An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh35 - My Wish

“He doesn’t want to get acquainted with you.”

After the busking ended, the tourists dispersed. Several big men were packing their luggage. The leader grabbed a handful of copper coins, licked his face and smiled at Myrna: “Girl, take this money. If it weren’t for you, our brothers wouldn’t be able to get so much reward today.” GxwdEA

After the show, the spectators dispersed, and several large men were packing up. The leader of the performance group grabbed a handful of copper coins and smiled from ear to ear towards Myrna. “Miss, please take this money. If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have gotten this much money today.”

They are an acrobatic team that travels all over the country, and today they want to take advantage of the crowds during the Lantern Festival to make a lot of money by performing in the downtown area. I don’t know what kind of luck they had, but they happened upon this beautiful girl on the way, who was willing to join them.

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They were a traveling performance group. Today, they also came to seize the opportunity on this Lantern Festival and sold their talent on the street, making a good profit. They didn’t know what kind of crazy luck they had stepped on to meet such an unworldly beauty who was willing to join them.

“No need.” Myrna turned away, losing interest. “I had my fun.” aAd8JU

“Eh? Miss—” The big man wanted to stop her, but the lady in purple had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

He stood in place at a loss. “Strange, where did she go?”


Inside of an inn.


As soon as Myrna stepped into her room, two maids rushed forward, looking like their lives were saved.

“Saintess, you are back!” The maid almost cried with joy. “The Saint is waiting for you next door.”

Myrna rolled her eyes. “Why is he being so nosey? I’m not going.”

“If I don’t, you would have gotten yourself killed ages ago.” A grave and stern foreign-looking man appeared at the door. The two maids put their right hands on their right shoulders and saluted, before tacitly withdrawing from the room and closing the door. 41SABX

Myrna was unhappy at his tone and smacked the table. “Aslan, you are the Saint, and I’m the Saintess, we are on equal standing, so you don’t have the authority to tell me what to do!”

“Grandma ordered me to watch you. Her worries are indeed justified.” Aslan said coldly, “Where do you think this is? This is Qin’s territory. I know you are playful, but this is not your place to be presumptuous. . We are the envoys of Liang State, and we represent Liang in every action. If you sneak out and cause trouble today, how will we explain it to the king?”

“Lao Lao ordered me to look after you. Her worries for you are indeed warranted.” Aslan said coldly, “Where do you think you are? This is the country of Qin’s territory. I know you want to have a good time, but this is not a place where you should act recklessly. Right now, we are envoys representing the country of Liang. If you sneak out today and cause trouble, how can we justify ourselves to the King?”

“I know how to behave. I just want to experience their festival!” Myrna huffed impatiently, “Can you stop treating me like a child? I have slept with more men than the number of women you’ve met.” PUE6bV


Aslan clenched his fists in silence.

“Oh, that’s right.” Myrna smiled, deliberately shared, “I met a very interesting man today. Although he was wearing a mask, I have a feeling that he is better looking than you…”

“You slept with him?” The emotion deep in Aslan’s eyes turned violent. HGzgkL

In the Liang Dynasty, as long as the man was young and good-looking, he could get into Myrna’s bed.

…Except for him.

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“No, he is a cut sleeve.” Myrna sighed. “What a pity. I really want a taste of his yang energy. Such a pure energy. It would definitely increase my strength by tenfold.”

When Aslan heard that they had no physical contact, his expression softened slightly. He looked at Myrna briefly and mocked, “You thought you had let him go, but you didn’t know that someone had plotted against you.” aPRklU

When Aslan learned Myrna and the masked man did not have a night of fun, the emotion in his eyes became at peace. He studied Myrna and informed in a riddle, “You think he is the one who is off the hook, but don’t you know it was you who was schemed?”

Myrna frowned. “What do you mean?”

Aslan said vaguely, “Why don’t you check? Are you missing anything?”

Myrna felt around herself, and her eyes widened in shock. “Where is my revival pill?” XOeu8t

Voodoo is prevalent in the Liang Kingdom, and as a saint of the Liang Kingdom, she is full of poisons, so she naturally carries around a rejuvenation pill that can cure hundreds of poisons.

