Wolf In The CageChapter 58

“Ah, ugh…!”

“Watch closely. See who gave you permission to cum.” qxjy9T

Sixx surrendered his body to the icy gaze. Soon, Malon’s hand focused on stimulating the tip of his cock. Perhaps it was because he had held back for too long. Sixx couldn’t even scream as he released his semen. It wasn’t a typical ejaculation; it looked more like he was urinating, with a massive amount and thick consistency. Malon laughed softly at his hand now drenched in cum, finding it always hard to believe.

“Hua… Ah, haa…”

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Hot breaths burst from Sixx’s mouth. The sight of him looking up with his upper body limp was adorable. Malon kissed Sixx’s sweat-soaked forehead, praising his effort.

“Well done, my puppy. Good job.” qPJFea

Sixx’s beautiful amber eyes were already clouded, showing little sign of rationality. It seemed he had reached his limit. Given it was his first time, it was only natural. However, Malon’s training wasn’t over yet. Though it might seem harsh, what appeared to be the limit was never truly the limit. Malon knew he could push Sixx a little further to the edge.

“…Ah, Malon, no! Not now…!”

Malon grabbed Sixx’s cock, which was sensitive from the recent ejaculation, and began to rub it roughly. Sixx’s eyes widened as he tried to stop him. He pleaded with typical words like “I can’t anymore, please stop,” but Malon didn’t stop. What he wanted to see was Sixx’s breaking point. He wanted to see Sixx reach his limit and completely collapse in his hands. He had such a twisted desire to see his loved one at their lowest. Malon knew himself well. He was a terribly twisted person. Poor Sixx had just gotten caught up with him.

“Ahh, Malon… I’m going to cum again, please, Malon…!”


As expected, the moment of climax arrived quickly. This time, Malon didn’t stop his hand. Instead, he increased the pace, mercilessly targeting Sixx’s weak spots to draw out as much cum as possible. He felt the werewolf’s fangs sinking into his flesh, but the pain was insignificant. Instead, he was pleased to see Sixx losing control. Yes, that’s right, Sixx. Just accept what I give you and get used to it.

My lovely pet.

“Ah, ugh…!”

Sixx trembled violently as he reached another climax. Hot semen once again soaked Malon’s hand. This time, it was less in quantity and thinner in consistency. Instead of wiping it off on the sheets, Malon, feeling a strange sense of regret, tasted it. It was unsurprisingly tasteless. If it were delicious, it would have been worthwhile to drink it. Malon briefly entertained a ridiculous fantasy of sucking Sixx’s cock every morning instead of drinking milk. M06XmK

“Huff, huff, huu…”

Meanwhile, Sixx, oblivious to his partner’s cheeky thoughts, was left panting heavily, his mind blank. It was rare for Sixx, who had monstrous stamina, to be so exhausted. His well-sculpted abs twitched intermittently, complaining about the consecutive climaxes. Malon leaned closer, bringing his face right up to Sixx’s, and asked gently.

“Do you hate it when I do this, Sixx? Should I stop?”

With no intention of stopping, Malon deliberately tested Sixx. Sixx stared at him for a moment before shaking his head. Despite looking utterly exhausted, Sixx’s loyalty seemed unwavering. His voice, hoarse from constant moaning, flowed from his mouth. MzHObo

“Do it until you want to stop… Malon…”

There was a stubbornness in Sixx’s face that made him all the more lovable. Malon kissed the tear marks on Sixx’s cheeks. How daring of you…

“Then bear with me a little longer.”

Malon began to stroke Sixx’s penis again. Though it had softened slightly, it sprang back to life with a bit of stimulation. Sixx ground his teeth, letting out animalistic groans. Although his arms were tied to the headboard, preventing movement, Sixx astonishingly managed to thrust his hips into Malon’s hand. The new bed they had bought seemed like it might meet its end today. Malon deliberately scratched the sensitive tip with his nails. XkuScb

“Ugh, ah…!”

