Wolf In The CageChapter 59

When Malon first started taking Sixx to various public events as his ‘partner,’ many people were astonished. “That Malon Cage?” They speculated that Malon’s deviation wouldn’t last long, and they had their reasons. Specifically, Malon’s history with romantic relationships was practically non-existent. Malon Cage was someone who seemed far removed from emotional activities like dating. Although he did have a few women he frequently saw, none had ever secured the position of a girlfriend, let alone a wife.

“He will never have a lover.” ghSBtb

One woman, who had known Malon for quite some time, declared,

“He doesn’t know how to form emotional attachments to people. He’s a natural cold-blooded person. Perfect for a gangster. Even if the person he slept with last night died in an accident, he wouldn’t blink an eye. He’d probably just send some flowers and call it a day.”

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She spat on the ground as if disgusted. Naturally, Malon himself never commented on these assertions. Although there was probably some exaggeration, similar testimonies were common enough that people firmly believed the king of Portland’s underworld would never keep anyone by his side permanently.

That was, until the rumor spread that a young man, barely twenty years old, had managed to win over Malon Cage and proudly took his place beside him. The audacious young man was named Sixx, and he was a man. People’s astonishment grew even more when they actually met Sixx. Since Malon Cage had chosen him as a partner, they expected him to be a mature, sophisticated person with a mysterious aura, regardless of his gender. However, the Sixx they met was a cute, sincere-looking young man who seemed like he would sweep the ‘Employee of the Month’ awards at the local supermarket. lM9fm2

“Hello, I’m Sixx. Nice to meet you!”

Bending slightly and extending his hand first, the young man’s smile was so bright and innocent that people couldn’t imagine him as the lover of a mafia boss. They assumed there must be some tragic and unfortunate story behind how Sixx ended up in Malon’s clutches. Occasionally, some brave individuals asked him directly. In response, Sixx would widen his eyes in surprise and say,

“No, I confessed to Malon first. He even tried not to accept it!”

He would offer a clumsy explanation that sounded hastily made up. People would then try to console the poor young man, thinking to themselves how heartless Malon Cage must be to make the boy come up with such excuses.


Despite such minor issues, people eventually got used to the presence of Malon Cage’s young lover, and this was true for the members of the Cage family who served Malon as their boss. Initially, some members couldn’t connect the title ‘boss’s lover’ with the young Sixx in front of them and made mistakes. But after witnessing Malon’s open affection for Sixx, they naturally began to recognize him as Malon’s partner. Of course, due to Sixx’s gender and his straightforward and unpretentious nature, many were unsure how to interact with him. It felt strange to display chivalrous manners to a sturdy man, but treating him like any other subordinate was also inappropriate (Lorenzo, who had befriended Sixx from the start, was an exception). Nevertheless, as he was the boss’s lover, the members made efforts to treat Sixx with as much respect as possible, even if it felt awkward.

On the other hand, Michael Licata, who joined the family two years ago, had a somewhat better understanding of the situation. Michael, too, once misunderstood Sixx and made a mistake. When Sixx came to bring lunch to the boss, Michael mistook him for a petty thug and tried to forcefully drive him away. Michael still vividly remembered that incident. Despite his large stature and imposing presence, Sixx often got into trouble because of his gentle appearance.

However, having confronted him, Michael learned that Sixx was not someone to be taken lightly. He was sure he’d landed a punch on Sixx, but in an instant, Sixx’s strong leg was tripping him up, and Michael ended up on the floor with a nosebleed, causing a commotion. Only then did he learn that Sixx was the boss’s lover and, contrary to his looks, was quite strong and skilled in fighting. The next time he saw Sixx,

“I am so sorry about last time! Is your nose alright now?” Jdw4fx

Sixx, recognizing him, quickly approached to apologize. Since Michael had been blaming himself for not recognizing the boss’s lover, he hurriedly waved his hand, insisting it was his fault. Even if Sixx had been at fault, his bright eyes would have made immediate forgiveness unavoidable. When Michael mentioned that his nose was fine despite the bleeding, Sixx smiled in relief.

At that radiant smile, Michael felt his heart flutter for a moment. He could understand why the boss had chosen him as his lover. Honestly, even he would feel healed coming home to Sixx’s sunny smile after spending his day with tough-looking men. He appreciated that, despite his gentle appearance, Sixx could throw a punch and that he didn’t put on airs. Sixx’s only flaw was his gender. Michael preferred women over men.

