An Empire as a Betrothal GiftCh26 - Dream Talk

The two’s Inked dark hair entangled; the red string of fate entwined.

Ji Yue turned around. His sharp eyes were dark and dangerous, but his voice was as gentle as water, “Oh? How will you kill us?” k9OvXh

But Wei Lian did not speak again, falling into a deep slumber and breathing long and deep.

Ji Yue ran out of patience. His expression gradually turned cold as he grabbed the youth’s slender neck.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He increased the strength, one that was enough to choke a person to death.

He never keeps anyone with evil intentions around him. Now that it was determined that Wei Lian approached him with murderous intentions, no matter how interesting this thing was, he couldn’t keep it. yYUVFi

He never kept anyone with ulterior motives beside him. Since it had been determined that Wei Lian had approached him with the intention of killing him, he could not keep this plaything anymore, even if the thing was interesting.

The sleeping youth’s face quickly turned red as a pained expression appeared. He struggled and gasped, “Le-let go of me—”

The fierce emotion in Ji Yue’s eyes wavered as he subconsciously loosened his hands. Once he realized what he had done, his expression turned frigid as water.

…He couldn’t commit.


“Ji Yue!” Wei Lian’s expression relaxed as he curled up into himself and sleep-talked, “Why are you always bullying me…relentless even inside of my peaceful dream?”

Ji Yue replied in a cold voice, “You want to kill us and expect us to treat you nicely?”

After Ji Yue rebuked, he also found this whole thing ridiculous.

…Why was he arguing with an unconscious drunk? vXY8K9

He did not want to admit it, but when he heard the youth say he wanted his death, his heart jumped intensely.

Like a needle stabbed his heart.

Why does it hurt?

He should have expected this. From childhood and adulthood, all those who approached him and treated him well have hidden motives and schemes. They all plotted against his life. b6eqlT

As far as he was concerned, no human heart was as trustworthy as a dog like A’Meng.

Since you have become accustomed to being approached with purpose, since you have accepted reality indifferently for a long time, since you have learned to alienate everyone quietly, why do you still feel pain?

Since he had been used to people approaching with a purpose, he had already accepted the reality with indifference, and he had long learned to distance himself from everyone soundlessly. Then, where did this pang in his heart come from?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

There were countless people who wanted to kill him. Wei Lian wouldn’t be the first one and definitely wouldn’t be the last one. M6lPA2

Dea tf kjr atf bcis bcf atja Al Tef mbeivc’a rlifcmf.

That is the person who can say to him, “What are you afraid of?”, that is the person who can play with him and be at ease, that is the person who can play seven games with him without deciding the outcome, that is the person who is clear in the troubled world. A person as clean as snow.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

This person was the only one who said ‘What is there for me to be afraid of’ to him, the only one who would act playfully and freely with him, the only one who could closely tie with him in seven Weiqi matches, and the only one who was as clear and pure as snow in this turbid world.

Qfl Oljc kjr cba atf rjwf. ivuHnZ

Lf gfjiis atbeuta atja Qfl Oljc kjr vloofgfca.

Ktf sbeat kjr jr agjcrqjgfca jr lmf, jcv jr ogfrt jr rcbk; sfa tf kjr jr kjgw jr atf yijhlcu rec ogbw atf kfimbwlcu pbsoei rqglcu, wfialcu jcv mgfjalcu j mgjmx jgbecv atf lmf atja rfjifv Al Tef’r tfjga.

And now, the crack that the youth had finally cracked was resealed by this ‘if I don’t kill you, then my surname is not Wei’.

_ 6Vn5k2

Ji Yue whispered, “It turned out…you and they are not so different.”

The youth on the daybed was still sleeping soundly. It didn’t seem like he had heard what Ji Yue had said.

Ji Yue slowly sat down on the edge of the daybed and gently stroked Wei Lian’s flawless face. “Did Wei Bang ask you to kill us?”

He didn’t expect Wei Lian to answer, but the sleeping Wei Lian still opened his mouth and mumbled, “That incapable ruler…is worthy of ordering me?” bmG369

Ji Yue was slightly surprised and almost thought Wei Lian had woken up.

But upon a closer look, the youth was still sleeping peacefully, probably treating his inquiry as a dream.

This was a good opportunity to ask questions.

Ji Yue asked with hesitation, “You call your father—an incapable ruler?” yZHxQu

“What kind of father is he?” Wei Lian whispered vaguely, “He asked me to kill you…but I refused. Who does he think he is? If you want me to kill, I will kill you. I am so shameless.”

“What kind of father and king do you take him as?” Wei Lian murmured in a whisper, “He did ask me to kill you…but I refused. Who does he think he is? That I will kill if he asks me to kill? How humiliating will I look?”

