I Never Want to be a Younger Brother AgainChapter 75

After Yang Mu transformed into a beast, he lost his cultivation abilities and could no longer set up formations. Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang also didn’t know how to set them up. Every night, while the beasts did not need to sleep, Yang Mu did.

Xiao Bai had no choice but to hold Yang Mu tightly in his arms, practicing cultivation while staying vigilant of their surroundings. 56bj3J

Yang Mu curled up into a small ball in his son’s arms, sleeping soundly and carefree.

The next morning, Yang Mu was awakened by a knock on the door. He opened his sleepy eyes and stretched lazily in his son’s embrace.

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Now that he had become a beast and no longer had to worry about his strong emotional fluctuations emitting an aphrodisiac scent, Yang Mu felt much more at ease, unlike his previous cold and indifferent self.

The knocking at the door seemed urgent, with a constant, intense rhythm. cmnWB1

Xiao Bai held Yang Mu and exchanged a glance with Xiao Huang. The person outside did not seem to have very high cultivation. After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Bai tucked Yang Mu into his arms and nodded at Xiao Huang, signaling him to open the door.

Xiao Huang cautiously opened the door.

The visitor was a middle-aged man whose appearance was not particularly friendly, but his expression was anxious. Contrary to his appearance, his demeanor was quite gentle.

As soon as he entered, he looked around and asked, “Xiao Bai, Xiao Huang, where is Yang Mu?”


Xiao Bai had no memory of this person. Hearing this stranger speak so familiarly with them, Xiao Bai immediately frowned, his gaze growing increasingly hostile.

It seemed that if the middle-aged man took another step forward, Xiao Bai would act.

Noticing the hostility from Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang, the middle-aged man finally realized the situation.

He had already transformed and was no longer in his previous beast form, so it was normal for Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang to be wary of him. 215Vjs

“I am Dixuan’s father, your grandfather, Lao lang, who was with Yang Mu some time ago.” Fearing Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang would not believe him, the old wolf recounted some past events and explained his purpose for coming.

There were some things that only Xiao Bai, Xiao Huang, Yang Mu, and Lao lang knew, so when he mentioned these past events, they believed him to some extent.

Initially, Yang Mu, nestled in Xiao Bai’s arms, wondered why Lao lang was here. Was he here to find him? Would Shi Dixuan come soon after to capture them again?

However, when Yang Mu heard what Lao lang said next, his eyes widened in surprise. kgZsXT

Lao lang then noticed something struggling within Xiao Bai’s tightly wrapped embrace, revealing a furry head.

Seeing the furry head, he’s expression showed understanding.

Xiao Bai looked down and saw his father peeking out from his arms. Evidently, his father had heard the conversation just now.

Moreover, what Lao lang mentioned was exactly the same as his father’s current situation, so it was no surprise that his father reacted this way. y8KzVY

Xiao Bai took a deep breath, his brows furrowing tightly. “Is there any solution?”

Lao lang nodded. “There is a way, but you must come back with me first. It’s too dangerous outside now. With you two taking care of Yang Mu, there’s no guarantee that unexpected events won’t happen.”

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Go back?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qtfc Tjcu Ze atbeuta bo gfaegclcu jcv fcmbecafglcu Vtl Glzejc, tlr fcfws, tf ofia lcafcrf jcufg. Qtfatfg tf vlfv ja Vtl Glzejc’r tjcvr bg bearlvf, ktja vloofgfcmf vlv la wjxf? y8x2nl

Yearlvf, atfgf wluta ralii yf j rilw mtjcmf bo regnlnji.

Ktlcxlcu bo atlr, tf iloafv tlr tfjv jcv rtbbx la ja Wljb Djl, rjslcu, “Qf jgf cba ublcu yjmx.”

To Lao lang, Yang Mu’s words sounded like a couple of growls, and he didn’t understand exactly what Yang Mu was saying. However, he could roughly guess Yang Mu’s intention.

He was puzzled as to why he couldn’t understand Yang Mu, even though they were both beasts. But the most important thing now was to take Yang Mu back. So, Lao lang said seriously, “Dixuan sent me to find you. Don’t worry, he won’t harm you. The previous incidents were all misunderstandings, and those have now been cleared up. Dixuan… he never really intended to kill you.” He looked at Yang Mu in Xiao Bai’s arms. CpYM8J

Yang Mu scoffed inwardly at these words. Didn’t really intend to kill him? If it weren’t for the scent emanating from his body disrupting Shi Dixuan when he attacked, he would have likely died at his hands twice over.

So, he was resolute about not going back.

Xiao Bai saw his father shaking his head again and felt a bit hesitant.

If everything Lao lang said was true, then he might have a solution. Xiao Bai knew nothing about his father’s condition. If something happened to Yang Mu, what would he do? 9yApdD

“We won’t go back,” Xiao Bai said, looking at Lao lang, his lips pressed into a thin line.