Shaman voodoo magic is prevalent in the country of Liang. As the Saintess of the country, she possessed many poisonous objects. It was natural for her to be carrying a revival pill, known to detoxify all poisons.

The pill is extremely precious as it was concocted by many rare medicinal materials. She was only able to craft one which she kept close to her and regarded as her treasure.

How could her precious possession be pocketed by some stranger! jEIUM5

Myrna recalled the event carefully and found that when she tried to bewitch the youth in green, the other party was clear-headed from start to finish…maybe the pill was taken from her during that time.

She thought she had spotted a tasty meal, it turned out she was the juicy steak the youth got his eyes on.

“Damn it! What a cunning fox, I was deceived by him!” Myrna stomped her feet angrily, “That shouldn’t be the case. My martial arts skills are already top-notch. He wants to take something from me without anyone noticing. How can he?” Not a peerless master?”

“Damned it! That cunning fox actually tricked me!” Myrna stamped her feet angrily. “This shouldn’t have happened. I’m a first-class martial artist. Doesn’t that make him a peerless expert to be able to take my pill off of me without me noticing it?” 3J7LU8

“So it is said that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. In the land of crouching tigers and hidden dragons in the Qin State, you must be careful.” Aslan warned.

“There is a saying that in the wider world, there are people more talented than yourself. The country of Qin is a nation known to have Crouching Tigers and Hidden Dragons, land of concealed talent. This is why I keep reminding you to be careful.” Aslan warned.

Myrna was careless and suffered a loss, so she was in no position to refute Aslan. She sat down, fuming and gnashing her teeth. “He better hope that we don’t meet again!”

_ iUJnB5

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ji Yue and Wei Lian walked along the street along with the flow of people. Ji Yue did not ask what the woman performed to him, but Wei Lian asked: “How do you think the woman hid in the box?”

Ktf veb kjixfv vbkc atf ragffa klat atf mgbkv. Al Tef vlv cba jrx ktja rqfmlji qfgobgwjcmf atf kbwjc vlv obg Qfl Oljc, lcrafjv, Qfl Oljc jrxfv tlw, “Lbk vb sbe atlcx atf kbwjc jqqfjgfv ogbw lcrlvf bo atf ybz?”

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“Ktfgf lr j tlvvfc mbwqjgawfca lc atf ybz ktfgf rtf tlv.” Al Tef jcrkfgfv jyrfcawlcvfvis.

“There’s no where there is enough room in that box’s secret compartment to fit an adult.” VoGU0T

“As long as you know the art of contortion, it is not hard for an adult to bend and fold their body into the small gap.” Ji Yue replied, “Why make a big deal on something so trivial?”

“Oh.” Wei Lian forged his amazement. “You are still the smartest.”

Ji Yue glanced at him. “It’s you who is too dumb.”

Now that was uncalled for. 0SiV7D

Wei Lian was the smartest in the world.

As for Ji Yue…he could be titled as second, just barely.

“There is a ‘guess the riddle on the lantern’ ahead.” Wei Lian looked at the crowded stall before them. “Why don’t we compete?”

To see who is smarter. lIMias

“Fine, let’s compete. Think you’re better?” Ji Yue accepted proudly.

The two of them reached the front again. The lantern seller is an old man. The lanterns he sells are put aside for people to choose from. There are also exquisite and small lanterns hanging on the poles with lantern riddles written on them. Whoever guesses correctly can take away the lantern for free.

They came to the front of the stall. The lantern seller is an old man. The lanterns for selling only were set aside on display for the customers, while small and exquisite lanterns with riddles written on them were hung on a pole. Anyone who guessed the riddle correctly could take that lantern home.

Some talented people have taken some lanterns and gave them to their beloved girls. The activity is still going on, and the old man is reading a riddle on a peach blossom lantern: “It’s a joy to have Zhang, hit one…” P2p jT

Some talented man was able to take a few lanterns and present them to their beloved lady. The activity was still going on. The old man read the riddle on a lantern with a peach blossom pattern. “The blessing of giving birth to a baby boy, one wo—”

Wei Lian answered, “Nephew.”

