Those Years When We Killed the White LotusCh87 - V7.10 Proud and Indifferent White Lotus

“If I really didn’t trust you, how would you react?” Erlande tilted his lips, looking at the person in front of him, but there was seriousness in his eyes.


“I would kill him.” Anyone who tries to come between him and Erlande deserves to die!


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Hearing this answer, Erlande wasn’t surprised but felt a sense of inevitability. It seemed that from the beginning, he knew Lance would respond this way.


“What if I still didn’t believe you?” This statement from Erlande was clearly a jest. He knew that no matter what happened, he would seriously listen to the person’s explanation.


“Then I’ll kill you and then end myself.” He couldn’t bear his beloved’s misinterpretation and distrust. He’d rather die with him than live in agony.



Though this answer was cruel and chilling, Erlande burst into laughter after hearing it, laughing louder and louder, leaving Lance puzzled about what had amused him.


After a while, he stopped laughing and said gently, “As expected, it’s something you would say.”


“Afraid?” He knew that his possessiveness was somewhat twisted, but he couldn’t restrain it. And now, he feared seeing fear and disgust in his beloved’s eyes.


“I’m not afraid of anything, not even death.” Erlande’s words were not a lie but a sincere truth. He couldn’t remember how many years he had lived, but throughout those long years, he only felt loneliness. So, he wasn’t afraid of anything, not even death.


“You know I’m not asking about that!” In response to Erlande’s evasive answer, Lance felt a bit disappointed. Although he understood that Erlande wasn’t afraid, he still hoped to hear the answer he wanted from him.


Looking at Lance’s persistent appearance, Erlande seemed to sense the hidden unease and uncertainty deep within him. Amidst his amusement, he also felt a pang of heartache.


The man, who was considered the closest to god, appeared to be nervous and anxious before him, making Erlande both distressed and intrigued.


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“In this world, there are many things I would fear, but you are not one of them.” Erlande raised an eyebrow, looking down at the person in front of him with a superior air, and in return, he received the other’s delightful laughter.


Seeing the other’s smile, Erlande had a sense of absurdity. It felt as if he had known this person for a very long time, even though he couldn’t recall such memories. But his body instinctively knew this person, and he was willing to get close to him.


“Erlande, remember what you said today. No matter when, you must never be afraid of me. And I swear, no matter what happens in the future, I will always stand by your side.” Only he could be Erlande’s eternal god.


At that moment, both of them fell silent, savoring the rare warmth between them.


Meanwhile, standing not far away, John saw this scene but couldn’t help feeling worried.


For thousands of years, there had never been anyone else in his master’s eyes. Even though there was someone else who appeared in his life and stayed by his side, John understood clearly that it was because his master tacitly accepted the other’s presence within a tolerable scope. But no one had ever been able to enter his master’s field of vision.


And yet, this person had truly entered his master’s heart, and if one day…


Of course, John’s worry was not about Lance betraying them. He knew well that Lance was probably even more devoted to his master than he was, and he could never do anything to betray him.


His worry was that someday Lance’s life would come to an end, and at that time… his master might choose self-destruction.


Because of today’s conversation, the intimacy between Erlande and Lance had obviously increased. This change didn’t sit well with Salman, leaving him gnashing his teeth, but he had no way to stop it. 


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The various methods employed by John had long broken his pride, crushed all his arrogance, and reduced him to dust. He had come to understand that he was no longer the prince he once was, standing high above all.


Of course, Erlande was quite satisfied with Salman’s training. After all, this person had caused too much trouble during this period, which was extremely annoying. Being able to quiet him down a bit was a good thing for Erlande.


After finishing lunch, John served Erlande a glass of red wine, but Lance took it directly, leaving Erlande gnashing his teeth.

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Since their last conversation, this person had been constantly enticing him. Initially, it was just about preventing him from hunting, but now, he even forbade Erlande from touching the red wine. Was there no freedom anymore!?


Erlande: “Do you believe I’ll really bite you!?”


Lance: “Come on, I even opened my collar. Feel free to bite whenever.”


