Heal That Poor Little OneCh54 - The Fierce Bride Brought in to Ward Off Misfortune

Bai Su and Yan Shengchen lived happily together for more than sixty years before embracing and leaving this world.

In this life, they continued to live very fulfilling and even exciting lives. With Lu Junfeng, someone who loved excitement, around them, it was difficult for their lives to be anything but ordinary. q9pC5t

After being together for over a decade and once Bai Su and his lover had achieved success in their careers, gaining significant fame throughout China, the original owner’s mother once came crying, hoping to get a share of their success.

By that time, the woman had long been abandoned by her husband due to issues with loan sharks and was living in misery.

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Bai Su helped her pay off her debts but did not take care of her any further. When she tried to pester them again, Yan Shengchen easily took care of it without Bai Su needing to intervene.

Bai Su’s ultimate goal in the small world was to live happily with his lover, so they retired early. As they aged, they traveled extensively, sometimes with Lu Junfeng and his spouse, exploring all the beautiful corners of that world. dYWPfM

Returning to the system space, Bai Su lay on the familiar bed in the wooden house, resting with his eyes closed. He could feel his mental strength had significantly recovered after leaving the small world. Although he didn’t know why, it was undoubtedly a good thing.

When he opened his eyes, Bai Su found that the furnishings in the house had increased significantly. They were all familiar to him, souvenirs they had bought during their travels in the last world.

Now, these identical souvenirs appeared in the wooden house, bringing back many memories for Bai Su. Although he knew they were replicas, he was still touched by 555’s thoughtfulness.

Looking at the little Totoro standing by the table with its big, round eyes staring at him, Bai Su walked over quickly, patted its head, and said softly, “Xiao Wu, thank you.”

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“You’re welcome, dear host. I also hope you can be happy!” Totoro twisted its chubby body a little embarrassedly and said.

“Host, you completed the task in the last world very well. I have already received some information about the next small world. I suggest using your points to exchange for Life-saving Pills and Bone-strengthening Powder. However, these two medicines are quite expensive, totaling two thousand points. Would you like to exchange them?”

“Life-saving Pills and Bone-strengthening Powder? Is there something wrong with my body in the next world?” Bai Su asked.

555 shook its head at this. Seeing this, Bai Su immediately felt a tightness in his heart. If it wasn’t him, then it must be his lover who was in trouble. Having spent several worlds together, Bai Su trusted the system, so he exchanged all the points he earned in the last world for the medicines without hesitation. Z0L356

There was still space left in the storage grid, and he could choose an item from the last small world to store. After some thought, Bai Su exchanged for a black shirt his lover liked the most and kept it in the space.

This way, whenever he returned to the system space to rest, he could wear it. Although the shirt was slightly too large and not a perfect fit, Bai Su felt particularly at ease touching the familiar fabric, as if it still carried his lover’s warmth and scent.

It was a shirt he bought for Yan Shengchen shortly after they got married. Though he had bought many clothes for him over the years, his lover’s favorite was always this one. He said it was the first piece of clothing Bai Su bought him, and it had great sentimental value, so he always kept it carefully.

Even when they were old, the shirt was still well-preserved. There was a period when Yan Shengchen gained weight and couldn’t fit into it, so he deliberately lost weight to wear it. Many of their photos together featured this shirt. Q6MTP8

Knowing that his lover’s situation in the next world might not be good, Bai Su took a bit of time to handle these matters before heading to the next world with 555.


South of Donghua, there was a country called Chiyue.

The country of Chiyue was named so because of a legend. The first monarch was born on a night when, at the moment of his birth, the bright moon in the sky suddenly turned red. IwZoQA

People said that the red moon was an ominous sign, but later it was the child born under this red moon who saved everyone, bringing peace to the war-torn land. Thus, the term “red moon” turned into a symbol of great fortune, and even the first monarch named the country Chiyue, meaning a nation blessed by the gods.

Now, during the reign of Huangfu Jin, although the country wasn’t particularly wealthy or strong, the people lived in peace and contentment.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Winter was approaching, and during this month, passersby on the streets were usually in a hurry, not wanting to linger in the cold wind. But today, the long streets of Chiyue’s capital were crowded with people.

People stood on both sides of the street, watching the long wedding procession in red festive attire, joyfully making its way down the road. xriAKt

The bearers steadily carried the large eight-person sedan chair, followed by rows of dowries far exceeding a hundred loads. It was said to be a grand wedding procession, fit for a princess.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Today was the grand wedding day of the heir of Marquis Manor. It was said that he was marrying a young lady from the Bai family. It was also said that the Bai family was poor, and the hundreds of dowries were sent by the Marquis Manor in advance to ensure the Bai family girl could marry in grand style.

