Those Years When We Killed the White LotusCh68 - V6.09 Skilled in Disguising White Lotus

Bai Yao, although struck unconscious by Long Lan, knew that the dragon son’s body must be much stronger than an ordinary person’s. After a short while, Bai Yao slowly regained consciousness while looking around and finding no one else nearby. He immediately knew that his scheme had not been uncovered.


Bai Yao understood that this was his only chance, as he might never succeed if he missed it!


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Sometimes, things seemed great in theory, but when it came to actual execution, success became elusive. As he prepared to enter the room, he saw a person standing before him, with a cold expression on their face.


“It’s you?” Bai Yao sneered. “Even if you stop me, what can you do? Are you going to watch him die helplessly?”


He knew what kind of medicine he had used; only by combining with someone else could the drug’s effects be neutralized. Otherwise, Long Lan would surely die. Currently, the dragon son was just a child, and even if he wanted to help him, he was powerless to do so.



Seeing Bai Yao’s confident look, Lin Zisheng couldn’t be bothered to say anything. He merely curled up his mouth, as if he had seen something disgustingly filthy. The contemptuous expression made Bai Yao feel a sharp ache in his heart.


The expression on Lin Zisheng’s face was identical to that person’s expression from the past, the same disdain, the same mockery. It was as if even crawling ants on the ground were worth more than him. Even if they crawled in front of him, they wouldn’t receive a shred of attention.


“You, you will pay the price. When the Imperial Star dies, you won’t be able to survive!” Now, madness filled Bai Yao’s eyes, and there was even an intensity that he couldn’t understand himself.


Strangely, the person who evoked this intensity in him wasn’t Long Lan in the room, but the young boy standing before him.


Looking at the thoroughly disdainful look in the boy’s eyes, Bai Yao felt his body heating up.


“Someone, throw this thing out!” Feeling even more disgusted by Bai Yao’s gaze, Lin Zisheng didn’t bother to think about what he was thinking and had no concern for him. His focus was on the drugged person in the room.


Over the years, Lin Zisheng had always considered his lover to be very clever, and this was the first time he had seen them foolishly drugged by someone.


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As Lin Zisheng walked into the room, a huge figure pounced toward him. He instinctively wanted to dodge, but upon sensing the familiar aura, he stopped his movement.


In that moment, Lin Zisheng found himself embraced by Long Lan, and then everything blurred before his eyes, finding himself lying on the bed with a feverish youth pressing against him due to being drugged.


“Zisheng… Zisheng…” Even in such a state, Long Lan’s eyes burned with desire, but he could still recognize the person before him.


However, Lin Zisheng’s expression was somewhat grim because he could already smell the faint scent of blood from the person’s body. It seemed he had resorted to self-harm to avoid losing control.


“Long Lan!” He didn’t like seeing his lover hurt, whether by others or himself!


“Don’t call me Long Lan, Zisheng, call me Lan, call me Lan.” 


Long Lan clung tightly to Lin Zisheng, rubbing his head against his neck. His voice was filled with a profound grievance, like a child who had been bullied, causing Lin Zisheng’s anger to slowly dissipate.


“Why hurt yourself?” Although he knew the reason in his heart, he couldn’t help but feel distressed. Long Lan had actually hurt himself!


“Um… don’t want to…”


“Don’t want? Don’t want what?” Hearing Long Lan’s somewhat unclear voice, Lin Zisheng tried to push away the man rubbing against his neck. In the next moment, he felt something wet and warm, indicating that the person before him had just licked his neck.


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Pushing the man who was acting spoiled on top of him with force, Lin Zisheng looked into his eyes and suddenly felt a sense of worry. Right now, the man’s eyes were tinged with red veins, desire and restraint constantly intertwining.


“Don’t want… um, touch anyone else.” He didn’t want to see anyone else, didn’t want to be touched by anyone else. Even if desire was going to consume him, he didn’t want to have any physical contact with anyone other than Lin Zisheng.


This answer was within Lin Zisheng’s expectations, but it still made his throat feel dry. Could this man remember him even when he was under the influence of drugs?


Looking at the man who glanced at him and then lowered his head to nuzzle his neck, Lin Zisheng couldn’t help but sigh. At this point, he could no longer distinguish who was devouring whom, but right now, he willingly accepted his decision.


