Wolf In The CageChapter 57

“You’re planning to camp at a nearby campsite, right?”

Malon said to Sixx as he adjusted his black nightgown. Sixx wondered how he knew, then remembered Malon had been talking to Adelia earlier. It seemed he had heard it from her. cpZAVi

“Yes. Adelia kept asking to sleep together, so I thought we could have a camping trip before she leaves.”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Malon nodded without much comment. As expected, he didn’t seem to mind if Sixx spent a night elsewhere. Thinking back, except for the times Malon was away for work, this would be the first time they slept apart since they started living together. It felt oddly strange, and Sixx felt a bit lonely, as if he were the only one feeling this way. But since it wasn’t Malon who suggested sleeping apart, but him, showing his disappointment would be silly.

“If you want to join us, you’re welcome to come, Malon.” 7QeXUO

Sixx said with a forced smile, though he knew Malon wouldn’t come. Malon answered calmly.

“Well, I might be busy that day. I’ll think about it.”

The two lay side by side in bed. But no matter how long he waited, Malon’s breathing didn’t change. Sixx realized he wasn’t asleep but decided to pretend he was. It felt like the right thing to do. He wanted to transform into a wolf and put him to sleep immediately, but he sensed Malon wouldn’t want that. The subtle anger he felt from Malon earlier wasn’t gone; it still lingered within him, gnawing at his nerves.

Sometimes I have no idea what you’re thinking. I don’t know what’s bothering you, but I wish you’d tell me… But perhaps not saying everything outright is what makes someone an adult, Sixx thought. Wanting to know everything about you probably means I’m still not an adult, right, Malon? When you’re an adult, do you easily get past these subtle misunderstandings? If so, how do I become an adult… How much more do I need to experience and understand the world? He kept asking these questions internally, unable to voice them.

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Sixx let himself be swept away by the flood of questions. When he opened his eyes, it was morning. The spot next to him was already empty. He must have left already. Even though Malon often left without waking him, it felt especially upsetting today. Sixx slowly ran his hand over where Malon had lain. It was cold.

That evening, Malon returned and treated Sixx as if nothing had happened. Sixx responded in kind. Malon smiled warmly, asking about his day and making light jokes, so naturally that Sixx began to doubt the strange discord he felt the previous day. But that night, Malon again couldn’t sleep. Since Malon was pretending everything was normal, Sixx decided to go along with it, but his resolve was weakening. Derek and Adelia would leave in three days. Sixx decided to give Malon those three days. That was the limit of his mature behavior. If being an adult meant watching your partner suffer sleepless nights without intervening, then he didn’t want to be an adult. I guess I’m just meant to be a child…

Sixx gritted his teeth and endured those three days.

* * * jHSg08

Damn it, but Malon must be naturally an adult.

As Sixx set up a tent at the campsite, he grumbled inwardly. Surprisingly, Malon announced he would see Derek and Adelia off at the train station the next morning. This unexpected turn of events left Sixx wide-eyed and asking, “Huh?” Malon, as if it were obvious, said they should see off the guests they had brought together. Sixx, flustered, could only nod in agreement. As time passed, he felt increasingly embarrassed. While he was planning to confront Malon about his recent strange behavior, Malon was thinking about seeing off his friends.

“Sixx, hold this side up a bit.”

Unaware of his internal turmoil, Derek told him to hold up one side of the tent. Sixx absentmindedly lifted it, earning a scolding from Derek. iVaUqd

“A bit, Sixx, just a bit!”

Apparently, being too strong could also be a problem when setting up a tent. But with two werewolves, they finished setting up with little effort. Although the campsite was only an hour away from the mansion, Sixx didn’t want to go any further. He hoped Malon understood his desire to stay within a distance where he could quickly return to him. Whether Malon truly understood this, he didn’t know.

“I want to eat marshmallows soon. When will we be done?”

