The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch61 - Linglong Eye

Not only that, there were no teenagers in the town.

To be more precise, none of the residents active in Xishi Town were minors, and judging from their appearance, there might not have been many under the age of 25. C8SKvd

The experienced players who participated in the live broadcast of Xishi Town or had clues didn’t say much. They weren’t kind enough to explain the reason to other players. Instead, they just observed the villagers and the surrounding buildings while secretly memorizing the town’s layout.

After walking back and forth in the town several times, everyone went to the small shed where their vehicles were parked just outside the town.

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Then, they went to the bus and the car with the recording equipment to gather their belongings.

On the bus, they found their “self-brought” mobile phones. In the luggage compartment of the two old buses, they discovered thirteen suitcases with work badges. The name and photo sections on the badges were replaced by the players’ appearances. vQXur4

In the other vehicle carrying equipment, everything needed for the recording program was neatly organized.

Those unfamiliar with this industry could only barely recognize a few cameras and some fairly common fill-light equipment.

“Please take these things to the inn lobby first.” You Wusi adeptly instructed the other players to move the various equipment. His natural demeanor and tone made him appear like an experienced assistant who had been part of the program for a long time.

When he saw players trying to force the device out, he would tell them the right way to move it.


While the players around him were busy, he picked up the small camera in the car and adjusted it, checking that the battery and focus were fine. Once everything was checked, he called for a backbone and hung the camera on it.

He smiled and said, “To take good pictures is to make sure your camera is steady and level. Since you can do it. Just take pictures of what you see.”

Shang Qingyun, who was still holding a big heavy camera lens and a tripod, felt like she was the one who was being hinted at.

She didn’t know a lot about photography, so she felt really proud that she could figure out how to handle this big camera on her own! dKgyFf

Unlike others who were fumbling with their equipment.

Yan Tianyu who had almost dismantled the radio equipment couldn’t help but sigh, “Brother Si, you know how to do this too? That’s so impressive!”

Not only can he open locks, install doors, scrape putty, and do paper cutting, but now he even knows how to operate the cameras that are used by the program crew!

His Brother Si was truly amazing!!!! Wx TD8

He was an all round player!!!!

“I worked on a film crew before. I’ve always enjoyed watching martial arts fights and dreamed of being a director, so I picked up a few things,” You Wusi said with a smile as he glanced at Jiang Shi Shi, who was focused on the equipment. His expression softened. “I didn’t think I’d still get to use those skills now.”

You Wusi smiled and said, “To take good pictures, you need to make sure the camera is still, the light is even, and everything is clear. You have your own skills, so just take pictures of what you see.”

Shang Qingyun, who was still carrying a big camera lens and a tripod, felt like You Wusi was hinting at her. 0neowB

She didn’t know much about photography, but it felt great to figure out how to use this big camera all by herself!

Yan Tianyu who had dismantled the radio equipment needed by the host and couldn’t help but sigh, “Brother Si, you even know this? You are amazing!”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He can open locks, install doors, scrape putty, and do paper cutting. Now he can’t even handle the photography for the program group! What an all-around talent!

His big boss was really an all rounder!!!! 36OS8v

“I used to spend some time with a film crew. Shishi happened to enjoy watching martial arts fights and had a dream of becoming a director, so I learned a bit here and there.”

You Wusi smiled as he looked at Jiang Shishi, who was focused on watching the players dismantle various recording equipment. His expression softened a bit, and he continued, “I didn’t expect those skills to come in handy now.”

Yan Tianyu, who finally managed to repair the radio equipment with great effort, wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled, sighing, “You and Sister Shishi have a good relationship!”

Bug boss learned a bit of this and that just for Sister Shshi and the key is that he had mastered it all. n dQ0H

This was probably the difference between a rookie like him and an expert.

Hearing this, Shang Qingyun glanced at Wusi’s affectionate expression, and her eyes grew colder and colder.

Some displays of emotion, when overdone, can become excessive and insincere.