“Oh.” The old man was stunned and immediately said with a smile, “Young master, you were able to give the right word before I could finish reading. You are correct. This lantern is yours.” pLB 2s

Wei Lian shook his head. “This one doesn’t want the lantern. I just want to compete with my companion.”

Otherwise, if the competition got too heated, and no winner could be decided, there wouldn’t be enough lanterns in the stall to be given out.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The old man doesn’t agree with people who don’t want lanterns and just guess lantern riddles. He cleared his throat and began to recite the next riddle: “The bird has fallen down the mountain and can’t see its feet. There is water everywhere and there is nowhere to find it. Let’s hit it…”

Once the old man found out the young master did not want a lantern and only wanted to solve the riddle, why shouldn’t he agree to do such business? He cleared his throat and began reading the next one, “The bird that lands on top of the mountain can’t see its feet as it searches everywhere for them, one wo—” nZJcdC

Ji Yue answered nonchalantly, “Island.”

The old man choked on his saliva and silently moved on to the next one, “One dim, one dark; one short, one long; one daytime, one nighttime; one—”

Wei Lian took the lead in finishing the one man’s riddle, “One hot, one cold. The ming character.”

The old man continued, “The coiled dragon lies low in the winter as the branches and leaves form in summer, the dragon whiskers climb upward, the pearls…” Rest downward.

Ji Yue seized the answer, “Plant is the hint. The answer is grapes.”

Old man: “…” Mjc0L

Could you young people let this old man finish the riddle?!

If it was anyone else, he could have a brief rest after he had finished the riddle while the customers racked their brains. What was the matter with these two? The time they came up with the answer was faster than the time for him to finish the riddle!

If it wasn’t for them not wanting his lanterns, he would have thought they were here to cause trouble at his stall.

The two of them clashed in pairs, evenly matched, which attracted a lot of attention. Everyone respects scholars and admires people with outstanding talents and appearance. Although Ji Yue and Wei Lian covered their faces with masks, their temperament was outstanding, not to mention their quick thinking. xsWF3v

The duo clashed with each other, and they were evenly matched, which attracted a lot of attention. Scholars are well respected by the people, as their talents are the subject of admiration. Although Ji Yue and Wei Lian were incognito with their masks, they still possessed outstanding temperaments, not to mention their quick reaction.

There were many people watching the contest between the two. The old man smiled from ear to ear when he saw more and more people gathering. The more people there are, the more lanterns he can sell.

Currently, there were many spectators at the two’s competition. Seeing more and more people gathered, the old man smiled so wide with an open mouth. More people meant more business.

In order to make the competition more exciting and attract more people to watch, the old man chose the most difficult puzzle in order to defeat the two of them. However, nothing seems to be a problem in front of these two people. Usually the old man spoke only half a sentence, and before the crowd started to think about it, the two of them had already said the answer. p58dYL

In order to make the competition more exciting and attract more onlookers, he picked his most difficult riddle and intended to stop the two’s smooth ride. However, it appeared that nothing could be called a riddle in front of these two. Usually, the old man would get interrupted mid-sentence. One of the two contestants would give the answer before the spectators could have time to ponder over the riddle.

The gap between them was so small, there were even times when they answered in unison. Neither losing ground nor gaining the upper hand.

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Someone in the crowd cheered loudly.

Finally, the old man shook his head and said, “Gentlemen, there is no more riddles.” McKl7s

Wei Lian asked, “Is there a winner?”

A busybody on the side shouted, “Equal scores! Both of you answered nine questions!”

Another draw.

Wei Lian sighed, “It seems that a victor still can’t be decided today.” KwDdjE

Ji Yue picked up a rabbit lantern. “Old man, you’re fine with giving me this one?”

Of course, the old man had no objection. According to the rule, he would have to give them his entire stall as rewards. He was naturally very happy if they only wanted one.

Ji Yue nodded to give thanks and handed the lantern to Wei Lian. “Take it.”

Wei Lian was surprised, “For me?” ZFpDRS

What was he going to do with this rabbit lantern?

“For you.” Ji Yue smirked. “Rabbit is the little fox’s favorite snack, so he should like rabbit lanterns as well.”

