Zero Day AttackCh2.4 - Cracker, Lrot

A post was uploaded on the forum of a community site known as a haven for hackers. The post had already been read by numerous people and was pinned at the top of the best posts.

The content explained the situation at the time along with several photos. However, it didn’t capture a long duration nor any substantial conversations between the two individuals, so it didn’t leave any definitive clues. f4iPnd

Title: Two Hackers Who Hacked a Famous Website

Author: Anonymous

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Today, two hackers visited the T website. For convenience, I will refer to one as Black and the other as White.

At 5:45 AM LA time, the main screen of the T website suddenly changed. The logo disappeared, and the screen turned completely black with a white cursor blinking in the center. A quickly formed sentence appeared: “Who is it?” NITlYp


At the time, no one knew to whom this message was directed. The important thing was that someone had hacked the T website and posted this message. They have some nerve, openly mocking T like this.

What an impressive person!



After a short while, the screen changed again. In contrast, the entire screen turned white with a black cursor blinking. Unlike Black, the letters began to fill the screen slowly, one by one, at a leisurely pace.


The slow movement was nerve-wracking, and everyone was on edge. When the sentence was about halfway complete, everyone sighed in exasperation. No way, please, not that.

(Photo)(Photo)(Photo) DtW082

But, as expected, the completed sentence read “Hello world!”

What kind of lunatic is this? It was clearly a taunt directed at both Black and T. Such a bold move was unprecedented! It left everyone curious about what exactly Black and White were doing on T’s website.

Black asked White, “Who are you?” and White responded with a middle finger instead of an answer. Had they discovered each other’s presence while attempting to hack the site simultaneously?

But no one could have imagined that they would mess around so openly on T’s homepage main screen. It was Black who first posed the question. Black was as audacious as White. ndVi3p

The screen promptly turned black again, and a white cursor blinked at the center. We continued to watch, curious about what Black was going to say.

However, time passed, and no further text appeared.

It seemed as if Black wanted to leave a message, but it appeared that White had vanished first. Maybe Black thought there was no point in continuing if White had already left, and so the cursor just kept blinking.

(Photo) 6nVTIc

It took some more time before the homepage was fully restored. T took their time cleaning up the mess after Black and White had disappeared.

Who could Black be?

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Who could White be?

And what will T do after being mocked like this? It’s so curious. Things had been quiet for a while, and now such a thrilling incident has occurred. H0aoQr

I hope they don’t hide and appear somewhere again.

Black, White. What are your pseudonyms? You should have left them behind. It’s a pity. I hope to meet you again next time.

Hello world!

Below this message, an enormous number of comments were posted. 5mI9sJ

Hacking the T website and mocking them so blatantly meant two things: they were highly skilled, and they had guts or were out of their minds. Being recognized by hackers and crackers alike means death could be looming right before their eyes.

The community buzzed with this story for a while. There were occasional speculations that it might be a game played by top-tier crackers.

Unless TAREN could find them, they would not reveal themselves. Half of the people hoped they’d get caught, while the other half wished they’d keep playing pranks from the shadows.

The community remained as wild as ever. 58Kvfn


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

C rkfiafglcu rewwfg wbgclcu.

Alc Bjcu, ktb kbgxfv qjga-alwf ogbw 11 j.w. ab 5 q.w., jgglnfv ja atf mjof gluta bc alwf. Cr tf bqfcfv atf vbbg jcv rafqqfv lcrlvf, tf kjr ugffafv ys atf mbbi ygffhf bo atf jlg mbcvlalbcfg. Lf ofia ilxf tf tjv fcafgfv tfjnfc, tjnlcu yffc tjio-wfiafv ys atf raloilcu tfja bearlvf. C vffq ygfjat bo gfilfo frmjqfv tlw.

“I hate summer.” UCFQbJ

“Why hate it? It’s peak season when the cafe does the best business.”

The boss, standing at the counter, teased him with a cheerful smile, fully embracing his superior position. Jin Kang, wiping the sweat beads from his forehead, brushed past the boss and replied from his subordinate position.