She didn’t have much doubt about this player You Wusi’s skill of “loving his wife as his life,” and every seemingly affectionate moment only highlighted his adeptness at displaying “loving his wife.” pIT81t

This fakeness…..

It didn’t nothing but only reminded her of some unpleasant memories which she didn’t want to remember…..

Shang Qingyun has lived in Endless for so long. She has witnessed the beautiful connections between players before Endless changed, and she has also witnessed the darker sides of human nature that emerged after Endless changed.

This included deceit, manipulation, and selfishness that tarnished the once pure and enjoyable atmosphere of the game. VvEfo6

To be honest, if You Wusi’s “love” could be more sincere and if there were fewer ambiguous statements that were neither fully true nor false, she wouldn’t have felt the need to test it so directly.

In the early years, when Endless was still the Endless it used to be.

She was able to break free from the nightmare which she was trapped in since her childhood and entered this game.

The first dungeon was Yangzhou's Thin Horse, lost in the long river of history.

And what a coincidence it was…… ncFVzq

Throughout history, this shady activity has persisted and remained popular among the upper class under the guise of adoption, even after tens of millions of years. Unfortunately, she happened to be one of its victims.

When she was young, she was innocent and lacked the experience to distinguish between what was right and wrong.

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When she was young, she didn’t know enough to distinguish right from wrong. What happened to her was unjust, and she couldn’t alter her fate. As she grew older, she came to realize the severity of her situation, but she felt ensnared in circumstances she couldn’t break free from. Despite her growing awareness, she found herself sinking deeper into a situation she couldn’t escape.

Perhaps it was a twist of fate. I9ElNM

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Shang Qingyun didn’t destroy the dungeon, but she received a gift from those sisters: a legendary item called the Linglong Eye.

Djmx atfc, Scvifrr vlvc’a tjnf atf lrref lafw uloar gfmflnfv.

Yo mbegrf, atf qijsfgr lc atf vecufbc kfgfc’a jr byrfrrfv jr atfs jgf cbk.

Ktf cjwf “Olcuibcu Ssf” rffwr ilxf cbatlcu, yea la tbivr atf yibbv jcv afjgr bo mbecaifrr agjufvlfr. Pa tbivr atf rbggbk jcv reoofglcu bo wjcs. Vfaalcu jrlvf tbk kfii la kbgxr, lar qbkfg ilfr lc gfnfjilcu atf ageat yftlcv atbrf rkffa yea vfmflaoei kbgvr. Er9IuT

This player named You Wusi was indeed a superb actor, skillfully mixing truth and falsehood. Even the Linglong Eye was impressed by his ability.

In any case, it was evident that the other party did not love Jiang Shishi as deeply as he appeared to.

And this plot she had seen before.

Shang Qingyun still remembers that at the beginning of Endless, there was a player with a skill called Pearl in the Palm. The pearl was indeed precious, but it could be replaced at any time. As long as the player showed that they loved their children as much as their life, it didn’t matter if they were sons or daughters in name. 9lYzo4

After most of the skills players have are ones they mastered in the first half of their lives.

Whether it was the apple of their eye or loving their beloved wife, who knows if it was real or fake?

Shang Qingyun didn’t think Wusi was a good person nor a person she should fight with, but she couldn’t bear to see such an innocent child being controlled by others in the name of “love.”

And looking at Jiang Shishi’s clever and obedient demeanor, there was nothing unbearable about him, contrary to what the audience comments said. 26odSZ

It was reasonable to suspect that there must be something fishy about Wusi!

Combined with the other party’’s intelligence score of 97 and the record of breaking two dungeons consecutively, there must be some hidden secrets that he was hiding! Perhaps he was a “lost” player or a native of the dungeon who escaped from a high-level dungeon, and now he was just using a poor player with low intelligence as a shield!

Afterall the current Endless likes to avoid trouble, so it was unlikely that it would actively recruit such a player. Who was causing trouble wherever he goes.