Despite being almost unable to control himself now, the man only gently nuzzled at his neck and didn’t dare to pull open his collar, probably fearing he would lose control and violate him, no matter what he looked like.

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“Lan, let go of me.” Lin Zisheng’s voice sounded with a hint of amusement as he lightly patted the person lying on him refusing to let go.


Obviously, the person slowly being controlled by desire was very unwilling, but after hearing Lin Zisheng’s words, he eventually loosened his grip. In fact, he understood that if he didn’t release Zisheng at this moment, he might lose control of his desires, and no matter how the other person looked, he would violate him.


However, what surprised him was that after letting go of Lin Zisheng, he didn’t leave. Instead, he stood by the bed, untied his belt, and took off his outer clothes. 


As he moved, his figure gradually elongated. He originally looked like a small teenager, but now he appeared to be fifteen or sixteen years old.


According to the records in the book, Bai Zi’s appearance reached adulthood when he was around fifteen or sixteen, and he wouldn’t grow any further.


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In other words, now he had the complete ability to embrace the person before him and indulge in their intimacy.


“Zisheng?” Although he knew why Lin Zisheng was doing this, he cautiously asked, fearing that Lin Zisheng might not be willing and was simply treating him as an antidote.


What he wanted wasn’t just a night of pleasure, but a lifetime with him.


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Looking at the person who is still cautious up until now, Lin Zisheng couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. This is his beloved, someone who cherishes him and shows even more affection.


Vibkis, tf kjixfv ab atf fvuf bo atf yfv jcv jqqgbjmtfv tlw. Olc Ilrtfcu ufcais qijcafv j iluta xlrr bc tlr ilqr.


Dea la kjr atlr bcf qfgrbc ktb kjr fcbeut ab luclaf jii atf qjrrlbc lc ogbca bo tlw. Coafgkjgvr, Olc Ilrtfcu gfjilhfv atja atfgf kfgf rbwf atlcur tf mbeiv cb ibcufg mbcagbi…


When he woke up again, seeing the person holding him tightly, he wished he could slap himself.


Haha, the foolish one is him; it’s not Long Lan at all!


Long Lan is the prince, knowing about Bai Zi’s situation, how could he not know what would happen to Bai Zi after accepting the true dragon inheritance? He didn’t want to grow up during this time, and that scheming guy forced him to grow up like this!


And he fell into the opponent’s trap just because he couldn’t bear it for a moment!


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Haha, truly skilled in using the old trick of feigning injury!


“Sheng, what’s wrong with you?” Long Lan asked cautiously, looking at Lin Zisheng with a hint of fear in his eyes.


“Hah, what’s wrong with me?” Lin Zisheng couldn’t help but chuckle at Long Lan’s reaction, finding it amusing that he was still trying to act at a time like this. “Aren’t you supposed to explain what happened yesterday?”


Upon hearing this, Long Lan seemed like a big puppy that had been bullied. He looked dejected and cautiously nuzzled against Lin Zisheng’s neck, his face showing signs of unhappiness, freezing momentarily.


“Yesterday… I did it on purpose.” At this point, Long Lan knew he couldn’t lie anymore and could only hope for his beloved to forgive him.


“Hah, aren’t you afraid I won’t save you or let Bai Yao succeed?” Thinking of the possibility that Bai Yao might succeed, Lin Zisheng felt like strangling the person before him. Could he be so sure he could rush to the rescue in time?


“I’m not afraid,” Long Lan shook his head, his eyes filled with determination. “Even if I really die, I won’t touch him. If I’m no longer clean, how can I stay by your side?”


Though he didn’t know why he had this feeling, he just knew that once he was no longer “clean,” his beloved wouldn’t want him anymore. Even if they couldn’t be apart due to the contract, their relationship would be limited, and they could never go further.


Now Lin Zisheng didn’t know what to say anymore. He knew the risks were high, yet he still wanted to take this chance. But if he really hardened his heart and ignored Long Lan, what should he do?

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“Zisheng, I know you won’t abandon me. I can feel it.” Holding the person tightly in his arms, Long Lan felt a sense of contentment. It was like a long-lost treasure returning to his embrace. Only those who had experienced such contentment would understand.


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“Just get out of here!” Seeing his beloved cling to him with such shamelessness, Lin Zisheng didn’t show any mercy and kicked him away without hesitation.



