When the Virtuous Male Lead Became a Scumbag Male Lord [Zergs]Chapter 61

When Colin came out of the room, he ran into the Prime Minister’s Secretary, Don, who had just rushed back.

Colin showed a scholarly smile and greeted with a hand wave, “Good afternoon, Don.” gPU1SW

Don nodded coldly, “Good afternoon.”

Colin was about to leave, but seeing Don made him change his mind.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He reached out to stop Don, saying with a cheeky smile, “Tell me, Don, we’ve been working together for years, when will you unblock me?”

Don didn’t even lift his eyes, pushing away Colin’s hand that was blocking his way, and said indifferently, “My personal number doesn’t accept spam.” 4 jpIm

Colin: ??

“I only send you ten messages a day, is that called spam?” Colin said, laughing in disbelief.

Don was serious, “You post more than twenty moments a day and forwarded ten to me, that’s spam.”

“Alright, alright.” Colin took a deep breath, telling himself not to get angry with a blockhead, “This time it’s serious, the boss has given me a task, so unblock me, we’ll need to contact.”


Don looked at Colin with an indescribable expression.

Colin: “…”

Colin: “What are you looking at me for? Didn’t I just casually forward you some of Lord Dixia’s blogs and super talk?”

“You forwarded two hundred and eighteen posts, among them aside from the three blogs posted by the lord himself and thirty-four by strangers, the rest were all about Lord Dixia x my dream female fan fiction.” Don said, “You’re also the die-hard fan host and a big V of Lord Dixia’s support club.” e vUpL

Caught off guard and exposed, Colin’s face turned red.

He coughed and said, “Isn’t it because the females wrote them so well? And it’s not just me, don’t you like males like the lord?”

“I don’t, I only like work,” Don said, very bluntly.

Colin: “…” gR2Q7s

Colin: “Alright, enough said. This time you must remember to add me back, the boss wants to meet with His Excellency.”

Don’s expression was very hesitant, and it took a while before he nodded and said, “Okay.”

Colin: “…”

He left, not wanting to chat with a blockhead. NUqT0S

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yc atf batfg tjcv, joafg olclrtlcu atf wffalcu, Craj mbcalcefv ab yf yers.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ktf jcceji ifjnf alwf obg atf wlilajgs vfqjgawfca kjr jqqgbjmtlcu, jcv fnfc atf jlg kjr alcufv klat j rfcrf bo afcrlbc.

Pa kjrc’a pera atf wlilajgs; atf ofwjifr bc atf ragffar ofia la abb. IDSlaY

Cii atf ofwjifr kfgf jczlberis jkjlalcu atf jgglnji bo atf jcceji ifjnf.

In the zerg race, the New Year had a different significance compared to Zhou Yuan’s previous life; the zergs treated this festival more like Valentine’s Day.

Before the arrival of the extended holiday of the annual leave, females would invite the males they liked for a New Year’s date.

If fortunate enough to be favored by a male, the females could spend this holiday period trying to win the male’s affection, hoping to become the male’s queen, servant, or slave. SgBe0t

Therefore, this time of the year was always the most profitable for all stores. Each store would start to decorate before the annual leave began, making their premises more exquisite and beautiful to become a dating spot for the male and female zergs.

For the females who failed to secure a date with a male, these days would be the most boring, their only option being to browse live streams, forums, and star blogs on StarNet.

Zhou Yuan targeted these lonely queens who couldn’t find a male, choosing to launch the live broadcast promotion of the game “Encounter with the Male Lord’s Love” on the first day of the New Year.

The game’s server opening is scheduled for the third day after New Year’s. WBwRFY

The two days in between are the promotional period for streamers to broadcast their trial play.

This way, streamers can live stream their trial play of the game on the first day of the New Year. Two days are just enough time to experience the first chapter of the story and arrive at the specially designed newcomer benefits and event storyline.

And the first event storyline is nothing other than allowing players to invite the male leads for a date.

In “Encounter with the Male Lord’s Love,” Zhou Yuan intentionally created five male leads with different personalities and exquisite designs. DphdU2

The first one is the player character’s childhood friend, Inok, lively and cheerful, who has had a crush on the player since childhood and insisted on attending the same school as the player when they grew up, a classic case of a puppy love;

The second is the player’s gentle senior, Larry, the leader of the player’s club, who has had a good impression of the player from the first sight;

The third is the player’s mentor, Lance, who appears cold but in private, feeds stray cats. The player discovers this and makes a promise not to tell other students;

The fourth is Hector, the close combat champion who disguised himself as a female to infiltrate the military academy, with smooth and beautiful muscles and a rebellious character. In the entire military academy, only the player can match him in combat, hence he considers the player a close friend; SRN72e

The last one is Angus, the manager of the coffee shop the player frequently visits, calm and reliable, good at cooking. Because the player often visits his cafe, he remembers the player well and has a good impression of them.

Players can complete daily and weekly tasks during the event, accumulate enough roses, and invite their favorite male leads for a date.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Once the male lead agrees, players can personally design the date time and venue. Of course, if unsure how to choose, one can also ask about the male leads’ preferences.