Even though they hadn’t had dinner yet, Adelia’s mind seemed full of soft, gooey marshmallows. Honestly, Sixx felt the same, but he told her they needed to eat dinner first. 01yo3d

Camping was fun. It would have been more enjoyable if he didn’t keep thinking about Malon. Sixx thought of Malon spending time alone. Although the mansion was full of people, Malon would still feel alone. Would he be lonely? It was hard to imagine Malon feeling lonely. Still, thinking about him being lonely made Sixx’s heart ache. He wished Malon had come along. Camping might not be Malon’s favorite activity, but he sometimes joined to indulge Sixx’s love for playing in nature.

“…I miss Malon.”

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Adelia had fallen fast asleep, and Sixx stared at her before suddenly blurting out, “I miss Malon.” Derek looked at him with a weary expression. Are you seriously acting like this after just a few hours apart? his silent gaze seemed to say.

“Just say it,” Derek sighed. YhFGb0

“You’re really something. It’s always Malon, Malon, Malon. Not that it’s a bad thing, I just find it fascinating. Is that what happens when you bond? My parents can’t stand being apart for even a moment either.”

“I was like this even before we bonded.”

“Do you really like him that much?”

Though Derek’s question had a hint of sarcasm, Sixx nodded without hesitation. trh1a4

“I like him more than anything in the world. Honestly, saying I like him doesn’t even come close. Sometimes I feel like even saying I love him isn’t enough. It still feels like a dream that I bonded with Malon.”

“Wow, you’re like a Malon Cage fanatic… But honestly, Malon scares me a bit.”

“Why? He treats you well, doesn’t he?”

Sixx could understand why Malon’s subordinates or enemies might fear him, but Derek was neither. Malon hadn’t done anything bad to him. Could someone really be that scared of someone just based on their impression or vibe? Derek made a thoughtful noise. i8lIrw

“It’s hard to explain, but his gaze when he looks at you… it’s kind of creepy. There’s love in it, sure, but there’s also something else mixed in. If my mate looked at me like that, I think I’d hate it.”

“Something else? I don’t quite get what you mean, but I don’t mind.”

“Well, do as you please. Honestly, what do I know? I haven’t even bonded with anyone yet.”

Derek turned over, saying he was going to sleep. How irresponsible, throwing out comments like that and then just sleeping. Tonight, instead of Bowie’s voice on the radio, the sound of crickets would be Sixx’s lullaby. Staring blankly at the tent ceiling, Sixx got lost in thought. ckRBiG

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zjibc’r ujhf lr rmjgs? Rb wjaafg tbk tf atbeuta jybea la, tf mbeivc’a rff la. Vbwfalwfr Zjibc vlv ibbx ja tlw lcafcrfis, jiwbra ilxf tf kjr rfflcu gluta atgbeut tlw, yea kjr la rmjgs? Rba ja jii. Po jcsatlcu, la wjvf tlw offi bvvis alcuis… Qfii, wjsyf atlr kjrc’a atf yfra atbeuta ab tjnf klat j xlv cfjgys. Vlzz geyyfv tlr kjgw mtffxr jujlcra tlr obgfjgw.

I’ll have to calmly talk with Malon about this tomorrow.

Sixx’s wish was only half-fulfilled. Neither of them could remain calm.

* * * dzae5q

The train was scheduled to leave at 11:20. Even after the train ride, Derek and Adelia would have a long journey ahead to reach the edge of the White Valley, but being werewolves with immense stamina, it wasn’t a big concern. After parking in front of the station and unloading the trunk, Sixx gave Derek a final, tight hug.

“Take care, Derek. Give my regards to everyone. You still have the list of names, right?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Yeah, it’s in my pocket. Thanks, Sixx. I had a really great time.”

“Me too.” QM NFC

If he were in wolf form, he could bite Derek’s ears and nuzzle his neck for a more heartfelt farewell, but he settled for the human version, as he didn’t want to bite human Derek’s ears. Sixx then bent down to say goodbye to Adelia. Few people thought highly of him, but she had called him a prince, for which he was grateful.