Lin Zisheng sat in the room, sipping tea while reading various books that Long Lan had found for him. The towering figure of a man knelt before him, his gaze carefully watching Lin Zisheng. 


Whenever Lin Zisheng’s eyes swept over him, he immediately lowered his head, appearing pitiful, which made others feel sorry for him.


Of course, this feeling of pity didn’t include Lin Zisheng. He glanced at the man casually and then returned his attention to the book in his hand. Meanwhile, his other hand secretly massaged his waist, which was quite sore.


“Zisheng, is your back sore from sitting? Let me help you…” The man’s gaze showed eagerness, but under Lin Zisheng’s cold stare, he quickly shut his mouth and continued to scrub the washboard.


Seeing his pitiful appearance, Lin Zisheng really wanted to kick him away.


It would have been okay if it had ended with last night’s ordeal. However, unexpectedly, this damned beast had relentlessly tortured him again in the morning after they had talked things through. 


He almost passed out from exhaustion. If the guard hadn’t knocked on the door at that moment, it would have probably continued for a while longer.


And yet!


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This shameful thing that happened during the day had also been exposed. Lin Zisheng felt utterly embarrassed and ashamed!


“Sheng, I…” the man began to speak.


“If you say one more word, get out!” Though Lin Zisheng’s voice was quiet, Long Lan knew he meant it. If he tried to defend himself, Lin Zisheng would definitely kick him out.


But he felt so wronged.


Of course, one would have desires when they encountered their beloved. Why was Zisheng so heartless?


Although he did go a bit overboard today, it wasn’t entirely his fault. He didn’t have any women or male consorts around him before, and he never felt any desire towards anyone. So now, when he finally had these feelings, they surged uncontrollably.


But he couldn’t say any of these things. If he did, he would probably be doomed to abstinence in the future.

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In truth, Lin Zisheng could understand why this person lost control like this. However, he couldn’t encourage this behavior. His experiences from various worlds taught him that even a little indulgence now could lead to regret later, and he didn’t want to be that regretful person!


Seeing his beloved in this state, Lin Zisheng found him really adorable, and it made him want to tease him even more!


And so, while Lin Zisheng quietly read his books in the room, Long Lan knelt before him, scrubbing the washboard. With his martial arts skills, kneeling down was no issue at all, but it did bring a hint of embarrassment.


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“Your Highness…” At this moment, a guard walked in, his expression conflicted as he saw the Seventh Prince kneeling with the washboard. Why did he feel like this scene was not out of place at all?


“What is it?” Long Lan’s expression turned cold upon hearing the outsider’s voice. He looked at the guard with a touch of chill in his eyes.


“It’s… His Majesty,” the guard hesitated, knowing that their Highness was upset. However, the Emperor summoned them, “His Majesty said that the Crown Prince lodged a complaint in the palace today, saying that you attempted to insult his dragon son and ended up injuring him.”


Upon hearing this, Lin Zisheng raised his head, and anger flashed in his eyes.


Those two sure could twist the truth around. Fine, if Bai Yao had tried to climb onto Long Lan’s bed yesterday and failed, now he was trying to shift the blame back. Very well, it was simply outrageous!


“Change your clothes, we’re going to the palace!” Lin Zisheng declared. This person was his beloved. Though it was amusing to see him being bullied, only he had the right to do so. How dare anyone else touch his man? They were just seeking death!


Long Lan looked at his beloved’s domineering appearance with an expression of infatuation in his eyes.


And so, the two of them entered the palace. As expected, they found Long Ao and Bai Yao in the imperial study. Long Ao’s face was full of indignation, while Bai Yao stood there with a pale face, not saying a word, as if he had been wronged.


Seeing this scene, Lin Zisheng laughed with a cold and indifferent tone, making everyone’s attention focus on him.


“You, are you…” Bai Yao was taken aback when he saw the young man who appeared to be around fifteen or sixteen years old. 


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He could tell from the silvery-white long hair that this person was definitely Bai Zi. But yesterday, wasn’t he still a child of about ten years old? How did he suddenly grow up so much, looking like someone between adolescence and youth?


“What’s wrong, Bai Yao? We met yesterday, don’t you recognize me now?” Lin Zisheng’s voice carried an undisguised coldness, and his gaze at Bai Yao was icy.


