The Whole World Is Waiting for Us to Break UpCh5 - Wrong Image 05

Fu Luoyin’s illness lasted for two days, and he quickly recovered as good as new.

The private doctor said, “You’ve been staying at the Jiangnan branch for a long time, and your body hasn’t adjusted to the environment. It should be a microbial imbalance caused by water quality issues here. Over the next few days, pay attention to gradually adjusting your diet, and focus on light and bland foods. Another thing is not to overwork yourself, take moderate rest. You’re probably under a lot of stress, but it’s crucial to regulate your work and sleep schedule. Having a regular daily routine is the most important.” xz0UDM

Fu Luoyin said, “Got it.”

If he can spare the time to rest, does he still need this?

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The doctor prescribed him probiotics. Fu Luoyin drank them and then went to the Bureau Seven for a meeting.

The Bureau Seven is an independent entity separate from all political institutions of the Alliance. It doesn’t fall under any authority and is responsible for matters directly related to Alliance technology, space defense, and the trends in various fields for the next twenty years. O07Hd2

The B4 plan of the Fu family’s company was temporarily suspended due to Chu Shihan’s accident that year. Now that Fu Luoyin has returned to Star City and joined the Bureau Seven, the first item on the agenda is still to have him restart B4.

“Xiao Fu, let me be honest with you. Analyzing the situation, it’s not impossible to restart the investigation team, but it will become very complicated when it involves every aspect,” Department Head Xiao Jue of the Bureau Seven was a gentle middle-aged man. “As I mentioned last time, it’s been two years since the child Shihan’s incident. Your father personally terminated the investigation, and everyone is aware of this. The matter is settled. If we stir it up again now, not only will the outside world think we’re misusing resources, but it will also affect the credibility of Bureau Seven. Let’s be clear, without you and the support of your family behind B4, this project can’t proceed. I understand that when the incident occurred, you were at the base and were cut off from the outside world and missed the window for a specialized investigation. I also hope that your personal feelings won’t affect the entire Bureau Seven. We’ll consider this matter. After discussing it, we’ve decided to report it as we did two years ago, but the investigative team won’t be as fully staffed as it was back then. At that time, to confirm if there was a problem with the data in Shihan’s hands, we mobilized the best quantum analysts from Xiao’s. Through extensive calculations, we reconstructed the scene and confirmed that it was most likely an accident. But now, without any obstruction to the B4 plan, such manpower…”

“I understand,” Fu Luoyin said, “I hope this case can be investigated from a criminal perspective, without the need for data analysis. As for specifics, I will arrange it myself.”

Both sides took a step back. Xiao Jue nodded, “That’s fine. Whether you have your own channels or not, once it’s approved from above, you can proceed and take charge. It’s also proper to give an account to the elderly at home.”


As the meeting concluded, Fu Luoyin only felt a headache, and a faint discomfort in his stomach. His stomach issues were an old ailment; those who knew him well knew it was a lingering problem from his time in the military.

Back then, Fu Kai vehemently opposed his affair with Xia Ran, resorting to thunderous measures by sending him directly to the most remote and high-pressure area of the Alliance, the Eighth Special Military Region. Fu Luoyin also had a fiery temper. He endured a life worse than death for two years, but his knee was injured, and also caused him stomach problems.

Zhou Heng was waiting outside for him——he had come to help him organize his new residence in Bureau Seven, and the trunk was filled with many newly purchased items. He saw Fu Luoyin come out and quickly handed over the hot water he had prepared on time. Fu Luoyin took a sip and almost spat it out, his face turning pale.

Zhou Heng was startled, “Young Master, this isn’t right. Didn’t the doctor say you are fine?” 2MW 1S

“I haven’t eaten anything all day during the meeting, and my stomach can’t take it,” Fu Luoyin rubbed his face and wearily sat down in the car.

Zhou Heng quickly said, “I’ll quickly call the doctor again, and see if it is necessary to give the young master an injection for this situation.”

“What kind of injection? Go find Lin Shuicheng. You’re becoming more and more discerning” Fu Luoyin said.

Zhou Heng hehe-ed, “The boss seems to be becoming increasingly fond of going to Mr. Xiao Lin’s place lately, huh?” XM0aib

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Upon arriving at the location, Zhou Heng, being very discerning, helped carry Fu Luoyin’s belongings that were supposed to be moved to the Bureau Seven. It just so happened that the trunk was filled with Fu Luoyin’s daily necessities. 

Olc Vtelmtfcu kjr ja tbwf, aglwwlcu atf Jtlfo’r cjlir. 

Ktf mbkmja tfjgv atf mbwwbalbc ja atf vbbg, rcloofv jc ecqifjrjca rmfca, jcv mbeivc’a tbiv yjmx. Par mijkr rmgjamtfv Olc Vtelmtfcu’r tjcv, ifjnlcu j yibbv wjgx, atfc delmxis vjgafv lcab Olc Vtelmtfcu’r gbbw.