“Goodbye, Adelia. Thanks for making the time so fun.”


Though they had said their goodbyes, Adelia seemed to have something more to say. She fidgeted, glancing at Sixx, then gestured for him to come closer. It seemed she was too shy to speak aloud. bGfd4J

“…Sixx, when Adelia grows up, will you bond with Adelia?”

The enormous proposal whispered into his ear was something Sixx could never agree to. Flustered and unsure how to respond, he recalled the phrase Malon used to turn down Marina’s proposal. Patting her head, he said, “Let’s talk about it when you’re older.” Then he turned to Derek, asking him to explain to her later that he was already bonded.

The announcement for the 11:20 train’s departure echoed through the station. It was time for their farewell. Derek and Adelia thanked Malon, who had been standing silently nearby, and walked toward the platform with determination. Once they were out of sight, Sixx glanced at Malon.

“…Shall we go?” J04wdn


Malon looked like he wanted to smoke a cigarette. The last time Sixx saw him smoke was about three weeks ago when one of Malon’s subordinates disobeyed orders, causing a serious accident that put one of his businesses at risk. Worried, Sixx had peeked into the study to find Malon exuding a dangerous aura as he smoked, with a bloodied man kneeling before him. Deciding it was best to pretend he hadn’t seen anything, Sixx had quietly closed the door and walked away.

Though the situation now wasn’t as severe, Malon still looked quite displeased. He began walking toward the car in silence, and Sixx followed closely behind. On the drive back to the mansion, Malon silently tapped the steering wheel. Watching him, Sixx hesitantly asked if he was going back to work. No. That was all Malon said. Not going meant he was staying home to rest today.

“Get out.” 8whiqA

When Sixx came to his senses, he realized they had arrived at the mansion. The low, commanding voice of Malon made Sixx reassess the situation. It was clear: this was more serious than three weeks ago. Once Sixx got out of the car, Malon led the way into the mansion. As Sixx followed, he noticed an unusual quietness. Where is everyone?

“I gave them a day off.”

Malon answered Sixx’s unspoken question with a brief explanation. However, Sixx had heard nothing about any day off. Such a sudden holiday… he had no idea what was going on. Malon headed towards the bedroom. He took a cigarette and a lighter from a drawer. Click. The cigarette lit up. It had been a while, but the smell was all too familiar. Malon sat on the sofa, crossing his legs, exhaling a long plume of smoke. It felt like he was about to get scolded, so Sixx quietly closed the bedroom door and stood in front of him. What did I do wrong… I’d at least like to know before getting scolded.

“…” 81MJkb

Malon looked up at him without a word. His intense gaze roamed over Sixx’s face, making him feel hot and sweaty. Sixx lowered his head to avoid Malon’s stare, feeling like it might be inappropriate to get excited when he was about to be scolded. But how could he not get excited when Malon looked at him like that?

“Take off your clothes.”

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Sixx stared at Malon in shock. Malon raised an eyebrow, indicating he’d heard correctly. There was no hint of a smile on his face. He had definitely told him to strip. Confused, Sixx knew there was no choice but to obey Malon’s orders. He slowly took off his T-shirt and jeans, then, seeing Malon’s expression, removed his socks and sneakers, standing barefoot on the carpet. Malon’s sharp gaze now focused on his underwear. AFqmV9

“This too?”

Malon didn’t respond. His silence was affirmative. Blushing furiously, Sixx removed his underwear. As he lifted his leg to step out of it, his slightly aroused penis wobbled in the air. Embarrassed that his excitement had been noticed, Sixx bit his lip. He felt like he could die from the shame. However, Malon showed no change in expression and gestured for him to come closer. Sixx walked to him.


Sixx knelt in front of Malon. Malon reached out and gently touched his face, covering every inch with his hand. He stubbed out the almost burnt cigarette and sighed deeply, a heavy sigh tinged with a bit of agony. e0IZ35

“You’ll do anything I ask, won’t you?”


