Wolf In The CageChapter 67

Sixx was flustered, nervously biting his lip. What should he do? His next plan was to go to the café on the sea front deck to enjoy the warm sunlight while eating sandwiches. He wished he had prepared a backup plan. Malon, noticing Sixx’s distress, added:

“But I am feeling a bit thirsty.” yQXzkP


In that case, Sixx could just order a drink for Malon, and there would be no problem. Phew, what a relief. Sixx beamed as he explained the next part of their schedule. Malon nodded and suggested they head over.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The Royal Parrot, the cruise ship they were on, was a massive floating resort. It was quite a long walk from the squash court where they had been to the sea front deck. Unlike the first day when they and Malon had stayed mostly in their cabin (a plan they eventually abandoned), they encountered many passengers enjoying the ship’s amenities on their way.

“Stop talking nonsense and catch Anna. Do you want to get humiliated again?” SYQNUw

“Manny already warned me about it. It’s no surprise. That’s so you, petty as always.”

“I told you not to mention that bastard! How many times do I have to say it?”

Among the crowd, Sixx spotted a man in a yellow Hawaiian shirt with a lemon pattern arguing with a woman wearing a long flowing skirt and a white shawl adorned with tassels. A girl in a blue striped swimsuit was humming a sweet song, seemingly indifferent to the adults’ quarrel.

“Honey, oh, sugar, sugar, you are my candy girl, and you got me wanting you…”


As she sang, the girl noticed Sixx and brightened at the sight of his fluffy hair. Could she think his hair looked like cotton candy too? Sixx pretended to hand his head to her, making the girl smile brightly and roll her eyes towards her parents as if fed up. The comical gesture made Sixx chuckle, but the fierce gaze of the man immediately turned towards him. He glared at Sixx, scanning him unpleasantly.

“What’s that faggot smiling at? Disgusting.”


“Come on, Cindy.” TwLk32

Cindy, who had been resisting, was dragged away by her father’s hand. The pleasant encounter left a bitter aftertaste. Not that he was startled by the man’s hostile attitude. Most of the cruise passengers were families or heterosexual couples, with a few groups of friends, mainly women.

This likely explained why people’s stares felt so persistent on him and Malon. Their robust physiques made them noticeable, and they didn’t look like just friends—because they weren’t. They were married.

“Sixx, what are you doing there? Come on.”

Fortunately, it seemed Malon hadn’t heard the man’s comment. Sixx sighed in relief. If Malon had heard… They would have had to shield Cindy from what would ensue. Sixx quickly ran over and took Malon’s hand. Though he felt eyes on them from all directions, he chose to ignore it. People knew nothing about them. Most would quickly look away if they met Malon’s gaze, likely out of an unconscious survival instinct. bf2V1K

“Matteo, come here.”

Malon beckoned to Matteo, who was trailing a few steps behind, and whispered something in his ear. Matteo nodded and disappeared. What did Malon instruct him to do this time? Sixx turned to watch Matteo leave, but Malon’s dazzling smile caught his attention, making his heart race.

“Let’s go.”

They continued to their destination, the sea front deck. Malon wasn’t lying about being thirsty, as he immediately ordered a bottle of water and a martini. After much thought, Sixx ordered a bacon guacamole hot dog, a Cuban sandwich, and chili fries as a snack for Malon (though he would probably eat most of it himself), along with freshly squeezed orange juice. The exercise had made him hungry. Bright sunlight bathed the deck. Malon put on the sunglasses he had hung on his shirt. His blue eyes were now hidden behind the dark lenses. uIPVl0

“Shall we go to the ice show this evening?”

“I’d like to freshen up first. Will that be possible, my secretary?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“If we hurry, it should be possible, Mr. Cage.”