Erlande: …


Could there be anyone more shameless in this world? I really want to kill him!


John, standing aside, didn’t know what to say. Now he couldn’t understand what his master was thinking. 


He had mentioned before that Father Brode’s blood had a special attraction to him, and now the priest willingly offered his fresh blood. Why did the hesitant one become his master?


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If it was about worrying about starting a war, John couldn’t believe it. In the past, vampires had not hesitated to target priests and ministers, and his master had never stopped them. Now, facing this opportunity, he chose to retreat. It just didn’t make sense.

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But this was between his master and the priest, and he, as a servant, had no right to comment. Yes, that’s how it should be!


And so, Lance’s “ally” smiled and chose to sit on the sidelines, observing, not minding the big fuss.


Actually, Lance was feeling very frustrated right now. He thought that after their conversation that day, there would be a breakthrough in their relationship, but he found himself thinking too much. Erlande’s attitude towards him had not changed at all, still the same as before, indifferent.


This version of Erlande made him anxious, but he didn’t dare to push him. He hoped his beloved would respond to him willingly rather than being forced.


Yet, now Lance wasn’t sure how much longer he could endure.


“Wanna go for a walk?” Unable to control his emotions any longer, Erlande felt a bit impatient, not because he was cowardly, but because the pressure from the other’s “predatory” gaze was overwhelming.


“Okay.” Though he knew Erlande was trying to escape, Lance agreed to it, at least to avoid putting too much pressure on him. He feared Erlande might run away.


However, this time, it was Lance who led the way, “I’ve already visited your home, now it’s your turn to see mine.”


This remark caused Erlande’s lips to twitch. Was it really alright for a vampire to visit a church?


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing Erlande’s reaction, Lance immediately understood his thoughts and couldn’t help but smile, “It’s not to visit a church, but to come to my home. Although I’m a priest, I’m not an orphan adopted by the church.”


The church adopted large numbers of orphans every year, and they would later become ordinary clerics, deacons, or priests based on their abilities. However, Lance was different. He entered the church because his power was exceptionally strong.


“Alright.” Since it wasn’t going to the church, Erlande didn’t refuse. No, perhaps he had a slight desire to understand Lance.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Nlrlalcu Ojcmf’r tbwf obg atf olgra alwf, Sgijcvf ofia j rfcrf bo cbnfias. Llr tbwf, ilxf tlwrfio, kjr mbiv, raglma, jcv atf rqjmf kjr vbwlcjafv ys yijmx jcv ktlaf, klat jc lcvfrmglyjyif rfcrf bo fwqalcfrr.


Lfgf, atfgf kjr cb offilcu bo tbwf.


“Tbe… vbc’a ilxf la tfgf?” Po tf gfjiis ilxfv la tfgf, kts mbeivc’a jcsbcf offi jcs kjgwat?


No matter how you looked at it, he couldn’t associate this place with a home, as it had no trace of warmth.


“Not that I don’t like it.” Lance shook his head and walked behind Erlande, embracing him.


Indeed, it wasn’t that he didn’t like it, but… it couldn’t be considered liking either. Before meeting Erlande, his heart had been empty, devoid of any feelings of fondness for people, things, or objects.


It wasn’t until the moment he met the person in front of him that he realized what he had been waiting for all along.


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Not disliking, so it couldn’t be considered liking either. Although Lance didn’t say it out loud, Erlande understood it clearly. Somehow, at this moment, his heart felt a bit heavy.


The two of them didn’t stay here for long and returned to Collinsburg before sunset. After all, Collinsburg could be a bit dangerous after dark, though it wasn’t much of a concern for the two of them. 


However, they hadn’t reached a point where they had nothing better to do than to find trouble for themselves.


Back in Collinsburg, it was just the two of them for dinner. As for why Salman didn’t show up, neither of them asked nor cared.


After dinner, Lance “confiscated” Erlande’s red wine as usual, and Erlande, feeling gloomy, went straight back to his room. At the moment, he had no interest in seeing this annoying fellow!


