The Whole World Is Waiting for Us to Break UpCh4 - Wrong Image 04

Fu Luoyin thought that what he wanted most right now was food cooked by Lin Shuicheng. However, after receiving Lin Shuicheng in person, he changed his mind slightly.

He had never seen Lin Shuicheng in his usual appearance before. Whenever he saw him before, Zhou Heng would always help him dress up beautifully. Today, Lin Shuicheng was dressed simply, like any ordinary student. Standing in the laboratory wearing a white lab coat, he looked both beautiful and unapproachable. izPN3d

Especially the way he talks to others, hands in his pockets, back straight, slightly lowering his head, with wisps of hair falling down, appearing obedient yet cold, contrasting sharply with his demeanor here.

At first touch, the white peach feels hard and rough, giving the impression that it’s not fully ripe. But upon peeling the skin, one realizes that Lin Shuicheng is a ripe fruit, mature yet not overripe, at its best moment—plump, juicy, and filled with youthful enthusiasm.

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The Star University campus was deserted and desolate, with the thunderstorm weather sweeping the rain horizontally. He pinched Lin Shuocheng’s waist, clearly feeling that the person before him was in a good mood today. It was hard to tell whether it was them or the rain and wind causing it. The car windows shook, the wind outside whistled, the leaves rustled, and the gloomy sky pressed down as if doomsday had arrived.

Fu Luoyin asked in a low voice, “What’s going on today? So unrestrained, hmm?” bweLyz

Lin Shuicheng’s eyes were red, tightly embracing his shoulders, desperately burying himself into his embrace. When he didn’t speak, Fu Luoyin bullied him even more. Lin Shuicheng sobbed, saying, “I missed you a lot today, I wanted to see you.”

Fu Luoyin asked, “Miss me, or miss this?”

The car window shook violently again. Lin Shuicheng’s fingers twitched spasmodically, then he bit him again and said, “I don’t want to anymore.”

“How come you don’t want to anymore?”


Lin Shuicheng once again didn’t say anything, only staring at him with red eyes, a watery scene, as if he was being coquettish and begging for mercy.

Fu Luoyin wasn’t falling for it. The more Lin Shuicheng acted like this, the more Fu Luoyin wanted to kill him, losing control for a moment. When Lin Shuicheng got off the car, his waist felt so weak that he almost knelt directly on the ground. He was carried up by him.

When he picked him up, Lin Shuicheng tilted his head and buried his face in his shoulder, refusing to look at anyone.

Carrying the person into the room before setting them down, avoiding the obstructive cowcat, Fu Luoyin casually turned on the light, only to see that Lin Shuicheng’s face was already flushed red. PtULFg

Fu Luoyin found it a bit amusing and sat down beside him, saying, “Go cook.”

Lin Shuicheng was obedient, so he went as asked. He took a shower and then went to cook. Fu Luoyin started a conference call that lasted from afternoon till night. When he returned, the steaming hot food was already plated on the table.

He made a basin of boiled lamb and a big plate chicken, stir-fried cabbage, and cut some cucumber shreds as a refreshing side dish. After finishing this side, the garlic eggplant from the other side also came out of the oven, emitting a fragrant aroma. In addition to these, he also found a soup stove, prepared a clear soup hot pot, and placed vegetables nearby for blanching.

Fu Luoyin pulled out a chair and sat down, saying, “It’s just the two of us. You don’t have to make so much in the future.” 0a63gE

Lin Shuicheng said, “But today is perfect for hotpot, and I also wanted to make other delicious dishes for you.”

Outside, lightning flashed and thunder roared, the rain poured down heavily, and the temperature dropped sharply. Indeed, it was suitable to eat something hot and steaming. Fu Luoyin scooped a spoonful of soup and drank it. It indeed left a fragrance on the lips and teeth, and its warmth spreading through the stomach.

The remaining spread on the table didn’t need to be cleaned up. A housekeeper would come at noon and five o’clock every day to take care of it. Lin Shuicheng cooking seemed to be entirely for pleasure.

Fu Luoyin casually asked, “Where did you learn to cook?” e4ONls

“When I first entered college, I didn’t have money to eat in the cafeteria. My scholarship hadn’t come through yet, so I bought ingredients and secretly cooked using the alcohol burner in the lab. At that time, I was caught by… a senior brother, but he covered for me. He said as long as I shared some of what I cooked with him every day, he wouldn’t tell the professor.” Lin Shuicheng paused and continued, “In order not to be expelled, I bought a cookbook, hoping to cook something delicious so that my senior brother wouldn’t want to report me. But later, my senior brother took me to his rented room to cook, and I didn’t break any rules again. I cooked for him for a semester.”

