Those Years When We Killed the White LotusCh94 - 8.04 Rebirth of the Ruthless White Lotus

[Master, your thoughts are indeed correct~] 


Just when Lin Zisheng was feeling uneasy in his heart, 001, who was reveling in schadenfreude on the side, chimed in. [Just as the master thought, among various worlds, the probability of young men and women surnamed Bai being White Lotus Flowers is over ninety percent.]


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lin Zisheng: Hehe, wipe that smug smile off your face. Don’t think I can’t see through it just because you have a cat-like appearance.

  3JTM 5

“Since it’s a White Lotus, we can leave. After all, nothing will happen to him.” Lin Zisheng had witnessed the vitality of White Lotus. Even though this world was post-apocalyptic, there were still three months left. It was currently a peaceful era, so there wouldn’t be any issues for sure.


Moreover, as long as he knew the other person’s name, he could definitely find them.



As for today, before he was mentally prepared, he really didn’t want to see that White Lotus!


001: Wait… something’s not right!


001: Why is the master reacting like this now? Shouldn’t he be trying to interact with that person? After all, the master has been frustrated for two days because he didn’t know the main storyline of the world!


Then, 001 belatedly realized that this person was the White Lotus, and the master had never been fond of White Lotus!


Coupled with its previous mischievous behavior, it’s almost certain that the master is now embarrassed and angry. What should be done now?


The master usually has a good temper, but when he gets upset, it’s really bad. No one can handle it. What should be done!?


If it had known that there would be consequences for its mischief, it would never have dared!


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[Master, please forgive me.] With a pair of teary cat eyes, 001 looked at Lin Zisheng, appearing pitiable.


But sorry, the person who had been teased was now as unyielding as a rock. Despite 001’s “You heartless, you unrighteous, you unreasonable” appearance, he remained unmoved, seemingly resolute in leaving.


[Master, I really made a mistake. Please don’t go!] Seeing Lin Zisheng actually turning to leave, 001 was on the verge of tears. When did the master become so stubborn?


“My health isn’t good right now. If someone thinks I’m associated with Bai Luofei, I’m afraid I won’t be able to handle it.” Of course, there were many excuses involved. Although Lin Zisheng’s physical condition wasn’t as good as before, he still possessed combat skills. Dealing with a few ruffians shouldn’t be a big problem.


But why should he stop White Lotus from suffering?


After hearing these words, 001 fell silent. The master was right. The master’s physical condition had deteriorated, and it seemed he really couldn’t be a hero to the rescue!


After struggling internally for a while, 001 decided to remain silent, accepting Lin Zisheng’s behavior. Although obtaining information from this world was important, the master’s physical well-being should be prioritized… probably.


Seeing 001 not saying anything, Lin Zisheng lightly chuckled inwardly. Then he decided not to insist on leaving either. In fact, he hadn’t really intended to leave immediately; he just wanted to startle 001 a bit. After all, it was understandable that his mood was a bit sour after being mocked just now.


Given Lin Zisheng’s current attitude, how could 001 not realize that it had been played? But now, it was smart enough to keep quiet.


Joking aside, having just irritated the master, how could it possibly approach and court death now?


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[Tell me, who is Bai Luofei? Those people… seem to have some skills!] Initially, Lin Zisheng thought it was just Bai Luofei provoking some local ruffians, but it seemed it wasn’t that simple.


Although these words seemed somewhat playful, they caught 001’s attention. After experiencing so many worlds, the master wasn’t someone without insight. If he said something like this, it was most likely true!


Since that’s the case, 001 couldn’t afford to disregard it. After all, its master was currently quite vulnerable.


“Yang… Yang ge,” the young boy named Bai Luofei’s voice trembled as he looked at the towering man before him. Regret filled his heart. If he had known he would be caught here today, he wouldn’t have taken this path even if someone threatened him. 


“I… I really have no money. My dad took all the money, not leaving a single cent.”


Now, apart from resentment, Bai Luofei had nothing left for his irresponsible father. His current difficult life was a result of his father borrowing money and then disappearing.


“Kid, don’t try to pull this trick on us. Father’s debts must be repaid, it’s a universal truth,” the man called Yang ge wasn’t easily fooled. Listening to Bai Luofei’s words, he let out a cold snort. 