Watching Erlande leave, Lance smiled helplessly. It seemed that there were some things he couldn’t let slide without taking some action.



At night, Erlande woke up due to hunger, sighing in his heart. He believed that if he went hunting now, that person would definitely stop him. He had no idea how Lance could accurately find him like that.


Helplessly sighing again, Erlande decided to get up and admire the moon. Even if he didn’t go hunting, it was much better than lying in bed and enduring hunger!


However, what he didn’t expect was that when he opened his eyes, he saw a large face up close, startling him.


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“How did you get in here!?” He remembered that he always locked the bedroom door when he went to sleep at night. The door lock was intact, so Lance obviously didn’t break in. Naturally, there was an “inside man,” but Erlande didn’t want to think about who that might be!


“I got the key to your room from John. I think I’ve given you enough time to consider,” Lance leaned forward, almost pressing his entire body onto Erlande, “Now, I don’t want to wait any longer, and I don’t have the patience to wait any longer.”


Before Erlande could react, Lance forcefully pressed him onto the bed and passionately kissed his lips, his tongue grazing over Erlande’s sharp canine teeth, drawing out a drop of blood. The intense kiss traced over his throat.


At that moment, Erlande felt that his appetite had been completely aroused by the person in front of him. “Lance, are you insane?”


Due to the prolonged hunger, Erlande had been enduring, and now this person was driving him crazy, making him taste the flavor of blood. Wasn’t he afraid of death?


“I’ve been crazy for you for a long time.” Crazy enough that he would give him his life if he wanted it!


Lance opened his collar and looked at him seriously, “As long as you are willing to belong to me, then everything I have is yours.”


Feeling his seriousness, Erlande smiled, his somewhat hoarse voice not unpleasant, even a bit seductive, “As you wish.”


His touch, his fresh blood didn’t make Erlande feel repulsed. So he believed that this person was the one he had been waiting for. If that was the case, why should he compromise?


His sharp canine teeth pierced the skin, and the momentary pain gradually turned into an indescribable comfort. 


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Feeling the other’s arms tightly embracing him, Lance smiled and narrowed his eyes. His ears filled with the sounds of sucking and swallowing, giving him a feeling of dedicating everything to the other person.


Honestly, that feeling wasn’t bad.


As long as that person was him!


As time passed, Lance began to feel dizzy from the blood loss, but he didn’t stop Erlande. He didn’t expect that at this moment, Erlande voluntarily stopped. He remembered that Erlande had been hungry for a long time.


“Enough? If not, I can…” Lance’s voice sounded anxious, as he could feel the other’s dissatisfaction, and he didn’t want that.


“It’s enough,” Erlande extended his tongue and licked his wound to help stop the bleeding, then slowly said, “If we continue, your body won’t be able to handle it. I don’t want to drain you. Isn’t once enough?”


Erlande smiled with a satisfied expression on his face. Although he hadn’t eaten to his full, it had already relieved his hunger, and the taste was enough to linger in his memory for a long time.


Thinking about it, he licked his lips, seemingly savoring the taste that had captivated him endlessly.


Looking at Erlande in this state, Lance couldn’t help but swallow hard. He seemed to understand why Salman was so infatuated with him. Anyone who saw him would be captivated by his charm.


“I’ve fed you, now is it my turn to be ‘fed’?” Before Erlande could comprehend his words, Lance had already pounced on him, pinning him down on the bed, and trapping him between his arms. His breath was filled with Lance’s scent.


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Although he was somewhat Firce, it was Lance after all, and surprisingly, Erlande didn’t dislike it. Therefore, Erland did not push him away. As a result of his momentary “stupidity,” he would pay a “heavy” price later.


The deep kiss left Erlande a bit breathless. He had never been so intimately touched by anyone before, but unexpectedly, he didn’t hate it. It seemed that no matter what this person did, he wouldn’t get angry or disgusted.


The feeling was novel, but also puzzling.


“Erlande, you are mine.” With an almost worshipful expression, Lance left one shallow kiss after another on him. The sweet breath in his ear made Lance feel like he was losing control.