Since his father was unwilling, Xiao Bai would respect his father’s choice. When the time came, he would have Xiao Huang take their father to a hidden and safe place, while he would go alone to find a way to save him.

Lao lang sighed softly, knowing that Yang Mu still harbored resentment towards them.

He wanted to forcibly take the three back, but he didn’t have the strength. 4wrvLj

Unable to take them by force, Lao lang decided to stay with them instead, refusing to leave. He adopted a “wherever you go, I go” attitude daily towards the three.

Yang Mu and the others were helpless. Since Lao lang was an elder and usually quite kind to him, Xiao Bai, despite having a higher cultivation level, couldn’t do anything against him.

Lao lang didn’t say much while staying there, except to ask about Yang Mu’s condition daily and persistently inquire if Yang Mu was willing to return with him.

Yang Mu repeatedly shook his head, planning their departure in his mind. DSMFid

Unfortunately, they hadn’t managed to leave when another uninvited guest arrived.

Xiao Bai held Yang Mu protectively in his arms, baring his teeth at the man standing firmly at the door. His dark eyes glared menacingly, and he let out low, threatening growls.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Hearing the commotion, Lao lang came out of his room. Seeing the man at the door, his usually calm face showed a hint of surprise. He asked, “Why are you here? Have you finished handling everything?”

“Yes.” Standing at Yang Mu’s door was Shi Dixuan. He had rushed over as soon as he finished dealing with matters on the human side, not daring to rest for a moment. ByVQ9F

Luckily, his father had taught him how to mark his presence so he could find him quickly later.

“Come back with me. You’re in great danger now.” Shi Dixuan’s dark eyes looked at the small figure in Xiao Bai’s arms, his gaze complicated.

“Give up. We will never go back with you.” Xiao Bai refused before Yang Mu could speak, his expression full of disdain for Shi Dixuan.

Sensing Shi Dixuan’s gaze on him, Yang Mu burrowed deeper into Xiao Bai’s embrace. oIUlmr

Shi Dixuan, with his higher cultivation and decisive actions, stepped forward, tossing Xiao Huang to Lao lang to watch over. He then stood before Xiao Bai and, with an undeniable authority, gently but firmly pulled Yang Mu out of Xiao Bai’s arms and cradled him carefully.

Poor Xiao Bai stood there in a daze, seemingly not yet comprehending what had just happened.

Shi Dixuan’s actions were so swift that no one on the scene could react in time. It wasn’t until Yang Mu was already cradled in Shi Dixuan’s arms that Xiao Bai snapped out of his daze. Furious, he lunged forward, trying to snatch Yang Mu back.

Looking at his son, who was baring his teeth and claws, and then glancing at the small white bundle in his arms, which was struggling incessantly, Shi Dixuan’s lips curved into a faint, fleeting smile. 2e GK5

After entrusting his father with taking care of Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang, Shi Dixuan left with Yang Mu.

Yang Mu, carried away by Shi Dixuan, struggled desperately in his embrace, feeling the intense warmth of Shi Dixuan’s body, which made his skin break out in goosebumps.

Yang Mu’s cries were small and delicate, lacking any real threat, only serving to provoke a desire in Shi Dixuan to tease him more.

With a calm expression, Shi Dixuan gently patted the small bundle’s rear, saying, “Quiet down.” Feeling the sudden stiffness of the bundle in his arms, a faint smile flickered in his eyes. TF6KuQ

Ever since he learned that Yang Mu hadn’t actually plotted against him, the knot in his heart had loosened, and he felt much more relaxed.

Yang Mu, his body stiffening, felt embarrassed. If he were in his human form, his face would be flushed red. What had Shi Dixuan just done? In all his lives, no one had ever spanked him. Yet Shi Dixuan had just patted his bottom?

His bottom seemed to still hold the warmth of Shi Dixuan’s palm, making the spot itch as if bitten by a mosquito, both itchy and numb.

Gritting his teeth and ignoring the odd sensation in his heart, Yang Mu dared not move again, fearing that the shameless Shi Dixuan might spank him once more. 20wl3r

They returned without further incident to the beastmen’s residence. Yang Mu surveyed the familiar surroundings, feeling a mix of emotions. He sighed softly, thinking to himself how unlucky he was to be captured again just a few days after escaping.

Xiao Hei had returned to the residence ahead of Shi Dixuan. Seeing Shi Dixuan back, he quickly approached. Noticing the small beast in Shi Dixuan’s arms, he asked curiously, “King, who is this? Another one rescued from a sect?” Usually, the beastmen’ rescued from sects were handed over to them for healing. With this in mind, Xiao Hei extended his hand, saying, “King, let me take care of it.”

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Shi Dixuan glanced at Xiao Hei, his eyes deep. He still remembered Xiao Hei’s deliberate release of Yang Mu and the others. However, knowing that Xiao Hei had acted for the future of the beast clan, albeit presumptuously, Shi Dixuan couldn’t be too harsh on him.

