Wolf In The CageChapter 60

Malon called out firmly to stop him, but Sixx pretended not to hear and closed the door. His forced smile was nearing its limit. “Sixx!” Malon’s voice came from the room, but Sixx ran. Tears welled up, making his eyes ache. No, I can’t cry yet. People are watching. If someone known to be Malon’s lover met him and returned in tears, who knows what kind of rumors would spread? I don’t matter, but Malon has a lot to lose.

Sixx clenched his teeth and held back his tears. The scene he witnessed kept replaying in his mind, painfully stabbing at his consciousness. Could Malon really…? No, it can’t be true. Malon isn’t that kind of person! He tried to deny it, running like mad to escape his thoughts. But the thoughts wouldn’t stop. 15BbEU

Fortunately, Michael was still waiting outside. Since he couldn’t concentrate on driving, Sixx asked him to take him back to the Cage mansion. Staring blankly at the rapidly passing scenery, Sixx thought about Malon, more specifically, the scene he had just witnessed. He had a rough idea of the life Malon led before they became a couple. He had no steady lover and only engaged in relationships with random people to satisfy his desires.

For convenience, he’d sometimes refer to someone as a lover, but the only person the boss ever seriously dated was you, Sixx. I personally think it’ll stay that way.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Patrick had said that once. Honestly, it made him happy. But that didn’t mean he could completely ignore the existence of those other, less serious partners. Malon Cage was an adult. Though Sixx had recently become an adult too, he couldn’t compare to Malon, who had over thirteen more years of adulthood. Anyway, it was a fact that Malon had slept with those people multiple times just like he did with Sixx… The thought made his heart ache. Unlike him, who knew only Malon, Malon had a lot of experience. When touching Malon’s body, sometimes it occurred to him that others had touched this body too. Then, Sixx would bite Malon’s neck hard out of jealousy, like a child. Even though he knew the past was over, and he was the one who remained by Malon’s side now.

Sixx bit the inside of his cheek. He understood he couldn’t change the past. But why did it have to be someone he knew? He recalled the look in her eyes, how she looked at him like he was a child. How many times had they slept together? Could he count them on both hands? Given how naturally she came and went from the Cage mansion, it must have been quite a lot. If they had been so intimate, didn’t Malon feel anything when he touched her earlier? Even if they didn’t do anything specific, could he have momentarily reminisced about the past with her? Maybe he longed for those freer days. RIZynW

Such strange thoughts filled his head. The rising sobs made his throat hot. He sensed Michael glancing at him. Although they had grown quite close, Michael was Malon’s subordinate. Crying here wasn’t an option. Sixx tried to converse with him as naturally as possible. But it wasn’t easy. Everything reminded him of Malon. Everything! Sixx asked Michael about adult relationships. Michael, guessing the situation, consoled him in a tone that almost confirmed Malon’s infidelity. But Sixx didn’t want to believe it. It couldn’t be true.

Malon wouldn’t do that to me…

“Huh, huh, huh…”

When he came to his senses, Sixx found himself standing in the middle of a forest. Ironically, the place he sought for solitude was the forest Malon had given him. As soon as he stepped onto this land, he realized he could never be alone here. Malon was everywhere. How often had they come here together! Whose hand had petted and loved him when he was in wolf form! Tears streamed down Sixx’s face. Malon was a fool. Showing me something like that. Now I can’t forget even if I want to. Even when I close my eyes, I keep thinking about it. Sixx finally broke down and cried uncontrollably, his sobs echoing among the tall trees. Wiping his tears, he stumbled towards the cabin.


In the middle of the forest stood a cabin. It was a place Malon had set up so he could comfortably change clothes and rest when he was exhausted from playing. Despite being so kind, why…? No, it can’t be true. Malon wouldn’t have feelings for anyone else but me. Because of his blurred vision, Sixx tripped over a large tree root and fell. A werewolf falling—it sounded unbelievable, and he let out a hollow laugh. His knee stung, likely scraped, but it didn’t matter now. Limping towards the cabin, Sixx hugged his favorite soft blanket and sobbed.


Though he had pushed Malon away and left, Sixx now missed him terribly, calling out his name as he cried. Fool, idiot… Sixx cursed again. But this time, the target of his curses was himself. Why am I so stupid? Malon must have had his reasons, but I ran away because I couldn’t handle the situation.

This is why you are always treated like a child. This is why you are nothing more than someone Malon needs to protect. A werewolf who entrusts their soul to their partner is shaken because they don’t trust them—how pathetic and foolish. Even though you know Malon isn’t like that… L0CzkR

Sixx harshly scolded himself. Engulfed by self-reproach and self-loathing, which surged like a high tide, Sixx shed tears like a broken faucet. His eyes had been red and swollen for a long time. Sixx clutched the blanket in his arms tightly.

