A Dreamlike SongChapter 36

Translator: Viv

Editor: thomas PjlE0B

The car stopped at an intersection, and Qiao He, sitting in the passenger seat, listened to Tang Zhen saying, “Guo-jie has always looked out for me. When I first came to the company, if it weren’t for her, I might not have stayed on for this long.”

“Why is that?” Qiao He asked, “Are you thinking of changing jobs?”

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“No,” Tang Zhen smiled. He turned to look at Qiao He. In a little while, he would be attending a press conference. Following Director Lin’s request, Tang Zhen was wearing a costume with a slightly larger collar, exposing a section of his neat, fair neck. The seatbelt crossed his chest, cinching the oversized costume. “My family doesn’t approve.”

“Your family doesn’t approve of you acting or entering the entertainment industry?” Qiao He asked. lRuOPG

“Both, I suppose,” Tang Zhen smiled. “But they don’t really care about me anymore.”

The red light flashed a few times and switched to green. Qiao He started the car and followed the car in front, slowly driving across the pedestrian crossing. “Your manager seems very responsible. I met her a few days ago.”

“Yes,” Tang Zhen said. He looked ahead at the road, where the sunlight was intense, casting his pupils in a light color resembling tea. “She’s like a mother figure, the kind of mother in my imagination.”

“Mother of your imagination?” Qiao He looked at him.


Tang Zhen smiled, finding it somewhat amusing himself. “I also have an older brother of my imagination.”

“Your Yun-ge?” Qiao He asked.

“I also have younger brothers,” Tang Zhen said, looking out the window and noticing the assistant director’s car not far from them. “Tiantian, he’s more mischievous, while Qi Lu is more sensible.” Tang Zhen’s face was partially visible through the car window as he mused to himself and said to the outside, “I have so many younger brothers…”

“They are all from your company?” Qiao He asked. cwr1NS

Tang Zhen nodded.

“You treat your colleagues at the company as your mother, older brother, and younger brother,” Qiao He turned the steering wheel and merged into the main road along with the traffic flow.

Tang Zhen glanced at Qiao He and smiled. “Am I not allowed to?”

Qiao He said, “Don’t you have your own siblings?” WmBgPc

“I have a sister,” Tang Zhen said. He reached under his costume and fished out his phone. “She’s a year younger than I am and currently in high school.”

He showed Qiao He a photo. Qiao He briefly glanced at the phone screen while driving. The screen was small, so it was blurry, but he could vaguely see two children hugging each other and laughing heartily.

“This was taken on her 14th birthday. We took it together,” Tang Zhen said softly, looking down at the photo.

Qiao He said, “Yingtai, we’ve arrived.” RyxS3j

Tang Zhen looked up and saw ahead not far away, beyond a small arched bridge and a water garden square, the words “Garland Art Theater” written on white pillars.

Tang Zhen was mesmerized. “It’s my first time entering this theater through the main entrance.”

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“You haven’t been here before?” Qiao He asked.

“I didn’t have the opportunity or time,” Tang Zhen replied. vaXwrc

“Coincidentally, I haven’t been here either,” Qiao He said. He parked the car, turned off the engine, took out the keys, and got out of the car to stand beside Tang Zhen. He opened the door for him. “Let’s head in together.”

As soon as Tang Zhen got out of the car, the reporters who had been waiting on the roadside noticed him. It was understandable since Tang Zhen’s personal vehicle hadn’t arrived, and he had come in Qiao He’s car from the hotel.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

When Lin Hanchen saw Tang Zhen backstage, he asked, “Yingtai, is the new costume suitable?”

Kjcu Itfc rwlifv ylaafgis jcv gfqilfv, “Zluta cffv rbwf jiafgjalbcr.” 26NvVH

Olc Ljcmtfc ufraegfv ab tlr jrrlrajca yfrlvf tlw jcv rjlv, “Zjxf j cbaf bo atja. Qf’ii vlrmerr la ijafg.” Ktfc tf qeiifv Hljb Lf jcv Kjcu Itfc jibcu jcv lcagbvemfv atfw ab j rifcvfg wjc klat j rwjii ygjlv jcv j kfii-ajlibgfv rela rajcvlcu cfza ab tlw. “Ktlr lr Ite Vjl, atf wjcjufg bo Xjgijcv Ktfjafg. Xfa ab xcbk fjmt batfg.”