“It doesn’t matter what I ask for?”

“Yes, as long as it’s what you want, Malon.” oWwOb4

Without any hesitation, Sixx affirmed. As long as it didn’t harm Malon, he was willing to obey any order. Sensing his unwavering resolve, Malon smiled slightly. He softly petted Sixx’s curly hair and murmured.

“You’re really an obedient dog. Who knows what I might ask of you.”

“Whatever it is, it’s fine.”

Suddenly being naked was a bit embarrassing, but maybe that’s exactly what Malon wanted. Sixx closed his eyes, savoring the sensation of Malon’s touch. Being petted by Malon was always a pleasure. Malon exhaled a slightly heightened breath and kissed his forehead lightly, saying, “Good boy.” hJENli

“Now, I’m sorry, but will you indulge me in a bit of whimsy, Sixx?”

Whimsy? It was hard to imagine Malon being whimsical, but Sixx immediately nodded.

“Yes, as much as you want.”

“Good.” w Brl1

Malon went to the drawer and pulled out something familiar to Sixx. It was something they had used once before during his heat period. Since bonding with Malon had stabilized his spirit, he had forgotten its existence. Soon, with a clicking sound, a special black collar was fastened around his neck. The last time it was on, he hadn’t noticed much due to being out of it, but now, being naked with just the collar felt incredibly embarrassing. Malon, seeing Sixx touch the collar, smiled warmly.

“You look pretty.”

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If Malon said it looked good, then it was okay. Malon led him to the bed and attached the collar to a ring on the headboard. Now, unless Malon freed him, he couldn’t leave the bed. Despite knowing Malon would release him after whatever this was, a slight anxiety crept in. When he looked up at Malon with wide eyes, Malon laughed softly.

“We’re just getting started, and you’re already scared. Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you.” kA7YQs

“Even if it hurts, it’s okay.”

“Ha, you shouldn’t say things like that lightly, Sixx.”

Malon sternly admonished him before going back to the drawer to retrieve something. It was a sturdy-looking rope and lubricant. Malon tied Sixx’s hands to the bedhead, restricting his movements. The ties weren’t tight enough to hurt, but Sixx still had no idea what Malon was planning.

“Today, I’m going to give our puppy a bit of a lesson…” T7poFB

A lesson?

The sweet voice that teased his eardrums sent chills down his spine. Seeing his penis defy gravity, Malon laughed softly. Damn it. In this position, he couldn’t hide anything.

“Look at this, already so eager, looks like you’re looking forward to the lesson.”

He couldn’t think of a single excuse. No matter what he tried to say, his cock reacted to everything about Malon. Embarrassed, Sixx lowered his head to avoid Malon’s gaze. Malon clicked his tongue loudly, making sure Sixx could hear. Lq 0kb

“With such lewd tendencies… I’m not sure if I can let you roam around freely.”

“Lewd tendencies…? That’s not fair…”

His cheeks burned as Malon scolded him with such explicit words. Yet, Malon continued to press him calmly.

“I’m worried you’ll get aroused anywhere and try to use this.” 9WKNM8

Malon should know better than anyone that he wouldn’t do that… To quell Malon’s suspicions, Sixx shook his head desperately. However, Malon didn’t seem to believe anything he said.

“No matter how much you deny it, I’m a paranoid person, and I get anxious. I think I’ll need to teach your body directly who its owner is… Will you cooperate with the lesson?”

Malon’s long, white fingers lightly brushed the tip of Sixx’s already slick penis. Sixx shuddered and let out a small moan. When Malon pulled his hand away, a long, transparent thread stretched between his fingers. He smiled mischievously and smeared it on Sixx’s pink nipple.

“See, Sixx. You’ve already become like this without me doing anything.” QsV1LX

“It’s because you’re in front of me, Malon…”

“Oh, just seeing me makes you like this?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Sixx didn’t deny it and nodded. Malon Cage was his everlasting sexual fantasy.