Fu Luoyin smiled, propped up his legs, and lit a cigarette.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He thought for a moment about that scenario. It would be quite normal to say it, but coming from someone like Lin Shuicheng, it sounded a bit odd.

He asked, “Why didn’t you offer yourself instead?” 3MFW4J

Lin Shuicheng came over and leaned against him, kissing his cheek, and asked in a low voice, “Are you jealous?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He always liked to ask meaningless questions. Sometimes Fu Luoyin couldn’t tell if he was genuinely confused and saw him as a boyfriend or if he was just playing around in front of him; he couldn’t be bothered to answer.

Lf qeiifv Olc Vtelmtfcu lcab jc fwygjmf, tlr olcufgalqr abemtlcu atf kjgw rxlc bo atf qfgrbc yfrlvf tlw. Vevvfcis, tf cbalmfv rbwfatlcu, “Cgf sbe gecclcu j ofnfg?”

“Èc?” Olc Vtelmtfcu rcjqqfv bea bo tlr atbeutar, offilcu j riluta kjgwat fwjcjalcu ogbw tlr ybvs. Lf tjv ofia vlhhs sfrafgvjs obg j ktlif yea tjvc’a qjlv wemt jaafcalbc ab la, jcv cbk tf kjr gecclcu j ofnfg jujlc. nCj4VP

As Lin Shuicheng turned his head, he could see even more clearly. His thin skin and tender flesh, when flushed with fever, tinged the corners of his eyes red, making them appear brighter. Before Fu Luoyin could say anything, Lin Shuicheng, like a fish, swam over to his side, resting his chin on Fu Luoyin’s shoulder and chuckled hoarsely,  “I heard it's more comfortable to do it when you have a fever.”

Fu Luoyin extinguished the cigarette he had just lit.

He stood up, and with a flick of his hand, Lin Shuicheng was practically dragged into the room. In the midst of everything spinning around, all he could do was laugh. He didn’t express any objections to his rough actions, being exceptionally obedient.

In the pitch-black of the deep night, Fu Luoyin calmly stared into his eyes, seeing infinite confusion and sinking within. 4k1Q0s

He can’t figure out how there could be someone like Lin Shuicheng, naturally bad but foolish, shameless, seducing people without regards for their life.

If it weren’t for meeting him, who knows, he might have been played to death by someone else. It was only after meeting Lin Shuicheng that Fu Luoyin realized he could have such intense desires. Every time with Lin Shuicheng, he was almost like living in a dream.

The rain grew heavier in the middle of the night. Fu Luoyin was awakened by the vibration of his phone. He saw that it was a message from the Bureau Seven, regarding the departmental transfer situation after his return to Star City this time.

In addition, there was a message from Zhou Heng three hours ago: [Young Master, I’ve arranged a flight for you to the Jiangnan branch. All flights from Star City to the Jiangnan branch in the next two days will have first-class seats reserved for you. You can decide to depart at any time.] 86I5Bf

He glanced at it and replied, “I’ll go over now.”

With a slight turn of his head, he realized that the surroundings were empty; Lin Shuicheng had disappeared at some point.

Outside, the sound of rain persisted, with waves of coolness in the air.

Fu Luoyin changed his clothes and pushed open the door of the workroom, only to see Lin Shuicheng lying on his stomach at the table with his back to him. The documents on the table had all been put away, leaving only a transparent flask with a circular base containing a light blue solution, along with some ugly flocculent precipitate. RA2GSr

Lin Shuicheng was dressed in a single shirt with a coat draped over it. Fu Luoyin bent down to check his forehead temperature and found that he was still running a fever.

“I’m leaving now. I’ll come back in a few days. I’ll call you then.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lin Shuicheng stirred, opened his eyes, turned his head to look at him, and let out an “èn,” his face pale.

Fu Luoyin walked to the door, glanced back at him. He originally did not intend to say much, but inexplicably, he opened his mouth, “If you have a fever, go back and lie down. Tomorrow, let Zhou Heng take you to get an injection.” vMOTtJ

“Okay.” Lin Shuicheng woke up, sitting on the chair and rubbing his head. He looked up and suddenly saw the crystals forming in his storm bottle due to the temperature drop on the rainy night. At first, his eyes lit up, but then he felt a wave of disappointment.

Fu Luoyin heard him mutter, “Why is it this shape?”

All of Lin Shuicheng’s attention was drawn to that flask, and he seemed to forget about seeing Fu Luoyin off. Fu Luoyin didn’t mind either. Before leaving, he smoothed down the fur of the cowcat that had been fluffed up and left just like that.

His trip to the Jiangnan branch was only for a day, and upon returning, the Bureau Seven had another project for him. His father came to participate in a certain chamber of commerce, and when Fu Luoyin called, it was Fu Kai’s secretary who answered the phone: “Is this the Second Young Master? Mr. Fu’s schedule is full tonight. If you want to meet with Mr. Fu today, we can allocate ten minutes for you, specifically from 11:20 PM to 11:30 PM.” z QHoU

Fu Luoyin said, “It’s urgent, I need to see him right now.”