Qiao He smiled, and Zhu Sai said, “Qiao He Laoshi, we’ve met a few times before. Tang Zhen, it’s actually my first time meeting you in person.”

Tang Zhen smiled and shook hands earnestly with Zhu Sai as he extended his hand.

Zhu Sai asked Qiao He about any recent developments in the theater troupe, and Lin Hanchen joined in the conversation. There were still more than twenty minutes before the press conference started. Tang Zhen’s attention wandered a bit as he stood beside them, stealing glances at the new play posters hanging in frames along the corridor. TrKMB5

Lin Hanchen had previously mentioned Garland Theater to Tang Zhen, describing it as a theater with high ticket prices but excellent facilities. The stage, sound system, orchestra pit, and even the box seats were all designed with substantial financial investment. In terms of watching performances in China, it was considered the best place.

“The owner of the theater, surnamed Mu, is a theater enthusiast. Her taste in selecting plays is quite good. I’ve met her a few times. This theater has been in the limelight since its construction. Playwrights and directors from all over the country rush to perform here as soon as they hear about it. It’s difficult to secure a performance slot. When we were touring with ‘The Death of Gong Gong,’ we couldn’t book this venue. If it weren’t for us being well-prepared this time and knowing Manager Zhu, who knows when we would have been able to secure a slot. If it were a few months later, in early autumn when the osmanthus flowers bloom outside, it would be even more challenging to book because they have a theater festival. Oh, Xiao Tang, if you have the chance, you should come and see. Renowned theater troupes from all over the world come to perform here.”

Tang Zhen had never been to this place before. The old art theater in Xiangcheng where he grew up was dilapidated, with a leaking stage floor. Even when he toured with “The Death of Gong Gong” nationwide, he hadn’t been to a theater as good as Garland.

The manager Zhu and Lin Hanchen beside them burst into laughter. Lin Hanchen said, “Manager Zhu, I’ve heard that your theater has a group of die-hard fans who come to see every play. That’s why I’m here.” puRA5Y

Manager Zhu replied, “Lao Lin, you’ve even invited Tang Zhen, such a popular star, to come and rehearse. Don’t worry, the tickets will sell well.”

Qiao He glanced at Tang Zhen and noticed that he was daydreaming. Over the past few days, Qiao He had observed that this was a characteristic of Tang Zhen. Sometimes, during rehearsals on stage, as soon as the scene ended, Tang Zhen’s attention would drift away. At times, when someone spoke to him, Tang Zhen would respond to the first half of the sentence but then seem to travel to another world before finishing the second half.

No one knew what he was thinking or what kind of direction he was seeking. It was a mystery to everyone.

Tang Zhen noticed Qiao He’s gaze and whispered, “Liang-xiong, when should we go in?” F5yWU0

Qiao He raised his wrist to show him the time. Lin Hanchen noticed their interaction and also checked the time. He said to Manager Zhu, “Manager Zhu, let’s go in together.”

“I won’t go. I can’t talk as well as you guys. I’ll just sit below and watch,” Manager Zhu replied with a smile.

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Qiao He sat on the stage, feeling restless. Tang Zhen wrote a small note and slipped it under the table to him. Qiao He was taken aback but took it and opened it up to read.

“Don’t be nervous,” Tang Zhen had written. l5JEvu

Qiao He reached for a pen on the table and noticed a journalist aiming their camera at them from below the stage.

He cupped the note in his hand and wrote, one letter at a time, “Too many journalists.”

Today, the creative team and main actors of the new play “Butterfly Lovers” were present. There were seven members in the creative team, with Lin Hanchen taking the responsibility of answering questions. The two main actors sat beside the director. Rather than being interviewees, they seemed more like the promotional faces of today’s press conference, spending most of their time smiling at the cameras in the audience, enduring the pressure of countless flashes.

Looking at the number of journalists present below the stage, it was clear that the play had generated a lot of buzz and attention. The seats were filled, people were standing, and there were even some who couldn’t enter and were left outside the doors. Setting aside the fact that the popular idol Tang Zhen would return to the stage after several years and cross-dress to play the female role of Zhu Yingtai, Lin Hanchen himself was a topic of interest. In his younger years, he had caused quite a stir by making controversial statements to the media. Now that he was older and held authority, he dared to say anything and everything, and set off any kind of firework. XHWnAw

The host called upon a journalist to ask a question.