“I am yours.” 


Like a vow, Lance repeated these two words over and over in his ear, invading his body, will, and even his soul.


He left his mark on Erlande, both physically and spiritually.


Lance, you are mine, and I am yours…


When dawn, no, when the sun had risen high in the sky, Erlande finally woke up from his slumber. Looking at the man still embracing him, Erlande couldn’t help but wonder if he should push this person away or kick him off the bed!


As if sensing the deep malice emanating from Erlande, Lance slowly opened his eyes and looked at his lover with affection in his eyes.


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Now, this person finally belonged to him, completely and exclusively.


Feeling a bit excited and wanting to give him a good morning kiss, Erlande couldn’t take it anymore and finally kicked him off the bed. This unrestrained jerk deserved to die.


Ouch, my waist hurts…


The person who was kicked off the bed now had a very cooperative attitude. He silently put on his clothes and went to the bedside to help Erlande with his sore waist.


Yesterday… he was a bit, well, too unrestrained, and he didn’t stop until it was almost dawn.


“But that’s also something that can’t be helped. During this time, it’s not just Erlande alone who’s hungry, but him too!


Every day, the person he loves is right by his side, yet he can’t do anything. When he finally had a chance, he lost control just a little bit. So, it’s somewhat understandable… right?


“Erlande, I…”


“Shut up! I don’t want to hear you speak right now, hiss–” 


His anger caused him to clench his waist involuntarily, and Erlande gasped for a breath. What did this bastard do to him after he passed out yesterday? His body felt like it was falling apart!


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Remember, he’s a vampire, a vampire! The strength of a vampire’s body is beyond what humans can compare to. Yet, this bastard managed to toss a vampire like this.


Thinking of this, Erlande couldn’t help but shiver. Shouldn’t he be glad he’s not human? Otherwise, he might not even be alive by now.


The vampire’s regenerative abilities are indeed decent. Though he was pretty beaten up yesterday, after some rest, aside from his sore waist, everything else was fine. Now, he could barely be considered mobile.


“Let’s go downstairs and have something to eat. Should I carry you down?” Although Erlande seemed fine now, Lance vividly remembered his pitiful appearance from before. So, he asked, only to be met with an angry glare.


The two of them descended the stairs, and John could clearly sense a different atmosphere between them. Not only was Erlande his master, but even the priest carried a sense of satisfaction after a full meal. 


John immediately understood what happened yesterday, but seeing his master’s lack of response, he naturally accepted it.


“Master, why are you coming down so late? Are you feeling unwell? Do you need to rest?” Seeing that Erlande didn’t seem to be in good spirits, Salman immediately approached, offering his attentiveness. 


Despite being “educated” by John many times, he cleverly found the right balance so as not to upset Erlande.


However, today, he miscalculated one person – Lance.


As he approached to show his concern for Erlande, Lance, who had been walking behind him, swiftly pulled him into his embrace, his gaze filled with displeasure.


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In the past, he indeed had no right to make such a move, but their relationship had changed since yesterday. He was no longer just Erlande’s friend, he was his partner.


“Father Brode, your actions seem inappropriate,” Salman frowned. Although his tone was calm, his eyes were filled with jealousy. He envied this person. Even if he was Erlande’s friend, what right did he have to touch Erlande so intimately?


“He’s my lover. What’s inappropriate about that?” After saying this, Lance took a step back, holding Erlande in his arms, and faced Salman with a look as if he was watching a thief who might steal his treasure.


This revelation brought deep distress to Salman. He looked at Lance in disbelief, then turned his gaze to Erlande. “Master, is what Father Brode said true?”


Once a person who was proud and arrogant, now he cautiously asks this question in front of him. Most people would find it difficult, and even if it’s to reassure him, they would choose to lie.


But Erlande was not one of those people. He wouldn’t wrong his lover for someone he doesn’t care for.


Now that he had accepted Lance, he wouldn’t let anyone question his status. So, even facing Salman like this, he nodded without hesitation.


