An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh54 - Corpse Examination

“My life is only for you.”

Of course, Myrna knew what Chi Yan was. 9fjt6h

But what should she say?

Should she tell the truth that Chi Yan is a unique poison only to the country of Liang, or how all the ingredients are specialties of theirs?

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Wouldn’t this invite difficulties? Redirecting the suspicion onto herself?

Now that she had revealed the poison, if she appeared to be covering the information up, it would be more suspicious on her part. F41h06

Both saying it or not would do her good. She was stuck in a dilemma.

Myrna was so regretful that her intestines were turning blue. She should have listened to Aslan’s advice and kept her mouth shut.

It’s a pity that the saint looks enchanting and charming, as if she was born with a delicate heart. In fact, she has a carefree character and has no thoughtfulness.

Her enchanting charm made her appear as if she was born with an exquisite heart with seven orifices, but in actuality, she had a careless nature and often acted without thinking twice.


Before this trip, Lao Lao cautioned them to keep low and not engage any superfluous actions. The King also requested them to complete the tribute without mentioning any so-called secret mission.

She really did not expect the country of Liang would do something like this.

Did she ruin this major undertaking and bring great trouble to the country of Liang, all because of her impulsiveness?

When Myrna hesitated, there was a subtle change in everyone’s eyes. 1qN9EK

Aslan’s eyes turned cold, and he took a step forward, blocking Myrna behind him: “Chi Yan is a highly toxic poison. As long as it touches human skin, it will kill you. If it enters the mouth, you will definitely die.”

Aslan’s eyes turned cold. He stepped forward and protected Myrna to the safety of his back. “Chi Yan is a highly toxic poison. As long as it makes contact with the human skin, the person will die. If the poison is ingested, then death is even more inevitable.”

That was the only information he shared before shutting up.

Wei Lian listened quietly without saying a word. t7l3fi

Aslan hid two things.

First, Chi Yan is a unique poison of the Liang.

Second, Chi Yan is extremely toxic, and anyone who gets it will definitely die. However, the onset time is different. If it is just ordinary skin contact, the poison can be delayed for two days before death. If it is taken directly orally, death will occur immediately.

Second, Chi Yan is indeed extremely toxic. It is a guaranteed kill upon contact; however, the active time varies. If it was by skin contact, the poisoning will be delayed for two days. If it was taken orally, it would be an instant death. ZDn2QE

No matter which method, the outcomes all lead to death, but the acting time was either now or later, that was why it was named ‘postponed meeting with King Yan’.

These two pieces of information are very important. If Li Chonghua entered the poison through his mouth and was poisoned within half an hour, then everyone at the racecourse would have an alibi.

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These two pieces of information are very important. If Li Chonghua was poisoned by the latter method, that meant she was poisoned within an hour ago, then everyone present at the horse course would have an alibi.

Although the task did not require the killer to do it in person, right now, clearing anyone of suspicion was something. 7TjDYn

But if it was through skin contact…then Li Chonghua had been poisoned two days ago, which resulted in her death today.

As long as Wei Lian could go examine the corpse himself, he would know how Chi Yan got in contact with the poison. Unfortunately, he was in public and could not expose his medical skills.

Assuming the former possibility, all the people she had contacted in the past two days were suspects.

But no one can prove where Li Chonghua has been these past two days. In order to pretend to be a lost girl and meet the King of Qin by chance, she often wandered around the palace alone without any maids. Now that everyone is dead, who knows where she has been, what she has met, and who she has met. djUBTf

But no one could prove where Li Chonghua had been those two days. In order to play the lost girl to encounter the King of Qin, she would often wander around the palace without any maid. Now the person was dead, only ghosts would know where she had been, what things she had done, and who she had seen.

Now Aslan was the most suspicious in Wei Lian’s eyes, but he lacked evidence.

It is normal behavior for Aslan to conceal information. Anyone with any sense knows that he should not reveal information that is detrimental to him at this juncture. To tell the truth, that is not called honesty, that is called stupidity.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It was normal for Aslan to conceal certain information, as anyone with some brain knew that he should not share information that put him at a disadvantage. Bluntly speaking, that would not be called being honest, that would be called being stupid. fQZa4A

He was not inclined to believe that Li Chonghua’s poisoning was caused by Liang Guo. There are thousands of poisons in the Liang Kingdom, many of which are common to the seven kingdoms. There is no need to use poisons with regional characteristics like Chi Yan.