Xijcmlcu eq, Me Oebslc jcv Itbe Lfcu fcafgfv. Itbe Lfcu ugffafv tlw, “Zg. Wljb Olc, P mjwf ab tfiq atf Tbecu Zjrafg wbnf rbwf atlcur.” FWSLu

Lin Shuicheng was a bit surprised: “?”

The heating was on in the room. Fu Luoyin casually took off his coat and handed it to Lin Shuicheng. “I’ll stay with you for a few days.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lin Shuicheng was momentarily stunned, then nodded, and said very obediently, “Okay.”

Fu Luoyin felt his mood lighten up. He reached out and pinched Lin Shuicheng’s cheek, sizing him up. “You look good. Is your illness gone?” RnejHp

Lin Shuicheng said, “Better.”

Seeing that he was silent again, Zhou Heng made a sidelong remark: “Mr. Xiao Lin and the Young Master are quite a coincidence, falling sick together and all.”

Lin Shuicheng suddenly seemed to recall and lifted his eyes to look at Fu Luoyin, and asked softly, “Has your illness gotten better?”

“It’s not like I’m fully recovered yet. I came here to find you to help me with my sickroom meal.” Fu Luoyin reached out and pulled him into his arms. Smelling the clean and sweet scent of shampoo in Lin Shuicheng’s hair, the moment when he touched his soft waist, Fu Luoyin instinctively felt he was about to be set on fire again. So he softly said in a voice only they could hear: “Less waves today.” bneYNK

The room was warm, and Lin Shuicheng only wore a single layer of clothing and shorts, with his arms and legs exposed. With just one embrace, it was evident – his skin was soft and resilient, and can be easily manipulated. Lin Shuicheng has this ability to stir up fire without a word or movement.

Lin Shuicheng glanced at him, his beautiful eyes filled with innocence.

Zhou Heng put all of Fu Luoyin’s things in their places.

In the evening, Lin Shuicheng made pig stomach chicken, soup with baby bok choy, and sautéed asparagus with shrimp. Light and delicious, he substituted rice with porridge made of preserved egg and lean pork. Fu Luoyin's stomach discomfort eased considerably. an3SDX

During the interval while he was eating, Lin Shuicheng went to take a shower. Every time Fu Luoyin came over, Lin Shuicheng would always take another shower.

Fu Luoyin slowly drank his porridge while dealing with various matters. By the time he finished handling everything in his hands, the porridge had already cooled down, and only then did he realize that Lin Shuicheng had not come out all along.

Fu Luoyin got up, went into the room, and looked around.

The master bedroom’s attached bathroom was filled with steam, and the cowcat crouched by the door, anxiously scratching at the wall with its paws and meowing. dYE2TS

Fu Luoyin pushed the door and entered. Hot steam billowed out. Lin Shuicheng was lying in the bathtub, fast asleep with his eyes closed.

When he came in, the cold air he brought in made Lin Shuicheng feel uncomfortable. The water itself was also cooling down rapidly. Lin Shuicheng shrank inside, feeling colder and colder.

Fu Luoyin directly lifted him up from the bathtub, startling Lin Shuicheng so much that he bounced up like a fish. He was pressed back into his arms and roughly thrown onto the bed.

Fu Luoyin had originally decided to rest well tonight, but seeing Lin Shuicheng like this, it’s as if he was possessed and can’t control himself. c4px5k

That night, Lin Shuicheng was made to cry again by him. He cried intermittently, both tender and provocative, like a fairy.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He indulges himself without restraint— it’s not like he really can’t handle it. Putting on such an act is inevitably a bit pretentious.

Fu Luoyin was very impatient with his demeanor like this, even less likely to know how to coax people, asked him in a low voice: “Are you still crying?” SLVuo3

Lin Shuicheng seemed genuinely clueless, or perhaps unable to restrain himself. He burrowed into his arms and, with a low whimper, uttered two words, pleading for mercy. Fu Luoyin didn’t initially catch on, but then his whole body trembled slightly. “What did you say?”

Husband,” Lin Shuicheng said drowsily, “you hurt me.”

He gripped Fu Luoyin’s wrist, feeling both aggrieved and angry. One was a soldier, the other a student who spent most of his time in the lab; there is a huge disparity in their body size and strength. Lin Shuicheng exerted force in his grasp, but it was like a kitten scratching. When Fu Luoyin tried to move, Lin Shuicheng couldn’t resist at all.

At first, Fu Luoyin found it amusing—Lin Shuicheng really took this relationship so seriously. But then, he felt a softening in some corner of his heart, along with a kind of strange palpitation. bO 5NG

Being liked by someone is never a bad thing.

Thinking about the long time he would be staying at Lin Shuicheng’s place in the future, he softened his movements, hesitated for a moment, and gently kissed Lin Shuicheng’s cheek. “Alright, don’t cry. I’ll be more gentle.”

Lin Shuicheng stopped crying. “You keep your word.”

