An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh57 - Being Injured

Very unbearable. 

The blade against his skin was so cold that it reached his bones. orkYT2

It felt as if his blood had stopped circulating.

Wei Lian lowered his eyes, suddenly turned and kicked Ji Yue’s wrist. Ji Yue reacted quickly as he twisted his wrist, but Wei Lian gave himself enough time to free himself and meet Ji Yue’s sword with his own.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The two exchanged attacks completely in midair.

Flashes from the blades followed by spark when they collided. After more than a hundred exchanges in an instant, one could not escape, and one would not retreat. Ji Yue looked more and more stern. 0ZmdQA

He had met countless assassins, but this was the first time he had met such a strong opponent.

During his earlier chase, he could tell the other person’s light movement skill was excellent. Now it appeared that the same could be said for his opponent’s martial arts, able to stand on equal ground with his own.

He was not exaggerating when he said that he could count the number of people on equal ground with him with one hand.

Then who came here for his life? So willing to sacrifice their own?


Could it be…Tu Mi?

The Seven Kingdoms has both a bounty ranking and an assassin ranking. The bounty ranking list is also known as the assassination list, the top ten most hated figures of the year in the Seven Kingdoms, the death notice…

If the seven lands have a wanted list by reward amount, there would naturally be an assassin list by rank. The wanted list, known as the assassination list, contained the top ten most hated people of the year, death notice essentially…

Ji Yue is always at the top of the list. His head is worth ten thousand gold. Everyone wanted his life, and his popularity remained at the top, but no one could kill him, this was why his name could never be erased from the list. tVag T

The other nine would change from time to time. The unfortunate ones on the list would be targeted by all ten assassins on the assassin list.

This assassin list contained the ten most powerful killers in the world. It would take quite a hefty reward for them to act.

They are all highly skilled in martial arts and possess unique skills. They do not recognize their identity, only recognize their bounty. Among them, the second-ranked Rakshasa has the highest attendance rate. He rushes around the seven countries every day to kill this and that. The success rate is as high as 99%. He is very dedicated.

They all have excellent martial arts with their own unique skills. What they saw was not the identity of their target, but how heavy the reward was. Luo Cha, who ranked second, had the highest attendance rate. He ran around seven lands daily to kill one target after another with a success rate as high as ninety-nine percent. A very professional assassin. p7Er6M

Why not one hundred percent?

Because that one percent lay in Ji Yue’s hands.

Due to Ji Yue’s unpredictability, killing him has become the highest honour in the world of assassins and their ultimate goal. A constant stream of assassins go to the palace of the King of Qin to try to kill him to prove their righteousness, and some of them have to kill the King of Qin as their final mission before they can quit their jobs.

Due to the difficulty, anyone who is able to kill Ji Yue will receive the supreme honor in the assassin world, thus, killing Ji Yue became their ultimate goal. A steady stream of assassins rushed to the Qin palace to prove their worth. Some would end their final days as assassins by attempting to kill the King of Qin, this was how they viewed it as perfecting their line of work. 9Ly81E

What a sad and helpless life Ji Yue has, which made him very angry.

So, he could only make those assassins have a sadder and more helpless life.

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All those assassins never came back. They either died under Ji Yue’s sword or were buried in Ameng’s belly. More people whose business abilities were not up to par were shot to death by random arrows from the imperial army before they even got close to Ji Yue.

All the assassins who came never returned. They either die under Ji Yue’s blade or rest eternally in A’Meng’s stomach. The less experienced assassins were shot dead by the imperial guards before they could get close to Ji Yue. AZ493r

Rakshasa was the only one who could escape from Ji Yue’s hands alive, but at the cost of being seriously injured and narrowly escaped death. After returning, he stayed in seclusion for more than half a year and never took on another task.

Luo Cha was the only one who had escaped from Ji Yue alive. The price that he paid was sustaining heavy injury. After his narrow escape, he disappeared from the map to heal for more than half a year and did not accept any more missions.

Ji Yue had indirectly saved countless people’s lives, which was a great achievement.

It could be seen that Luo Cha was at least very powerful to be able to come out alive. Jum05p

But the most powerful one on the list was not Luo Cha, but Tu Mi.

The only thing that could compete with Luo Cha’s countless kills would be Tu Mi’s laziness. Since Tu Mi’s debut, he had killed only seven people, each of whom was a powerful, famous and authoritative figure.