Wei Lian: “…”

There was no correlation between rabbit and rabbit lantern. JCzGoh

No, hold on. He had no correlation with a little fox!

Wei Lian still accepted the lantern, cupping it in his hands to inspect it before lowering his hands.

This rabbit lantern, made by the rough workmanship of common folk, was far less exquisite and valuable than the ceramic glaze lantern given to him by the King of Qin back at the palace.

Believe it or not, Wei Lian likes this rabbit lantern more. VKDEp8

The ceramic glaze lantern was gifted by the King of Qin to Young Master Lian.

The rabbit lantern…

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Was gifted by Ji Xiao Yue to Wei Xiao Lian.

_ sRlc A

Wei Lian carried the lantern. As he was about to turn and leave, someone from the crowd stopped him.

“Both of you, stay here.” A man with a dignified appearance and elegant temperament came forward and bowed, “I am Zhang Xuwen, also known as En Bo, who is a scholar preparing for the scientific examination this year. The two of you who are here to guess lantern riddles are so talented that I am impressed, so I I want to make friends. Is it possible that you are also a scholar taking the exam? Is it my pleasure to meet you?”

“Can the two please stay?” A handsome scholar with an elegant temperament bowed and said, “This one’s name is Zhang Wuwen, courtesy name Enbo. I’m a scholar preparing for this year’s preliminary round of imperial examinations. Today, I am amazed by the two’s talents in solving the lantern riddles. It was such a brilliant display. I was wondering if the two are also candidates for this year’s examination? And if I can have the honor to make acquaintances with you two?”

Wei Lian glanced at him. The uncovered part of his face smiled, then Ji Yue suddenly held his hand. gct6HJ

“He doesn’t want to get acquainted with you.” Ji Yue replied coldly and pulled Wei Lian away from the other person.

Zhang Wuwen: “…”

“Who are you, so arrogant?” His companion stepped forward and defended him, “Brother Zhang, you don’t need to pay attention to them. It’s just a matter of guessing a few lantern riddles. What real skills can you have? Brother Zhang, you will be on the gold list in the future.” For the title and the imperial examination, you must recommend me, brother, in front of His Majesty.”

“Who does he think he is? So arrogant.” His companions came forward and defended him, “Zhang-xiong, forget about them. These are just simple riddles on some lanterns. Even people without a brain can solve it. While for you, Zhang-xiong, the future top scorer in the imperial examination, remember to recommend me in front of His Majesty once You win top marks.” 2v0icS

Zhang Wuwen stopped his friend, “Zipiao, please don’t run your mouth.”

He said that, but there was a determined expression on his face there, as if he was already the top candidate for the examination.


“Ah.” Once they were a distance away, Wei Lian finally tugged his back sleeve from Ji Yue’s gasp. “Why are you in such a hurry?” QyY7tB

Ji Yue asked angrily, “Why did you smile at him?”

Do you not know how good-looking you are when you smile? A smile that can make anyone fall for you?

We do not allow this!

Wei Lian: “?” 7y0wGE

Ji Yue cared about this?

Wei Lian replied helplessly, “But that’s basic politeness…”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Yue was even more upset. “I have never seen you being that polite to me.”

Wei Lian always acted insolent in front of him. 4GtWOr


Wei Lian was at his wit’s end with three-year-old Ji Yue.

“Then I won’t smile at him anymore.” Wei Lian curved his lips, and his eyes also followed. “I will only smile at you, good?”

Ji Yue was blinded by the youth’s smile. IzgdaM

It took him a long time to whisper, “…Good.”

In the street where people were coming and going, it was like the two were frozen in place as the masks covered their complicated thoughts.

The multitude of lanterns illuminating the surrounding was nothing compared to the bright stars in each other’s eyes.

“Gentlemen, come buy a lotus lantern.” A girl carrying a basket interrupted their delicate moment. “Place it in the river to make a wish. The wish will come true if it reaches the river god’s ears.” 9eBpFT

Ji Yue turned around and realized that he had pulled Wei Lian to the river. Countless men and women squatted by the river, placed lotus lanterns, closed their eyes and made wishes.