After that, Michael often ran into Sixx and naturally treated him with the utmost respect. Other organization members did the same. “Hey, Pat said Cotton Candy is coming over today, so don’t drag that bastard here!” They showed consideration for his civilian status and even gave him a cute nickname. The nickname ‘Cotton Candy Head,’ coined by Marina Pellegrino, the daughter of former underboss Luca Pellegrino, who was forcibly retired after losing a power struggle with Hawk, spread among the soldiers. Soon they were calling Sixx ‘Hawk’s Cotton Candy’ or just ‘Cotton Candy’ behind his back. Michael thought it suited Sixx perfectly, though he wasn’t sure how Sixx felt about it.

“Maybe it’s because we’ve traded punches, but I find Michael easier to talk to.” 1FSVqi

Michael was touched when Sixx confided this to him one day. (Even though he had been the one getting hit, Sixx was kind enough to frame it as if they had fought on equal footing.) Maybe he had always wanted to get closer to Sixx. As long as he didn’t arouse suspicion of an affair and endanger Sixx, earning the boss’s lover’s trust could only be a good thing. Of course, as long as Sixx wasn’t blind, there was no way he would turn away from his handsome boss to someone like Michael, but Michael was genuinely happy about Sixx’s friendliness. So, he tried to be more comfortable around Sixx, thinking that the more relaxed he was, the more at ease Sixx would feel around him.

“Doesn’t it sound fun? What do you think, Michael?”

And now, Michael’s efforts were paying off. That Sixx had reached out to him to play a prank on the boss made all the effort he had put into smiling in front of Sixx worth it. Luckily, a fellow close to Michael was driving the boss today, so it wouldn’t be too difficult to fulfill Sixx’s request. Recently, Malon hadn’t designated a specific driver but instead instructed a few trusted soldiers to take turns. Michael was one of them. If he told Joseph to head home and that he would take over the driving, Joseph would probably leave humming a tune.

“Yes, I’m sure the boss will love it.” rt7bLE

Michael replied with a satisfied smile as he turned the steering wheel. About 30 minutes ago, while he was killing time at Gartner’s Butcher Shop, Cotton Candy had suddenly appeared with bright eyes. When a startled Michael saw Sixx, his immediate request was, “Michael, I need your help.” Of course, when Michael agreed, Sixx asked him to take him to Malon first, promising to explain on the way. This was a big decision for a mere soldier to make on his own, so he called Pat.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Yes, do whatever he asks. If it’s a request from Sixx, just do it. You can even slit a throat or two if needed. Hawk will handle the aftermath.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Pa kjr j gjatfg uglw jcrkfg. Xgjafoei atja Vlzz kjrc’a jrxlcu tlw ab xlii jcsbcf, Zlmtjfi rfjafv tlw lc atf yjmx. “Xfa lc.” Vlzz uba lc, ibbxlcu atgliifv, jcv yfujc fcaterljralmjiis fzqijlclcu tlr qijc jr Zlmtjfi vgbnf. Pc rtbga, la kjr j regqglrf fnfca mbwwbcis vbcf yfakffc ibnfgr. Vlzz gfnfjifv atja tf tjv bcmf kbgxfv jr Zjibc’r vglnfg jcv kjcafv ab yf tlr mtjeoofeg obg atf vjs.

“Malon will be so surprised if he gets in the car and sees me in the driver’s seat, right? I hope he likes it.” MYHOkZ

“Yes, don’t worry.”

When Sixx spoke with a playful grin, Michael reassured him with a smile. He thought anyone would be happy if such a cute lover appeared out of the blue to surprise them with an event.

Currently, Malon was at a meeting with the committee at a mansion near Lake Shore. The drive with Sixx chatting beside him passed quickly, and they soon arrived at their destination. Michael explained the situation to Joseph, who was smoking beside the car, and sent him home. Then he cleaned up the driver’s seat for Sixx.

Sixx, seeing Michael wiping the steering wheel with a handkerchief, couldn’t help but comment, “You don’t have to go to such lengths.” Feeling a bit embarrassed, Michael muttered something like, “Oh, just this kind of thing,” and shrugged. At that, Sixx grinned broadly. m8VR7v

“Thank you, Michael.”

He smiled like that again. Michael cleared his throat for no reason.

“They said the meeting’s been going on for a while, so it should end soon. You can wait here or come up and accompany the boss, whichever you prefer.”

“Then I should go up. Should I say, ‘I’m here to escort you, boss’?” 2rDtl1

“Haha, yes.”

Regardless of what Sixx said, Hawk would surely be pleased just to see his face. After waiting a bit longer, senior officers started coming out of the mansion one by one. Nearby subordinates rushed over, bustling to receive them. However, Malon was nowhere in sight. It seemed there were still matters to attend to, but since the meeting had definitely ended, Michael advised Sixx, who was anxiously watching the mansion’s entrance, that it was probably okay for him to go up now.