“No money? No problem. You look tender enough, go ‘work’ at the night club for a few days. That way you’ll repay the debt. What do you say?”


As for what ‘work’ at the night club meant, Bai Luofei couldn’t pretend to be ignorant. He looked pale, scanning his surroundings for a way out. Unfortunately, there were quite a few people around, and given his small frame, escaping would be a challenge.


“No, I won’t go!” This was Bai Luofei’s first act of resistance. Despite his fear, he chose to refuse. He absolutely wouldn’t become an MB, he wouldn’t let his life be ruined!


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“Not going?” Yang ge, the man in question, sneered coldly. “Back then, how did you become your father’s collateral? Now you say you won’t go? Isn’t it a bit too late for that?”


Hearing those words, Bai Luofei’s face turned even paler. Now he remembered the origins of this mess.


Yes, Yang ge was right. He had chosen to shoulder his father’s debts initially, but now he didn’t want to anymore. Why should he sacrifice himself for someone who had abandoned him, ruining his life!?


“Yang ge, I know where my dad is. As long as you let me go, I’ll tell you.” He had no affection left for his heartless father. If his father could be so heartless, why should he hold onto any sense of loyalty?


Upon hearing this, Yang ge raised an eyebrow, feeling that something was off. This kid had always been obedient to his own father, so how could he suddenly betray him like this? Could there be a deception here?


Thinking this through, Yang ge had an “enlightened” moment. He suspected Bai Luofei was planning to give them a fake address, then escape while they were distracted. But he wasn’t going to let that happen so easily.


“Alright, if you tell us and cooperate, we’ll let you go. However…” Yang ge’s eyes flicked over Bai Luofei’s form, then he let out a cold laugh. “You’ll come with us. Otherwise, who can guarantee that what you say is true?”

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These words made Bai Luofei’s face turn even more ashen. He had chosen to reveal everything to avoid dealing with that man. He was sure that if he followed Yang ge, that man would likely sell him to these people in order to settle the debt.


He absolutely didn’t want to experience that kind of despair again!


Yes, to experience it once more. This Bai Luofei wasn’t an ordinary person; he had been reborn.


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In his past life, his father had fled after borrowing heavily, leaving all the debts for him to bear alone. Although he had eventually found out about his father’s whereabouts after many events, he had kept silent until these people, from who knows where, had somehow located his father.


He remembered that day very clearly. The sky was blue, the weather was good. It was early autumn, with a touch of coolness in the rare, refreshing breeze. Everything seemed so beautiful. However, for him, it marked the beginning of all the hardships.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

On that day, his father had sold him to these people to escape the massive debts. Subsequently, he was sent to a night club, becoming a host boy.


Dea la kjrc’a pera yflcu j tbra. Ktbrf qfbqif kjcafv ab erf tlr ybvs ab gfqjs tlr ojatfg’r vfyar.


Pc atf yfulcclcu, tf gfrlrafv ab atf vfjat, yea tf mbeivc’a oluta yjmx. Xgjvejiis, tf ugfk jmmerabwfv ab atlr ilof, gfjilhlcu atja la vlvc’a rffw jii atja yjv. Ca ifjra tf tjv obbv jcv rtfiafg. Lbkfnfg, pera ktfc tf tjv gfrlucfv tlwrfio ab atlr ojaf, atf jqbmjisqrf jgglnfv.


At that moment, he truly believed that his nightmare was ending. But his father found him once again. He started trading his body for survival opportunities, until he encountered those two people.


However, those two people eventually betrayed him too!


What he hadn’t expected was that he died in the jaws of zombies one moment, only to wake up in a dirty, messy rental room the next.


No one knew how excited he was at that moment. He understood that this was surely God giving him a chance for revenge. Whether it was his father or those two people, they owed him. In this lifetime, he would make them pay it all back!


[Host, I’ve received a prompt. This time, the mission is… to save a damsel in distress.] 001 said this and immediately covered its face. 


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It really didn’t want to see the expression on the host’s face. But it could imagine that the host’s expression was probably very grim.


Indeed, Lin Zisheng’s expression wasn’t pretty right now. He had no desire to interact with someone who might be the White Lotus. However, just as he was about to leave, he received this utterly troublesome mission.


“Can I give up on this mission?” If he could abandon it, Lin Zisheng would have turned and left without hesitation. Even if it meant facing consequences.