At that moment, he heard urgent footsteps approaching the cabin.

No, I still don’t know how to face this…

There was no space in this cramped cabin to hide his large frame, so Sixx just buried his face in the blanket. Soon, a low voice accompanied by slightly erratic breathing was heard at the door. It was a voice Sixx had been desperately waiting for but also wanted to avoid the most right now. E5uqa7

“…Damn it, Sixx. I found you.”

“Hey, I didn’t misunderstand. Then, I’ll go ahead. See you at home later.”

“Sixx, I told you to wait.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Sixx, with hearing far better than a human’s, couldn’t have missed the sound of him trying to hold him back. Yet, the door slammed shut and the sound of footsteps quickly receded. Sixx was gone. Which meant, they were completely screwed. BRsjnb


Zjibc ifa bea j rlut bo ogeragjalbc jr tf gfagjmafv atf tjcv atja tjv gfjmtfv bea lcab atf jlg. Ktf kbwjc bc abq bo tlw uluuifv, jiwbra jr lo wbmxlcu tlw. Pa vlv rbecv ijeutjyif. Snfc atbeut la kjr rbwfatlcu atfs ybat jugffv ab vb, tf mbeivc’a tfiq yea offi j yla gfrfcaoei abkjgvr tfg.

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“How are you going to take responsibility for this?”

“Why should I take responsibility? It’s your partner. Now that I think about it, it’s him from that time. He is cute, as expected of a youngster.” 4VimIh

She chuckled softly. Damn it, they even knew each other. This was turning out to be more serious than he had thought. Realizing the urgency of the situation, Malon decided he needed to find Sixx immediately. Just as he was about to tell Claudia to get down from upstairs, he heard another knock at the door.

“Come in.”

Claudia said. Malon hoped it was Sixx, but the person who opened the door this time was the man they had originally targeted.

Damn it, why is this bastard showing up now? s1uKZ9

Malon blamed the man for his late arrival. When he saw Claudia on top of Malon, the man’s face turned red, and his mouth hung open. His eyes rolled so much they looked like they would pop out if nudged.

“Cl-Claudia, what are you doing! Are you crazy?”

“Leaving you? What do you mean by that? What kind of relationship do we have?”

Seeing Claudia shamelessly tilt her head, Malon inwardly admired her. NdmYGc

“What do you mean, what kind of relationship―!”

“Hey, is there a problem?”


The man who seemed ready to pounce on Claudia and drag her away immediately cowered and lowered his tail when he met Malon’s cold gaze. As Claudia had mentioned, he was the pathetic type who couldn’t even stand straight in front of someone superior. Did they really need my cooperation to get rid of this trash? Malon glanced at Claudia with such a look, and she just shrugged. After all, it was business. kwmJ9d

“What’s your name?”

“Uh, why do you want to know my name—”

“You said you had business with this woman, right? Then it seems like you would have something to say to me as well, since I’m with her. I’ll listen to everything, so state your name and say what you want.”

“N-No! I think there’s been a misunderstanding. Haha, sorry to bother you.” P6yVk7

Bang! The door closed again. It ended ridiculously quickly. He must have realized he was dealing with the boss of the Cage family during the conversation. Even so, to run away like that, as if he were about to be eaten, was pathetic. Malon signaled Claudia to get down. She smacked her lips in disappointment but got up obediently.

“I don’t know what that was about, but you should start living properly too.”

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As Malon put his jacket back on and gave advice, Claudia burst into laughter as if it were absurd.

“Haha, properly? So, the great Malon Cage is giving me a lecture now. You seem to enjoy playing house quite a lot. Hmm, what’s so special about that boy? He looked pretty ordinary to me. I heard you were head over heels for him, but I didn’t think it was true…” YvEFOd

“That’s none of your business, just keep your promise. Make sure to keep that date free.”

Ignoring her, Malon issued a warning, and Claudia pouted and answered with a drawn-out “Yeees.” With nothing left to discuss with her, Malon immediately left the room. He had to go and soothe Sixx’s feelings right away. Although Sixx had said he didn’t misunderstand, the shock was still evident on his face. Knowing he had encountered Claudia before, Sixx would have quickly realized what kind of relationship they had in the past. Even if he hadn’t, no one would be pleased to see their lover in such a compromising position. Damn it, Sixx had come for a surprise visit, but the timing was off. Of all times, it had to be during his dealings with Claudia. Malon could only curse his luck.