“I hate it because business is good. I don’t want to leave my house, but I have to come to work, and then the customers pour in as soon as I arrive. Honestly, shouldn’t the hourly wage go up in summer? We’re working ourselves to the bone because business is good.”

“Then can I lower your wage in winter?” 2e47Zq

The door marked “Staff Only” swung open and then paused. Jin Kang turned around, giving a hazy smile and replying in a lazy tone.

“Do as you please.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“What’s with the scary tone?”

“I feel like I’ve been working here too long….” red4BA

Muttering just loud enough for the boss to hear, Jin Kang went inside and closed the door. He expected the boss to follow him in immediately, but there was silence. Usually, the boss would have made a fuss by now. Wondering why there was no reaction, Jin Kang quickly changed his clothes and hurried back out.

“Two iced lattes, please. Just a moment.”

It turned out the boss was preoccupied with a customer, explaining the unusual calm. Jin Kang chuckled at the sight of the vein popping out on the boss’s left temple.

As he swapped shifts with the morning staff, Jin Kang began making the drinks that had just been ordered. Only then did the boss, having finished with the customer, rush over to Jin Kang and start grumbling. C4EJzl

“You keep talking about quitting, huh?”

“When did I say I was quitting?”

“Wow, really. Look at you, slipping away from everything.”

“I just said I’ve been working here for a long time. Can’t I even say that?” jbGKwl

The sound of ice being scooped echoed loudly. Jin Kang, moving skillfully with the boss trailing him like a tail, handled the situation with ease.

“You’re always teasing the boss!”

“Weren’t you the one who told me to treat you like a big brother?”

“That depends on the situation!” tUrgCN

“Make up your mind, one way or the other.”

Having finished making the drinks, Jin Kang handed them to the waiting customer at the pickup counter with a smile.

“Enjoy your drinks.”

The dimples on his cheeks appeared prominently when he smiled. The customer, holding the drink, responded with a somewhat awkward smile before quickly leaving the store. Watching from behind, the boss wore a satisfied smile, as if he had never been grumbling earlier. 9PQA8w

“Why that expression?” Jin Kang asked, sensing something off.

The boss shook his head slowly, his expression as kind as Buddha’s. Jin Kang was certain he was having unnecessary thoughts again.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Jin Kang, let’s work together for a long time.”

“Why are you acting like a big brother now?” 8wks0L

“I told you, it depends on the situation.”

Jin Kang couldn’t fathom the ever-changing moods of his boss, wondering when they would ever settle down. He sometimes thought about how great it would be if he could hack into people’s minds.

Just then, the door opened with a refreshing sound. Both the boss and Jin Kang instinctively turned and greeted, “Welcome.”

“Boss, Kang. It’s me.” cOtiDE

Yes. The person entering with a bright face was Mrs. Kim.

Since that day, Jin Kang had seen her cheerful face and smiled slightly. It seemed she was doing well with her son. Seeing her in such good spirits for the fourth day in a row made him think there was no need to worry anymore.

“Kang, this is food I made yesterday. Keep it in the fridge and take it home when you leave.”

Jin Kang took the shopping bag Mrs. Kim handed him. It felt heavy, suggesting she had packed quite a lot. A quick glance inside revealed five large containers of side dishes. waz96S

“I still have the ribs and japchae you gave me last time, auntie.”

“It’s summer, so you shouldn’t keep food for too long. Even in the fridge, it spoils quickly. Throw away whatever’s left.”


When Jin Kang ate the side dishes up until yesterday, he didn’t notice any signs of spoilage. Mrs. Kim smiled helplessly as she watched him tilt his head in confusion. Ug3Qtr

“Eat plenty.”

“Auntie, you always give me so much. I’m going to gain weight at this rate.”

“It is okay to gain a bit more.”

“It’s not that bad. Anyway, thanks, I’ll enjoy it.” HmD6uG

Jin Kang laughed lightly and put the whole shopping bag into the refrigerator. It seemed he wouldn’t have to worry about dinner side dishes for the next few days either.

“Auntie, why do you only take care of Jin Kang?”

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The cafe owner, who had been watching from the side, grumbled as soon as the fridge door closed. Jin Kang leaned against the counter table and shrugged his shoulders, while Mrs. Kim, with a mischievous look, replied,

“Because you make a lot of money, boss.” xo uf5

“What does money have to do with it? I’m really hurt.”