The sharp pleasure, closer to pain, made Sixx arch his back and tremble. His cock twitched, ready to release more cum. Malon didn’t stop. Soon, white fluid erupted from the tip. Sixx panted like a dog, his tongue hanging out. Malon, giving him no rest, continued rubbing his cock. Tears flowed from Sixx’s eyes again.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Ah, haa…! Malon, Malon…!”

Sixx’s voice, calling out Malon’s name in a pleading tone, sounded utterly exhausted and pitiful. Malon was also drenched in sweat, beads forming on his forehead. His arms ached from the relentless movements, and he too felt a desire to relieve himself from the excitement. Even the educator had their own struggles. XxtOiq


At his low call, even amidst the flood of pleasure, Sixx turned his head to look at him.

“No one but me can do this to you. Isn’t that right?”

He was brainwashing Sixx. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Sixx. It was just that if he didn’t do this, the anxiety of losing direction would forever linger in his mind, driving him insane. Sixx, though exhausted, nodded obediently at his words. Perhaps his wise partner already knew everything. What he was thinking, what dark desires he harbored… CkaIlm

“Only you…! Huh, Malon, only you…!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“That’s right. Only I can satisfy you, Sixx. No one else can. You’re mine.”

“Tfr, P’w sbegr…”

Ktf fzjma gfrqbcrf tf tjv yffc tbqlcu obg mjwf. Zjibc ofia fmrajrs olii tlr fcalgf ybvs. Ktf agjlclcu tjv yffc j mbwqifaf remmfrr. Vlzz kjr tlr jcv kbeiv gfwjlc rb obgfnfg. Zjibc alutafcfv tlr uglq, wjxlcu Vlzz milwjz bcmf wbgf. C gjk wbjc frmjqfv atgbeut Vlzz’r affat. Pa kjr cbk Vlzz’r qfclr’r aegc. Lbkfnfg, lcrafjv bo fpjmeijalcu, tf yla Zjibc’r rtbeivfg jr lo tbivlcu rbwfatlcu yjmx. Llr kjlra aklrafv klivis, qfgtjqr vef ab atf ragjcuf rfcrjalbc. ybEYk

“Ugh… No, Malon, something’s…!”

His fangs dug deep into Malon’s shoulder, as if he was desperately holding back. Had he tormented him too much? Malon thought Sixx might be holding back urine. It wasn’t Sixx’s fault at all. In fact, Sixx had endured as much as he could. The sheets were already a mess anyway, so it wouldn’t matter if they got a bit dirtier. Malon whispered in Sixx’s ear that it was okay, he didn’t need to hold back.

“No, ah, ugh…!”

An immense amount of clear fluid spurted from Sixx’s cock. It splashed everywhere, even onto Malon’s face. Malon grimaced for a moment before wiping his face and realizing. There was no smell or color, indicating it wasn’t urine. As he finished wiping the liquid off, he marveled. So, men could do this too… It looked very similar to urine. Malon’s shirt, rolled up to his elbows, was soaked, and a small puddle formed between Sixx’s legs. Seeing this, Sixx’s face turned a deep shade of pink with embarrassment, and tears welled up in his eyes for a completely different reason than before. hs8RDI

“Malon, don’t look…!”

Sixx seemed to think he had peed himself. Considering his slight sexual ignorance, it wasn’t surprising. What was endearing was his embarrassment. Malon chuckled. His partner’s reaction was too amusing to immediately tell the truth. Malon pretended to sigh.

“Oh, Sixx… Wetting the bed at your age. And you got it on me, too. What are you going to do about it?”

“I’m sorry… I’ll clean it all up. Please untie my arms…” 0YmhDv

Sixx couldn’t even meet his eyes, hanging his head in shame. Even though it was Malon’s fault for pushing him to the limit, Sixx didn’t dare to blame him and instead blamed himself. Malon secretly smiled as he untied the ropes binding Sixx’s arms. Despite being tied loosely, he had struggled so much that the area was chafed and red. Malon kissed the tender spots.