Tu Mi’s first target was the Wulin Alliance Leader of that time, which shocked the whole Jianghu.

The second bounty was the country of Yan’s court lapdog, which caused an uproar throughout the country. dyvRzV

The third victim was the former ruler of the country of Lu, who was very well-known throughout the world.

The top ten killers all have code names. No one knows their last names, ages, appearance, and place of origin. Tu Mi is even more mysterious among the mysteries. It’s just that whenever he kills someone, he will leave a tea flower next to the corpse, hence the code name.

All the top ten assassins used codenames. No one knew the assassins’ surnames, age, appearance, their current location, and their birthplace. Tu Mi was even more mysterious among mysteries. Only known thing was every time he killed a person, he would leave behind a roseleaf raspberry, thus giving him this codename of Tu Mi.

This flower implied the beauty at the end of the road. This assassin really viewed death as a beautiful end and sent people to die peacefully. hO4eCl

But this famous assassin never accepted the task of assassinating the King of Qin.

There are rumors from the outside world that those who understand current affairs are heroes. He did not come to assassinate Qin because he wanted to maintain his 100% success rate and not damage his own brand. Others said that he was afraid of King Qin and did not dare to provoke him.

It was rumored that the genius killer could see the big picture and did not want to assassinate the King of Qin in order to keep his one hundred percent success rate, and his reputation. Others said it was out of fear of the King of Qin, Tu Mi did not dare to provoke him.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ke Zl ifa batfg qfbqif nblmf atflg vloofgfca bqlclbcr, jr tf gfwjlcfv ecwbnfv fnfc ecvfg mglalmlrw. Me0g6c

Yatfg atjc Ke Zl, Al Tef mbeiv cba atlcx bo jcbatfg jrrjrrlc ktb mbeiv vgjk klat tlw.

Coafg jii, Oeb Jtj lc atf rfmbcv gjcx tjv qgbnfv atja tlr ragfcuat kjr wemt lcofglbg.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

After such a moment of thinking, the two fought for hundreds of rounds. No matter who comes, Ji Yue has murderous intentions and will never leave any consequences. Therefore, his moves are ruthless and merciless. Wei Lian had no intention of hurting anyone, so he was restrained in the fight. Even if they were evenly matched, they would inevitably fall behind.

Geglcu tlr jcjisrlr, atf akb fzmtjcufv jcbatfg tecvgfv gbecvr. Rb wjaafg ktb atlr qfgrbc kjr, Al Tef tjv j wegvfgber lcafca jcv kbeiv cba xffq oeaegf agbeyif jilnf. Sjmt bo tlr jaajmxr kjr wbgf geatifrr jcv wfgmlifrr atjc atf qglbg bcfr. Tfa, Qfl Oljc vlv cba kjca ab tega tlr bqqbcfca. Ljnlcu tlr tjcvr alfv, tf kjr ybecv ab ibrf, fnfc lo atfs kfgf fdeji. QhjoCX

Within a moment, Wei Lian was injured on his right shoulder. He was about to evacuate, but Ji Yue blocked his way, and the three-foot sword swept across him, almost picking up his guard to hold his face.

In no time at all, Wei Lian sustained an injury on his right shoulder. He tried to disengage from the fight, but Ji Yue blocked his way. As the meter-long sword swept towards him, Wei Lian realized the hit was aimed at removing his scarf.

His pupil dilated.

He must not allow Ji Yue to see his face… U6KBSO

Without enough time to think about it, Wei Liansheng blocked with his left arm, blocking his face. The blade of the sword sank into his arm, and his black clothes were soaked with blood. Ji Yue took advantage of the victory and pursued the attack, twisting the person’s wrist violently and forcing the person to drop the weapon.

Without the time to think, Wei Lian blocked his face with his left arm. The blade made a deep cut on the limb as the blood oozed out, drenching his dark clothes.

Seeing a moment of weakness, Ji Yue took advantage of the situation and broke the other person’s wrist, forcing the assassin to drop the weapon.

Having suffered a great pain, Wei Lian clenched his teeth to suppress any noise, so that Ji Yue would not hear the familiar voice. The short sword fell on the tile with a crip clang. X316Ga

The victor had been decided the moment someone was disarmed.