“You can buy your own food.”

“No way, the taste doesn’t compare. If you keep this up, I’ll start making your coffee with half the usual shot.”

“Oh my, Jin Kang makes my coffee.” vKATGU

Both Mrs. Kim and the boss turned their faces toward Jin Kang simultaneously. Watching quietly, Jin Kang glanced back and forth between the two of them. Were they seriously asking him to choose sides? The boss sure had a knack for making everyone around him act childish. If that’s a talent, then so be it.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Jin Kang reached his hand out to Mrs. Kim.

“Hoho, as expected.”

“Wow, so it’s true what they say, raising kids is pointless.” adisoH

Leaving the boss behind, Jin Kang moved to the coffee machine. He was making a coffee when Mrs. Kim said her goodbyes and left.

“I was going to give her one on the house.”

Jin Kang looked at the coffee he had already made, then fetched some ice and milk to make a latte. He started stirring it and took a sip, grimacing at the taste.

“You work in a café and can’t even drink an Americano?” u6dGyV

“It’s too bitter.”

He pumped syrup four times and took another sip, finally nodding in approval. Muttering that he really couldn’t handle plain lattes, he noticed the boss looking at him with a pitying expression.

As time passed and lunchtime came to an end, customers began to flood in.

Café URIM wasn’t big, but it had a great location and good coffee, which attracted many customers. Located in an area dense with companies and office buildings, it had many regulars. The work was tough, but the pay was good, and the owner was accommodating, making it a decent job overall. pOeShR

After a whirlwind lunch rush, they also made the usual delivery to the Haejangguk restaurant. Another ordinary day was passing by.

A 30-minute bus ride home after work.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jin Kang arrived home and sprawled out on the sofa.

“It’s so damn hot.” YBvULQ

Picking up the remote on the table, Jin Kang turned on the air conditioner, and a cool breeze began to blow. After basking in the breeze for a while, the heat subsided. Before his body could cool down any further, he quickly got up and took a shower. Coming out refreshed, he finally felt back to his usual self.

He set a lavish dinner table with the side dishes Mrs. Kim had given him and then headed straight to the small room with a drink in hand.

Upon opening the door, the room was eerily dark. Blackout curtains completely covered the window, letting no moonlight in.

Click. eMDiHm

As he turned on the switch on the wall, a yellow lamp illuminated the room. However, the light was dim, just enough to make out the shapes of objects. The low-intensity yellow light flickered softly.

The room featured a large desk occupying one side of the wall, with six monitors above it. On the right end were two identical, sleek computers. The overall setup was neat and tidy, not cluttered at all.

On the other side of the room were various devices, but surprisingly, there were only two laptops. One was the new one he had bought yesterday, and the other was the laptop he had brought back from Hong Kong.

Since that day, the laptop from Hong Kong had never been turned on, serving only as a decoration. TO7aon

A year ago, when Jin Kang returned to Korea from Hong Kong, he disposed of the fake IDs he had used. Aside from the cash he had withdrawn in advance, he also froze the money left in his accounts. It was money he couldn’t use immediately anyway. As soon as he touched those accounts, VX would find him.

After organizing everything, Jin Kang began living a different life. At first, it was difficult. For someone who used to spend all his time on the computer at home, adjusting to life outside was not easy. However, he needed money for basic living expenses. That’s how he started working part-time at a café.

The cash he had withdrawn amounted to no more than a couple of months’ living expenses. He knew easy ways to make money, but at the time, he didn’t even want to see the ‘ㅎ’ character in hacking. Every potential broker who could connect him seemed like they might betray him.

It was a time of profound distrust. Making a new ID or creating another ghost account didn’t seem important anymore. HbTc9l

Hacking, Lrot’s name, none of it mattered. What mattered most was finding the broker who had deceived him. Without that, nothing could start anew.

For a while, he tirelessly searched for Broker ‘B’. When he received a link from him, he remembered the IP address it was connected to. Using this as a lead, he scoured nearby CCTV footage and gathered information. However, being a veteran in this field, Broker ‘B’ proved elusive to find.