“Does it hurt?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“It’s fine. But where did it get on you? Let me clean it.”

Sixx hurriedly checked his face and arms, and upon finding the traces of the liquid he had spilled, blushed deeply and tried to wipe it off with a pillowcase. His shirt was soaked, so it was futile. As Derek had said, he looked like a well-ripened tomato when he blushed. Frustrated by his inability to clean it, tears welled up in Sixx’s eyes. Malon finally gave up the act and laughed. Despite being the one who made the mess, he couldn’t understand why Sixx was crying so sorrowfully. d9EA60

“Why are you crying, Sixx? You were so good today.”

“I’m sorry, I’m just so pathetic… Hicc, at my age, not being able to hold it…”

So flustered that he didn’t even realize there was no smell from the liquid he spilled. Malon gently smiled and finally told Sixx the truth.

“It wasn’t pee.” wPpDoz

“What? But…”

“No smell or color. It happens when you’re extremely aroused. You don’t need to apologize.”

Sixx’s wide eyes returned to their normal size. He blinked in confusion, then, seemingly digesting Malon’s words, blushed again. It did feel good… he murmured. Malon realized his young, strong, and beautiful partner also had an abundance of fluids.

* * * USZIlo

Laundry that couldn’t be left to the servants had accumulated. Letting the exhausted Sixx rest, Malon decided to wash the wet sheets himself, but Sixx insisted on doing it, embarrassed and wanting to clean it himself. Even though it wasn’t pee, he was too embarrassed to let Malon handle it. Despite their bond, he couldn’t understand why it mattered. When Sixx returned, smelling of fragrant soap, Malon served the lunch he had made. Not knowing where everything was, he settled for a simple menu of grilled cheese and salad, which Sixx happily accepted with a bright smile.

“Malon, this is so delicious! How are you such a good cook?”

“This praise is a bit much for food like this.”

“No, really, it’s delicious. You could open a diner.” Aih0Jr

“Then would you be my server?”

“Of course!”

Malon laughed at the thought of Sixx, wearing a checkered uniform and an apron, energetically carrying plates. It would be adorable. However, considering Sixx’s tendency to get into trouble, there was the drawback that he might have to periodically leave the kitchen to deal with some customers out back.

After finishing their meal with trivial chatter, they took a walk in the garden. This was a garden that Sixx had personally been involved in designing. Malon recalled Sixx’s dedication, reading landscaping books and studying, despite there being no one to critique his work. Although Malon wasn’t particularly interested in gardens, he felt a certain fondness for this one because of Sixx’s hard work. He enjoyed listening to Sixx chatter about why he placed certain plants in specific spots and chose particular colors. As they walked halfway through the garden, Sixx hesitated and then asked, TYN3mR

“Malon, about earlier… why did you do that?”

Malon realized it was time to face his childish actions and sighed slightly. Testing his partner’s limits without any explanation was truly immature. Sixx, seeing Malon’s face darken instantly, hurriedly waved his hands.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Oh, I’m not pressuring you! I just wondered if I did something wrong to make you angry. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. I mean, it was tough, but in the end, I enjoyed it… Though next time, I’d like it if we could do it together. It’s embarrassing cumming alone all the time.”

“Of course, you have the right to ask. This time, I was the one being pathetic.” U7EJs

“Malon, you’re not pathetic!”

Sixx shook his head vehemently, as if the notion was absurd. But it was true. Malon Cage particularly struggled to maintain his composure when it came to his partner. He had felt acutely aware of his own pettiness during Derek and his sister’s stay. It was unbelievable that he had once considered letting Sixx go; now, he couldn’t stand the thought of not keeping him caged.

His ideals had changed. He thought he’d be happy as long as Sixx was happy, supporting whatever Sixx wanted. But he was too narrow-minded. Unlike him, who had eliminated his family and risen to the boss’s position, constantly suspicious and guarded, Sixx had supportive kin who loved and admired him. Seeing Adelia this time made him realize Sixx’s significant status again.