“No need,” Shi Dixuan replied, carrying Yang Mu back to his own quarters. v1DhS9

Standing behind him, Xiao Hei clenched his fists, his face showing a hint of sadness. His loyalty to the king was unquestionable, yet the king had turned away from him because of a human. How could he not feel heartbroken?

Returning with Yang Mu to his residence, Shi Dixuan carefully placed Yang Mu on the bed. Accidentally meeting Yang Mu’s bright black eyes filled with caution made him pause. It felt as if he had just swallowed a mouthful of bitter tea, leaving a tingling sensation on his tongue.

This was a completely unfamiliar emotion for him.

“I’m sorry.” Shi Dixuan’s apology left Yang Mu startled. The usually dominant Shi Dixuan suddenly softened his attitude, which made Yang Mu feel uneasy. 5Lufvb

If he were in human form now, he would definitely pat Shi Dixuan’s head to see if he was out of his mind.

With a pair of dark, unpretentious eyes, Yang Mu looked at Shi Dixuan with suspicion, mixed with a hint of fear and unease. Shi Dixuan didn’t explain himself, only soothingly stroked Yang Mu’s furry head with gentle movements.

He wasn’t good with words, but in the future, he would prove that his remorse was genuine.

Perhaps, mixed in with that remorse, were other emotions. T4d8QG

After a day, Lao lang, along with Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang, hurriedly returned to the beast clan.

As soon as the two arrived, they rushed eagerly to Shi Dixuan’s residence, fearing that Yang Mu had been mistreated by Shi Dixuan.

The other beasts in the clan, who had been guessing where Yang Mu, rescued by the king, had come from, saw Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang’s anxious expressions and heard their words. A vague suspicion formed in their hearts. hz lwg

They exchanged incredulous glances. Yang Mu, whom they had hated and discriminated against, turned out to be a beast? What had they been doing targeting him, even plotting against him?

Of all the complex emotions, Xiao Hei’s were the most complicated. Upon learning that the beast in Shi Dixuan’s arms that day was Yang Mu, whom he detested the most, Xiao Hei’s face went from flushed to pale and then to a deep shade of blue, before turning red again after a moment.

The changing colors of his face were quite amusing.

Perhaps only Xiao Hei himself could understand the complexity of his emotions. g8CGpS

Beasts were already rare, and internal conflicts and harming their own kind were things they detested the most.

Their only task was to unite and resist human aggression and harm.

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Why hadn’t Yang Mu confessed to them earlier that he was also a beast?

Thinking back to the day when he deliberately let Yang Mu go, allowing Yang Mu to leave with the two, Xiao Hei couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread. The dangers the three beasts would face in the human world were unimaginable. If, because of his actions, the three beasts lost their lives, he wouldn’t be able to face the king and the others. Zu862h

Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang hurriedly arrived at Shi Dixuan’s residence. Seeing Yang Mu sleeping soundly on the bed, their expressions showed a hint of astonishment, followed by nervousness. 

Xiao Bai reluctantly asked Shi Dixuan, “What’s wrong with my father?”

Shi Dixuan looked at Yang Mu sleeping peacefully on the bed, a hint of worry flashing in his eyes. He said, “He has been increasingly sleepy these days. We need to quickly set out to find that place.”

Sitting next to Yang Mu, Xiao Bai carefully adjusted the bedding for him, then stood up with determination. “I’ll go.” 1QV6Bm

Xiao Huang quickly added, “I’ll go too.”

Shi Di Xuan bluntly refused them, “No, you can’t go.”

A hint of annoyance flashed across Xiao Bai’s face. He said solemnly, “Why not?”

“Your cultivation level is too low. In this urgent situation, bringing you along would only delay us.” Shi Dixuan’s disdain was evident in his words. “I’ll take your father with me, and you two stay here.” aD8KZT

Xiao Bai was rendered speechless by Shi Dixuan’s straightforward words. Shi Dixuan was right, their cultivation levels were indeed too low. If they accompanied them on the journey, it might delay the treatment of his father.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Bai finally compromised. “Okay, I’ll stay here.” Pausing for a moment, he threatened, “You must take good care of my father. If anything happens to him, I won’t let you off.”

In Xiao Bai’s mind, if anything happened to Yang Mu, the main culprit would undoubtedly be Shi Dixuan. Even though they were related by blood, he wouldn’t show any mercy towards him.

Shi Dixuan didn’t mind Xiao Bai treating him like an enemy. He looked at the sleeping Yang Mu on the bed, his gaze softening slightly. ZycA3r

Nodding, he said firmly, “Hmm, I will definitely bring him back safely.”

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  1. I’m lowkey confused.

    Yang Mu gets taken away by force, the kids wait a whole day to follow.They previously wanted to keep the situation hush-hush, in the beast-lair they blab enough about it that now everyone knows that Yang Mu is a beast.Yang Mu’s situation is urgent enough that Shi Dixuan wants to leave the kids behind since they will slow him down, he waited until the kids arrived (which he didn’t know when it will happen) before leaving.

    Logic was thrown out the window in this chapter.