At the same time, the places the male leads often visit can also be dating venues. ZWLJFw

For example, the coffee shop of Angus, the fifth male lead, is one of the selectable dating venues. You can choose to have a date with Angus in his shop or bring other male leads to his shop for a date, triggering certain dramatic scenarios.

Dating each male lead requires 60 roses, and if players want to invite everyone at least once, they would need to grind daily and even spend real money.

Moreover, the game will release limited SSR card faces for this dating event. Players who draw these cards can also get new card storylines.

The card stories are related to the dating event but are completely different from the event storyline. They will detail aspects not covered in the event storyline, giving players more space to explore the male leads’ personalities. mpunhV

In this game, players will experience the feeling of being liked by different male leads and dating various male leads, offering a beautiful utopian fantasy to female players who couldn’t secure a date with the male leads.

Zhou Yuan is very confident that with just one promotional opportunity, “Encounter with the Male Zerg’s Love” will definitely become the most talked-about hot search term of the new year.

Of course, to keep the game team working overtime, Zhou Yuan has also put in a lot of effort.

Fortunately, all the female members of their team are so unfortunate in love, not having secured a date with any male leads, they agreed to Zhou Yuan’s offer to delay the holiday by four days, with a promise of double pay for the holiday period afterward. MRb9G5

As the annual leave approaches, the game team is also preparing for the first server launch and promotion. Although they have postponed their holiday, the entire floor is as tense as the shopping app team downstairs.

As the boss, Zhou Yuan is also very nervous. He has been leaving work much later recently, luckily, Asta has been busy lately, and their leaving times have oddly synchronized.

However, this was a boon for Kate. For days, Kate had been squatting at the place where Zhou Yuan might finish work, and he finally managed to catch him.

Seeing Zhou Yuan’s figure from a distance, Kate hurriedly greeted him. Y7 SAH

Kate’s attire this time was quite different from usual.

He was very aware of his advantages: a delicate and soft appearance and a clean aura, so he made an effort to highlight these traits in his appearance.

He carefully styled his hair in a way that best suited his face shape, and chose clothes that matched his temperament, all of which were designer brands, each costing tens of thousands, and even wore a watch worth a million on his wrist.

All this was to project an image of wealth, yet pure and approachable. cJ1f4O

Seeing Zhou Yuan heading towards the door, he also pretended to be on his way back, feigned surprise, and greeted Zhou Yuan, “Lord Dixia, I didn’t expect to run into you again. Are you also off work and heading back?”

This time, Kate did not choose to invite directly, but planned to familiarize himself with Zhou Yuan first.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhou Yuan did have some recollection of Kate’s face, and after thinking for a bit, he remembered that this was the female who wanted to get close to him. He instinctively kept some distance and replied, “Hello, yes.”

Then he added, surprised, “Have you finished your work already?” yM78sh

The shopping app team had been very busy recently, with most females stuck in miserable days of daily overtime, even the top performer Kate had pulled several all-nighters lately.

“Yes, Your Excellency.” Saying this, Kate was quite proud, his recent hard work was not in vain, surely leaving an impression of competence in the eyes of His Excellency.

Zhou Yuan was indeed shocked, not expecting that the shopping app department, which he didn’t manage much, had produced two top performers in succession.

However, as the boss, he did indeed like such employees, so he nodded and encouraged, “Hmm, good, keep it up!” gELnV9

Kate was thrilled inside, and his face didn’t hide his happiness as he expressed his joy openly, saying, “I will, Your Excellency! Actually, I am a hardcore fan of your super topic. Hearing that you were hiring, I specifically switched jobs to come here. Could you give me an autograph?”

This move was something Kate learned from a poster on a relationship forum, which suggested no male could refuse a compliment from a clean and capable female.

But he didn’t expect to be turned down by Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan’s reason for refusal was legitimate: “Sorry, apart from company documents, I do not sign autographs for anyone.” lBc OD

“Okay, okay.” Kate was a bit disappointed, but he quickly cheered up and chatted with Zhou Yuan for a few more moments before they parted at the doorway.

Seeing the male zerg’s figure getting further away, Kate took the opportunity to record the time and place of this encounter.

Thus, Zhou Yuan found that he would “coincidentally” meet Kate over the next few days, and every day Kate wore a different outfit.

At first, Zhou Yuan thought it was a coincidence, but after running into each other at the same place and time for three or four days in a row, Zhou Yuan realized what was happening. RDJahW

After all, he had worked alongside the big boss for many years, blocking many romantic advances for him, so he was clear about these tricks.

He couldn’t help but feel a headache. In Zhou Yuan’s set of values, being a top meant protecting male virtue for his wife, supporting each other for a lifetime.

But in this world, these were very common occurrences, even male zergs of his status could marry thirty or more females at once.

It was at times like these that Zhou Yuan felt his ideals were out of place in this world. nyEKYl

However, since he didn’t like it, Zhou Yuan had no intention of leading Kate on, so on the last day of the New Year, Zhou Yuan made it clear to Kate that he would only be devoted to one female, Asta.

All Advanced Chapters Available!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

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  1. Haaa, this little lotus is too eager. Our Lord Dixia only has eyes for his strong and beautiful Asta ^^

    Thank you for translating! 🤗