He was not inclined to believe that Li Chonghua’s death was caused by the Liang. The country of Liang has tens of millions of poisons, many of which can be found in other countries. There was no need to use poisons with regional characteristics such as Chi Yan.

Pa kjr wbgf ilxf j yjvis ogjwfv-eq ab rtloa atf yijwf.

Yo mbegrf, la vlv cba geif bea atf mbecags bo Oljcu, atf lvfj bo ajxlcu jvnjcajuf bo atlr qrsmtbibulmji kjgojgf, atfc klcclcu agera ab qgbnf atflg lccbmfcmf, atfgfys mbnfglcu atflg wlrvffvr jcv rtloalcu atf yijwf. tbclm2

Pa kjr erfifrr ab rqfmeijaf, ojmar kfgf ralii cffvfv ab afii atf rabgs.

Since Aslan did not share that Chi Yan could be delayed, what Wei Lian could do as an ‘ignorant bystander’ was to handle the situation according to the second scenario.

Viewed the situation like Li Chonghua had eaten something that was poisoned which caused her immediate death within an hour.

Although the investigation in this direction has an eighty percent chance of coming up empty-handed, he had to follow the process. QC P80

It was no big deal to investigate another way in secret.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

“How are you so informed?” There was obvious hostility in Huyan Kemu’s eyes.

As if in this room, the person he hated the most was definitely not Wei Lian, but Aslan. CtWgVf

The country of Chen and the country of Yan were at feuds with each other. The only reason they haven’t started fighting among themselves was mainly because they were in Qin territory.

As a beauty, Myrna could be forgiven. As for Aslan, it was an unforgivable crime.

Myrna rolled her eyes. “Playing with poison is our ancestors’ forebear, alright?”

Aslan could not bear it. “Can you shut up!” A9OzZI

Was it such a great honor to admit her expertise in the art of poison?!

Wei Lian, the real forebear in the art of poison, raised his eyebrow and refrained from speaking.

He quietly moved to Ji Yue’s side with ‘I am so scared’ written all over his face.

That was a real corpse, so scary! xzLfIR

Ji Yue quietly interlocked their hands under the sleeve.

Xie Chen happened to catch a glimpse of it, flattened his lips and turned his head silently.

Qiao Hongfei, who had been paying close attention to the Seventh Prince the whole time: “…”

Why did it feel like he had worried for nothing? aqKdho

One of the Chen envoys suddenly whispered something in Huyan Kemu’s ear.

Huyan Kemu’s expression changed after hearing this. Before, his eyes were locked on Wei Lian without moving, now that focus was redirected to Aslan.

He sneered, “Oh, that’s right, of course you know, and actually, it was no surprise that you know the best. I almost forgot that this Chi Yan is from Liang! After this huge mess, it was you, a killer disguised as a physician!”

“Your Majesty the King of Qin.” Hu Yankemu said angrily, “In the battle of Beiyuan, it was these southern barbarians who poisoned the weapons. My ancestors were injured and treated as casual injuries. Two days later, when they returned to the tribe to celebrate, they were all poisoned. Death! Only my great-grandfather survived, and the Huyan lineage became what it is today.” VrosJT

“Your Majesty.” Huyan Kemu was furious and retold, “It was during the battle of the north field that these southern barbarians coated their weapons with this poison. My ancestors were injured and treated as common injuries. Then two days after they returned to the tribe to celebrate, all of them died from the poison! Only because my great-grandfather survived could we have the current Huyan line.”

“I didn’t remember it at first, but now I think about it, isn’t this poison called Chi Yan!” Huyan Kemu turned his head and glared at Aslan, “What’s your purpose of hiding it deliberately? You were the reason why I valued Princess Hua!”

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“I did not remember at first, but now that I think about it, isn’t that poison also called Chi Yan!?” Huyan Kemu turned his head and glared at Aslan. “What is your intention for hiding this? From what I see, Princess Chonghua’s killer must be you!”

