Those Years When We Killed the White LotusCh93 - V8.03 Rebirth of the Ruthless White Lotus

Lin Yao remained silent, shaking his head at Lin Bo. He then stood by the window, gazing at the deep night sky, lost in thought and speechless.


He didn’t know where the problem had arisen. Every time he tried to move forward, Xiao Yan would always panic and retreat, leaving him no chance for compromise.


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“Uncle Lin, when Xiao Yan leaves tomorrow, please have someone accompany him to ensure his safety.” After every argument, Lin Yan would return to school alone, and Lin Yao had grown accustomed to it.


Moreover, he had upset Xiao Yan today, and he couldn’t make him dislike him even more.


Lin Bo looked at the dejected Lin Yao, shook his head, and walked out. The relationship between the young master and the little master might not ease up anytime soon!



Now with his hair turned white, Lin Bo had served three generations of the Lin family. He had watched two generations of the Lin family grow up.


In his heart, regardless of anything else, Lin Yan and Lin Yao were his grandsons. He always hoped that the two could live together harmoniously.


However, after their parents passed away, chaos had ensued in the family. The relationship between the two siblings became more distant. 


Although both of them wanted to treat each other well, there were always slight misunderstandings in their expressions. This caused their relationship to become strained over time, leading to the current situation.


Of course, what Lin Bo and Lin Yao didn’t know was that Lin Zisheng wasn’t actually as angry as he appeared. No, perhaps it should be said that he wasn’t angry at all.


[My host, why didn’t you agree to your original self’s brother’s request? Wouldn’t that be beneficial for you as well?] No one understood the host’s personality better than 001. Over the years, when had the host ever been so aggrieved?


Now that he had finally escaped from this “predicament,” yet wasn’t doing anything, there must be some “plot” at play.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“You should know Lin Yan’s personality, right?” Since the information about Lin Yan came from 001, it should know Lin Yan’s personality.


Lin Yan’s “fear” of Lin Yao wasn’t something that had accumulated overnight, and it wouldn’t be easily dispelled. Lin Zisheng naturally didn’t say this out loud, but 001 was a system after all, much smarter than an ordinary person. So, even though Lin Zisheng only hinted at it, 001 understood the meaning.


[So, will the host keep pretending like this?] Imagining the host being meek and submissive every day, 001 felt something was off. Not to mention the host might not be able to endure it, even 001 itself wouldn’t be comfortable with it, right?


“Of course not. Any change requires the right moment. It’s just that the right moment hasn’t come yet.” Although Lin Zisheng didn’t know what Lin Yan’s future should be, even if he did, he might not follow the original path.


This body now belonged to him. He would live his whole life in this body, so he should at least make himself comfortable!


Looking at the host’s constantly changing expressions, 001 suddenly had a bad feeling. Could it be that the host was planning something “astonishing and vulgar” again?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Qlat atja rjlv, Olc Ilrtfcu sjkcfv jcv kfca ab atf yjatgbbw ab ajxf j rtbkfg. Ktf wlzaegf bo rmfcar bc tlr ybvs kjr ulnlcu tlw j tfjvjmtf. Ktlcxlcu jybea ilnlcu lc remt jc fcnlgbcwfca obg j ktlif, Olc Ilrtfcu mbeivc’a tfiq yea offi j rfcrf bo vfrqjlg.


Mlcjiis, joafg kjrtlcu jkjs atf rmfcar, Olc Ilrtfcu ijs lc yfv, mbcafwqijalcu ktja ab vb cfza.


He wasn’t worried about other issues. After all, he had been through so many worlds and had encountered danger before. Even if the quality of this body wasn’t great, after exchanging for abilities with the system during the apocalypse, self-preservation wouldn’t be a problem.


What bothered him was the plot of this world.


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Up until now, he had no clues about this world. He couldn’t help but feel uneasy to some extent.

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Having been through so many worlds, except for the last one, he knew the plot of each world. It could be said that he had a surefire win. As long as he avoided dangerous times and pursued certain special characters, he could ensure the smooth completion of missions.


However, now in this world, apart from the impending apocalypse in three months, he could be said to be completely ignorant about everything else. 


To gather information about this world, he had to meet specific individuals, and what was even more frustrating was that he had no idea who that person was or what connection he had with them.


“001, can you provide me with any hints about this world?” Since arriving in this world, 001 had been tight-lipped about everything here. If he didn’t ask clearly, 001 wouldn’t say a word more than necessary.


Hearing Lin Zisheng’s inquiry once again, 001 nodded approvingly and began scanning the room for usable items.


[System scanning in progress…]


[Please open the second drawer from the top on the right side of your desk, Host.]


Lin Zisheng heard 001’s words and quickly got up from the bed. He opened the drawer and found a small box inside. Within the box was a pendant, which was a translucent emerald green, making it impossible for Lin Zisheng to discern what material it was made of.


Regarding this pendant, Lin Zisheng’s only memory was that his grandmother had given it to him when he was eight years old during a serious illness. She told him to take good care of the pendant so he wouldn’t get sick in the future.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lin Father and Lin Mother never believed in such things, but after Lin Yan got this pendant, his health actually improved significantly. Although he still appeared frail and weak, he was no longer sickly.

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“What is this thing?” After going through world after world, even though he couldn’t retain the bloodlines of those worlds, his soul had been influenced to become more sensitive. He could clearly sense a special fluctuation from this pendant.


[This object seems to be made of a certain extraterrestrial substance,] 001’s eyes turned transparent as it stared at the pendant, analyzing what it was. 


After a while, it almost screamed, [This substance seems to be related to the origin of the zombie virus!]