[Sorry, host. This mission is compulsory. In other words, if you don’t complete it, you won’t understand the course of the world’s main storyline in this world.] Now 001 was at a loss for what to say. Why was this mission so incredibly tricky?


After calculating in his mind for a while, Lin Zisheng ultimately chose to compromise. He had no choice. If he truly didn’t know the future developments, it might affect the mission’s completion.


“Alright, kid, let’s go. We’ll find your dad now. As soon as we find him, we’ll let you go.” Although Bai Luofei’s appearance was likely a treasure in the night club, since they were essentially moneylenders, they still had to maintain some integrity in certain matters.


[Host, this is the final chance. If you don’t hurry, the mission will be deemed a failure!] Now 001 was genuinely anxious, especially since Lin Zisheng was still so nonchalant at this point. Didn’t he realize that the mission was truly at risk of failing?


Sighing heavily in his mind once more, Lin Zisheng walked out slowly. He knew that even if he was reluctant, he had to save this person at this moment.


Just as the group was about to leave, they suddenly noticed someone standing at the mouth of the alley. Their expressions turned sour, as this person appeared so blatantly. He must have heard their conversation just now.

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Humph, standing up for justice, those hot-blooded types were truly annoying!


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“Young man, I suggest you step aside. This has nothing to do with you. Don’t get involved in something that won’t give you satisfaction!” Yang ge’s voice started off not too bad, but it grew colder as he went on, causing a shiver to involuntarily run down people’s spines.


Of course, that was for ordinary people. For Lin Zisheng, it had absolutely no effect.


“Release him.” Lin Zisheng looked at the man, calmly uttering those words. Afterward, he positioned himself at the entrance of the alley, giving off an aura that seemed to say, “If you don’t release him, I won’t let you leave.”


Such behavior secretly infuriated those who had been struggling. Who could’ve expected to encounter someone so audacious at a time like this!


For Bai Luofei, though, the appearance of this person was nothing short of a lifeline. He had initially thought he would be sold off to those people, but now, perhaps, there was a glimmer of hope!


Among those few individuals, one person snapped back to attention and purposefully observed Lin Zisheng for a moment. Then, their eyes lit up, and they discreetly nudged the one standing in front, Yang ge. “Hey, bro, look at this. Isn’t this kid even more remarkable than Bai Luofei? Since he dares to step up today, us brothers should also make sure he understands who he shouldn’t mess with!”


Although this person was saying this, the greed in their eyes was so evident.


Their boss had recently opened a night club, but the young men and women under their employ hadn’t been quite up to the mark. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have needed to force Bai Luofei so strongly.


And now, they had encountered such an exceptional young man. If they presented him to their boss, their future would undoubtedly become smooth sailing. They might even gain their boss’s favor and become his confidants!


After this person finished speaking, Yang ge was briefly taken aback. He shifted his gaze onto Lin Zisheng, then his entire demeanor froze.


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His subordinates might not know this person’s identity, but that didn’t mean he was clueless. This individual wasn’t someone anyone could provoke—a minor character that not only nobody could provoke but nobody dared to either. Even their boss would probably keep his distance upon seeing him.


This person was Lin Yan, the young master of the Lin family.


Of course, if it were solely because of him, he wouldn’t seem so terrifying. The crux of the matter lay with his elder brother, Lin Yao.


In ordinary times, Lin Yao might be taciturn, but he wouldn’t lay hands on others if they didn’t provoke him first.


However, anyone with a bit of reputation within the circle knew that Lin Yan was Lin Yao’s sore spot. Whoever crossed him would meet a swift demise. Lin Yao, who usually remained composed, would turn into a wild beast when it involved Lin Yan. He would latch onto anyone even remotely connected and wouldn’t let go.


“Bro, this is a golden opportunity. We can’t let it slip by!” As the man spoke, he became more convinced of his own suggestion. The smile on his face grew smug, oblivious to Yang ge’s increasingly grim expression.


“Shut your mouth!” At this point, Yang ge had understood the power of having a teammate who’s a liability. Even though Lin Yan was standing alone at the moment, this was merely an outward appearance. Who knew how many people were watching in secret? If they made a move here, today’s meager group would likely perish on the spot.