“Thank you for thinking highly of me, but it’s true. You were courted by Adelia earlier, weren’t you?” 6oMfdR

“How did you know? It was a whisper. Did you hear it?”

“No, Adelia told me before. She said she wanted to pair up with you when she grew up. She said you looked like a handsome prince and were very popular among her friends.”

“You don’t need to take that seriously. Adelia and her friends are just kids. That’s how kids that age are. Besides, honestly, it’s more about my parents’ popularity than mine.”

“Even if they’re young… did you forget? You were about that age when you confessed to me.” mbP7TC

“I genuinely loved you, Malon. It’s different with me.”

“So, that little girl’s love is fake? You’ve become a cruel adult, Sixx.”

Sixx couldn’t find a rebuttal and groaned. Malon teased him a bit, but of course, he wasn’t worried about Sixx paying attention to that little girl. He wasn’t so petty as to be jealous of a twelve-year-old. He just felt uneasy about Sixx having other paths.

Sixx was still young, much younger than when Malon first met him. Sixx had countless paths ahead of him. As Sixx’s world expanded, Malon would only be able to watch him from the sidelines. They were bonded, so he knew Sixx wouldn’t leave him, but more and more people would become part of Sixx’s life. Unlike Malon, who was often seen as the villain, Sixx would be loved by many. Naturally, Sixx wouldn’t appear so lovable only to Malon’s eyes. rbfgua

“You know I have a bad temper. You looked so excited that I got twisted up and wanted to torment you a bit, so don’t worry too much about what happened earlier.”

He tried to pass it off as a joke, but the truth was different. While Derek and Adelia stayed, his anxiety had grown. It peaked when Sixx went camping with them. Although it was just a day away from home, hearing about it from Adelia instead of Sixx himself hit him hard. He was disappointed in himself for being shaken by such trivial miscommunication. He wanted to be Sixx’s strong support, not a cage to confine him. Maybe he had been on edge for a few days due to this doubt, and he felt sorry for that too. The bed felt especially large without Sixx. He had vowed not to show his loneliness to Sixx.

However, even his boiling possessiveness and desire to monopolize Sixx needed an outlet. The result of suppressing and refining those dark desires was what had happened earlier. In bed, those emotions that were too selfish to be called love could be sublimated into lust. Even though he forced it, Malon felt exhilaration seeing Sixx call his name and declare he was his. It didn’t completely satisfy his desires, but it helped cool his head for a while. He couldn’t keep a leash on Sixx outside the bed, so he tried to satiate his twisted desires that way.

Damn, it would be nice if I could write my name on him. r3IjMC

He didn’t intend to act on it, but the thought alone was satisfying. However, explaining it as just play didn’t seem to fully clarify the situation. Sixx suddenly stopped in front of a flowerbed and gently touched a blooming red flower. The flower, touched by Sixx’s tender hand, seemed to dance joyfully.

“Malon, this flower… it’s the one you told me to plant. Isn’t it blooming beautifully?”

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“…It is.”

It was a red dahlia, the very flower that young Sixx had left behind when he left Malon’s side. When Sixx mentioned creating a flower bed in the garden and asked if there was a flower he wanted, Malon had inadvertently mentioned the dahlia. He had never cared about flowers, but this one was an exception. Perhaps Sixx had realized back then too, that his love for him was not as sweet and tender as what his peers experienced. However, Sixx never shied away. His amber eyes fully took Malon in. 0T7M1h

“Malon, you’re feeling anxious, aren’t you?”

Despite his usual naivety, Sixx was strangely perceptive in certain matters.

“You said before that you were jealous of every wolf that approached me. This is similar, isn’t it?”

“…Maybe.” qDsAwp

“It’s true, isn’t it? You love me so much that you become anxious for no reason. That’s why you said those things earlier, right? That I’m yours…”

Sixx boldly spoke, his neck reddening. The straightforwardness of his words made Malon embarrassed as well. This kid was hard to figure out… shy in some ways, bold in others.