Ji Yue: “…”

“Besides, I have no enmity with you, so why should I kill you?” Wei Lian muttered softly, “I can still enjoy the good food and drink spicy food with you. I’m asking for trouble because I’m crazy…” 9D7NE5

“What’s more. I have no grudge against you, so why should I kill you?” Wei Lian murmured softly, “With you, I can taste delicacies, I can enjoy spicy food, I would be crazy to make a rod for my own back…”

The chill in Ji Yue’s eyes dropped a few degrees. “Many thanks then.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

So, it turned out that he was so valuable in Wei Lian’s heart.

At the same time, he was relieved. kvhVCE

A faint smile unknowingly appeared at the corner of his lips. Even his mood turned brighter.

it turned out Wei Lian didn’t want to kill him in the first place.

…Wait a minute, if that was the case, then what caused the change?

Ji Yue verbally put this question out and waited keenly for Wei Lian’s answer. 7XUN l

This time, Wei Lian stayed silent for a very long time, so long that Ji Yue thought the youth had fallen asleep.

Then Wei Lian suddenly blurted, “Ji Yue, you are so easy to reason within dreams. Outside of that, you are so hard to serve.”

Ji Yue put on a false smile. “Is that how you view us?”

He no longer cared for the fact that he had been called by his taboo name in Wei Lian’s dream. qFBM1h

Ji Yue reached a conclusion after weighing the matter, He had done his best to forgive Wei Lian with the utmost tolerance. Who else but Wei Lian could act so recklessly in front of him and still remain unscathed?

Of course, others didn’t have the courage to be reckless.

“Then what else do you want me to view you as?” When Wei Lian vented about this, he furrowed his brows and even sat up in anger with half-opened and unfocused eyes.

When he suddenly sat up, Ji Yue was startled with a jolt. eARuLn

The youth with skin as pale as snow was not fully awake. He looked at Ji Yue, part accusingly and part grievance said, “Who hadn’t been an infant before?”

“You used to be a son of royalty, and so was I!”

“Why do you always punish me to kneel, either in snow or solid ground, choke me, force me to take poison and threaten to remove my tongue at any given moment.”

The youth complained in a quiet voice, “It hurts.” jq47lK

His beautiful eyes glared fiercely at Ji Yue, eyes that were obscured by the drunken mist, and even his voice seemed to suffer a great deal of grievance, “It hurts so much that I want to kill someone.”

Ji Yue felt slightly guilty by the stare.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

This kind of behavior would be insignificant if anyone else did it, but when it came from Wei Lian’s mouth, anyone hearing it would think they were a bastard.

“I don’t like pain.” Wei Lian suddenly went soft and leaned forward to rest against Ji Yue’s shoulder. He closed his tired eyes and continued with a soft voice, almost inaudible. dL07rD

“When I was a child… I had an argument with Wei Jiao. He called me motherless, and I said you don’t have a mother. Mrs. Li heard what she said, and she punished me by kneeling in the snow…” He said in a low voice, “One All night.”

“When I was a child…I had an argument with Wei Jiao. He mocked me for not having a mother, and I rebuked him, saying he is the one without a mother. When Madam Li heard of this, she punished me to knee in the snow…” He whispered, “All night long.”

“She was meaner than you.”

Ji Yue stiffly held the youth in his arms as he felt a trace of heartache. kZK6JT

He experienced many frustrations and dashed hope, but different from what Wei Lian experienced.

His childhood was poor in the cold palace, but he was accompanied by his mother and avoided the disputes in the harem. However, Wei Lian’s biological mother died young and he grew up alone in a cannibal palace.

His childhood was miserable in the cold palace, but he had the company of his mother and also avoided the disputes in the palace. However, Wei Lian’s biological mother had died early, so he had to grow up alone in a dog-eat-dog palace.

He embraced the person in his arms and gently coaxed, “We won’t punish you anymore.” QwqAVE

After a pause, he huffed, “And you shouldn’t think about committing regicide anymore.”

Wei Lian raised his head, looking at Ji Yue with eyes sparkling as pure and innocent as white snow. “You must honor your words.”

Ji Yue lowered his gaze and met the youth’s eyes. “This King does not take their words back.”

Wei Lian stared into his eyes. vpLZKd

Ji Yue actually felt a rare trace of nervousness.

Did he…sober up?

Wei Lian suddenly used great force to pounce on Ji Yue, lying across Ji Yue’s chest.

He groped around Ji Yue’s body carelessly, eyes both glistering and dazed. LVyfE8

Ji Yue’s heart skipped a beat.

The youth’s long hair fell down and tangled with his own.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Legend has it that when two people’s dark hair are entangled, it means that their love strings begin to entwine with each other.

“Since this is a dream anyway…” Wei Lian mumbled to himself while pulling on Ji Yue’s clothes. “I have to get back some of the face that I had lost. Three times might be too much, but I want one back at least.” zQt6cT

Ji Yue was caught off guard on the bed and his mind turned momentary blank.

Get what back?

Translator's Note

Recap. Chapter 13.

Translator's Note

This is different from prior chapter because this is what Ji Yue interpret what Wei Lian said. Please read my endnote in the last chapter.

Translator's Note

So, apparently this is an internet buzz word. It has the vibe of, we all came from the same background, growing up from an infant stage.

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