“Still, you need to learn self-control.” gcwUjJ

Scolding him again, Malon poured lubricant onto his palm and began to slowly stroke Sixx’s penis. Sixx felt every touch intensely. Malon’s hand movements were always incredible, skillfully adjusting the stimulation and quickly driving a person to uncontrollable arousal. The sight of his long, white fingers wrapping around and moving on his large penis was also a visual element that excited him even more. Every time Sixx tensed his body, unable to handle the stimulation, the defined outline of his abs became more prominent, and the muscles on the sides of his thighs sank deeper. Sixx lifted his hips and breathed heavily. His mind was quickly soaked in pleasure. It felt like he was going to go mad from the sensation.

“Ha, ugh, Malon… it’s so good…”

“So good, Sixx?”

“Yes, it’s so good, ah… ugh…” gy9OEK

Sixx whimpered and twisted his body. Malon softly stroked his bulging thigh with his other hand as if to tickle him. For someone as sensitive as Sixx, even that was a huge stimulus. He wanted to grab Malon’s wrist and stop him immediately, but his hands were tied. When he pulled his hands forward, the bedhead rattled loudly. Malon, anticipating his struggle, smiled leisurely.

“My, my, such impatience. I’m making you feel good, so stay still, okay?”

“Ah, ugh… Malon, please…”

Sixx begged Malon without even knowing exactly what he wanted. Maybe it was because he hadn’t had sex once while Derek and Adelia were around, but he reached his limit much faster than usual. A little more stimulation and he felt he could climax. The desire to ejaculate filled Sixx’s blank mind. His thighs trembled violently. He wanted to cum, to cum in Malon’s hand… Beast-like, he couldn’t think of anything else. All he wanted was that one thing. To spray his semen on his partner’s body. So desperate that he almost blurted it out, Malon laughed softly and coaxed him. I7Tdrp

“My, if you want something, you need to ask properly, Sixx.”

“Let me… let me cum… please let me cum, ugh…”

“Sorry, what was that?”

“I want to cum, Malon… I want to cum…” dkvYFK

Malon was right. He lacked patience. Seeing him recite whatever Malon commanded showed it. Malon, watching his mate pleading for release, laughed, and just as Sixx was about to climax, Malon tightly squeezed the base of his penis, preventing the semen from flowing out. The pleasure instantly turned into pain, and Sixx’s amber eyes narrowed in shock. He exhaled harshly.

“Ah, ugh… I was almost… there…”

“Who told you to go ahead? I never gave you permission.”

“Ah, Malon, please don’t do this…” ShcLdI

Even though Sixx twisted his body desperately and pleaded, Malon remained resolute. He flicked the tip of Sixx’s pink, dripping penis with his finger and sneered.

“Training isn’t always sweet, you know.”

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“Ha, Malon… why…”

Sixx wriggled his hips in the air, trying to find something to rub against. He wanted to feel something, preferably Malon inside him, but even anything else would do. Something to press and grind against. But seeing this, Malon frowned and tightly gripped Sixx’s thigh. His long, white fingers dug into Sixx’s flesh, feeling like a sharp whip. JAV90l

“Stay still. Where do you think you’re moving to without permission, Sixx? You’ll be punished for this.”

“Ugh, Malon…! Ah, ah…”

Malon’s other hand gently scratched his glans, giving just enough stimulation to be frustratingly insufficient to reach climax. Sixx finally understood—this was truly training. Learning something is usually difficult and requires effort. This was the same. It was painfully hard. Tears welled up in Sixx’s amber eyes as he bit his lip, trying to endure the delicate stimulation.