“Mr. Lin, since you’ve put it this way today, we’ll spare him,” the man reluctantly conceded, but after giving Lin Zisheng a glance, he signaled his subordinates to let go. “I hope you can put in a good word for our Lord Zhao in front of Young Master.”


After saying this, he paid no mind to the man who had just proposed the idea, no matter how resentful he might be. He directly left with his men. Seriously, if they didn’t leave now, Lord Deng might become displeased and decide to take his leave instead!

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Once Bai Luofei was released, he saw the person standing at the alley’s entrance. A conflicted expression appeared on his face. He had considered that someone might rescue him today, but he hadn’t anticipated it would be this person. At this moment, his emotions were complex.


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“Are you okay?” Lin Zisheng opened his mouth, only managing to utter this one question as he watched the person leaning against the wall, unmoving.


Bai Luofei didn’t know how to respond at this point. He instinctively shook his head and then cast a quick glance at Lin Zisheng before lowering his head.


He had initially thought he wouldn’t encounter this person until a few months later and certainly not that he’d be saved by him before the apocalypse. Bai Luofei’s heart was filled with a mix of emotions.


At this moment, he didn’t know how he truly felt about this person.


“Do you need me to take you back?” Lin Zisheng didn’t say much either, he merely glanced at Bai Luofei and then asked, “Where do you live?”


Bai Luofei’s heart was extremely complicated right now. He had no time to reply; he just looked at him for a moment before turning and running away. At this point, he didn’t know what kind of feelings he should have toward Lin Zisheng.


After Bai Luofei disappeared completely, the concerned smile vanished from Lin Zisheng’s face. He wouldn’t put on a good face for a stranger, especially a stranger who could potentially be the white lotus.


“Is the mission complete?” Finally, when the person had vanished entirely, Lin Zisheng turned to 001 and asked this question.


[Host, the mission is complete. It will take some time for the information to be transmitted. Please wait, and the system will convey the obtained information to you shortly.]

  8fER 2

Hearing this, Lin Zisheng nodded in satisfaction. He would finally understand what was going on in this world. It was a sigh of relief for him.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Upon returning to his dorm, he found that everyone had gone home. He urgently tidied up the entire room. A bit of fatigue he could tolerate, but living in such a filthy environment was no different from endangering his life. 


Finally, after he had packed everything up and even taken a shower downstairs, he received information about this world from 001.


And this information left him speechless for a long time.


Lin Zisheng had thought the previous world was bizarre enough, but he hadn’t expected this world to be even more incredulous.


As he had imagined, Bai Luofei was indeed this world’s White Lotus. In his previous life, his father had borrowed heavily, and heartlessly and unjustly sold him to those people to settle the debt. 


Despite being straight, he was pressed down by numerous men. Just as he was nearing despair, the apocalypse arrived.


However, things got even worse. At this point, his father appeared again, and he had to once again trade his body for survival supplies.


In an unexpected turn of events, he encountered the Lin brothers and was rescued. Due to Lin Yan’s soft-heartedness, he ended up staying with them. The three of them struggled to survive in the apocalypse together.


Because of Lin Yan’s kindness, Bai Luofei’s heart grew fond of him. He believed that their resources should be divided equally among the three. However, he forgot that Lin Yao was the one putting in the effort, and Lin Yan was in charge of collecting resources. While he was merely a freeloader.


Ultimately, because Lin Yao discovered his secret actions, during a zombie siege, he failed to protect Bai Luofei effectively, leading to Bai Luofei being devoured by zombies.


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However, this wasn’t the end; it was just the beginning. Astonishingly, Bai Luofei was reborn after his death. He felt betrayed by both his father and the Lin brothers. Thus, he enrolled in the same university as Lin Yan and followed him in the apocalypse, pretending to be a cheerful and sunny youth.


While building a good relationship with Lin Yan, he secretly provoked the relationship between the two. Ultimately, he used his psychic abilities to control Lin Yan and left a message for Lin Yao, asking him to protect him well.


Throughout their adventures in the apocalypse, Lin Yao and Bai Luofei spent a lot of time together and developed feelings for each other. However, Bai Luofei didn’t fully trust Lin Yao. He used him while secretly building his own influence.


One mistake led to Lin Yao discovering the truth about Lin Yan’s death. Driven mad by the need for vengeance, Lin Yao opened the gates of their base during a zombie attack, turning the whole base into a deathtrap.