Pa kjr ecereji obg atf vbkgs ab yf qgbnlvfv ys atf ugbbw’r ojwlis. Pc bgvlcjgs alwfr, atlr kbeiv tjnf wjvf wjcs fcnlber. Lbkfnfg, ja atlr wbwfca, atf qfbqif bc ybat rlvfr bo atf ragffa vlv cba tjnf tlut tbqfr obg atlr mbeqif. Ktfs rabbv kjamtlcu atf gfv qgbmfrrlbc jcv ktlrqfgfv jwbcu atfwrfinfr.

“I heard that this Bai family’s young lady is just the daughter of a steward from a countryside estate. She really burned high incense to climb up to the Marquis Manor. Marrying the heir, even if he’s disabled, she’ll still enjoy endless wealth and glory. This Bai family’s young lady really has good fortune.” YmRivf

“What wealth? Haven’t you heard? The heir’s carriage was startled a few days ago, and he was injured. He rolled out of the carriage and hit his head, bleeding everywhere. Tsk tsk! He’s probably not going to make it!

The Bai family’s young lady is just for warding off bad luck. She might end up a widow right after getting married, kept in the backyard to mourn her late husband. The Marquis Manor wouldn’t let her remarry. Would you marry into such wealth?”

“Get lost! I’m a man, why would I marry anyone? But that’s not the point. I heard that the Marquis Manor had a marriage agreement with the prime minister’s family. How come they’re marrying the Bai family’s daughter?”

“So what if there’s an agreement? Do you think Prime Minister Shi would let the capital’s top talent marry a dying cripple? Pity that Bai family’s girl. Such a beautiful young lady, and she’ll have to spend her days in mourning.” 3JnIA0

Hearing these words, the surrounding people nodded in agreement.

Even if the heir survived, he was just a cripple who had been disabled for years. It was said he had a violent temper, unpredictable moods, and would often beat and torture the servants. Serving such a person would be a living hell.

Such a good girl was being pushed into the fire pit, and many people secretly shook their heads and sighed, feeling sympathetic towards the person inside the sedan chair.

However, it was an official matter, and these ordinary people could only discuss it quietly. They wouldn’t dare to actually speak out. mlDN h

What they didn’t know was that the ‘Bai family’s young lady’ they were worried about wasn’t worried at all. She was sitting in the sedan chair daydreaming.

Bai Su, with a red veil covering his face and an apple in his hand, was sitting in the sedan chair bored. He had been busy with wedding preparations since early morning and was now feeling exhausted.

Although he had married in previous lifetimes, he didn’t expect pretending to be a woman to be so troublesome. The hair accessories were so heavy that he could barely lift his head. He couldn’t imagine how the concubines in the palace managed to bear it every day.

And this wedding procession had to cover such a long distance. It seemed like they wanted to carry him around the entire capital. In essence, it was to show off to the person sitting on the throne. 912KVB

He wondered how long it would take to reach the Marquis Manor, but at least he was sitting inside the sedan chair, shielded from the cold wind. No matter how late it was, it wouldn’t miss the auspicious time.

Bai Su had been in this world for several days now.

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When he first arrived and learned about his lover’s critical condition, he was extremely anxious. It was only thanks to 555’s soothing that Bai Su didn’t immediately rush to the Marquis Manor to take action.

The system constantly monitored Ling Yancheng’s condition and assured Bai Su that he wasn’t in immediate danger. With just one Life-saving Pill, he would be cured. This finally calmed Bai Su down. hLEHt7

So, Bai Su was now sitting in the sedan chair in women’s clothing, going to Anping Marquis Manor to be the bride for warding off bad luck, all according to his plan.

The Marquis Manor’s heir, known for his violent temperament and disabled legs, and now on the brink of death from a head injury, was precisely his lover.

Sighing silently, Bai Su took advantage of the free time to review the plot of this small world.

The storyline of this small world was relatively simple. The female lead, named Ling Yanxi, was the legitimate daughter of Marquis Manor in Chiyue. She was very intelligent from a young age and, unlike other ladies, was well-read and had her own opinions on national affairs. lTuJ7s

During a Lantern Festival, she met the crown prince Huangfu Yeqing, who was traveling incognito. They had an unexpected encounter. Huangfu Yeqing admired Ling Yanxi’s talent and insight, and they fell in love and got married. The female lead became the crown princess, and later, when Huangfu Yeqing ascended to the throne, she became the empress.

Using her knowledge, she assisted the emperor in becoming a wise ruler, and she herself became a virtuous empress.

Huangfu Yeqing respected and loved her, and there were no other women in the harem besides the empress. Many years later, their story continued to be celebrated.

However, this was the original plot of the world. After the small world became distorted, the female lead not only lost her chance to meet the crown prince but also married an ordinary merchant early on, spending her days in despondence. FS3fRA

The cause of this outcome was her elder brother Ling Yancheng, who was supposed to inherit the Marquis Manor and be her strong support but died young.

