and she was immediately told the truth out of fear.

Wei Lian ordered her to present the clothes and found traces of yearning incense on the clothes.

The yearning incense is a powerful aphrodisiac. fwZoRm

According to the palace maid, Yollıg Dan came back looking terrified. If he really was intimate with an ordinary palace maid, Wei Lian reckoned the other’s face would have been even more terrified.

Obviously, he did defile Princess Chonghua, but not of his own free will. A prince would not be so desire-driven to this degree, it was like throwing his life away.

Based on the yearning incense on the clothes, it could be concluded that Yollıg Dan also fell for another’s scheme.

After eliminating Yollıg Dan’s suspicion, the next person in line was the Crown Prince of Xia, who was not involved in this at all. 2xEGhf

That night Wei Lian explored the Moon Gazing Tower, he found something strange in Li Chonghua’s eyes, which gave rise to a guess.

There were no suspicious green marks on her other than the intimate marks, which made people think that she had consumed the poison.

But what Wei Lian learned was that Chi Yan could enter through the eye as well.

Myrna only checked Li Chonghua’s wrist that day but did not lift up her eyelids. Physician Xu had checked the Princess’s eyes, but he was not knowledgeable about Chi Yan. tdLx3g

If Li Chonghua was poisoned from her eyes, it was meaningless to investigate the whereabouts of everyone on that day. This had taken place two days ago, so the investigation period needed to be stretched out.

Wei Lian did just that, finding out all the suspects’ whereabouts two days prior and learned that Wen Heng had gone out that day.

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Things started to connect.

_ QstORW

Two days before Li Chonghua’s death, she slandered Wei Lian at the edge of the Seeping Lake, accusing him of pushing her into the water. Wei Lian retaliated on the spot, leaving her crying miserably by the lake.

No one knew who Li Chonghua met after Wei Lian and others had left.

Wei Lian deduced that it was most likely that Wen Heng went out that day and came across Princess Chonghua crying by the lake. On an impulse, he handed the poisoned handkerchief to Princess Chonghua to wipe her tears.

According to Wei Lian’s deduction, it was very likely Wen Heng, who met Princess Chonghua crying by the lake that day on his outing. At that moment, he devised a plan and passed the poisoned handkerchief to the Princess for her to wipe her tears. dVge4

That was how Princess Chonghua got poison in her eyes.

Otherwise, there was no way to explain how that kind of poison got there.

It is said that Wen Heng’s impromptu idea was because traces of Wen Heng’s departure that day could be found, indicating that he did not expect to meet Princess Chonghua after leaving the house, so he did not cover up his whereabouts that day. Two days later, Changsheng reported that Wen Heng had not left the house for the whole day. In fact, Wen Heng had definitely gone out. This shows that Wen Heng had deliberately concealed his whereabouts at that time and had done a good job in proving his alibi.

The reason why Wei Lian presumed the plan was formed on the spot was because he was able to inquire about Wen Heng’s whereabouts on that day, which showed that the Crown Prince did not expect to run into Princess Chonghua, so he did not cover up his bearings. Chang Sheng reported that the following two days, Wen Heng creased to step foot out of his stay. In reality, Wen Heng definitely went out. It could be seen that Wen Heng had deliberately hidden his whereabouts and made it a good alibi for his missing presence at the scene. b4IU6W

As for having poison on him, no thorough investigation was needed. People of the royal family would always have the means to protect their lives.

After giving the poison to Princess Chonghua, Wen Heng set up a series of big plans. He gave Yeludan the bone-etching incense on his clothes and designed him to defile Princess Chonghua. After Yelu Dan regained consciousness, he would definitely not dare to speak out. He would undoubtedly seek death by tarnishing the people dedicated to the King of Qin. So Yelu Dan hurriedly fled back to Yulong Pavilion to change clothes and take a bath, and ordered the clothes to be destroyed and the corpse to be wiped out. In this way, Wen Hengxia’s soul-eroding fragrance could be hidden from the public.

After poisoning Princess Chonghua, Wen Heng set up a series of plans. He left the yearning incense on Yollıg Dan’s clothes and designed it to tarnish the Princess. When Yollıg Dan was clear-headed, he certainly did not dare to make public statements. There was no doubt that those who defiled the King of Qin’s people would be at death’s door. Therefore, he hurried back to the Jade Dragon Pavilion, bathed, changed clothes and ordered the clothes to be destroyed. This would have covered up the fact that the clothes were tainted with yearning incense.

Princess Chonghua fell into a coma after being humiliated. Wen Heng took advantage of this to lurk in Ningyue Tower and placed the so-called fragments of the envelope that had been prepared in the incense burner, further expanding Yeludan’s suspicion. ZSuhCT

Princess Chonghua lost consciousness after being humiliated. Taking advantage of this, Wen Heng creeped into the Moon Gazing Tower and put the so-called pieces of letter in the incense burner, further increasing Yollıg Dan’s suspicion.

In terms of geographical location, Shenshuiwu where Xia Guo lived was right behind Ningyue Tower, and Wen Heng hid the fact that he knew martial arts. It was very easy to come and go between the two places without anyone noticing.

In terms of location, the Submerged Fortress that Xia envoys were staying at was just behind the Moon Gazing Tower. With the fact that Wen Heng had hid his martial arts skill, it would have been easy to travel between the two places in secret.

When Princess Chonghua woke up later, she didn’t mention how panicked she was. She must have dared not tell anyone about it immediately. The value of her coming was to get married. If her innocence was lost, she would be the first to die. MvpBXF

Later, when Princess Chonghua woke up, she panicked out of fear and kept the secret. She was afraid to reveal her loss of virginity. The value of her coming was for marriage. If she was not pure, she would be the first to die.