In an instant, Sixx’s complexion brightened. “Really?” he exclaimed with a wide smile, then checked his appearance in the car window one last time, tidying up his clothes. After thanking Michael again, he gracefully entered the mansion.

“Having such a lover must be nice,” thought Michael. Now that Sixx had gone, he felt a sense of relief for him, but for some reason, the face of the crying Sixx seemed much older. Maybe I should smoke a cigarette too. Michael stood under a nearby maple tree and lit one. The smoke gradually dissipated from between his lips, eventually disappearing completely. 7x5q1J

What snapped Michael out of his reverie was the urgent sound of footsteps. Turning his head, he saw Sixx there. Strangely, there was no boss, just Sixx alone. But Sixx’s expression was odd. His eyes looked like they could burst into tears any moment, his eyelids reddened, and his expression darkened as if the world had collapsed. He was biting his lips tightly, seemingly holding back tears, and finally he asked for help.

“…Michael. I’m really sorry, but could you please take me home again?”

“Yes, of course.”

Michael was taken aback. He helped Sixx back into the rear seat of the car he had just driven up in, and took the wheel. He asked if they were heading to Cage Mansion, and Sixx silently nodded. He couldn’t figure out what had happened. The person who had gone up smiling broadly to pick up his lover, now coming out in tears like this and fleeing down the road… What could have happened? DZmyKF

Michael glanced in the rearview mirror. Sixx’s condition was beyond words. Saying he looked upset was an understatement. He looked as if he had been betrayed by someone he trusted deeply, hunching his shoulders and tightly clasping his knees. There were suppressed sobs and occasional stifled sounds, like someone trying to hold back tears. It was heartbreaking. He could cry if he wanted to. Even if he wailed uncontrollably in front of me, I wouldn’t tell anyone…

“…I-I’m sorry. I guess it’s noisy while you’re driving.”

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Seemingly caught peeking, Sixx preemptively apologized. His face had a forced smile, but his voice was soaked with tears, like a cotton ball soaked in water. Michael hurriedly denied it.

“No, not at all, you don’t have to worry.” jeSAQ0

“No, it’s because of me that you made a wasted trip all the way to Lake Shore. You’re even driving me back now… But why didn’t Michael leave?”

“I, uh, was just smoking… I should smoke moderately, but it’s not easy.”

“So Michael smokes a lot too.”

“Michael too?” As far as he knew, Sixx didn’t smoke. Sixx and cigarettes were a combination that didn’t fit at all. Then the person Sixx was talking about must be… The answer came to him without much thought. It was Malon Cage. The boss was famous for it. Well, to be precise, he used to be famous for it. Since taking Sixx as his lover, he had started quitting smoking and had nearly succeeded. As a smoker himself, Michael couldn’t help but respect that. Was it just nice to think about? A genuine, subtle smile appeared on Sixx’s face, unlike earlier. However, that smile didn’t last long before turning into sadness. 8hDzkj

At that moment, Michael realized. Sixx was hurt because of the boss.

“…You know, Michael.”


“Do you have someone you’re dating?” hjIeBo

“I broke up with a woman I dated for about three years a few months ago, and now I don’t have anyone.”

“I see.”

Typical kind-hearted Sixx, he seemed a bit flustered. Michael quickly added,

“I’ve already overcome it all, so it doesn’t bother me anymore.” 6wEqDy

“Oh, that’s good to hear. Since you have more dating experience than me, could you give me a bit of advice?”

“Yes, I’ll gladly help if I can.”

“Michael, were you ever concerned about other men your ex-girlfriend had dated in the past?”

Michael almost sighed in relief, barely holding it back. He felt he knew very well what had happened there. The young man cautiously asking him questions seemed terribly pitiful. RP58lh

“Yes, to be honest, to say I wasn’t concerned would be a lie. As a man, no, as a person, you would be concerned. Because they were people your loved one chose before meeting you.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

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“Sixx, but the boss…”

“He hasn’t had a separate lover. I know. But he has met someone else.” xetQA3

What should he do with such an innocent creature? Michael laid out his advice one after another.

“Sixx. I know I shouldn’t dare guess what happened there, but because of your words just now, I kind of understand. …I just hope you’re not too hurt. You’re so young and innocent, but men, especially those in high positions, tend to lack sexual restraint. It’s not just Hawk…”

“No, what you’re thinking isn’t true at all. There must have been some reason for it. Malon wouldn’t be the type to look at someone else after choosing me. I know that best. Even knowing that, I’m just hurt because of my own attachment.”

“Sixx…” 5WCtdR

Michael finally sighed. It was the typical trajectory of someone betrayed. First, you deny it. There’s no way. There’s no way my lover met someone else. I know best. Everyone initially struggles to believe the truth. But that’s reality. Eventually, they realize it. Soon, Sixx would too.