Of course, these were just guesses. FEBdhl

Based on Endless’s current strict defense measures, it seems unlikely that such a scenario would occur, otherwise those players who completed the levels perfectly would have returned long ago.

Given the current circumstances all she can do is to continue testing it.

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She has no special abilities, and can’t alter the current state of Endless or save herself. However, if the little cutie was willing to come with her, she doesn’t mind having another sister in Endless.

Then they both could explore the dungeons together in beautiful clothes, which wouldn’t be so bad. J0B2Ef

You Wusi, gently touching his wife’s head, was unaware that his superb acting skills had nearly led Shang Qingyun to guess the identity of the escaped BOSS.

He also didn’t know that the other party had already started imagining scenes of exploring dungeons with Jiang Shishi.

After all, it had been too long since he had been a human being. So much so that he unintentionally exaggerated his emotional expression a bit.

You Wusi was unaware of this, so he had no intention of correcting it, believing he had done a good job. h8N5ja

Otherwise, how could he have managed to deceive the main system till now?

Soon, the players brought various equipment back to the inn’s lobby.

Fortunately, all the players present had some skills that helped them carry. Otherwise, if someone had poor physical strength, it would have been impossible to carry back so many strange things all at once.

None of the players complained. They were all experienced players, and such matters were not worth mentioning to them. r8Vfl0

After all, the dungeon’s requirement was to complete the program recording. Regardless of what happened in this so-called Xishi Town, the crucial condition for passing the level was to finish the recording.

Otherwise, even if they managed to survive until the last moment, they wouldn’t be able to leave the dungeon. Without completing the recording.

It wasn’t clear how those players had managed in the past. In any case, there were several steps involved, such as moving equipment, setting up shots, filming, and finally submitting the finished footage that needed to be taken care of.

It sounded simple, but in reality, it’s as challenging as bridging the gap between different professions for outsiders. cO8QlG

Even so, they still had to bite the bullet and move forward.

The beginning of the dungeon is usually the safest period.

Everyone wanted to use this time to prioritize solving the program recording issue first. As for participating in the plot later on, it depended on their own capabilities.

As noon approached, the players’ stomachs started growling with hunger. They had planned to rely on food from the system mall to satisfy their hunger in the dungeon. However, when they saw that You Wusi had already sent Jiang Shishi out with a smile, saying he was going to buy vegetables they followed him. 3gF2R7

Whether he was genuinely buying vegetables or using the excuse to gather information, it wouldn’t be hard to follow and find out.

The street vendors who set up stalls to sell goods were the same as yesterday. It wasn’t clear if they had just woken up or if they were feeling indifferent. Their attitude towards You Wusi was not as enthusiastic as it had been yesterday.

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However, compared to completely ignoring other players, their attitude towards You Wusi was still much better.

When You Wusi said he was going to buy vegetables, he meant it. After getting directions to the vegetable market from the townspeople, he walked directly towards it, occasionally pausing to admire the special paper-cuts along the way. qNm Av

Pointing at the beautiful paper-cut art, he talked to Jiang Shishi in a clear and logical manner. Because of his insightful comments, the villagers softened their attitudes and smiled at You Wusi.

Many of them invited You Wusi to join them for lunch.

Seeing the change in attitude of villagers, the other players became even more determined to follow You Wusi to the end.

It was not that they hadn’t tried to strike up conversations with the villagers, but whenever they spoke, these people simply ignored them as if they didn’t exist. Some even deliberately turned away. ceZmCq

Now looking at the NPC’s attitude It seems that mastering a paper craft was like learning a new language to communicate effectively with the NPCs in Xishi Town.

Some players tried to analyze the paper-cuts around them like You Wusi, but they were met with disgust and contempt. The NPCs all wore angry expressions, as if they were ready to confront them at any moment.

Now they didn’t dare to make random comments, fearing they might offend taboos.

To be honest, Shishi Town didn’t seem right; it felt like a ghostly replica with its antiquated paper-cut art. yehZk4

There were few young people or children in the town, which raised suspicions.