He didn’t know how to coax people. Even when he was with Xia Ran before, he never coaxed him. Xia Ran was full of cunning schemes, but ironically, influenced by his father’s words and deeds, he had picked up a bit of machismo. When the spirit of the two people was unpolished by life, the needle’s point naturally faced the wheat awn, hurting each other at every turn. Don’t talk about coaxing the other, when the two of them argued, they would directly throw books and fight. pJu1DO

The long years had ultimately changed some things about him.

Fu Luoyin looked at his red eyes with amusement, and said softly, “You are the first person to enjoy this kind of treatment from me, Lin Shuicheng.”

Lin Shuicheng wasn’t sure if he heard it clearly or not, and tried to bite him again. This time, he missed and, huffing, he drifted off into a drowsy sleep.

The next morning, when he got up, Fu Luoyin, as usual, was nowhere to be found. rwjZok

It took Lin Shuicheng ten minutes to get out of bed, and his whole body felt as if it were falling apart.

Previously, Fu Luoyin would visit once every few months and stay for four or five days. Lin Shuicheng preferred that frequency. Now coming every day, living in a drunken stupor every day, even Lin Shuicheng is finding it a bit too much to handle. More importantly, it was disrupting his regular studies.

He took out his phone, intending to ask Zhou Heng what was going on, but after a moment of hesitation, he gave up.

Fu Luoyin probably won’t stay for too long, right? uH9pe3

But what if Fu Luoyin plans to stay for a long time? After all, he left all his personal items here.

Lin Shuicheng ruffled his hair and sighed softly.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He rummaged through the medicine box for some anti-inflammatory ointment, applied it on himself despite the pain, and then set off for school.

It was still raining today, and the sky was gloomy. There weren’t many people around in the morning. A bright red space car was parked at the entrance of the School of Mathematics, quite valuable. Students passing by would discuss it. UTQe J

Lin Shuicheng was scrolling through data reports on his phone while preparing to close his umbrella and enter the graduate student laboratory building. In the moment of closing his umbrella, he didn’t see what was in front of him, and was bumped squarely by a girl, taking a few steps back and falling to the ground.

He was already feeling uncomfortable, and his lower back was still aching faintly. After falling like this, he couldn’t get up for a while, and his coat and hands also got dirty with mud and water.

“Sorry, sorry! I was walking too fast and didn’t notice you. I’m really sorry! Let me help you wash your coat.” In front of him was a very beautiful girl, who rushed up and used wet wipes to help him wipe off, apologizing profusely.

Lin Shuicheng shook his head to stop the girl’s actions and gently said, “It’s okay.” ajTUh5

He had a bit of mysophobia. Although it’s uncomfortable now, although it’s uncomfortable now, but they could use the laundry room in the TA dorm here, it’s better to wear a lab coat when entering the laboratory.

Lin Shuicheng folded his umbrella and walked inside.

The girl who bumped into him glanced back at him, took out her phone, and made a call, speaking in a low voice: “…Yes, I saw him. I didn’t mistake him. There’s a red tear mole at the corner of his eye.”

It is unclear what the person on the other end of the phone said, but the girl confidently replied, “Who could possibly look better than you? Ranran, don’t overthink it. They all say that Fu’er only has you in his heart. Coincidentally, I switched majors to the data team this time. I’ll help you meet him. Whether it’s a tiger or a cat, you’ll know once you give it a try.” PMCapi

Translator's Note

恋爱 (pinyin: liàn’ài) — (romantic) love / to have an affair

Translator's Note

Sorry. This translator was wanting to do it. 嘿嘿 (pinyin: hēihēi) — (onom.) he he / mischievous laughter

Translator's Note

Pork belly chicken【Manshi Slow Talk】Season 2 Episode 15*4K

Translator's Note

Baby Cabbage in Soup - Rinnai Gourmet

Translator's Note

How to make fried shrimp balls with asparagus_[Shanghai] Fried shrimp balls with asparagus_How to make fried shrimp balls with asparagus_Recipe for fat mushrooms_Food World

Translator's Note

Teach you how to make a larger version of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, young people also love it, the taste is salty, sweet and delicious_Mobile

Translator's Note

And, this translator’s stomach growling in hunger (ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᴵ ʰᵃᵈ ʰᵃᵈ ᵈⁱⁿⁿᵉʳ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵗʰʳᵉᵉ ʰᵒᵘʳˢ ᵃᵍᵒ.)😭😭

Translator's Note

妖精 (pinyin: yāojing) – evil spirit / alluring woman

This translator thought “fairy” would be better.

Translator's Note

Can I say that this sent shivers down my spine?

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  1. louyan is like a kid😂 how could he not move on like?? it’s been a decade or two🙄 and this ranran is poisonous, he should just stay where he belongs like for example in the garbage🙂

    I love how the mc is not that serious throughout the relationship 🥺 I hope louyin is not the ML, I don’t like him🤬

  2. As always lin shuicheng’s attitude is always so funny to me. I’m cheering him on, get your bag baby…

    Thanks for translating!!

  3. I wish this story was about mc moving on and finding someone better 😭I think ML sees his white moonlight as perfect because they haven’t seen each other in a long while and it made him forget about the bad things. They were even arguing quite a lot. Let’s see how their reconnection works out.