Malon made a thoughtful noise and fell silent. Sixx gazed at the vast Atlantic Ocean behind Malon. The sunlight glittered like embedded jewels. The endless waves seemed to have no impact on the massive fortress-like Royal Parrot. The salty sea breeze gently ruffled Malon’s black hair. It was all so picturesque that Sixx briefly thought he didn’t want to spoil the scene. What if Malon were here with a proper wife instead of him? But then, Malon’s gaze was fixed squarely on him. rqn3dR

“Enchanted by the siren’s song? Why so dazed?”

“I am enchanted. But not by a siren… It’s you.”

“If you’re enchanted by me, you should be looking at me, not the salty, dark muck.”

“Are you seriously talking about the ocean?” BdIFw0

Calling that beautiful ocean salty and dark! It was salty, sure, but not dark… Nevertheless, it was true that he preferred Malon over the ocean, so Sixx turned his gaze from the sea to Malon.

“…When we arrive in London.”


“We’ll take care of some simple tasks and then head straight to the villa. Aside from us, only a few workers will be on the island, and they’ll be on the other side, coming over to clean only when called.” HDFrVO

He had already heard this before they left for the trip. The fact that Malon reiterated it might mean… he had noticed Sixx’s discomfort with people staring. Or perhaps he had heard what the girl’s father said earlier. Either way, it wasn’t good news. Malon was particularly sensitive to people disrespecting him. As a result, no one openly treated Sixx like a prostitute or looked down on him in Portland anymore, but that was only in Portland.

“Thank you, Malon. For everything.”

Sixx gave Malon a loud, smacking kiss on the cheek. The unexpected display of affection drew more stares, but he didn’t want to show any discomfort, not for Malon’s sake. They had overcome too much together to be swayed by the gaze of strangers.

Perhaps, in a different world, a beautiful woman who wouldn’t harm Malon’s social standing and a child resembling him could be sitting in his place. But that wasn’t reality. Malon chose him, gave him his last name. Sixx was confident that no one loved Malon more than he did. And Malon loved him back. He knew humility was a virtue, but sometimes, the knowledge made him feel proud. 6dYIb


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Yes, Sixx.”

Zjibc, ktb jcrkfgfv jr lo tf tjv yffc kjlalcu, kjr rajglcu ja tlw lcafcais klat tlr mtlc gfralcu bc tlr tjcv. Ktf wbwfca Vlzz wfa atja yijajca ujhf, tf obguba ktja tf kjr ublcu ab rjs. Llr wlcv kfca yijcx. Lf gfjilhfv tf vlvc’a cffv ab rjs jcsatlcu. Zjibc jigfjvs xcfk fnfgsatlcu. Vlifcmf ofii. Vbbc, j rajoo wfwyfg qijmfv j ybaaif bo kjafg jcv j wjgalcl lc ogbca bo Zjibc, jcv jc bgjcuf pelmf jcv tba vbu lc ogbca bo tlw, rjslcu atf gfra bo atf obbv kbeiv jgglnf rbbc.

Sixx sipped his orange juice through a twisty straw, the tangy flavor bursting in his mouth. It indeed tasted freshly squeezed. He glanced at Malon, who was twirling the stick with an olive on it. nrazZi

“Why are you sneaking glances over here? Planning to pass out again tonight?”

“Oh, it wasn’t because of the alcohol last night… I was just tired.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Tired? You?”

Sure you were. LNzQwq

Malon chuckled, took a sip of his martini, and popped an olive into his mouth.

* * *

Yesterday, Sixx had a drink for the first time in a while under Malon’s supervision. After causing a major incident while drunk before, Malon had warned him not to even think about drinking and had disposed of several bottles at home. Sixx’s actions—touching Malon while he slept and not stopping even after he woke up—justified the harsh punishment. Enough time had passed since then.

Maybe it’s time for a second chance… That was Sixx’s thought yesterday. And Malon, generous as he was, allowed him a drink at the bar they visited. Sixx had a cocktail recommended by the bartender—it was a peach something, decorated with a small pink umbrella and a lemon slice. He finished one glass and felt fine, so he eagerly asked Malon for another. BdRD0j

“Malon, look. I’m totally fine! So, can I have another?”