Wei Lian dropped to the roof tile in a sitting position. Ji Yue stood in front of him. From the higher group, he aimed the tip of the sword at his target.

Wei Lian raised his head. His eyes were calm, but he could not hide the pain, as well as…

The small trace of grievance. sQ7Oae

Ji Yue’s hand holding the sword suddenly trembled slightly.

Why did this assassin…

Looked so familiar.

However, the night was too dark and he could not see the man’s eyes clearly. The man suddenly raised his hand, and several silver needles flew out from his right hand. By the time Ji Yue stepped back and dodged, the man in black had disappeared from sight. Cbht1N

However, the night was too dark for him to see the person’s eyes clearly. Then the person suddenly raised the right hand to send out several silver needles. When Ji Yue stepped back to dodge, the person in black had disappeared from his field of vision.

Ji Yue remained at the same spot and surveyed around. He could not figure out which direction the assassin had escaped.

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He bent over and picked up the short sword dropped by the assassin. It looked ordinary, one that was very common to see, made it impossible to identify the holder.

The other party was very cautious. upvJQq

When Ji Yue put away the weapon, he suddenly remembered Wei Lian.

He wondered if Wei Lian was fine…

Before rushing to the Spiritual Palace immediately.

_ p7bBJv

Wei Lian hurried back to the Spiritual Palace as fast as possible. Instead of entering through the main door, he slipped into his chamber through the window.

He had sealed several of his acupoints on the way back to temporarily stop the bleeding, leaving no blood trail back to him, but the injuries on his body were still real.

As soon as he entered the room, he used his right hand to set back his broken left wrist. During this period, he aggravated the injury on his right shoulder as a few drops of fine sweat fell from his forehead.

Wei Lian endured it, not letting out a single sound. CzFyma

Without the time to delay, he quickly removed his night clothes. As he was about to put on his regular clothes, he heard voices from the palace workers outside. “Greeting to Your Majesty.”

“Where is the young master?”

“The young master had already turned in for the day.”

Wei Lian frowned. pNdcKD

How did Ji Yue get here so fast?!

He quickly hid under his quilt and covered himself, the injuries on his shoulder, and his arm tightly.

He blew out the candle and pretended to be asleep.

“We will go in and check on him.” aSYxPZ

The footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Wei Lian tried to keep his breathing steady.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Once Ji Yue found out the injuries on his body, the game would be over immediately.

After a while, a shadow came in front of his bed. x CvJ2

Ji Yue entered and was really relieved to see Wei Lian lying in bed.

He was afraid that the assassin had ill intentions towards Wei Lian.

“Why are you sleeping so early today?” Ji Yue sat by the headboard and asked, “Are you asleep?”

Wei Lian stayed silent. zFLQ03

After looking at the sleeping man for a while, Ji Yue got up to light the candle.

Wei Lian was on alert.

If the candle was lit, the probability of Ji Yue noticing his strange state would greatly increase.

“Don’t light the candle…” Wei Lian immediately pretended to be sleepy and said as if he was still not fully awake, “My eyes are not adjusted…” u 0CwT

Ji Yue stopped what he was doing and sat back down. “Yes, yes. No lighting the candle.”

“It’s late…why are you here?” Wei Lian whispered, “You can go back.”

You are not welcome here right now. Please leave, like right now!!!

Ji Yue said, “We came to see you.” jcdf1k

I was worried about you.

You don’t know this, but I just had a fight with someone who is very strong, so strong that it brought me fear. 

What I’m afraid of was not him. I’m afraid that if I don’t find him, something might happen to you.

I’m not in a proper state because I rushed here to check on you before I could fix my appearance.  le7WJh

Seeing you safe and sound reassured me of my worries.

Ji Yue thought Wei Lian was asleep, which was why he wanted to light the candle to see him.

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Since Wei Lian was not asleep yet, he would not blind the youth with the sudden light.

He didn’t want Wei Lian to see him like he was now. The assassin didn’t really hurt him, but he looked quite embarrassed now. His clothes had several tears, as if he had just returned from the battlefield. svJm3b

He also did not want Wei Lian to see him right now. The assassin did not really touch him, but he was still in a pretty sorry state. There were many visible holes in his clothes, as if he had just come back from the battlefield.

He didn’t want Wei Lian to see his current appearance, it would damage his image.