“Director Lin, I’m a journalist from our Morning News. Previously, most of the plays you directed were experimental or historical productions like ‘The Death of Gong Gong.’ What made you decide to shoot ‘Butterfly Lovers,’ a love story? Do you have any fresh ideas?”

“I don’t have any particular ideas. But let me say this first: for the audience who came to watch our play just because it’s called ‘Butterfly Lovers’ and expecting a typical love story, I personally suggest that you shouldn’t come. After watching it, you’ll only come to criticize me, and I won’t be able to refund your ticket money.”

“Is Director Lin prepared to refund tickets already?” AjkBzg

“I am mentally prepared to some extent. After all, with the name ‘Butterfly Lovers’ attached to it, the audience inevitably has certain expectations. Let’s see how it goes. Of course, ticket refunds are impossible. Since the ticket isn’t in my hands, I can only rely on my conscience and give everyone a fair warning in advance.”

“Ah, hello Director Lin, I’m a journalist from Urban Daily. My question is similar to the previous one. Your decision to stage ‘Butterfly Lovers’ came as a surprise to many. Are you planning to revive the old play with a fresh perspective, or completely deconstruct the classic?”

“That’s a good question. Take a look at the media invitation in your hands. Xiao Gao, bring one over… This was designed and printed by the Garland Theater at my request. It looks quite beautiful. There’s a passage on the cover, and it goes like this. It was written by Zhang Du in the Tang Dynasty, as part of the ‘Xuanshi Journal.’ ‘Xuanshi Journal’ is a collection of legendary stories from the Tang Dynasty, and this passage is the earliest recorded version, with a narrative of Butterfly Lovers. Take a look at this passage, and you’ll know what our play is about.”

“Are you saying that you’re following the original legendary story completely?” eVM3ZQ

“We have carried out a ruthless restoration to a certain extent, while also incorporating some heartfelt adaptations.”

“Hello, Director Lin Hanchen. I’m a journalist from the Drama Academy Broadcasting Station. I’d like to ask, ‘Butterfly Lovers’ is a well-known story that revolves around women. It portrays the struggle of ancient women against the constraints of society and their unwavering commitment to freedom and love. Why did you choose not to cast female actresses? Are you trying to satirize mainstream opinions or are you against–”

“Which drama academy are you from?”

“I’m from–” SnbzdJ

“I have no political agenda, and I refuse any political interpretations.”

“Director Lin, I’d like to continue with the previous student’s question and ask mine.”

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“Go ahead.”

“What I want to ask is, why did you decide to exclusively use male actors to portray ‘Butterfly Lovers’ this time? Is part of the reason to avoid labels and clichés like the one mentioned earlier?” C9T v2

“It’s also because Tang Zhen is indeed a talented actor. You can come and see for yourselves.”

“I watched ‘The Death of Gong Gong’ ten years ago.”

“Ten years have passed, and he has made progress. You’re welcome to come and see for yourself.”

“I’m a journalist from Hong Kong. Director Lin, Tang Zhen is currently a popular idol star. How did you come up with the idea to invite him back to the stage for acting?” FgEU 8

“There’s nothing wrong with being an idol star. ‘Butterfly Lovers’ has also been adapted into idol dramas, hasn’t it? Since you’re from Hong Kong, is Tang Zhen popular there too?”

“He’s very popular.”

“Then we should perform in Hong Kong.”

“Director Lin, how challenging is it for you to direct Tang Zhen in a cross-dressing role?” Atx0yo

“It’s not challenging at all. A good actor should be able to portray anything.”

“What about the other actors? This play has more than just the role of Zhu Yingtai. Do you feel that cross-dressing roles are challenging for the other actors as well?”

“We should have more confidence in our theater actors. Right? Have you all seen the Yueju Opera version of ‘Butterfly Lovers’? Some have seen it, some haven’t. In the Yueju Opera version, it’s all female actors. If female actors can do it, why can’t male actors? Besides, the predecessor of Yueju Opera, as you all know, was called Shaoxing Opera, where there were no female actors at first, only male actors known as ‘male troupe.’ Cross-dressing has been a normal practice for male and female actors throughout history. If they can’t handle it, they shouldn’t be actors.”

“I heard that you’re finally adding special effects to your stage this time and renovating the Garland Theater.” 9lqEFs

“Yes, we’ve added some trendy elements. Nowadays, it’s all about visual and auditory enjoyment.”