“Your eyes do seem clear… Hmm, in that case, name the U.S. Presidents in order.”


Why presidents all of a sudden? Sixx asked, puzzled, but Malon nodded as if it was obvious. aNilSR

“It’s common knowledge. If you’re not drunk, you should be able to do it.”


“Go on, Sixx. Do it, and I’ll get you another drink.”

Malon smiled kindly. Sixx, feeling pressured, reluctantly named the first president. FmLZdS

“…George Washington.”


“Thomas Jefferson?”

“Not quite, John Adams. Then Thomas Jefferson. Got it mixed up? I’ll let it slide this time.” XTGZmp

Is this really common knowledge?

He didn’t want to seem ignorant in front of Malon, but he barely had any names left in his head. Sixx didn’t even know how many people had held the office of President of the United States. If he had known this would happen, he would have memorized them with Andy instead of mocking him with Corbin, thinking it was useless information. Now he realized its use!

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Malon was urging him to continue with his eyes, clearly expecting Sixx to recite the names fluently. Sixx felt like crying. He started from the beginning again.

“George Washington. John Adams. Thomas Jefferson.” UJ NQ6



Sixx racked his brain to recall the names from years ago. Damn it, what did Andy say next? Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and… He couldn’t remember anything else. He had only been of voting age for a short while. As Sixx struggled, Malon furrowed his brows and pressed him.

“You don’t know, do you?” J1aVZR

“No, no, I know! Of course, I know, Malon. I just forgot for a moment!”

“Right? I didn’t want to believe I married someone that ignorant. So, keep going. We have a long way to go.”

Sixx’s heart sank. What if Malon thought he was too dumb and wanted a divorce? The thought almost brought tears to his eyes. Sixx stammered, his voice trembling.

“George Washington… John Adams… Thomas Jefferson…” Vh0Gm9




“Give me a hint… I really do know, just forgot for a moment…” huXiFx

Sixx mumbled, his amber eyes glistening with tears. Malon struggled to suppress his laughter. When he generously offered a hint, Sixx’s face brightened noticeably. He hadn’t realized there were still over 30 names to go.

“The fourth president is James Ma—”

“James Madison! I know. James Madison. And the fifth is James Monroe, right?”

“Right.” fvlboT

“Right. Andy said both were named James…”

“Good. Then, keep going.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“George Washington. John Adams. Thomas Jefferson. James Madison. James Monroe…”

Malon could see that Sixx kept starting from the beginning because he couldn’t remember the next president. As he got further, his speech slowed down. Malon lowered his head and hid a smile. Now it was time for the sixth president, but Sixx was biting his thick lips, clearly unable to recall it. His fidgeting was endearing. Malon knew he should stop teasing him, but he couldn’t. JDGNA2

“Can’t you give me another hint?”

“I just gave you one. You only get one chance.”


Sixx bit his lip hard and hung his head like a lost puppy in the rain. Malon found it incredibly amusing. He thought it was hilarious but kept his face neutral as he took a sip of his drink. DJosNW



“Sixx, keep going. If you want to keep the Cage name, that is.”

Sixx flinched and looked up. His eyes were stormy, like a boat in rough seas. Perhaps Malon had gone too far. He considered telling Sixx it was a joke and that not knowing the presidents wasn’t a big deal, but— xRumEp



Abe, as in Abraham Lincoln, but it was John Quincy Adams’ turn. Malon raised an eyebrow.

“Abraham Lincoln…” hsMzbS

“No, that’s wrong.”


“Which Roosevelt? Neither is right, anyway.”

“Two of them?” M6s1GH


“Hic, hic… I’m sorry, Malon. That’s all I know. Yes, I’m actually a fool. But please, don’t say you want a divorce… I’ll do better…”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Tears began to fall from Sixx’s eyes. The large man wasn’t just tearing up; he was sobbing loudly, drawing the attention of the bartender and the nearby patrons. Some even gave Malon slightly reproachful looks, thinking he had made Sixx cry (which he had). Malon clicked his tongue and quickly tried to comfort Sixx, who wiped at his reddened eyes but soon found them filling with tears again.