Furthermore, they speculated that the paper-craft art in the town was not much different from paper-mâché.

It was a bold guess but perhaps the entire town was made of paper!

However, whether it was the old players who had followed the live broadcast of the Xishi Town dungeon or other players with clues, they all knew that, for now, this dungeon was not classified as supernatural. qfXLsI

Maybe it was because no one had triggered any supernatural events in the dungeon, or perhaps the dungeon itself lacked any supernatural elements.

Though players wanted to delve deeper into the plot, the dungeon was now at its most dangerous stage within Endless. Afterall the barrage of audience comments indicating danger hadn’t ceased since they entered the dungeon.

It was still better to be cautious and try to steer clear of any supernatural elements.

You Wusi turned down several enthusiastic invitations from small town residents in succession. Shortly after, he arrived in front of a fairly spacious alley. 835cxq

Maybe because the roofs over this alley were long, letting in lots of light, stalls lined both sides. Some folks selling vegetables sat on small stools behind their stalls, while others had no one behind them.

At a glance, various seasonal vegetables were being sold.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Further down the alley, there were several shops on both sides. Some were selling chickens and ducks, while others offered pork on large wooden tables.

Probably because it was close to mealtime, there weren’t many people in the alley. After all, vegetables are best sold early to ensure freshness. Y 9BeX

You Wusi asked Yan Tianyu to look after Jiang Shishi temporarily. He then went to different stalls, picked vegetables, asked about prices, and negotiated skillfully. He managed to persuade one villager to give him two extra onions for free and, in the end, got a large bag of red tomatoes without paying anything.

The players fell silent. They had witnessed down-to-earth players in the past, but they had never encountered someone who bargained with such authority and confidence, almost as if they were in a superior position during negotiations.

The way You Wusi bargained for vegetables was as impressive as a new emperor taking charge at the opening of the stock market.

You Wusi was indeed quite talented! PYsDZ1

Jiang Shishi was very happy. He held the big bag of tomatoes tightly and hugged the little mermaid doll with a big smile on his face.

He was so excited that the pointing finger toy he was holding shook and clapped along with him.

Shang Qingyun, who was still carrying the camera equipment, smiled as she watched Jiang Shishi’s adorable reaction. She glanced at the comments flooding in and quickly realized that the little cutie loved eating tomatoes. She also recalled hearing about You Wusi’s habit of tricking Jiang Shishi with fruits in other scenarios.

Even though she wasn’t sure of the specifics, seeing the negative comments from viewers made her certain that You Wusi wasn’t innocent in this situation. o0wpt7

Setting everything else aside, speaking loving words to Jiang Shishi, who was as innocent as a child, didn’t seem like something a normal person would do.

This behavior was highly abnormal, and there was strong suspicion she had that You Wusi’s has some kind of special fetish.

Soon, You Wusi led the players through the alley. It was only after walking a considerable distance that they realized the alley curved back to the street on the other side, which was a clever design.

As everyone returned to the inn, their pace quickened due to increased hunger. You Wusi, having spent over 300 yuan, allocated the majority of it towards purchasing rice. He spent a little over 70 yuan on vegetables and ensured they had enough food for two meals. This thoughtful planning ensured they were well-prepared for their upcoming meals at the inn. hnvAe

Except for Shang Qingyun, who was carrying photography equipment, all the players were either carrying rice or vegetables. Even Jiang Shishi, sitting in a wheelchair, held a bag of tomatoes.

The most unique sight was Yan Tianyu.

On one hand, he held a freshly killed bald chicken, and on the other hand, he carried a piece of pork belly tied with rice ropes and a basket filled with eggs. He looked as if he was headed to the city market to sell these.

When they reached the inn, the players quickly assigned tasks among themselves. EHjBro

Some washed dishes, others cleaned pots, and a few cut and washed vegetables while others started a fire. If there was no specific task, they cleaned the kitchen or counted dishes and chopsticks.