“Damn it…”

Malon muttered curses as he descended the stairs. Claudia Connolly—a woman he had a relationship with in the past. Of course, all ties were severed now, and even before, it was a dry relationship without any emotional exchange. She wasn’t the type to demand such sentiments. He heard she became a mistress to one of the executives coming to today’s meeting, so he thought he might run into her, but she actually showed up and even made a proposal before the meeting started. Although initially skeptical, the deal itself was quite tempting. She had apparently extended her reach into the tourism industry and was quite capable. t6FshE

‘How about it? I heard you’re looking for a good place these days, so I’m making this offer. Honestly, it’s not a bad deal. You just need to stay close to me for a bit.’

‘You know if I get involved, it’ll be considered a threat…’

‘Yes, there’s no more effective card than Malon Cage for a threat, right?’

Claudia had said with a smile. Honestly, it was an efficient proposal. She wanted to get rid of some man, which wasn’t difficult. Most would run away scared just by facing him, without any need for him to directly threaten them. Thanks to his reputation as a ruthless and persistent Italian mafia boss. Claudia believed this guy was likely the same. Malon knew he should have refused, but he was in a hurry. He wanted to get things done quickly. Finding a suitable location was tough. He was a picky customer, looking for a place with a nice atmosphere, not too far away, and most importantly, a place Sixx would love. Such a place wasn’t easy to book on short notice. Everyone told him it would take at least half a year. Damn it. Thinking of Sixx’s bright smile, the answer was clear. LdzsrC

‘Deal. Make sure he arrives at the end of the meeting.’

That’s how the deal was made. He had Claudia climb on top of him in time for the man’s arrival, waiting for him to show up. But surprisingly, it was his beloved Sixx who opened the door. Sixx’s eyes were filled with shock, trembling as if hit by an earthquake at the sight of him with Claudia.

Malon flung open the front door and looked around. As expected, Sixx was nowhere to be seen, and even Joseph, the driver he had brought along, was absent. Seeing the car left alone, Malon clicked his tongue. Sixx must have come to act as his driver for the day. Joseph had probably been happy to go off duty. With no other choice, Malon got into the driver’s seat. He gripped the steering wheel tightly and took a deep breath.

“Nothing is alright, Sixx.” LyPjHc

* * *

Since becoming his partner, Sixx had been incredibly diligent in his role as a spouse. Despite having had a tough life and deserving some rest (and Malon would ensure no one would question him even if they wanted to), Sixx seemed eager to prove his usefulness. Even though Malon wouldn’t have minded if Sixx spent all day in bed, Sixx wanted to be the true spouse of Malon Cage. Malon had asked if Sixx was overexerting himself, but Sixx remained steadfast.

Maybe it was just Sixx’s nature. My diligent boy, who never slacked off. This desperate determination was so characteristic of Sixx that Malon didn’t discourage him. If Sixx wanted to be recognized as the mistress of the family, Malon would support him. If Sixx decided to pursue something else later, Malon would support that too. It was simple for him.

True to his nature of being well-liked wherever he went, Sixx quickly got along with the wives of the organization’s executives. Despite their different genders and ages, Sixx managed to fit in, often returning from outings with snacks, trinkets, and lotion sets gifted to him. It was evident he was adored by them as well. Naturally, since it was Sixx. tO7r 2

Malon would ask if he had fun while patting Sixx’s head, which would smell fragrant from the oils the women had applied. Sixx would then eagerly share the gossip he’d heard at the gatherings, most of which were trivial stories that didn’t concern Malon. Occasionally, however, Sixx would bring back some salacious yet useful information that even Malon hadn’t known. During those times, Malon would tenderly stroke Sixx’s cheek, praising him for being an excellent spouse. Sixx would beam with joy, and they would end the day by making light-hearted jokes about the subject of the scandalous rumors.

Malon bit his lip and pressed harder on the accelerator. Though the car was already speeding, it didn’t feel fast enough. What else had Sixx done for him? Oh, right, the garden. Malon honestly didn’t have any attachment to the Cage mansion and its garden. The old mansion, thrown to him by Antonio Cage, was filled with Antonio’s tasteless decorations and taxidermy specimens, which Malon despised. Yet, he stayed there to show that the mansion, once Valeria Cage’s residence, now belonged to him, not Luca. He also wanted to mock Antonio, who had abandoned the mansion and fled.

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Now that he had ousted Luca and become the boss, he could have moved to a new, modern mansion. However, relocating required more effort than it seemed, and he didn’t want to lose his loyal employees. This was primarily due to Sixx’s presence. Sixx had a secret, and to protect it, he needed people who were discreet and cared for him. Fortunately, Sixx was loved by the staff as well. When it came to older people, Sixx had a 100% success rate in winning them over.