Ji Yue turned around and found that he had pulled Wei Lian to the riverside. They were surrounded by countless men and women squatting by the river to put their lotus lanterns on the river, and couples with their eyes closed to make their wishes.

There are things about ghosts and gods if you believe them, but they don’t exist if you don’t believe them. If it weren’t for his mother, Ji Yue actually didn’t believe in ghosts and gods. Of course, even now, he is not a king who places his faith in gods.

Matter regarding ghosts and god would only work for believers, not for non-believers. If it wasn’t for his mother, he wouldn’t have believed in them. Even then, he would not entrust something like granting wishes to a deity. hXx5YL

But after the sale pitch, Ji Yue looked at the girl and asked, “How much for one?”

The seller stretched out five fingers. “Five for one.”

Ji Yue gave her ten copper coins and said, “Give me two.”

“Alright, here you go.” vK9VXF

The little lady skipped away in joy now that she was ten copper coins richer. Wei Lian looked at the two lotus lanterns in each of Ji Yue’s hands as emotion in his eyes flickered.

He suddenly had the urge to laugh.

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They were only being their truest self towards each other when under masks.

Ji Yue handed one of the lanterns to the youth. “Let’s go put it on the river.” IA7T 4

Wei Lian pushed his prior thoughts out and said, “Let’s.”


The painted boat on the river is brilliant, the sound of oars and the shadow of lights, the sound of flute and pipa are harmonious across the bank. There is no need to know each other, just meeting is a close friend.

The decorated pleasure boats on top of the river were brilliant. Paddling sound and light shadow. The sound of flutes was harmonizing with the pipa across the bank. The two instruments did not need to know each other, exchanging music could also be seen as meeting by chance. 0OUG t

The water surface glistened, reflecting an inverse image of the round moon.

Several pink lotus lanterns in full bloom float on the water surface and swing with the river current, carrying people’s wishes to the palace of the legendary river god.

Wei Lian and Ji Yue found a more deserted corner, squatted down and gently put the lotus lantern from their hands into the river.

During their wish making, Wei Lian closed his eyes but hesitated for a moment. gcRFuC

What wish should he make?

If someone had asked him this question a month ago, it would have been regicide, just to calm his resentment.

But that thought was gone.

People were really fickle creatures. Wei Lian smiled softly. fMqeGR


Wishing for the land’s prosperity, commoner’s welfare, and world peace.

May the glory of today be forever.


Translator's Note

Pinyin is ā sī lán (阿斯蘭). Yes, this is the Chinese translation of Aslan from the Narnia chronicles.

Translator's Note

It means to return from the grave. Could be translated as soul restoring pill as well.

Translator's Note

Interest idiom, it literally means ‘to lead away a goat in passing’. Figuratively, to opportunistically pocket somebody’s possessions and walk off.

Translator's Note

An idiom that means to have many hidden talented individuals. So, the country of Qin has many secret experts.

Translator's Note

Direct translation is spare space. Changed it because it’s more like the area that’s not visible to the audience.

Translator's Note

The word for nephew is the combination of ‘to give birth’ and ‘male’. 生 (to give birth) + 男 (male) = 甥 (nephew).

Translator's Note

The bottom part of the word for bird is replaced for the word for mountain, and the new word is island. 鳥 (bird) and replaced the bottom radical with 山 (mountain) = 島 (island)

Translator's Note

All the descriptions related to sun and moon, and the ming word is the combination of the sun and the moon words. 日 (sun) + 月 (moon) = 明 (míng) KYqced

Translator's Note

The word for dim contains moon [side note, this riddle is a modern riddle, as the traditional character of dim doesn’t contain the radical for moon (陰/阴)], and the word for dark contains sun (暗); the word for sun is also used for DD (the days are short), and word for moon is also used for MM (the months are long) [Example, May 20th is written as 五月二十日]; the daytime belongs to the sun, and the nighttime belongs to the moon; and the last part, what Wei Lian finished with, one hot and one cold, daytime is hot, and nighttime is cold.

Translator's Note

The second character (伯) can either be bà, bǎi, or bó. Bo might be the most common variant?

Translator's Note

A more respectable word for older brother, or someone of seniority.

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