Almost everyone was occupied in the kitchen.

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In fact, they were very cautious and reluctant to leave the kitchen, making sure to keep an eye on the food preparation process.

After all, high-level players were more cautious about their fellow players compared to the food delivered by NPCs. jzvGQZ

“Shishi, we bought the tomatoes to make fried tomato eggs for everyone. You shouldn’t hold onto them.” You Wusi gently touched his wife’s head. Seeing that he was still stubbornly clutching the tomatoes and reluctant to let go, he took one from him and brought it into the kitchen for washing.

When he returned after washing the tomato, he found a strange aunt smiling weirdly beside Jiang Shishi.

He didn’t pay much attention to this player who always seemed to target him. After all, there was no malice from the other party. To be precise, there was no malice directed towards his little wife.

He could tell that this player, despite her suspicion and constant scrutiny of him, harbored no ill intentions towards Jiang Shishi. 4uecI9

This lack of hostility reassured him, so he chose to overlook their presence and focus on more important matters.

You Wusi handed the washed tomato to Jiang Shishi. After he took a big bite and held the tomato with both hands, he asked, “Is it not as delicious as the one grown by gege right?”

Hearing this, Jiang Shishi took two more bites and nodded vigorously.

Yes, this tomato looks red and big, but it was not as delicious as the one given by the bad brother before, nor as good as the one grown in the small flowerpot! gGprMx

But it was still better than the fried tomato eggs made by human An An and the ugly human’s wife whose hands would tremble a lot while serving.

“In that case, since Shishi just tastes the one, let gege take the rest to make fried tomato and eggs, okay?” You Wusi stretched out his hand towards his little wife’s arms to take the bag of tomatoes which the little zombie was holding.

Before he touched the tomato bag, it was tightly protected by Jiang Shishi’s two little hands.

Jiang Shishi, who had finally gotten the small tomato, was unwilling to give it up. He shook his head and stared at You Wusi with a defensive expression. xjqZND

Even though it was just a small bite, it tasted the same!

He wasn’t foolish. Wouldn’t it be better if he took a few more bites? There was no way he’d let go of the small tomato! It was his!

“But if we use up all the tomatoes now, Shishi won’t have any left for the fried tomato and eggs later,” You Wusi said regretfully. He sighed and continued, “And don’t you want to be an excellent director, Shishi? Everyone will eat the fried tomato and eggs together. If you don’t eat enough, you won’t have the strength to work…”

Jiang Shishi finally reluctantly handed over the tomatoes to You Wusi, keeping only the largest one in his hand. He chewed on the remaining half of the tomato and looked a bit unhappy. cytUvS

His small head hung low, and his eyes which were shining happily lost it.

Even though his bad brother promised to plant more tomatoes after he left,

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Jiang Shishi wasn’t happy!

He knows it takes many days for tomatoes to grow before he could eat them!!!!! 9J4zpx

Seeing Jiang Shishi’s disappointment, Shang Qingyun smiled and suggested changing the nail color to distract the little cutie.

Despite her own thoughts, she still approved of You Wusi’s handling of the situation, noticing his genuine concern for Jiang Shishi.

It was not wise to eat too much before meals; she still needed to eat her main meal first.

This time, You Wusi spoke truthfully and there were also some valuable lessons on how to navigate the world. S3OmkA

Despite noticing You Wusi’s caring behavior towards Jiang Shishi, she remained observant and watchful towards You Wusi.

Fortunately, Shang Qingyun was unaware that Jiang Shishi was not human and could eat everything without getting a stomach ache. Otherwise, she would have realized that You Wusi was just bullying his “little wife” again.

It was a pity that she didn’t understand.

When You Wusi came out carrying a pan of tomato scrambled eggs, his little wife had already activated the outfit-changing program. Under Shang Qingyun’s guidance she joyfully experimented with various nail types and even tried a new hairstyle. eBAPXG

He always had a nagging feeling that something was off.