“Please, Malon… please…” H5R1lF

The bedhead rattled endlessly, and the rope tied around Sixx’s neck danced in the air. Each teasing stroke of Malon’s fingers brought wet, squelching sounds to Sixx’s ears, adding to his torment. Desperate to climax, Sixx thrust his hips forward, forcibly rubbing his cock against Malon’s soft palm. Malon clicked his tongue and once again gripped the base of Sixx’s shaft, restraining him. It was near torture. Tears streamed down Sixx’s cheeks, and he had no strength left to control his tear ducts.

“Please, please…”

“Sixx, from now on, you can only use this when I give you permission. Don’t forget.”

His hearing was fading, but Sixx nodded vigorously. Malon played with his scrotum until Sixx’s excitement waned slightly. Enduring this half-hearted stimulation felt worse than being left untouched. Malon seemed to know exactly how to make him suffer the most. As Sixx whimpered in the limbo between pleasure and pain, Malon kissed his cheek tenderly and consoled him. fddT A

“You’re doing well, my Sixx. So beautiful.”

Sweat-drenched, Sixx’s naked body was reflected in Malon’s clear ice-blue eyes. Sixx thought he now understood a bit of what Derek meant when he said Malon’s gaze was frightening. There was a dark, burning mix of dominance, possessiveness, and obsession in his eyes, threatening to consume him in an instant. It might be normal to fear him like Derek did. But Sixx felt joy instead. Joy that Malon’s gaze was fixed on him, and that there was an immeasurable love beneath it. Most importantly, Malon seemed satisfied. Sixx would do anything for Malon’s praise. Even as he cried, he rubbed his cheek against Malon’s hand, blinking his damp eyelashes as he pledged his obedience to his eternal master.


Malon caressed his tear-streaked cheek with an inscrutable expression. After stroking Sixx for a while, his hand returned to Sixx’s penis. The torturous pleasure surged again from below. Sixx moaned and bit his lip, feeling his sharp canines tear the skin near his mouth. The faint scent of blood filled the air. Noticing this, Malon sighed and gently pried Sixx’s mouth open. yxMbe4

“You shouldn’t hurt yourself.”

He offered his bared arm for Sixx to bite, gently encouraging him.

“If you need to bite, bite my arm. Or my shoulder. Choose whichever you prefer.”

“I can’t…!” a3Eowj

“You bite me so well during sex, why not now? You promised to listen to me, Sixx.”

Biting Malon in the heat of the moment was different from purposefully using his arm as a biting post. He couldn’t explain why, but the latter felt far more sinful. Yet, Malon’s resolute gaze reminded him that this wasn’t a suggestion but an order. Reluctantly, Sixx bit down gently on Malon’s arm.

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“You could suck some blood too. Aren’t werewolves interested in human blood?”

Malon joked with a sly smile. Sixx wanted to retort that it was another species’ trait, but Malon seemed ready to resume the lesson. Sixx barely managed to restrain his instincts as Malon’s clever fingers formed a ring around his shaft, skillfully controlling the pleasure. The urge to climax was so overwhelming that it brought tears to his eyes. His whole body, flushed red from overstimulation, was drenched in sweat, soaking the sheets beneath him. His cock twitched, oozing clear liquid, appearing pitifully as if it were weeping. oJf9eE

“Malon… I want to cum… I want to cum…”

Sixx’s firm thighs trembled uncontrollably. Trying to relax his jaw, clear saliva dribbled from the corner of his mouth, making him look almost animalistic. Malon feigned a contemplative frown as if debating what to do. When Sixx couldn’t hold back anymore and bucked his hips roughly, the bed creaked loudly as if it might break. If only he could cum, he’d do anything.

“Malon, please, please…!”

Sixx’s cock was swollen to the brink, waiting for the final stimulation. Judging that the time had come, Malon gently lifted Sixx’s head by his curly white hair. Soon, Sixx’s amber eyes, thoroughly consumed by merciless pleasure, regained focus and looked at him. Despite thinking that his reflection in Sixx’s eyes appeared exceedingly greedy, Malon spoke clearly. omsHVP

“Watch closely, Sixx.”

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