After reading this story, Lin Zisheng felt a mix of frustration. How brainless was Lin Yan to mistake a viper for a harmless rabbit?


And Lin Yao, how could a few words from a stranger sow doubt about his own brother? Could they really be called brothers?


But what was even more peculiar was this world’s timeline. Could it be that anyone who encountered the white lotus had their intelligence drop below average?


“001, next time, can you choose a normal world for me? Even if they’re cannon fodder, at least make the protagonists have a bit of common sense!”


Lin Zisheng couldn’t fathom what Bai Luofei was thinking. He didn’t want to contribute anything but still wanted things that didn’t belong to him. If others didn’t give them to him, he considered them enemies. Was this guy mentally unstable?


[Host, if they were normal, would they still be White Lotuses?] Seeing Lin Zisheng’s speechless state, 001 could only remind him vaguely, leaving Lin Zisheng even more frustrated.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Indeed, after experiencing so many worlds, how could he not understand by now that these White Lotus characters never had a normal moral compass? It seemed he was pushing it.


“What should I do next?” Just thinking about Bai Luofei now made Lin Zisheng feel nauseated. If he had to interact with him in the future, he might consider inhumanely destroying Bai Luofei!


[Host, the most important thing now isn’t how to deal with Bai Luofei. It’s to upgrade your space.] 001 pointed out. This made Lin Zisheng recall the pendant that had improved the original host’s body. He had initially thought it was just a slightly fancy ornament, but it turned out to be a spatial item.

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After absorbing the space from the pendant, Lin Zisheng noticed a significant change in his own space. It had transformed from a plain, featureless square into a small world.


Although this world wasn’t vast, and it still lacked much content, Lin Zisheng could sense that it was brimming with boundless vitality. Currently, it was accumulating energy while in a dormant state. Once the energy was sufficient, it would awaken.


[Host, you’re quite lucky. This is a Boundary Stone!] Feeling the ripples of space integration, 001 immediately recognized what it was. It couldn’t help but marvel at Lin Zisheng’s fortune.


A Boundary Stone was the cornerstone of a world’s formation. Without one, even if a world came into existence, it would eventually collapse within a short time. Now, Lin Zisheng had obtained a Boundary Stone. This meant that his space might eventually form its own realm.


What puzzled 001, though, was why it hadn’t sensed the Boundary Stone’s presence initially. Instead, it had felt a type of evolving energy, a power connected to the zombie virus.


Even now, that energy hadn’t disappeared; it had entered Lin Zisheng’s space.


“001, does this pendant no longer have any power?” Looking at the pendant, Lin Zisheng’s face bore a cold smile. He knew that this was what Bai Luofei desired. As it was still here, he might as well give it to Bai Luofei!


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[Yes, now this pendant is just an ordinary ornament. Host, you can totally throw it away.] Seeing Lin Zisheng still fiddling with the pendant, 001 couldn’t understand what the host intended. This thing was useless now, so why was Lin Zisheng so attached to it?

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“Since that’s the case, let’s leave this gift for our white lotus!” A faint smile appeared on Lin Zisheng’s face, but his tone carried a clear sense of disgust. Although it was called a gift, both of them understood that this item was only being kept to toy with Bai Luofei!


[In that case, would the host like the system to create some disguises?] Since Lin Zisheng had this interest, as a considerate system, it should naturally help out.


Hearing 001’s suggestion, Lin Zisheng raised an eyebrow. Initially, he had only wanted to give this useless pendant to Bai Luofei. But now that 001 was willing to assist, he had a good idea.


Using the very few points, he exchanged for a disguised space with the help of 001. As he looked at the disguised item, a pleased smile formed on Lin Zisheng’s face.


When Bai Luofei would realize that the things he collected had turned into empty items, Lin Zisheng couldn’t fathom how he would react.


In his previous world, although Lin Zisheng hadn’t liked the white lotus, at least he never felt such repulsion.


Holding grudges while forgetting kindness, repaying kindness with enmity, this guy had caused the death of his savior due to selfishness. Even in the apocalypse, such a person didn’t deserve to survive!


[Host, please rest assured. Bai Luofei won’t be able to detect the changes in this pendant.] The system was quite confident in its own work. If Bai Luofei did discover it, it would be best for it to self-destruct.