After seeing this look, Bai Yao felt a shiver, but his body was slightly heating up. He didn’t know what was happening to him. Ever since yesterday, whenever he saw this person, he became abnormal!


“No, this can’t be. You can’t be Bai Zi. Bai Zi’s growth takes much longer than ordinary dragon sons. You…” 


The person standing beside the Emperor seemed to understand something when he saw Lin Zisheng’s appearance. “Is this the effect of the true dragon inheritance?”


Very few people knew what the effect of the true dragon inheritance was like, but the handsome man was a dragon son, and he had been alive for quite some time. Naturally, he understood some things.


Actually, when he first saw Lin Zisheng in the main hall, the handsome man knew that the Seventh Prince’s dragon son was Bai Zi. However, he chose not to say anything at that time.


The True Dragon Inheritance?


Hearing his dragon son’s words, the Emperor turned to look at the man beside him, and the handsome man immediately understood his meaning. He told the Emperor everything he knew.


“If it’s merely finding a dragon that transformed into Bai Zi and accepting the True Dragon Inheritance, they are different. After accepting the inheritance, Bai Zi has already fully matured,” the handsome man glanced at Lin Zisheng and then slowly explained to the Emperor.


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“Initially, Bai Zi didn’t transform into an adult appearance, probably due to not adapting to his own power. But now, he seems to have adapted.”


Hearing the handsome man’s explanation, the Emperor waved his hand and then looked at Long Lan, “Long Lan, did you intend to force his dragon son, as Long Ao claimed?”


Although he didn’t believe such accusations from the very beginning, seeing Lin Zisheng beside Long Lan, he became even more skeptical. With such an outstanding person in front of him, Long Lan’s temperament shouldn’t be so low as to force an apparently mediocre dragon son.


Moreover, he had heard of Long Lan’s principle of being chaste. If Long Ao had said this about any of his other sons, the Emperor might have considered it, but he couldn’t believe it when it came to Long Lan.


“Yes… yes,” though Long Ao knew that saying this now wouldn’t make anyone believe him, he still had to say it, “Yesterday, Bai Yao and I went to apologize to the Seventh Prince. On the way back, he sent me out alone, claiming not to know Bai Yao’s whereabouts. However, when Bai Yao was brought back in the evening, he was already seriously injured, and… his clothes were in disarray.”


These words were enough to make everyone think of certain possibilities.


Upon hearing this, Lin Zisheng chuckled lightly and gave an opposite response, “Former Crown Prince, why don’t you suspect that your dragon son tried to seduce mine but failed and got injured as a result?”


The Emperor and the handsome man were both stunned at this statement. Indeed, if Bai Yao returned in such a state, he might have been forced, but it was equally possible that his seduction attempt failed.


“That’s absolutely impossible because…”


“Because if you say it that way, then it becomes your fault. How can you accuse Lan without evidence?” Lin Zisheng looked at Bai Yao, who had a pale face and remained silent with his head down, and smiled lightly, “Why don’t you ask what your dragon son did yesterday?”


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This sudden question made Long Ao feel uneasy. Although he knew that Bai Yao went to seduce Long Lan and got injured, he wondered if there was something he didn’t know about.


“Soul-devouring, bone-decaying, and beauty-withering, have you ever heard of the Enthralling Bone-Dissolving Powder, Former Crown Prince?” When talking about what happened yesterday, Lin Zisheng’s face looked somewhat unpleasant.


Regardless of whether Long Lan did it intentionally or not, the fact was that Bai Yao had been drugged by him!


The danger of that drug was well-known. If within an important hour, one couldn’t engage in physical intimacy with anyone, their meridians would reverse, leading to death.


“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Bai Yao’s face turned even more grim as he said this. How could he not know what had happened, but he absolutely couldn’t say anything now.


After Lin Zisheng finished speaking, the handsome man’s eyes flashed with insight. He then looked at Long Lan, carefully examining him from head to toe. After a while, he revealed a faint smile and glanced teasingly at Lin Zisheng.


Now, the strong dragon aura surrounding Long Lan said it all. Although Long Lan was the Imperial Star, he was still a human. The fact that he had such a dense dragon aura now could only mean one thing: he had indeed consummated with Bai Zi yesterday.