“Entertainment to the death?”

“There’s no need to take it to that extreme.”

“Director Lin, I carefully examined the invitation you mentioned earlier.” MIQaV3

“Oh, really? You examined it carefully. I’m touched. Not many people would do that.”

“On the cover of your invitation, instead of the usual depiction of butterflies used in ‘Butterfly Lovers,’ you have a graceful flying crane. Does it have any symbolic meaning?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Everyone else uses butterflies, so we decided to use something different.”

“Really? Are you implying that you won’t be using butterflies?” fk73FY

“We do have butterflies, but that’s not important. You’ll find out when you come to see the play.”

“Director Lin, I’m a journalist from a theater magazine. I heard that initially, the title of your play was just ‘Zhu Yingtai,’ but later you decided to add ‘Liang Shanbo.'”

“We can’t neglect Qiao He Laoshi, can we?”

“So, what kind of story is your ‘Butterfly Lovers’? Are butterflies not important, and Liang Shanbo not important either?” M JRky

“Is this the last question?”


“Look at the invitation. That’s it then.”

The host announced, “The press conference is now concluded. We will have individual interview sessions later. Take a break for now.” LO8GKR

Qiao He was approached by the theater magazine journalist, who requested him to write an opening message for their new issue. Qiao He took the pen and began writing while asking, “Can I see your invitation?”

The journalist replied, “I’ve been asking around to see if anyone has it. Most people left it at home since they only need their credentials to enter. The invitation is so big.” Then the journalist added, “Oh, Qiao He Laoshi, I’ve heard that you have excellent calligraphy skills, and it’s true. Your reputation is well-deserved.”

Meanwhile, Lin Hanchen, the director, was still being interviewed in the background.

“Director Lin, could you elaborate and provide more details?” the journalist asked. u438Bj

“How much more should I say?” Lin Hanchen replied. “Do you really want me to spell it out?”

“Just make it clearer, please!”

“The theme of ‘Butterfly Lovers,’ what do you think it is? Love? Liberation? Freedom? In our version of ‘Butterfly Lovers,’ the theme is ‘choice.’ It’s about someone who spends a lifetime making choices, exhausting all options, and ultimately ends up with the only possible outcome. This is the story we are telling.”

Behind Qiao He, on the other side, Tang Zhen was surrounded by more media. iBCFd4

“No idol stars have ever appeared on the domestic theater stage before, Tang Zhen, do you feel pressured now?”

“Really?” Tang Zhen asked, seated while others stood around him, forming a wall that seemed to suffocate the air.

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“Yes, you are the first person to cross this threshold.”

Tang Zhen smiled, “Then I feel the pressure now.” VBeEHo

“My origins are in the theater stage. And I still feel young,” Tang Zhen maintained his smile, looking up at the reporters, “I want to try everything.”

“Thresholds are inevitable. In the future, there will definitely be more thresholds, in all aspects, no matter how difficult, someone has to step over and try,” Tang Zhen said, “If I can’t cross it, there are others who can.”

When the crowd dispersed, Qiao He found Tang Zhen. Tang Zhen had taken off his costume, dressed in a plain T-shirt and shorts, sitting in a corner looking at an invitation.

“What is written on it?” he asked. LelmF2

Tang Zhen looked up and handed him the paper.

Yingtai, a woman from Zhu family in Shangyu. Disguised as a man to study abroad, she studied alongside Liang Shanbo from Kuaiji. Shanbo’s courtesy name was Churen. Zhu returned home first. Two years later, Shanbo visited her only to realize she was a woman, feeling lost and saddened. He sought her parents’ approval for marriage, but Zhu had already been betrothed to Ma’s son. Shanbo later became the magistrate of Yinzhou, fell ill, and was buried west of Maoping City. Zhu happened to pass by with Ma’s son by boat, but the wind and waves prevented them from proceeding. Upon hearing about Shanbo’s grave, Zhu climbed the mound to grieve, and suddenly, the ground cracked and she was buried together with him. Prime Minister of Jin dynasty Xie An reported the tomb as “The Tomb of Righteous Woman” in a memorial.

“No mention of transforming into butterflies?” Qiao He said.

Tang Zhen shook his head. yvm 0H

“What is this? It’s so short,” Qiao He chuckled, staring at the invitation, “Is this the ‘Butterfly Lovers’ Director Lin has in mind?”


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