“You are so slanderous!” Myrna was also furious, her beautiful eyes almost bursting with fire, “You still have the nerve to mention the Battle of Beiyuan? One hundred thousand of our people died tragically under your cavalry, why didn’t you all be poisoned in the first place? Die? Leave you such a scourge!” d8VbU0

“You told a bloody lie!” Myrna was enraged, as if a real flame was ignited in her beautiful eyes. “Do you even have the face to mention the battle of the north field? A hundred thousand of our people died a horrible death under your armored horses. Why didn’t we poison every last of you? To leave a scourge like you behind!”

Both parties were fueled by the hatred between their countries that ran deep in their bones. Seeing that things might lead for the worse, Ji Yue said lightly, “Silent.”

“The country of Qin cannot tolerate your insolence.”

If you want to fight, then fight when you return. Don’t do it in front of us and Wei Lian, annoying.  klJUMe

“Your Majesty the King of Qin.” Myrna saluted, “Don’t listen to this mad dog biting people. He first slandered Young Master Wei, and then poured dirty water on our Liang Kingdom. Myrna can’t bear it. Chi Yan is Liang. The poison of the country may not be the only one who has obtained the poison of the Liang country. Huyan Kemu has been trying to confuse the public from the beginning to the end. Who are you, Princess Chonghua, to deserve you to be so unfair to her? “I think someone has an ulterior motive.”

“Your Majesty.” Myrna saluted. “Don’t listen to this biting mad dog. He first slandered Young Master Wei and then splashed dirty water on the country of Liang. Myrna can no longer stand it. Chi Yan is indeed a poison of the Liang, but the people of Liang are not the only ones who could get their hands on the poison. Huyan Kemu is just hopping madly and misleading from the beginning. Who is Princess Chonghua to him that is worthy for him to be outraged by an injustice? I think this is another’s agenda.”

Imperial Physician Wang keenly grasped the key point: “Rong Laochen interjected, Prince Huyan said that the ancestor was injured for two days before the attack took place… In other words, this poison not only passes through the intestines and stomach, but can also be transmitted through blood and skin, and there is an incubation period?”

Physician Wang keenly grasped certain key points. “May this old subject say a word? Prince Huyan said that the death occurred only two days after his ancestors were injured…then doesn’t that mean the poison has an incubation period if the poison was not ingested through the stomach, but through skin and blood?” jtyhu

The good doctor’s extremely skilled reputation precedes him. Myrna and Huyan Kemu quarreled for a long time, and all Physician Wang took in was this information.

“…Yes.” At this point, Myrna has nothing to hide. “Whenever the skin comes into contact with Chi Yan, the contaminated area will appear blue after death. I want to know whether she came into contact with the skin or directly took the poison. , take off her clothes and see if there is any green color on her body.”

“…Yes.” At this point, Myrna had nothing to hide. “Whichever part of the skin that Chi Yan had come in contact with, it will appear green after death. If you want to know whether she came in contact or swallowed the poison, just take off her clothes and check her skin for abnormalities.”

The Yan envoys were the first to object. “This is downright outrageous! Our Princess died innocently, and now she could not even protect her last dignity?!’ MY2B45

This was a country’s royalty they were talking about.

How could their Princess, who remained pure till death, be defiled?

Myrna mocked, “It is fine if you do not take off her clothes. Just cut open her stomach to see what she had eaten.”

The message was clear: Take off clothes or cut open her stomach. Choose one. buiWsp

The Yan envoys: “…”

Taking clothes off sounded way better.

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Ji Yue ordered, “Summon two female medical officers.”

The two female medical officers arrived soon. Seeing the circle of people standing in the room, they greeted everyone with trembling knees before being driven to work by Ji Yue. g9QL35

The rest stepped back to let them work.


Ji Yue and Wei Lian also came out of the Moon Gazing Tower. They avoided the crowd and took a stroll on a path with pink blossoms and swinging willow trees.

After breathing the fresh air, Wei Lian finally showed a trace of relief. “The room was suffocating.” 8pAe3k

Ji Yue instantly replied, “Then you don’t have to go back. Go return to the Spiritual Palace and rest.”

Wei Lian was not him, who was numbed to death. It might be too difficult for the youth to remain calm seeing the corpse in front of everyone a second time.