“Don’t cry, Sixx. I was joking, okay?” QfCH z

“Hic, I’m really sorry for being stupid… I’ll memorize it as soon as we get home. I’ll study hard and take a test, so please don’t say you’ll leave me… Hic, wah…”

Normally, Sixx wouldn’t have sobbed like this, but the alcohol he had earlier seemed to be amplifying his emotions. The word “leave” drew even sharper glances from the people around them. They seemed to mistake Malon for a heartless villain playing with an innocent young man’s feelings. Malon realized his usually stern demeanor might be part of the problem.

Damn it… Malon thought as he wiped Sixx’s tears, his gentle voice calling Sixx’s name.

“Yes…?” MZSscl

“It was all a joke. Memorizing the names of dead old men is pointless.”


“So stop crying. If you have to cry…”

Malon leaned in to whisper in Sixx’s ear. Cry in bed, where it’s more fun. As he whispered this and gently bit Sixx’s earlobe, Sixx was startled and stopped crying instantly. Shock therapy always worked well. Sixx’s cheeks quickly turned pink, the same color as the cocktail he had earlier. pHLkUT

“Sniff… So it’s okay if I don’t know?”

“Yes, I was joking. And you can have another drink. Hey, another one like the last, please.”

Malon beckoned the bartender for another drink. Sixx, barely holding back his tears, cautiously glanced at Malon. Malon sighed softly and took a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe Sixx’s tear-streaked cheeks. Sixx raised his hand to take over, but Malon shushed him.

Sixx obediently let Malon clean his face, but when Malon held the handkerchief under his nose to blow, he jumped up, blushing and refusing adamantly. Finally, Malon handed him the handkerchief. Sixx quickly turned around, took care of it, and folded the handkerchief to put it in his pocket. oeZC X

“I’ll wash this and give it back.”

Sixx said shyly. Malon thought it was amusing how Sixx could spill all kinds of sticky substances in bed without embarrassment, but balked at blowing his nose in front of him. Sometimes, he couldn’t understand Sixx’s standards. However, worried that Sixx might cry again, Malon told him to do as he liked. Just then, the bartender returned with the drink. It was a pale green cocktail, topped with a small red cherry, just like the tip of Sixx’s nose. Sixx sipped his hard-earned drink with swollen eyes.

After each finishing another drink, they returned to their room, where Sixx immediately pushed Malon onto the bed and kissed him passionately. It was the long-awaited first night of their honeymoon. Nothing could interrupt them now. The moon, like a balloon on the horizon, bathed everything in white light, making even the air seem to glow as it reached their room over the darkened sea.

“Mmm… uh, mmh…” 2Ro ie

“Hah… Let’s try something different tonight, Sixx…”


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“I didn’t plan on this… but tonight is special.”

“Ah, Malon…” ObxG7U

As the atmosphere heated up, Sixx’s eyes grew heavy, not from pleasure, but from the sleepiness he hadn’t realized was overtaking him. By the time Malon was ready and climbed on top of him, he was already dozing off.

“What the…”

The hot mood turned cold as ice water. Sixx, who had been excitedly unbuttoning his shirt, had fallen asleep like a child as soon as his head hit the pillow. Just as Malon was getting into it, he was left feeling empty and let out a hollow laugh. This was unbelievable.

Man, life is full of surprises… HFVSqh

“Sixx, wake up.”

Malon, who couldn’t believe that he had to give up their first night like this, poked the cheek of Sixx, who was sleeping soundly. However, Sixx didn’t move at all, as if he had already embarked on a long journey to dreamland.

‘Unbelievable. Sleeping like this?’

‘…Mmm…’ n0AQqz

‘…Sigh… I’ll let it slide since I messed up earlier too. There won’t be a next time.’