For Lance, this moment was the happiest one because the person he loved acknowledged his position in front of others. But for Salman, this moment was the most painful one. The person he had admired, revered, and even loved, had just confessed to someone else as his lover.


“Master, have you forgotten your identity and his identity? You represent light and darkness, how could you possibly be together?!!” Salman is now somewhat panicked as he loudly questions, hoping that Erlande could “come to his senses.”


Unfortunately, this statement would only bring him a heavier blow.


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Because at this moment, Lance answered his question, “Can light and darkness never be together? Then, for him, I’ll embrace the darkness. He’s my only deity.”

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Lance never believed in God, joining the church was merely to pass the time of his boring life. Now that he has found a sense of purpose, light and darkness no longer matter to him.


This response struck Salman like a bolt of lightning. Is there really no chance for him?


“John, send him back to Dorun Castle. I believe he’s no longer suitable to stay in Collinsburg.” To repeatedly question his decision, did Salman really think Erlande had no temper at all?


Since he’s unwilling to stay quietly, then leave.


Hearing his master’s words, John nodded. In fact, he had wanted to send this person away a long time ago, but he didn’t dare to act without his master’s order.


After Erlande issued the command, John found a few people to watch over Salman, and that night they promptly sent him away, directly to Dorun Castle.


“My little friend, you’re finally back, huh?” Looking at Salman standing in front of him, Dorun showed no surprise. John cared more about His Highness’ safety than anyone else. When John learned that this person might be a threat to His Highness, how could he let him stay?


“Why didn’t you help me? Have you forgotten what you said to me at that time!?” Seeing Dorun, all of Salman’s anger surged. If it weren’t for this useless person, he would still be in Collinsburg now, and it would have been Lance Brode who was kicked out.


Slap! A resounding slap struck Salman’s face, and Dorun coldly looked at the person who had just questioned him. 


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“My little friend, I am not His Highness. I won’t show mercy as he does. If you misbehave, I don’t mind teaching you a lesson. Also…” 


Looking at the person who seemed as obedient as a mouse, Dorun sneered, “why should I help you? As long as His Highness is happy, nothing else matters. And you, an outsider, dare to try and manipulate His Highness’ thoughts?”




“I know what you want to say. You want to say that Lance Brode is a priest, so he’s not suitable for His Highness?” Looking at Salman, who seemed to say “that’s it,” Dorun gently shook his head. 


“In our eyes, there’s no difference between you and Lance Brode. The only difference lies in His Highness’ choice.”


In fact, after visiting Collinsburg a few times, he had already guessed His Highness’ thoughts. Sure enough, not long after, His Highness made a choice.


In fact, when Dorun sent Salman to Collinsburg, he also had the idea of giving His Highness some company. 

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His Highness had been too lonely all these years, spending most of his time in slumber and only dealing with necessary matters. So, Dorun thought of sending a little pet to keep His Highness company during these hundred years.


Unfortunately, it seems his choice didn’t win His Highness’ favor.


“But… I can’t accept this!” Salman was unwilling.


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“There’s nothing to accept. Since His Highness doesn’t favor you, then return to your Haran Empire and continue being a prince!” This person had been constantly remembering his identity, right? So, now he could just go back to where he belonged.


With that said, Dorun waved his hand, signaling his men to arrange for Salman’s quick departure. If His Highness didn’t like him, he had no interest in keeping such an unlikeable little thing around.


With this matter settled, everything returned to calm on Dorun’s end. However, on the other side, life in Collinsburg with Erlande became exceptionally lively.


Ever since their hearts connected, Lance had become much clingier. Before, although he liked being close to Erlande, there was always a limit, maintaining a polite distance even when getting close.


However, after their intimate contact, Lance seemed to have developed a skin hunger, wanting to be glued to Erlande 24/7. Even when reading a book, he’d love to lie on top of Erlande. As a result, he didn’t know how many times he had been kicked out of the study.


“Father Brode, Master… He doesn’t really enjoy being close to others. What you’ve experienced was already His Highness’ limit.” So please refrain from provoking him further. Being kicked out of the study so many times in one day, it’s not just embarrassing for you, even those of us watching are feeling embarrassed on your behalf.