But Hawk cheating on Sixx… Michael bit his lip. He knew Hawk wasn’t particularly honorable. Even so, he had thought Hawk had changed after meeting Sixx. Everyone had gathered to testify that Malon Cage had never looked at anyone with such warm and affectionate eyes before. A man who used to drink and smoke, now saying he would quit smoking, and recently he disposed of all his alcohol. People were amazed at how long he wanted to live with his young lover on his side.

“No, Michael. Malon would never do that. Please don’t talk about this incident anywhere. I’m just being silly with my lingering feelings. Anyway, Malon will come and explain everything later. I’m just making a fuss for nothing…”

“You’re not being silly, Sixx. Absolutely not—” gjxnt

“I’m sorry for everything today, Michael. Thank you for driving me.”

Somehow, the car had arrived at the gates of Cage Mansion. Sixx politely said goodbye and got out of the car. Michael watched his retreating figure, feeling bitter, and fumbled in his jacket pocket for a cigarette. Unfortunately, the box was empty. Damn. I’ll have to buy one on the way. Michael watched the young man until he was completely out of sight.

In the end, it turned out like this.

So perhaps it was better not to have had too many expectations for Malon Cage. Though he had wondered if the boss had really changed with the way he was, the possibility of this happening wasn’t all that low. In a world where other bosses change women as easily as they eat, I didn’t think my boss would be much different. If he won’t give up another house over there, it’d be more comfortable to overlook a small slip-up… Until Sixx becomes so carefree, thinking how many more wounds he’ll take, my heart was sick. Michael muttered under his breath, biting his lip after hitting his own cheek. XoawfM

* * *

When Sixx got out of the car, he ran until his breath reached his chin. Beyond the mansion, across the garden, through the back gate, until he finally saw the forest, he ran without resting. Tears flowed incessantly from Sixx’s eyes during this time. Fool, fool. Sixx thought incessantly. Malon, you fool. Why was Malon acting like that? Why was he so close to someone else instead of me? Maybe it’s just because I’m stupid and didn’t know until now, but could it not have been the first time today? On the subject of Malon, who Michael insisted was not that kind of person, Sixx alone wasted his thoughts on implausible hypotheses. But there was nothing to be done since I already saw it. Malon, fool…

Sixx wiped away the flowing tears roughly. The forest was the same as usual. The forest Malon gave him. Knowing that, considering that his partner is a werewolf, a kind person gave it to him so that he could run and play comfortably in the forest. Why is my heart hurting like this? It must be because the scene is engraved in my eyes.

The scene where the woman leapt up on the couch where Malon lay almost reclining. dXAvfq

About an hour ago, Sixx opened the door to the elegant mansion, swelling with anticipation. He planned to surprise Malon with a sudden appearance. Passing him, there were a few familiar faces among those leaving. They were part of the Cage family. Grabbing one of them and asking where Malon was, they hesitated to tell him with a somewhat hesitant tone about the location of the room. Sixx headed right there. Knocking on the door several times, he heard a low and calm voice. Come in. There was no doubt that it was the voice of the person he loved. With a malicious smile on his face, Sixx opened the door.

“Excuse me, Boss. I came to pick you up–”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

And then that scene unfolded. A woman leaping up almost lying on a small sofa and leaning over him as if to overpower him. When the woman turned her head at the sound of the door opening and looked at him. The moment he looked into her face, Sixx remembered who she was. The woman Malon had invited to the mansion when he hadn’t accepted his heart. At the time, Sixx felt jealous, so he made up lies and sent her back. Did she also recognize Sixx, she turned her eyes round and muttered, Oh, and murmured. It was the moment that confirmed his memories weren’t wrong. At that moment, Sixx’s heart fell apart. On the other hand, Malon was looking at Sixx by the door as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Sixx? Why are you here?” WVd39O

His blue irises were shaken. He seemed to be about to burst into tears, but Sixx barely held them back. There had to be some reason for it. He didn’t want to misunderstand it just because he suspected it. Malon, who loved him more than anyone else in the world, wouldn’t reach out to someone else. While others might not know, Sixx had to trust Malon Cage’s one partner. So, Sixx smiled. He tried hard to reassure the flustered Malon by smiling broadly.

“What are you doing right now, Malon? I was just surprised.”


“It’s okay. I didn’t misunderstand. Um, the matter isn’t finished yet, is it?” gvJTlM

“Sixx, wait. It’s not what you think–”

“Oh, I didn’t misunderstand. Well, I’ll be going now. See you at home later.”

“Sixx, wait.”


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