“You’re saying this is the culprit behind the apocalypse?” Looking at the small pendant, Lin Zisheng’s mouth twitched involuntarily. Could this little object really be the mastermind behind the apocalypse?


[No, Host, you’ve misunderstood. Actually, the so-called apocalypse is not a true destruction; it’s a grand selection process for all living beings in the world.] 001 was quite exasperated by the host’s “ignorance,” so it decided to educate Lin Zisheng properly.


[The apocalypse doesn’t exist to annihilate humanity. Instead, it’s meant to evolve humans into more advanced beings. Whether it’s mutants or zombies, they’re just two different evolutionary paths. Ultimately, they’ll converge. Only those with the strongest abilities can survive and then coexist in peace.]


At the mention of coexistence in peace, Lin Zisheng shook his head involuntarily. He had read many apocalypse novels, but he had never come across one where humans could coexist peacefully with zombies.


Either humans wiped out all the zombies, or zombies evolved to have human-like intelligence and then enslaved humans entirely with their superior physicality and combat prowess.


[Host, don’t always base your understanding on the apocalypse novels you’ve read. Those are mere fantasies of humanity.] Seeing Lin Zisheng’s expression, 001 knew exactly what he was thinking.


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How could someone who had never experienced a true apocalypse possibly understand? Those were just random fantasies created by individuals with savior complexes or dark inner thoughts.


001’s words made Lin Zisheng realize he had been overthinking things. He now had enough understanding about the apocalypse for the time being. Currently, there were other things he wanted to know.


[Host, feel free to ask any questions you have. Within the range of what I can answer, I will certainly provide you with satisfactory explanations.]


“After coming to this world, why have you avoided discussing things about this world?” This was the thing Lin Zisheng most wanted to know. 


In the past, when he encountered certain situations, 001 would always offer advice, suggestions, or hints. But this time, it seemed to genuinely be observing silently.


[Starting from this world, unless the Host directly asks, the system cannot provide any hints to the Host. All hints can only be given within the system space. Once in the world, everything depends on the Host’s own exploration. This is a basic rule of a C-level world.] Since Lin Zisheng asked, 001 naturally disclosed everything.


This somewhat unexpected answer made Lin Zisheng want to rub his temples. If he had known it would be so troublesome, he wouldn’t have upgraded his level!


“Second question, how do I find the person who can give me information about this world?” At the very least, they should give him a scope. Otherwise, he’d be searching all over the world, and who knows when he’d find what he’s looking for!


[Host, you don’t need to worry about this.] 001 answered quite readily, [Although C-level worlds increase in difficulty, they won’t make it impossible for the Host to complete missions. Before the world line truly begins, that person will definitely appear. As long as that person appears within the Host’s designated area, the system will sense it and remind the Host.]


Lin Zisheng found this answer satisfactory. As long as he could meet that person, it would be fine. As for triggering the mission, Lin Zisheng would figure it out himself. With a few more tries, he’d probably understand what the mission entails.


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“Alright, rest now. We’ll head back to school tomorrow morning.” In the past, whenever Lin Yan and Lin Yao had a quarrel, they would return to school the next day. Although Lin Zisheng didn’t want to go back to that place, he had to endure it to keep up his pretense as the character he was portraying.


Early the next morning, Lin Zisheng saw Lin Bo downstairs looking at him hesitantly, while Lin Yao was nowhere to be seen.


“Young Master, be careful on the road.” Fortunately, the distance from home to school wasn’t far. Walking to school could be considered exercise for the young master’s body. However, Lin Bo still felt uneasy.


After all, there were many bad people outside, and his young master was so cute. What if someone bad took an interest in him?


Of course, 001 promptly translated these thoughts from the old butler to its host. Lin Zisheng couldn’t help but smile wryly. What did it mean by “so cute”? What if someone bad took an interest in him?


Lin Zisheng was quite helpless about the old butler’s worries. Did he really look that weak to others?


Actually, it wasn’t unreasonable for the old butler to think this way. Lin Zisheng’s current body was originally Lin Yan’s, a body that had been weak and sickly since childhood. It was only natural for the old butler to be concerned.


“Lin Bo, don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” Lin Zisheng said, and then he looked a bit apprehensively upstairs. He bit his lip and added, “Tell my brother to rest assured too.”


After saying that, he took the snacks prepared for him by Lin Bo and quickly left. If you looked closely, you could even notice a slight blush on his ears.


Lin Zisheng walked steadily towards the school. Finally, when he reached the vicinity of the school, he felt a few tails trailing him.


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“Are they people sent by Lin Yao?” Others wouldn’t follow so closely.


[Yes, Lin Yao is concerned about your safety, so…] Before it could finish, 001 suddenly paused and then told Lin Zisheng, [Host, there’s an alley fifteen meters ahead. The key person is inside the alley.] 


The appearance of this person was strange to both Lin Zisheng and 001. Although the person would definitely appear before the world’s mainline began, it seemed a bit too early for them to appear now!


“Regardless, let’s go and take a look.” Now that the person had appeared, Lin Zisheng needed to know about this world’s information. The feeling of being completely in the dark wasn’t pleasant.


001 agreed. After all, the other person was just an ordinary individual. The host was more than capable of handling the situation!


The two of them cautiously approached, and then they heard a voice from the alley, “Bai Luofei, you’ve been avoiding us for so long. You finally stopped hiding? Heh, kid, you’ve struck it rich and forgotten about us, your brothers. That’s not good!”


“I, I just…” The voice of the young man called Bai Luofei stuttered and seemed to be afraid of something, causing Lin Zisheng to narrow his eyes slightly.


Surname Bai? Why did he suddenly have a bad feeling?

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