“Bai Yao, are you planning to say you know nothing?” Lin Zisheng’s mocking expression became even more apparent as he looked at the person standing there with a pale and shaky face.


“A missed move in the game, I didn’t expect you to end up like this.” Seeing the intertwining auras of the two, Bai Yao now clearly understood what had happened.


Originally, he wanted to separate the two, but unexpectedly, he didn’t succeed in breaking them apart. Instead, he unintentionally brought them closer together, and this was a blow to him!


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“I didn’t expect you to mature so quickly,” Bai Yao remarked, feeling jealous in his heart, though he couldn’t determine who he was jealous of anymore.


He believed he cared for Long Lan, but now, seeing the aura of Lin Zisheng on Long Lan, he felt envious. At this moment, he wished to be the one having Lin Zisheng’s aura!


Seeing the disbelief in the previous Crown Prince’s eyes, Bai Yao disdainfully smiled, “Is it that hard to understand why I did it? The reason is simple; I chose Long Lan as my master, not you!”


This revelation shocked everyone present, even Long Lan was taken aback.


“But you don’t have the qualification for that,” the handsome man standing next to the Emperor spoke softly, “The dragon son by Long Lan’s side is destined to be Bai Zi, and this cannot be changed. If it were changed, both the Imperial Star and the dragon son would face punishment.”


Some things were preordained, and no one could change them as they were part of destiny!


“Your Majesty, since things have come to this, there’s no need to punish Bai Yao further. After all, he has already received the greatest punishment,” the contract between a dragon son and a contracting master was extremely strict, not easily terminated. This meant Bai Yao was destined to be bound to Long Ao for life.


Hearing the words of the handsome man, the Emperor waved his hand, dismissing everyone. He felt tired now. Ever since his two most favored sons got dragon sons, things seemed to have gotten out of control.


“Leave, I’m tired.”

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Everyone withdrew, including the handsome man who had been standing by the Emperor’s side.


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“Long Lan, this matter won’t end so easily!” Long Ao’s regretful appearance yesterday was just a show to deceive the two. Now, he spoke sincerely.


Of course, both Lin Zisheng and Long Lan completely ignored this seemingly threatening statement. No matter how much he threatened, could it change anything?


After Long Ao had gone far away, the handsome man beside the Emperor slowly approached Lin Zisheng and Long Lan. “Your Highness.”


Long Lan was stunned. This person was the Emperor’s dragon son, and even in the presence of the Emperor, they didn’t need to pay their respects. So why…


Long Lan had a feeling that this “Your Highness” wasn’t directed at him but at Lin Zisheng, who was embraced in his arms. The man’s gesture was also toward him.


“I didn’t expect Your Highness to be so daring, to actually develop feelings for the Imperial Star.” Seeing the two in front of him, the handsome man suddenly felt troubled.


The purpose of a dragon son by an emperor’s side was only understood after the imperial son received the heavenly revelation upon inheriting the throne.


The existence of a dragon son is not just for protecting the emperor or assisting the emperor; it also serves as a constraint. When the emperor deviates from the right path, the dragon son begins to search for and cultivate the next generation of emperors.


Of course, only the dragon son of each generation knows about this, and even the emperor himself remains completely unaware.


Bai Zi’s responsibility is even greater. Now that there is such a strong bond between him and the Imperial Star, could he really abandon it once the Imperial Star deviates from the right path?


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“There won’t be such a day. I trust my judgment,” Lin Zisheng smiled gently. He knew what kind of person his lover was. If he didn’t want to become a tyrant, no, a detrimental influence on the emperor, his lover wouldn’t go down the path of a failed ruler.


Hearing Lin Zisheng’s words, the handsome man looked at Long Lan and had to admit that His Highness was right. This person probably wouldn’t walk the path of a failed ruler.


“Let’s go back first. Be careful in the palace. Long Ao won’t easily give up,” Long Ao’s obsession with the throne was not something that could be easily stopped.


The handsome man nodded, indicating that he understood, and then watched as Lin Zisheng and Long Lan left.


Back at the residence, Long Lan pulled Lin Zisheng directly into his room, preparing to have a private conversation.




Lin Zisheng: Private conversation? Ha, can you control your mouth and stop randomly kissing my neck? Do you think I’m a lifeless object without feelings?


Indeed, growing up brings more troubles!


The first thing is how to deal with this beast by my side!


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