It wasn’t until Shang Qingyun smiled and pushed Jiang Shishi towards the table, and repeatedly praised his little wife’s beauty. “Shishi looks so beautiful,” and kept referring to herself as “sister,” so he finally grasped what was happening.

Shouldn’t he be the one who should compliment his little wife and choose his little wife’s clothes????

However You Wusi was not a petty person. He was not one to hold grudges so he simply took out two clean, large bowls and handed one to Jiang Shishi, who was admiring his sharp nails attentively. 3VCmiw

He ignored Shang Qingyun, who was still talking.

When the players brought over the large pot of food, they scooped it into the bowl and fed his wife spoonful by spoonful. As he looked at his little wife gazing at him, his clear and beautiful eyes only reflected his image.

Seeing this, You Wusi was finally satisfied.

He is the little zombie’s only ‘brother’ As for the other “sisters,” they are just passing clouds and won’t be seen again in the next dungeon! RQg496

Of course, the little zombie can still make friends appropriately.

Whether good friends or bad friends, they are all necessary for a little zombie’s growth.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

After dinner, the experienced players didn’t want to waste time. Noticing that You Wusi was familiar with the tools, they all agreed to start recording the program in the town.

Regardless of how the filming goes, they must follow the process. That was to follow the director’s vision. NlgqEO

After asking Jiang Shishi's opinion, You Wusi continued to organize the personnel in the manner of a messenger.

He also requested the dressing equipment to change Yan Tianyu into tourist attire.

After organizing the items that each person should hold, You Wusi handed his wife a director’s clapperboard, wrote the first scene on it with chalk, and then pushed the wheelchair out of the inn.

Shooting wasn’t difficult, but it wasn’t easy to explain either.

The players didn’t actually intend to film any good scenes. They simply carried their identity cards, they just wanted to do what they were supposed to do so that they could continue to wander around the town and get as many hints as possible. 6MxYsV

Of course, when You Wusi explained what he wanted to shoot, they took it a bit more seriously. They were concerned that if the finished film turned out too poorly, the requirements of the changing dungeon might become more stringent, making it difficult to pass and rendering their efforts wasted.

The players who were doing this job for the first time were not skilled either. They fumbled with it for a long time before they could shoot a decent scene.

Just as the players obtained consent to shoot the silhouette of a household with many descendants, a pretty young woman who appeared to be barely thirty smiled as she stood in front of You Wusi.

She took off her bracelet and handed it to You Wusi. dynYL5

This action attracted the attention of the surrounding villagers.

Looking at her, many others also stepped forward.

The girls stood in front of You Wusi and handed him decorations, while several men quickly walked towards the wheelchair, taking off their colorful ropes and handing them to Jiang Shishi sitting in the wheelchair.

“Is this your custom?” kV3iaP

You Wusi didn’t take those bracelets but skillfully stepped back half a step with Jiang Shishi in the wheelchair.

Looking at wolf-like gazes which were very hostile and unfriendly!

“Hey, you take mine first!”

“Take mine first!” 6MdFSX

“I spotted him first! Tonight he’s mine!”

“Then tomorrow night he is going to spend time with me!”

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“NO!! Tomorrow night should be with me!”

Author’s note: KHdR6I

Jiang Shishi: We can all be together!

You Wusi: ????

Translator's Note

Historically, “Yangzhou’s Thin Horse” (扬州瘦马) was related to prostitution. During the Ming and Qing dynasties in China, Yangzhou was known as a prosperous city with a thriving economy and cultural scene. The term “Thin Horse” referred to a type of brothel or entertainment establishment where courtesans or prostitutes worked. These establishments were part of the social and economic fabric of Yangzhou at that time, catering to wealthy merchants, scholars, and officials who visited the city.

Translator's Note

You Wusi took charge of organizing the team, speaking in a way that made him sound like a messenger.

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  1. … Yeah that doesn’t looks good.

    I like Shang Qingyun, I hope she can survive and became best friend with Shishi.

  2. Harem mode

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