In the past, Malon would never have let the other person off the hook. Whether the other person was asleep or unconscious, if he was aroused, he would spread their legs and thrust his member in, even earning resentment. He would retort shamelessly to the other’s accusations, saying, “You ended up liking it too, didn’t you?” almost getting slapped in return. Naturally, he never let himself be slapped.

But this being… Malon gently stroked Sixx’s cheek. Sixx was unlike anything else. Malon instinctively knew that he would never encounter another being like this young wolf in his life. No, it was a certainty. There would never be another who made him see only the good, experience only the good, and even find the snot they spilled on his hand endearing.

‘Sleep well, Sixx.’ WasdQU

A moment ago, he had almost felt irritated, but looking at Sixx’s peaceful sleeping face, he quickly calmed down. I’m seriously in deep. Malon shook his head, pressed his lips to Sixx’s white forehead, and then got off the bed. He carefully tucked the blanket up to Sixx’s neck and went out to the balcony that looked like another world, gazing at the sea. It was the first time he properly looked at the sea since boarding the cruise.

Not bad at all. But…

The sea, with its gentle waves barely moving due to the lack of wind, was beautiful. But what Malon found even more beautiful was the solitary full moon, shining white in the black sky. Malon’s lips curled into a barely noticeable smile. Truly, it was not a bad view.

* * * XnyapN

Of course, Sixx had no idea what happened after he fell asleep. However, he knew how serious a crime it was to drink too much and fall asleep on the first night of their honeymoon. When the honeymoon was first decided, Sixx, feeling very nervous, sought advice from a few close wives. They excitedly shared various anecdotes, and Sixx listened carefully to their advice.

‘You have no idea how disappointed I was when my husband just slept through the first night.’

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Matilda had sighed deeply and lamented about it, prompting the other wives to agree and criticize how insensitive men could be. Given that it was their honeymoon night, Sixx couldn’t possibly fall asleep before Malon. He shyly but confidently assured them that they needn’t worry about that, earning some teasing remarks in return.

Yet here he was, having become that insensitive guy. Upon waking up, his heart sank, and he checked Malon’s expression first. Fortunately, Malon greeted him with a casual “Did you sleep well?” while reading the newspaper. However, Malon rarely showed his true feelings. Even if he didn’t show it, he must have had some expectations for their first night. Falling asleep like that… Sixx resolved to make it up to Malon that night, determined to avoid alcohol. sSlKAc

“I’m definitely not drinking today.”


Malon responded nonchalantly while sipping his drink, as if it didn’t matter whether Sixx drank or not. It was clear he was doing it on purpose. Despite pretending otherwise, there was definitely some lingering resentment from the previous night.

But tonight will be different… Sixx resolutely sipped his orange juice. J0PsMd

Although he had messed up the previous night, fortunately, he had a secret weapon left. It was one of the essential honeymoon items he had bought based on the wives’ advice, which they had claimed got great reactions. Thinking about the item hidden among his clothes made his heart race.

“Your cheeks are red. Are you feeling unwell?”

“N-no, I’m fine.”

Startled by Malon’s gentle touch on his cheek, Sixx flinched. The icy blue eyes watching him made it impossible to hide anything. This is bad. I haven’t finished my plan yet. Sixx licked his sticky orange-flavored lips. He hadn’t finished his juice, they needed to watch the ice show, and then have dinner at a nice restaurant. IE47WD

But a single desire pushed everything else out of Sixx’s mind. I want to touch Malon. I want to feel Malon… The rising desire, unable to find an outlet, shook his reason. Sixx reached under the tablecloth hanging down to the floor. The silky fabric, light as air, tickled his wrist. He pushed aside the shorts that came just above his knees, revealing bare skin. Though he liked the sexy look of dress pants that covered his legs fully, shorts weren’t bad for moments like this.

As Sixx’s large hand moved up the inside of his leg, Malon’s white hand holding the half-full martini glass momentarily shook. The clear liquid surged up the glass wall, darkening the white tablecloth.



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