Sixx even contributed to changing the atmosphere of the old mansion. One day, he decided to revamp the unattractive garden. Malon hired the best landscaper in the area for him, and Sixx, full of enthusiasm, even studied up on the subject. Malon had initially thought he was going overboard, but the results were satisfying. The clean and harmonious garden was just to Malon’s taste, and he began to take walks there with Sixx occasionally. fhab Q

One day, Malon mentioned the mansion’s taxidermy and decorations in passing. Soon after, the taxidermy was gone, and the next day, the ugly decorations had vanished. When Malon asked Sixx what he did with them, Sixx said he had donated them to a local bazaar. The items were quite valuable, so they were well received. On another day, Sixx went out with a woman he had befriended, named Matilda, and returned with a large painting from an auction. It depicted a bright blue sky and sunflowers in full bloom beneath it. The vibrant colors perfectly matched Sixx’s personality.

“It’s a painting by a popular artist these days! I watched the reactions closely and bought it at the lowest price.”

Sixx explained with a very proud expression. It turned out that with his keen senses, Sixx had noticed competitors flinching or whispering lower prices to each other, and had managed to buy the painting at the lowest price. Although it wouldn’t have mattered if he had paid more, Malon praised Sixx for doing a good job because he seemed so pleased.

After that, Sixx continued to bring in new decorations and paintings. Sometimes he asked Malon about his preferences, but Malon, wanting to be surrounded by things Sixx liked rather than his own choices, gave the somewhat indifferent reply of “do as you like.” Sixx, having adapted to this response, nodded firmly and carried on. His determination was so endearing that Malon couldn’t help but adore him. Malon thought to himself that he had indeed chosen a wonderful spouse. He kissed Sixx’s cheek and expressed his thoughts directly, causing Sixx’s face to light up with a blush. QgBA2f

He wished he could smoke a cigarette.

Malon absentmindedly tapped his cheek while thinking. He had no regrets about quitting smoking, but there were moments when he desperately wanted a cigarette. This was one of those moments. When it became clear that he had hurt the person he loved. Luck wasn’t on his side, but he hadn’t handled things well either. In trying to do something for Sixx, he had ended up hurting him instead. It was so paradoxical. Damn it. There was no one else to blame. He hoped Sixx wasn’t crying too much.

“Of course, he’s crying…”

Malon didn’t dislike it when Sixx cried. The sight of large, transparent tears falling from his big, gentle, amber eyes, which contributed to his cute and soft impression, was actually quite pleasing. He liked how Sixx’s eyes and nose turned red, and he enjoyed wiping the tears from his damp cheeks. However, this was only true when they were in bed, or if the tears were due to emotion or joy. He never wanted to see tears like those Sixx had shed when Malon had once talked about breaking up. I don’t cry that easily. Sixx had once confided, feeling wronged. It’s only when it involves you. S0YZCN

Yes, so he’s definitely crying now…

The Cage mansion came into view in the distance. There was a car parked in front of it. Malon sighed in relief. He was glad Sixx hadn’t gone somewhere he couldn’t reach. See you at home later. Sixx had certainly said that. He wasn’t the type to lie. He was probably trying desperately to calm himself down right now. Malon parked the car roughly and got out. Next to the car that had arrived earlier, one of his subordinates stood staring blankly into space. For some reason, one side of his cheek was red as if he’d been hit. Had Patrick mentioned a fight somewhere today? He couldn’t recall, but he remembered the name of the subordinate who sometimes drove for him: Michael Licata.


Michael, noticing Malon’s arrival, bowed hastily. He seemed somewhat restless. GAuDUy

“Did you drive Sixx from Lake Shore to here? Where is he?”

“He got out a little while ago and went over there.”

Sixx generally got along well with the family’s soldiers. He probably hadn’t felt like driving earlier, so he’d asked this guy to take him to the mansion. But that mark on his cheek – could it be that Sixx hit him? Malon raised an eyebrow, and Michael flinched, looking guilty. He seemed on the verge of making a confession, so Malon waved him off quickly.

“Y-yes, I’ll get going then!” xo2rPm

Licata, who had been hesitating, suddenly turned back as if he had made a decision. Malon frowned. Why isn’t he leaving? Michael seemed scared of Malon’s fierce gaze but couldn’t hold back what he wanted to say.

“This might be unnecessary meddling, but S-Sixx really likes you, boss!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“…I know.”


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1 comment

  1. Ugh Malon why would you do that? 😩 Surly there were other ways to make that guy back off! Even if it there wasn’t any actual cheating, anyone would feel cheated on if someone did that behind their back!