So, she put on her clothes and drank her medicine like nothing was wrong. Unbeknownst to her, the poison came into effect after she finished the medicine.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

When things came to the light, everyone gathered in the Moon Gazing Tower and pointed fingers at each other, while the real culprit was at the imperial kitchen poisoning the horse milk wine.

When Yeludan and Huyankemu fought over Myrna, the Xia envoys had already arrived in Qin. Wen Heng watched with cold eyes and learned of the two’s lustful nature, so he made a series of plans. VnATQS

At the beginning, when Yollıg Dan and Huyan Kemu fought for Myrna, the Xia envoys had already arrived in the country of Qin. Wen Heng was watching silently, learning about their lustful nature that he used in his later plan.

To pull Chen, Liang, Lu, and Chu into chaos and to be able to calculate everyone’s actions, making it hard for anyone to talk and playing everyone within the palm of his hand.

Wen Heng did it step by step. It could be said this was a very exquisite game of chess.

He calculated everything, plotted against all the major characters’ thoughts and actions, but missed one variance. The nobodies. RPAwJd

If Yang Yang had not taken a sip of the horse milk wine, Wei Lian would not completely rule the country of Chen out.

If the palace maid did not burn the clothes out of her own gain, Wei Lian would not have found the yearning incense on the clothes, learning that Yollıg Dan was framed.

It would also not resurface…the country of Xia that had been hiding in the deepest part of the water.

Even the most careful could still make mistakes, in the end, one careless move turned the tables on this game. FEvaDr


Wei Lian summarized the entire process of development to Ji Yue, while withholding some things that he could not say.

After hearing this, Ji Yue kissed him on the forehead. “Very smart.”

“Less useless talking.” Wei Lian glanced at him. “Are you really going to do nothing?” P5lsgj

Ji Yue was not a person to be plotted against.

“I know it’s him, and I also know that he wants to disturb the peace of the six countries so that the Xia Kingdom can survive.” Ji Yue chuckled, “Except for one capital city, the rest of the Xia Kingdom belongs to our country, the Qin Dynasty. It has been in the state of subjugation for a long time. Marginal. Wen Heng is a good person, but it’s a pity that no matter how hard he tries to turn the tide, he can’t save Xia Guo’s decline.”

“We knew it was him, and we also knew that he wanted to disturb the peace in the six countries, so that the country of Xia could survive.” Ji Yue chuckled. “Except for one capital, the rest Xia belongs to the country of Qin. It had long been on the verge of subjugation. Wen Heng might be an impressive man. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he had turned the tide, he could not save his dying country.”

“Chen Guo has been secretly making frequent moves in recent years. It has long been restless, and Gu has long wanted to control it. This time he sent troops to Chen Guo alone, not because Wen Heng’s plan succeeded, but because Gu Ben wanted to deal with Chen. He gave me a name for nothing. It’s too late for Gu to thank me.” Ji Yue paused, “In comparison, Xia Guo really doesn’t even have the value to send troops to Gu.” hJjoiI

“In recent years, the country of Chen has been making frequent and secret movements. They had long been restless. We want to manage it. This time, we sent troops to the country of Chen not all because of Wen Heng’s scheme, but because we had to deal with the Chen. He gave me a reason on a silver platter, and we did not even have the time to thank him.” Ji Yue paused. “In contrast, the county of Xia did not even have the value for us to send troops their way.”

The Xia State is too weak, and there is a Chu State between it and Qin. If Xia is defeated, the Chu State in the middle will not sit still and wait for death.

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The country of Xia was too weak, and the country of Qin would have to cross the country of Chu to get to them. If the country of Qin was to launch an attack on the country of Xia, the country of Chu would not just sit and do nothing.

This was also the reason why Ji Yue had left Xia capital untouched. ORKAUv

If he wanted to destroy the country of Xia, he would need to take care of the country of Chu first.

Otherwise, it would be inconvenient to have the country of Chu between the large territories.

This is also the reason why Wen Heng mainly targeted Chen Yulu this time. Chu and Xia are closely related. If they both prosper and suffer, both will suffer. Xia will not really conquer Chu.

This was also the reason why Wen Heng mainly targeted the countries of Chen and Lu this time. The countries of Chu and Xia were too close. If one was to suffer, the other would soon follow. The country of Xia would not put the country of Chu in danger. lOAJtY

Wei Lian naturally was aware of the stakes.

If Ji Yue really wanted to attack Xia, Chu would be in danger. At present, it is not necessary to invade Chu State. On the contrary, Chen Guocai, who often makes small moves, is imminent. If you make a mistake, you will make a mistake. Why not? Just understand it in your heart.

If Ji Yue really wanted to act upon the country of Xia, the country of Chu would also be in danger. At present, there was no need to touch the country of Chu. On the contrary, it was the country of Chen that was making small movements, making them higher on the priority list. Why not make the best out of a mistake? Just keep the truth of the matter inside.

“Wei Lian.” Ji Yue said, “To be a ruler, one must not deal with the ones who are in the wrong, but only those who can cause a threat.” By1HCw

Translator's Note

More accurately, to be cheated or suffer in silence, as in you can’t voice it. Another way to say it is ‘to swallow a bitter pill in silence’.

Translator's Note

To delay entering the fray until all others have been exhausted by fighting amongst themselves.

Translator's Note

Direct translation is, to put a big hat on someone. It means to tag someone with an (unfair) label.

Translator's Note

The more accurate translate would be invading deep into the bone.

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