The secretary said, “Second Young Master—”

Fu Luoyin hung up the phone.

Outside the conference room of the chamber of commerce, Fu Luoyin barged in directly. iFI0UD

Fu Kai had just finished hearing the report from his secretary when Fu Luoyin entered right after. There were still many people in the conference room. Fu Luoyin flashed his special access pass from the Bureau Seven, “Bureau Seven is at work, excuse me. Asking General Fu Kai to come out for a moment; there’s a mission.”

When he came out, Fu Kai’s expression was very bad.

When they reached a secluded place, he said directly, “Nonsense! When have I ever coordinated with Bureau Seven? You’re becoming more and more unruly!”

Fu Luoyin didn’t pay attention to his anger and said directly, “The Beureau Seven wants me to restart Project B40016102.” wR7CYO

Fu Kai pondered for a moment, then said, “Listen to the organization’s arrangements. Whatever decision is made by Bureau Seven, just cooperate with it.”

“I made a request to restart my brother’s special investigation from two years ago,” Fu Luoyin said, looking straight into his eyes. “Can you tell me why the project was abruptly terminated back then?”

Fu Kai frowned and rebuked directly, “Nonsense! It’s been two years already. Why bring up this matter now?”

The old general was full of vigor, his voice booming. He still maintained the attitude and demeanor of reprimanding his two sons from years ago, lecturing the grown-up child before him, oblivious to any potential issues with his approach. piOPEf

By now, there was no one within a radius of fifty meters around the two of them.

Fu Luoyin said, “Two years ago, I was monitoring the company’s experimental progress at the branch base. You were the one who investigated this matter from start to finish. I don’t know what you found out that made you have to abruptly terminate the investigation. As long as this investigation team isn’t restarted, my mother won’t be clear-headed, and my brother won’t rest in peace. Is this what you want to see?”

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Fu Kai fell silent.

Fu Kai and Chu Jingshu were very affectionate. Their first child was given Chu Jingshu’s surname, which was the best evidence. 2I4K8W

People are bound to be biased at times. Chu Shihan was their first child together, so they had more hopes pinned on him. When Chu Shihan died, Fu Kai personally followed the investigation and also personally ended it midway, without holding anyone accountable.

Chu Jingshu couldn’t accept such investigation results. Her condition worsened day by day, plunging into a severe state of depression, her mental state becoming increasingly precarious.

In the span of two years, a once happy family fell apart.

Making such a choice came with a significant cost. However, from beginning to end, Fu Kai never provided any explanation for it. ukxcKW

Fu Kai said, “Don’t get involved in this matter. You are Shihan’s biological brother, and I am his biological father. You must believe that if there’s anyone manipulating this case, I will be the first to expose them. However, the fact is, there are no suspects in this case. The assailant at the dock has already been brought to justice. Continuing further would only be a waste of resources. That’s all I have to say.”

He gave Fu Luoyin a warning glance. “Just returned to Star City, don’t cause trouble in the Bureau Seven. I have to go back for a meeting.”

Fu Luoyin remained silent.

Before Fu Kai left, he glanced back at him, his tone still commanding, “You’ve lost weight. Are you having a cold? Your voice sounds hoarse. Go back and exercise more. A soldier getting sick so easily; what does that look like?” fHZvy6

Fu Luoyin only just noticed that his voice was a bit hoarse too, unsure if it was due to staying up late or catching a cold. Perhaps it was Lin Shuicheng who had infected him.

On the way back to Star City, Fu Luoyin also started to have a fever. He called Zhou Heng and arranged for a private doctor to go to his assigned house at Bureau Seven, and then he went back to rest.

Fu Luoyin’s fingertips felt hot, and when he looked down, he saw a faint bite mark on them. It reminded him of something, so he asked, “Did Lin Shuicheng call you? He also caught a cold. Send him some medicine too.”

Zhou Heng said, “Not yet. Maybe Mr. Xiao Lin is feeling embarrassed to reach out to me. I’ll contact him.” EAqZgQ

Fu Luoyin was about to hang up the phone when he heard Zhou Heng say on the other end, “Young Master has been visiting Mr. Xiao Lin often recently.  Does the set of custom-made clothes that the Young Master ordered last time need to be sent over there as before?”

He beat around the bush trying to find out how much he cared about Lin Shuicheng; it’s good to play by the ear.

Fu Luoyin thought for a moment, how often had he been to Lin Shuicheng’s place recently?

He felt sorry for him, seeing him waiting alone like this, with such deep feelings. yEKdha

And since he had a home he didn’t want to return to, he was also seeking a temporary place of solace.