Normally, the female lead wouldn’t end up so miserable just because her elder brother passed away, but this situation involved some love and hate entanglements from the previous generation.

Back then, to gain greater power, the Marquis Anping married the current Emperor’s eldest princess. At first, the princess and the marquis were harmonious and affectionate, and the princess later gave birth to a son and a daughter for the marquis—Ling Yanchen and Ling Yanxi.

Unfortunately, the so-called mutual respect was all a facade. The Marquis Anping never truly loved the eldest princess. He pretended to be deeply in love with her, deceiving her into thinking he was a good match and making her fall deeply in love with him. w0dahg

In reality, the Marquis Anping had long had other women. Even before marrying the princess, he had a mistress named Ruan Mingshu. Before the princess gave birth, Ruan had already given birth to a son named Ling Ziang.

The eldest princess only found out about these matters after giving birth to Ling Yanchen, but by then it was too late. She, following her mother’s temperament, was gentle and submissive, treating her husband as the center of her world. Seeing the princess endure, the marquis became even more unscrupulous, taking several concubines, and later even bringing the mistress and her son into the manor.

The eldest princess, seeing her husband indulging in other women and favoring the concubines and their children, grew increasingly distressed. Not long after giving birth to her daughter Ling Yanxi, she passed away.

Fortunately, the emperor had a deep affection for the eldest princess and took care of her two children. Because of this, Ling Yanchen was able to retain his position as the heir after the princess’s death. JWisx7

Ling Yanchen was six years older than Ling Yanxi. The year his sister was born, he accidentally fell from a rockery, breaking his leg and becoming unable to walk, relying on a wheelchair ever since. With his mother deceased and his father favoring the concubines, his temperament grew dark and eccentric, except towards his sister, whom he loved dearly.

According to the original plot, Ling Yanxi would have grown up safely under her brother’s protection. After Ling Yanchen inherited the marquisate, she would have had a strong backing.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, in the distorted small world, Ling Yanchen had an accident when he was twenty. The horses pulling his carriage were startled, causing him to fall out and suffer severe injuries, leaving him in a coma.

Although the marquisate arranged for someone to ward off bad luck for him, Ling Yanchen still passed away a few days later. The fourteen-year-old female lead lost her closest brother and was heartbroken. dRm3iH

At this moment, the old marquis seemed to seize the opportunity. He had always favored his concubine Ruan Mingshu and had wanted to elevate her status since the princess’s death. However, due to the emperor’s protection of Ling Yanxi and Ling Yanchen, he had to pass the heir position to his disabled son, which had long displeased him.

Now that Ling Yanchen was dead, the heir position naturally fell to his remaining son, Ruan’s child Ling Ziang.

It was disgraceful for a concubine’s son to inherit the heir position. Therefore, the Marquis Anping had ample reason to elevate Ruan’s status, making her the legitimate wife, and Ling Ziang then naturally became the legitimate heir.

Ruan and her son were delighted, but the legitimate daughter Ling Yanxi was treated like an outsider in the marquisate. TfFare

No matter how talented and beautiful she was, she was just a woman in the inner chambers. Even if the emperor wanted to help, he was limited and couldn’t interfere in the private affairs of his subjects.

Especially in the original plot, the emperor Huangfu Jin, who was still relatively healthy, suddenly aged rapidly and passed away within a few years.

With Huangfu Jin dead, Ruan had no more scruples. Seeing Ling Yanxi growing older, she secretly married her off to a merchant for a large betrothal gift and properties, completely disregarding the marquisate’s reputation. The Marquis Anping also turned a blind eye.

The cause of all these changes was that Ling Ziang, who replaced Ling Yanchen as the new heir of the marquisate, was a transmigrator. vfgima

Ling Ziang was originally an overweight shut-in from modern times, living off his parents, indulging in novels and anime. He didn’t work hard and blamed society for his failures, leading to his untimely death in his twenties from overindulgence.

Unexpectedly, after his death, he transmigrated into an ancient fantasy world.

Suddenly becoming the marquisate’s illegitimate son was like a dream come true for someone who had read countless power-fantasy novels.

Eager to make his mark, Ling Ziang wanted to seize both fame and beauty. Using his modern knowledge, he indeed gained some recognition and even won the favor of Shi Anrong, the capital’s top talent and daughter of the prime minister. wNGrV6

Incidentally, Shi Anrong was originally betrothed to Ling Yanchen. The marriage agreement had been set by Ling Yanchen’s mother, the eldest princess, shortly after his birth.

However, after Ling Yanchen was injured and disabled, Prime Minister Shi was unhappy with the engagement but didn’t want to openly annul it due to the emperor’s favor towards the heir. Thus, the marriage was indefinitely postponed.

Shi Anrong was dignified, beautiful, and talented, and most importantly, her status made marrying her akin to gaining the prime minister’s support.