“But since you said it was play, let me say it again. I am completely yours, Malon. My body, my heart, even my soul has long been yours. So, play with me as you please. Do what you did earlier again if it eases your anxiety.”

“Such cheekiness.” bA76k3

Malon laughed, pressing Sixx’s button nose. But he must have pressed something wrong, as Sixx suddenly took a sharp breath and then sneezed comically. Seeing him with teary eyes and a sniffly nose, he looked like a child, yet his words were incredibly provocative.

“I’m serious! If there’s a hidden basement in this mansion, you can lock me up there. I won’t leave. But you have to promise to spend a certain amount of time with me each day… Oh, and bring me toys and Isabella’s desserts. That’s just a wish.”

“Haha… A hidden basement? What movies have you been watching?”

Malon shook his head in disbelief. Where on earth did he come up with this stuff? T1HKcy

“Sorry to disappoint, but there’s nothing like that.”

Sixx, even looking a bit disappointed, said, “I understand.” Despite his own oddities, it was comforting to know Sixx was strange too. Malon kissed Sixx. The dahlia, despite being a scentless flower, seemed to fill the air with a sweet fragrance.


Sixx’s eyes welled up with a beautiful red, like the dahlia, as he hugged Malon tightly. This time, Malon didn’t resist. Even if he suffocated to death, it would be okay in Sixx’s arms. Malon took a deep breath, immersing himself in Sixx’s scent. The white, soft curls tickled his cheek. qCA4F5

“I love you.”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Forever, only you…”

“…Yeah.” lz87rn

“And I don’t know if this will comfort you, but I’m always anxious too.”


Surprised, Malon asked, and Sixx, with a look of frustration, exclaimed, “Of course!”

“Malon, you’re popular. You have lots of people around you, you’re mature, cool, and handsome…” 7xdHlJ

Malon snorted. Indeed, many people wanted him. To be precise, they were drawn to his appearance, power, wealth, and status. He knew this and used it to his advantage. On the other hand, the only person who liked Malon Cage himself was this young one before him.

“So what? They’re just things I’ve never paid any attention to.”

Moreover, he had no interest or fascination with them. It seemed unlikely to change. Among all the things he desired in life, the only living creature was this one before him. Despite his clear explanation, Sixx still looked troubled, insisting it wasn’t the same. How could he not understand this simple thing?

“And besides, there’s nothing that deserves my attention.” t4IvoR

“Even if you think so, others will keep tempting you. Even though I trust you, Malon, you might still be swayed. It’s only natural to feel anxious…”

“That’s an assumption with a near-zero probability. Talk some sense, Sixx.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“You learn these things as you get older. I’ve experienced enough to know.” JoDwV3

“Oh my gosh! Malon, you really don’t understand…”

Sixx, on the verge of tears, clung tightly to Malon. Just as he said, Malon didn’t fully grasp why Sixx was anxious. But he understood Sixx’s anxiety well enough.

He felt a mix of sympathy and guilt for Sixx. He had contributed to Sixx’s anxiety. Once, he had tried to leave Sixx behind quietly, believing it was best for him. But in hindsight, that decision hadn’t fully considered Sixx’s feelings. Sometimes, when Sixx showed signs of fearing he’d disappear, Malon felt a pang of regret. Now, he couldn’t leave Sixx’s side. He shouldn’t, and he couldn’t. Yet, Sixx didn’t seem to fully realize this. The emotional wounds from that time still hadn’t healed.

How could he express it more clearly? XAoTEc

How could he dispel the growing anxiety in Sixx’s heart?

Figuring out the answer to these questions would be his new challenge. He could say it right now, just like Sixx had said. “I am forever yours, Sixx.” Reciting such a romantic line straight out of a movie wasn’t difficult. However, he never believed in mere verbal promises. Leaving some form of evidence was fundamental to any transaction. After all, you need evidence to justify any retaliation.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Malon Cage wanted to promise Sixx eternity in a tangible form.

7dlE H

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