After sorting out these matters, Lin Zisheng faced a serious problem, he was short on money.


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Indeed, the Lin family was wealthy now, and Lin Zisheng had his basic needs met. However, he didn’t have much cash on hand. With the impending apocalypse, he needed enough funds to purchase the necessary supplies for post-apocalyptic life!


[Host, at this point, you can explain the situation of the apocalypse to your brother. Perhaps…] 


“Do you think he’ll believe me?” Lin Yao had always been an atheist. If Lin Zisheng told him about the apocalypse and claimed to be a prophet, Lin Yao might even think he had developed some mental illness.


This response left 001 unsure of how to counter it. Indeed, it wasn’t wise to simply reveal the apocalypse-related information. Otherwise, rather than not believing him, they might consider Lin Zisheng himself a psychiatric patient.


In a moment of contemplation, both Lin Zisheng and his cat seemed to be in a predicament. Suddenly, 001 came up with an idea.


[Host, I just remembered that points and the currencies of various worlds can be exchanged, albeit at a slightly unreasonable ratio of 1:100.]

This ratio might seem high, but in reality, the items that points could exchange for weren’t of equivalent value to currency.


However, at this moment, currency was quite important to the host. VNgOtX


And so, after exchanging a substantial sum of money, Lin Zisheng discreetly purchased a lot of supplies. Finally, half a month before the apocalypse, Lin Zisheng’s relationship with Lin Yao had become quite harmonious. It was only at this point that he brought up the matter of the apocalypse with Lin Yao.


“Xiao Yan, it’s not that big brother doesn’t believe you, but…” Who would believe such a thing? The concept of an apocalypse was only supposed to exist in novels or movies. Even though the person saying these things was his younger brother, it was still hard for him to believe! tUCA1w


Lin Zisheng remained silent, only biting his lip, looking at Lin Yao with a pitiable expression. This sight made Lin Yao feel quite reluctant. If it were a small matter, Lin Yao might have surrendered on the spot and agreed.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


However, what Lin Zisheng was asking him to do was to sell the company, convert all their money into food and weapons—this… seemed a bit childish! r PpwD


Of course, Lin Zisheng had anticipated that Lin Yao wouldn’t easily believe his words. So, before Lin Yao had a chance to react, Lin Zisheng grabbed his wrist and suddenly found himself in an unfamiliar place.


Just a moment ago, he had been at home, but now he was in the wilderness. This sudden change left Lin Yao astonished and somewhat inclined to believe Lin Zisheng’s words. QF8Jmj


“Xiao Yan, tell big brother, where are we?” Looking at the unfamiliar surroundings, Lin Yao asked Lin Zisheng in a tone one might use to soothe a child. This made Lin Zisheng feel both amused and exasperated.


Nevertheless, he answered the question, “This is a space, my space.” 9dYd27


Observing Lin Yao’s thoughtful expression, Lin Zisheng continued, “After I woke up from that dream, I discovered this space, but… because I was afraid you wouldn’t believe me, I kept quiet.”


Lin Zisheng’s tone was filled with a sense of grievance, and as Lin Yao reflected on his own reaction earlier, he felt even more sorry for his younger brother. During this time, Xiao Yan had been trying his best to get close to him. Why hadn’t he believed his own brother? re3MY6


In that moment, Lin Yao was ensnared in a perplexing sense of self-blame, not realizing the connection between trust and closeness.


“Xiao Yan, tell your big brother what’s going on.” With evidence now right in front of him, Lin Yao couldn’t help but believe. So, he directly asked his younger brother about the situation and the dream Xiao Yan had mentioned. pdyxXq


Lin Zisheng explained the matter of the apocalypse to Lin Yao, though he left out the details about Bai Luofei, of course.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


During this period of interaction, Lin Zisheng had come to realize that his brother genuinely cared for and cherished him. If Lin Yao learned about what Bai Luofei would do in the future, it was likely that before the apocalypse even began, Lin Yao would discreetly resolve the Bai Luofei problem. xDCtdV


After hearing Lin Zisheng’s explanation, Lin Yao didn’t know how to express his feelings. At the same time, he felt a pang of pain. His adorable and obedient younger brother had experienced such a terrifying dream, and he had been completely unaware.