Ruan coveted this marriage, not just for Shi Anrong’s beauty and reputation as the capital’s top talent, but also because she was the prime minister’s legitimate daughter. If her son married her, it would be a significant boost. ryqcJ1

Ling Ziang, intrigued by Ruan’s words, took the opportunity to meet Shi Anrong and felt that such a beauty marrying a cripple was a waste. Naturally, such a beauty should belong to him.

Ling Ziang secretly pursued Shi Anrong, eventually winning her heart.

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He never took Ling Yanchen seriously, seeing him as just a gloomy cripple. So he didn’t hide his actions much and even felt proud for stealing his legitimate brother’s fiancée.

Eventually, they engaged in a clandestine relationship, resulting in Shi Anrong’s pregnancy. Panicked, Shi Anrong sought Ling Ziang for advice. Unexpectedly, during their secret meeting, they were caught by Ling Yanchen. jB9NJx

At that time, Ling Yanchen didn’t say anything, just looked at them with a mocking expression before leaving, which frightened Shi Anrong so much that her face turned pale.

You should know that although the customs of Chiyue Country are quite open, and there’s no prohibition against women appearing in public, maintaining chastity is still a must.

Shi Anrong already had a marriage contract. If it became known that she had an affair and was pregnant despite being engaged, her reputation would be utterly ruined.

Seeing Shi Anrong crying so pitifully, Ling Ziang developed a murderous intent towards Ling Yanchen. He already believed that the marquisate shouldn’t be inherited by a cripple, and at this point, he thought it would be better to simply eliminate Ling Yanchen once and for all. v0Hy5T

So, Ling Ziang tampered with his carriage, causing Ling Yanchen to be seriously injured and fall into a coma. He also bribed the doctors to ensure he didn’t receive proper treatment, intending to take his life.

Taking advantage of Ling Yanchen’s coma, Ling Ziang played a bitter role in front of the old marquis, revealing that he and Shi Anrong were already expecting a child. The matter was a done deal, and the Marquis Anping had no choice but to find a way to transfer the marriage contract to him.

At Ruan’s pleading, they finally decided to use the excuse of “warding off bad luck.” Since warding off bad luck required a compatible horoscope, Ruan personally sought out a so-called master who declared that only by warding off bad luck with the heir could Ling Yanchen wake up, and it had to be with a proper wife.

Shi Anrong’s horoscope was naturally said to be unsuitable for warding off bad luck. So, under the master’s guidance, the Marquis Anping had no choice but to let Ruan find a girl with a good horoscope and a respectable family background to ward off bad luck for Ling Yanchen. This was something even the emperor couldn’t oppose. r5eo2g

Thus, Bai Su was now sitting in the sedan chair, parading through the streets with the wedding procession.

Moreover, on the day before warding off bad luck, Ling Ziang had already secretly married Shi Anrong. However, very few people knew about this at the moment.

Since his daughter was already pregnant, Prime Minister Shi had no choice but to agree, turning a blind eye to the situation and consenting to the marriage between Shi Anrong and Ling Ziang.

He thought it was better for his daughter to marry Ling Ziang than the crippled Ling Yanchen. After all, if Ling Yanchen was said to be on his deathbed, then Ling Ziang would become the heir of the marquisate. Marrying him would be a good thing for his daughter. BZ7TFb

These people were just waiting for Ling Yanchen to die, giving him ineffective medicine, which naturally worsened his injuries.

As for what happened next, if Bai Su hadn’t come, Ling Yanchen would have perished, and Ling Ziang would have naturally become the heir to the marquisate.

However, Ling Ziang was highly ambitious. He believed that being a transmigrator made him the chosen one.

Becoming the heir of the marquisate and marrying the capital’s top talent couldn’t satisfy him. Later, he had numerous confidantes, including the general’s daughter, and was entangled with the princess in the palace. dDe8sS

With the support of the families behind these women, Ling Ziang’s career was smooth and glorious.

Eventually, he inherited the marquisate, with his status rising steadily. Not long after, he even seized military power, controlled the court, and after Emperor Huangfu Jian’s death, he took advantage of the instability of the new emperor’s reign to usurp the throne and become the emperor himself.

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At this point, he continued to wage wars, invading other countries and keeping the people in constant turmoil.

His harem expanded continuously, filled with beauties and princesses from various nations. He greedily expanded his empire while indulging in his harem. g0WmzX

However, Ling Ziang’s death was quite ironic.

Perhaps because he had too many beauties around him, these women were madly in love with him, competing fiercely for his favor. Some extreme women repeatedly drugged him, and even the princess from Miaojiang poisoned him with a Gu.

Under the influence of multiple drugs, Ling Ziang suddenly went mad and convulsed to death while indulging with his concubines, dying in a most undignified manner.


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  1. Maybe he thought that he dead happily

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