“I have nothing special for you to see…you see me every day.” Wei Lian desperately tried to get Ji Yue to leave as soon as possible. “I’m going to sleep; you should do the same as well.”

The escaping assassin was still on Ji Yue’s mind. The person’s martial arts and strength were beyond his control. mZlnpU

And he dared not gamble with his beloved.

He did not care about the safety of others in the palace, but nothing must happen to Wei Lian.

He urged, “It hasn’t been peaceful in the palace these days. Just stay in the Spiritual Palace and don’t go out for no reason, especially at night.”

“Alright, I have been here all night.” Wei Lian’s voice became quieter and quieter as he spoke. zxU FS

“That’s good, also…” Ji Yue wanted to talk about the antidote, but he heard the youth breath evenly.

Did he fall asleep?

Ji Yue chuckled and sighed, “You…We will put the antidote on the table. Remember to take it in the morning.”

He got up and walked to the table. The moonlight outside shone upon the dust on the ground. LJW9PG

Ji Yue froze when he saw something, and his face turned cold in an instant.

Those are…the debris from roof tiles.

Scattered from the window all the way to the bed.

The assassin was hiding inside? AaBsPT

Impossible, Ji Yue was sure that there was no other breathing sound in the room except for him and Wei Lian.

Did the assassin pass here?

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Just now?

Ji Yue stopped at the table and suddenly remembered that when his sword was pointed at the assassin, the assassin raised his eyes in a hurry. It was so familiar that he couldn’t bear to strike again. sGQnuc

Ji Yue stopped at the table and suddenly remembered that when his sword was pointing at the assassin, the assassin raised his eyes in a hurry, which was so familiar that he could not bear to strike again.

There was only one person in the world who would make him hesitate…

And the person did not make a single sound from beginning to end. Even after he pierced the person’s flesh and broke his wrist, Ji Yue did not hear a sound of pain.

The conjecture was so frightening that made his whole scalp feel numb. JD7nsG

That could not be. He should not doubt Wei Xiao Lian.

Ji Yue, you could not trust him so little.

But on the other hand, his strong sense and deduction told him that his feelings were correct.

Wei Lian somewhat held back on him. dko6TX

Ji Yue turned back to Wei Lian sleeping on the bed. He did not dare to verify his conjecture in the end.

Or he just did not want to disturb the other’s sleep.

He nearly left the place like he was escaping.

_ 1Y9PGh

Wei Lian didn’t know Ji Yue’s complicated mental journey. He only saw Ji Yue standing at the table for a while, leaving a medicine bottle and leaving.

Wei Lian was unaware of Ji Yue’s complicated mental process. He only saw Ji Yue standing at the table for a moment and leaving once he placed the medicine bottle on the table.

He waited for a long time. Seeing that Ji Yue came back, he lit the light to check his injury.

His right shoulder was fine, it was just a light cut. A layer of medicine should do the trick. SObtIi

The problematic one was his left arm, which the sword almost pierced through his limb, not to mention his formerly broken wrist.

But not for Wei Lian. How could a martial artist be afraid of suffering? His endurance had always been excellent, and he had suffered countless types of injuries. How could these injuries faze him?

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He was used to staying tough, no matter what pain he had to experience.

There was nothing he could not endure, and nothing he could not get through. jNUCBw

His face turned slightly pale as he went to get the medical box. He put up with the pain as he applied medicine, bandaged and treated his wounds.

The blood stained bandages one layer after another.

He lowered his head, wrapped himself tightly, bit his lips and calmed his face.

Her beautiful long eyelashes were wet with sweat, making her vision a little hazy. Wei Lian raised his eyes and saw the small white jade porcelain bottle Ji Yue left on the table. 3rOXpn

The beautiful long eyelashes were wet with sweat, which blurred his vision slightly. He raised his eyes and saw the small white jade porcelain bottle Ji Yue had left on the table.

On the wall opposite the table hung the rabbit lantern from the Lantern Festival.

He looked back down at the blood on his wrist and suddenly found that the pain was very unbearable.


Translator's Note

It means demon in Buddhism. Most of the assassins introduced in the novel have their code name on the assassin list.

Translator's Note

Tu Mi (荼蘼) vs roseleaf raspberry (荼蘼花). Chinese is literally, Tu Mi flower.

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