Fu Luoyin said, “You handle the delivery.”

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When Zhou Heng called, Lin Shuicheng was at home washing a beaker.

He poured out the light blue solution and the ugly flocculent precipitate, and then prepared a new bottle, placing it on his own experimental table. 4GPRz0

Chief jumped onto his desk, then he was lifted down by him. The computer’s heat sink was buzzing.

The most valuable thing he brought with him was this computer, bought with the scholarship money he had saved up.

He tilted his head, holding the phone near his shoulder, while using both hands to wipe the flask.

“Mr. Xiao Lin?” Mn5pl6

“It’s me. What’s up?”

“Oh, I see. Mr. Fu has a cold and said you also caught one. I’m calling to ask if you’re still feeling unwell. Do you need medicine delivered or would you like a private doctor to come and check on you?”

Lin Shuicheng continued wiping the beaker and thought for a moment, “No need. I can buy medicine myself.”

“Do you really not need it? Mr. Fu’s fever is quite high right now. If you need a private doctor too, we can send a car to pick you up. You can see the doctor together with Mr. Fu.” 9fCWl7

On the other end of the phone, Zhou Heng was quickly becoming desperate about Lin Shuicheng’s incompetence— he had never seen someone so incompetent, refusing even the opportunity to take care of Fu Luoyin and strengthen their relationship!

Not to mention Fu Luoyin falling ill. With Lin Shuicheng’s eager-to-die attitude towards him, wouldn’t he rush over immediately? After rushing over, he would take care of him, roll in the sheets, and have a meal together, wouldn’t their relationship be elevated once more? Fu Luoyin is back in Star City now; who knows, he might decide on a whim to take him back to meet his parents one of these days.

Such a beautiful data scientist, didn’t expect him to be so unromantic!

“No need,” Lin Shuicheng glanced at the computer, placed the cleaned beaker back in its original position, and used his other hand to prevent Chief from jumping up again. bCQUNZ

The computer made a “beep beep” sound twice, and then a warning popped up: “Operation terminated, result displayed as infinity.”

Lin Shuicheng glanced at the screen and said, “I’m working on a project in the school laboratory, and my supervisor won’t let me leave.”

“Oh, I see. Then I won’t disturb you anymore. Take care and get some rest.”

The call ended. 5YPtOz

Lin Shuicheng muted his phone, picked up Chief, then closed the door.

On a gloomy rainy day, the small desk lamp inside was far less bright than the corridor lights. Once the door was closed, it was as if swallowed by darkness.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Translator’s Rant

Like father, like son. Both Fu Kai and Fu Luoyin don’t do anything indirectly. All they do is “directly”. 🤣🤣🤣 om5OZd

When they reached a secluded place, he said directly, “Nonsense! When have I ever coordinated with Bureau Seven? You’re becoming more and more unruly!”

Fu Luoyin didn’t pay attention to his anger and said directly, “The Beureau Seven wants me to restart Project B40016102.”

Fu Kai frowned and rebuked directly, “Nonsense! It’s been two years already. Why bring up this matter now?”


Translator's Note

拒人千里之外 (pinyin: jù rén qiānlǐzhīwài) – To keep people thousand miles away.

Translator's Note

冷冷清清 (pinyin: lěnglěngqīngqīng) – deserted / desolate / unfrequented

Translator's Note

水盆羊肉 (pinyin: shuǐpényángròu)水盆羊肉--“羊肉臐”_手机搜狐网

Translator's Note

大盘鸡 (pinyin: dàpánjī) 如何做香喷喷的新疆美味大盘鸡| Ilham Tohti Institute

Translator's Note

蒜蓉茄子 (pinyin: suànróng qiézi) 凉拌蒜蓉茄子

Translator's Note

清汤火锅 (pinyin: qīngtānghuǒguō) 简单制作清汤火锅底料,跟着这些步骤走清汤也可以很好吃

Translator's Note

师兄 (pinyin: shīxiōng) — senior male fellow student or apprentice

Translator's Note

What the f--- is Azu-Nyan reading | What The Fuck Am I Reading? | Know Your Meme

Translator's Note

天旋地转 (pinyin: tiānxuándìzhuàn) — the sky spins, the earth goes round (idiom); giddy with one’s head spinning

Translator's Note

醉生梦死 (pinyin: zuìshēngmèngsǐ) — as if drunk or entranced (idiom); leading a befuddled existence / in a drunken stupor

Translator's Note

拐弯抹角 (pinyin: guǎiwānmòjiǎo) — lit. going round the curves and skirting the corners (idiom): to beat about the bush

Translator's Note

见机行事 (pinyin: jiànjīxíngshì) — see the opportunity and act (idiom); to act according to circumstances

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