In that moment, Lin Yao was once again trapped in a peculiar self-blame. K3i5gT


Seeing his brother like this, Lin Zisheng couldn’t help but find the situation both amusing and exasperating. He wasn’t a real child, after all. How could he be scared by a non-dream like this? Yet, having a family member show such concern warmed his heart.


“Brother, you have to believe me. Can we prepare in advance? I don’t want you to suffer.” Lin Zisheng carefully held Lin Yao’s hand, his gaze full of affectionate admiration that softened Lin Yao’s heart. pmX1Wu


Seeing his adorable brother looking at him with such gentle and tender eyes, Lin Yao felt like he was about to melt. Completely losing his resolve, Lin Yao nodded vigorously. 


In any case, if his little brother liked it, even if the Lin family was gone, as long as he was there, they could create another Lin family. Bl4pXn


And so, Lin Yao secretly sold the company and discreetly collected a significant amount of supplies and weapons.


He wasn’t a kind-hearted person, and naturally, he wouldn’t reveal the matter of the apocalypse at this moment. After all, this was something Xiao Yan foresaw. If others didn’t believe it, they might consider him delusional. However, if they did believe it, who could guarantee that they wouldn’t harbor ulterior motives toward Xiao Yan? fS7DFI


After all, the danger of the apocalypse was something anyone who had watched a movie could imagine. At this moment, if someone with the ability to foresee events appeared, they would naturally become a sought-after target.

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Of course, Lin Zisheng wholeheartedly supported Lin Yao’s decision. He didn’t have a “savior complex,” nor did he have a saintly disposition. He only wished to live well with his brother in the apocalypse. Of course, if they could find their loved ones again, that would be a wonderful bonus. 1jkeK8


With these thoughts in mind, a tender and nostalgic smile appeared in Lin Zisheng’s eyes, a smile that Lin Yao couldn’t help but find endearing and heartwarming.


He didn’t know why, but he felt that his younger brother must have thought of someone specific to have such an expression. He really didn’t want to see his brother so nostalgic about someone else. KsLpfY


For over a decade, they had relied on each other, so why would his brother be nostalgic about someone he didn’t even know? And his expression was so gentle, too.


This was seriously making Lin Yao’s blood boil! i25pfJ


“Xiao Yan, what are you thinking?” Lin Yao smiled, but there was a trace of coldness in his tone. He didn’t want any shadows of others in his brother’s heart.


The next moment, he was startled by his own thoughts. This person was just his younger brother, so where was this intense possessiveness coming from? zJnLF7


“I’m not thinking about anything,” Lin Zisheng blinked at Lin Yao, not understanding why this person suddenly got angry. Weren’t things fine just now?


Seeing Lin Zisheng like this, Lin Yao suddenly grew quiet. He reached out and tentatively pulled the person into his embrace, his expression becoming somewhat subtle. XhbK0k


Now he couldn’t help but doubt whether he had really just considered this person as his brother. In the past, he could deceive himself and insist that in his heart, Xiao Yan was just his younger brother, with no other feelings involved.

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But now, after that intense surge of jealousy just a moment ago, and after experiencing this embrace that he couldn’t bear to let go of, what was there left to misunderstand for Lin Yao? 3ev7hn


He hadn’t been attracted to men before, no, he should say he hadn’t been attracted to anyone before. But now, he had special feelings for Xiao Yan. He didn’t know if this feeling was love, but he did know he wouldn’t let go.


When did the fraternal affection in his heart start to change? Was it after their parents passed away, allowing his emotions to break free from the confines of family ties? Or was it because of their time spent together, which intensified his possessiveness toward Xiao Yan? vZFedC


“Brother, what are you doing? It hurts.” Lin Zisheng gently pushed the person hugging him, sounding somewhat aggrieved. He wasn’t really upset with Lin Yao, it was just that this person had hugged him too tightly, making his waist ache a little.


Lin Yao didn’t reply, he simply released one hand and gently touched Lin Zisheng’s head. Then, with deep eyes, he looked at him and said, “Xiao Yan, from now on, big brother will protect you. I’ll never let anything harm you. So, can you stop having that nostalgic smile for someone else?” 40ciB2

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  1. LMAO, the white lotus are becoming more ridiculous with each arc😂 And the ML is already carrying a huge jar of vinegar, I am looking forward to how this goes

    Thanks for the chapter