“Yes, I know. That’s why I hope he can get used to me more.” Although Erlande didn’t say this, how could Lance not understand? It was fine to be uncomfortable before, but now that they had accepted each other into their lives, how could he accept keeping a certain distance from his beloved?


Looking at Lance like this, John also felt a headache. Now he could probably understand why his master kept kicking this person out over and over again.


This person was the typical type who takes an inch and wants a mile. If not warned properly, who knows what he might do.


When Lance entered the study for the tenth—uh, thirteenth time, Erlande glanced at him and slowly said, “If you cause trouble again, you’ll be sleeping in the guest room tonight.”


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Since that night, Erlande had silently accepted that this person had occupied half of his bed. He wasn’t indecisive, since he had decided to accept it, he wouldn’t try to get rid of it by any means. 


Besides, it wasn’t without its benefits. At least he could have a meal every night… well, not exactly a full meal, but at least he didn’t have to endure hunger.


However, this person obviously had the suspicion of taking an inch and wanting a mile. So now he didn’t mind using this as a threat.


Sure enough, when Lance heard these words, his whole body stiffened, then he carefully scooted closer to Erlande’s side. Seeing that Erlande didn’t refuse, he hesitantly sat down and held him in his arms. Of course, this time it was just a hug, no more rubbing and snuggling, taking advantage of the opportunity.


“Why don’t you give me the first embrace?” While quietly holding Erlande, after a while, Lance asked this question, “After the first embrace, I can truly belong to you, only to you.”


Lance knew that Erlande didn’t have any descendants. If possible, he hoped to become his only descendant.




This question left Erlande silent. He closed the book in his hand and didn’t speak for a while. Eventually, he sighed, “Perhaps because I don’t want you to miss the sunlight forever.”


Although being his descendant doesn’t mean one can never see the sunlight, in the months or even a year or two after the first embrace, they probably won’t be able to see the sunlight. He didn’t want Lance to be trapped in darkness.


Upon hearing such a response, Lance’s eyes brimmed with tenderness. “I don’t mind. I have never believed in God, nor have I longed for the light. To me, the light is not nearly as important as you are.”


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Erlande shook his head, once again opening the book in his hand, refusing to say anything further.

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Did Erlande not believe him?


No, in fact, he did believe him, but precisely because he believed him, he couldn’t do this.


Because becoming a vampire meant experiencing not only darkness but also loneliness.


Even with Lance’s companionship, in the endless life, he would eventually feel the pain of loneliness. He had experienced that feeling himself, and he didn’t want the person he loved to go through that agony as well.

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In truth, sometimes he really envied humans, envied his deceased siblings who were no longer here, who could die… It would be truly wonderful.


An endless life was a kind of torment, a curse. Even later on, he could only pass the time by sinking into slumber.


Looking at the silent Erlande, Lance held him tightly in his arms. He didn’t say anything, but he could feel a kind of indescribable loneliness emanating from him.


“Erlande,” he whispered while kissing his ear gently, his voice tender and heart-wrenching.


“Hmm?” Erlande’s gaze fell on the book, but his heart was already in chaos. He had been reading for a while, but he didn’t know what he had been reading.


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“I’m here, I have always been here.” By your side.


“I know.” Erlande nodded. He could naturally feel Lance’s determination.


“In the future, you won’t be lonely. I will always be with you.” Until you die, or until I die. Nothing in this world, except death, could make him let go.


“Always?” Upon hearing this promise, Erlande’s eyes seemed somewhat dazed. It felt like someone else had made a similar promise to him before, but he couldn’t recall who that person was. 


Nevertheless, he vaguely remembered that person’s warm embrace, just like the one behind him now.


“Always!” Lance softly replied, reaching out to hold Erlande’s right hand, his fingers interlocking with his. “As long as I’m alive, I will always be by your side. Remember what I said, I am yours, forever.”

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  1. Oh my heart!! 001 record everything!! Give them highlights later!! Omg such devotion!! (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡

    Thanks for the chapter!