Then, one day, someone caught up with him

He heard news that VX was searching for Lrot. From then on, he moved cautiously, trying to avoid him as much as possible. It felt like walking across a very thin and long suspension bridge over a cliff edge—one had to be careful not to make any missteps, as it felt precarious. dkH8h7

However, all his caution was overshadowed by a massive gust of wind. Natural disasters are something that people cannot avoid.

Sure enough, VX soon tracked him down. Fortunately, the good news was that he hadn’t been completely exposed. VX had only just started to trace his trail and he managed to escape with all his might.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

In the end, Jin Kang was able to escape from VX.

In terms of skills, Jin Kang was clearly a step below. However, the time he spent observing VX and the depth of his understanding could not be ignored. Two years of time can make even a sandpiper chase a stork. If he couldn’t chase it with his legs, he would follow it by flapping his wings. lsgTyz

Moreover, having been a fan of VX for his entire life, Jin Kang knew his behavioral patterns inside out. VX’s biggest mistake in losing Lrot was precisely this. Of course, if caught again, he wouldn’t be able to escape a second time.

What on earth was he trying to say by so persistently trying to find him? Jin Kang was curious about the reason even now. Was it to make sure it ended? Or did he dislike the idea of running away? He wouldn’t know the answer until much later because he couldn’t see him right away. If he could capture Broker ‘B’, he would meet with him in person.

After escaping, Jin Kang felt burdened by another matter. VX must have been very angry. As time passed, his heart grew more uncomfortable. However, it was inevitable.

So he started creating a program to hide himself and erase traces, pouring all his energy into programming to avoid getting caught again. 65O3dA

He used all his time except for three hours of sleep and café part-time work to prepare to find Broker ‘B’. Right now, the broker may be in hiding, but someday he would resume activities. Being a broker is not an easy job to quit. The people they do business with are formidable; once they get involved, they have to stay there forever.

Yesterday, he finally tested one of the programs he had prepared for a long time. It was regrettable that it wasn’t someone else who found him in the end.

If VX caught wind of it, he would find him soon. Jin Kang decided that improvements were necessary, so he started the process of revising it.

Sitting in his chair and turning on his computer, Jin Kang stared at the monitor before turning to gaze at his laptop. Thinking of VX made him uneasy. Although he periodically charged it to prevent the battery from draining, he had never actually powered it on. CMHhqE

A year had passed, and the emotions from that day had become somewhat blurred. The anger he harbored in his heart remained, but he no longer felt the same inner turmoil when looking at the laptop.

Due to Mrs. Kim’s circumstances, he had to use the laptop he hadn’t touched in a while. At first, he worried whether he could use it. However, contrary to his concerns, it worked without any problems. It functioned well, and he didn’t find it inconvenient. Time, after all, seemed to have been the solution.

Jin Kang took the laptop, which had been displayed like a decoration, and placed it on the desk. He slowly ran his hand over its sleek exterior. Memories of the alcohol-scented room, the house that burst into flames, and the taxi ride to the airport flooded his mind.

Recalling the past, Jin Kang cautiously opened the screen. sEMIDJ

“It’s really nothing special.”

The laptop was just a laptop.

It had taken him a long time to acknowledge that simple fact. Letting out a faint laugh, Jin Kang powered on the laptop without further hesitation. Then, he got up and headed to the drawer where the charging cable was kept.

In that brief moment, a pop-up window appeared and quickly vanished from the screen as the laptop powered on. By the time Jin Kang returned, he had no idea what had appeared. 7aTyLs

His hands were busy setting up the laptop, which he had powered on for the first time in a long while. After finishing some basic organization, he connected it to the desktop and started working on the programs he had created. He could feel that the work was now somewhat easier than before.

In the hot summer, the cool air from the air conditioner and the cold drinks helped Jin Kang work for extended periods.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

This too was just another part of his ordinary daily routine.


Translator's Note

Facing a very dangerous situation

Translator's Note

hacking in Korean is 해킹

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  1. Oh? Im curious as to what that pop-up window was… VX really has been persistent so who knows if that was him 🧐

    Thank you for the chapter ❤️