In Ji Yue’s eyes, Wei Lian was weak, piteous and helpless. Someone who needed his protection.

Wei Lian glanced at him, “That’s out of the question. This subject cannot neglect his duty as the holder of the Luan Seal.” qlBbhu

Ji Yue murmured, “…We thought it was an idle job.”

He did not expect something like this would happen in the Qin palace.

“It’s no matter, for the time being, let me share your worries.” Wei Lian sighed and mentioned the matter, “Who do you think is the most suspicious.”

Ji Yue replied, “They all are.” cVTRam

“Then do you have a clue?”

“None for the time being.”

Wei Lian: “…”

Where is that smart man from before?  Ev4jM3

This is different from what he thought. 

Shouldn’t Ji Yue have the answer already and ensure that everything was under control by the time Wei Lian had brought up the question?

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Ji Yue looked at him and smiled. “What are you looking at us for? Do you regard us as immortal?”

“Everything must rely on evidence. Now there is insufficient evidence. We can only rely on inferences. Even if I have thousands of guesses, I can’t come up with them all. It’s better to stay silent. A king should seek truth from facts and not govern the country by speculation.” Ji Yue said seriously. road. 3sZ5K9

“Everything required attention to details and evidence. Without sufficient inference, we would have a thousand kinds of guesses and could not list them down one by one. As that, it was best for us not to list them. A ruler should seek truth from facts and not rule the country by speculation.” Ji Yue solemnly recited.

Wei Lian huffed, “Speak normal.”

Ji Yue simplified, “We think they all want to harm us.”

Princess Chonghua was just a victim of politics. PWUknd

In terms of motivation, it’s actually not difficult to guess. At this juncture, the princess of Yan State died, and Qin State had to give an explanation both emotionally and rationally. Otherwise, what would other countries think? It turns out that the life of the subordinate royal family is a low life in the eyes of Qin State.

Motivation was not hard to guess. The Princess of Yan died during this critical juncture. The country of Qin has to explain themselves regardless of reason or feelings, otherwise, what would the other countries think? That their lives as vassal countries were cheap in the country of Qin’s eyes?

If a thorough investigation was to be conducted, they might need to offend the other five countries by detaining all the envoys.

Although the country of Qin had already offended all six countries. 80kgX4

If the country of Qin forced the other six to join hands, it would be a big war for the country of Qin.

The people behind the scenes must have vicious and extreme intentions.

But who wanted to cause chaos in this world and put the country of Qin in a dilemma?

Anyone was possible. dYACO8

Wei Lian patted him on the shoulder sympathetically. “Such a sad life you have.”

The King of Qin proved himself as the number one target on all of the assassin reward list from seven lands.

Ji Yue said in grievance, “Wei Xiao Lian, they all want our lives.”

Wei Lian hugged him. “It’s alright. I don’t want your life.” wkusLv

“No, you have to want it.” Ji Yue instantly changed into three-year-old Ji Yue as even his tone became childish.

He hugged the youth and whispered, “My life is yours only.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The world would be in chaos if the King of Qin died, so we cannot give you our life. 

But my life is fine, I can give you my life.  QAeJU2

Ji Xiao Yue can love Wei Xiao Lian with his life. 

Translator's Note

Only regret after the deed was done. Like eating something you should not, and you end up dying, because the human intestine only turns blue after a human is dead.

Translator's Note

Extremely smart and clever.

Translator's Note

How this translator would translate in English. It’s too much of a mouthful, so I kept it as pinyin.

Translator's Note

This is a common figure of speech in Chinese. It’s like, ‘god only/alone knows’ usage, to emphasize the unknown. This translator thought the direct translation was appropriate.

Translator's Note

Literally, a thief crying “Stop the thief!”. An idiom for accusing somebody of theft while trying to sneak away themselves or covering up one’s misdeeds by shifting the blame onto others.

Translator's Note

Direct translation is ‘to spit blood’. An idiom that means the person is slandering viciously or attacking maliciously.

Translator's Note

Someone who is mad and spilling absurd words. I think it’s more like an unreasonable person jumping to the conclusion and would not listen to reason.

Translator's Note

Maliciously destroy someone’s image by spreading rumors. Hurling something at someone, especially in an attempt to damage their reputation.

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