Wolf In The CageChapter 56

It’s already been a year since Malon took the sick Sixx to the White Valley. Fortunately, Sixx hadn’t experienced any health issues since then. Sixx was generally healthy and always smiled brightly at him. There had been an incident where a drunken Sixx had clumsily attacked him in his sleep, but it only caused a few days of trouble. …Well, it actually caused quite a lot of trouble. He had difficulty moving and had to grit his teeth and suppress groans every time the car jolted. Just thinking about it still made his teeth grind, but in the end, he let it slide since Sixx was not sick.

Yes, as long as Sixx was safe, Malon could overlook most things. He couldn’t live without Sixx now. Both emotionally and physically, because he had hired that notorious hitman to carry out an assassination, he would surely meet his end. Sometimes, he laughed at the thought of what would happen if it was carried out. What would the newspapers say? That the mafia boss died following his male lover, that it was the most pitiful death of the century? But now, he didn’t know how he could live without Sixx. He had entrusted the assassination to Rasmus not only because he loved Sixx, but also because of the vague fear of living in a world without him. Even Malon Cage, who had never feared or been scared of anything, had something to be afraid of. 7a6Amd

In that sense, Sixx was a paradoxical presence that brought him a sweet happiness he had never experienced before and a vague fear of an uncertain future. However, if he had to choose whether he wanted Sixx by his side or not, the answer was clear without much thought: he wanted him by his side. Sixx was the first ray of light in his life, which had been filled only with harming others in the darkness. Malon didn’t want to lose that light… no matter what sacrifices he had to make. Even if Sixx himself wanted it, he couldn’t let him go. He had already given him a chance once. Sixx was the one who rejected it.

“Malon, are you really okay?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I told you I am.”

“Really, really? We could just stay at a hotel in the city.” dlzXtW

“It’s a bit hurtful that you keep saying that, Sixx.”

As the train arrived, people began to pour out of the terminal. A boy dragging a large suitcase almost as tall as himself ran to his parents, a woman carefully holding a bag full of round oranges, and an elderly couple with a warm demeanor and a dog welcoming their children. The people they were waiting for were a young man with blonde hair and his sister. Malon had never intended to greet them personally, but Patrick had insisted it wasn’t a good idea to send a subordinate instead.

‘Sixx may not be related by blood, but he’s still a member of their species. You should show some respect, Boss. Would you have sent a subordinate to greet the family if Sixx were a respectable young lady from a good family?’

He might have, but he thought Patrick had a point. Since this was the first time people from that side were visiting, it wouldn’t be bad to show some sincerity. Thus, Malon Cage, the notorious boss of the Cage family, who held sway over Portland, had driven out himself to the train station to welcome the two wolves visiting from a remote Canadian valley to see the human world. Of all people, the guests were the noisy Derek and his sister, which made him sigh. Hopefully, he wouldn’t have to treat all the wolves from their side as in-laws. There were far too many of them.


“What? Hurtful?”

Unaware that he had been treated like a mafia boss’s spouse, Sixx repeated his words with wide eyes. Despite having been paired for quite a while, Sixx still hesitated to touch his belongings. Unlike Malon, who intended to share his house and property, Sixx always asked for permission and thanked him before using his things. While this cautiousness was cute, Malon wondered how long it would last. It seemed unlikely that Sixx would ever regard his possessions as his own. Maybe it was because they hadn’t had a proper wedding? Malon seriously considered having a grand ceremony someday, inviting everyone. Those who didn’t behave could be dealt with later.

“Yeah. The Cage mansion is your home now too. You’re inviting your friends to your home. Is there any reason it wouldn’t be okay? Or do you hate staying in the same house with me that much?”

“No, no way…! I just thought it might be uncomfortable for you, Malon.” Xtqhkz

Sixx shook his head, blushing. Malon smiled warmly and patted his head.

“It’s fine. The house is unnecessarily big, so we might not even run into each other after today.”

“Really? Oh, there they are!”

Sixx pointed outside the window. Sure enough, a young man with a naive face and a little girl holding his hand tightly were looking around nervously. It was Derek and his sister. Malon got out of the car with Sixx and approached them. Derek saw Sixx and jumped up and down in excitement. d tQFE

“Hey, Sixx! Long time no see! …Wow, Malon is here too!”

Malon chuckled. The awkward gap between Sixx’s and his own names was amusing. It seemed Derek still found him a bit intimidating. He could understand the lower-level members trembling at the sight of him, but Derek had behaved so quietly in the White Valley that he couldn’t pinpoint the reason. Sixx beamed and gave Derek a light hug. It was Malon’s turn next, but he opted for a nod to protect Derek’s fragile heart. If Derek got scared and turned into a wolf, it would be troublesome. Derek then introduced his sister.

“This is my sister, Adelia. Say hi, Adelia. This is Sixx, and this is Malon.”

“…Hello.” 47jCsX

Adelia, like Derek, had bright blonde hair. Her prim and cautious demeanor reminded Malon of his niece, Marina. She looked older than Marina, perhaps around twelve or thirteen. Sixx had been about her age when they first met. It was natural for her to be wary, having been brought to a strange place by her brother at a sensitive age.

“The car is over there. I’ll take you to the mansion so you can unpack first.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Malon led the siblings to the car and had them load their luggage into the trunk. The golden-haired wolf siblings seemed fascinated by everything, constantly looking around and taking in their surroundings without a moment’s rest. Although they looked suspicious, their outfits made it clear that they were from a remote rural area, so people would likely understand. Malon pushed the siblings into the back seat and took the wheel. Derek was excitedly chattering away.

“Wow, these seats are so plush. This is amazing! Some human gave us a ride in a truck from the valley to the train station, but those seats were so uncomfortable my back hurt. This must be a really nice car. Alik gave me some of that stuff humans use to buy things. Money. Do you think I could buy this car with it? I can’t drive it in the valley, but I could leave it nearby.” UfyGmQ

The endless chatter was grating on his ears. Sixx noticed Malon frowning slightly and laughed, then answered on his behalf that the money would surely not be enough.

“Too bad. I should have asked for more. Oh, Sixx! There are so many wolves who wanted me to say hello to you. There were so many that I made a list. Do you want to write it down? Some even wanted to write letters, but I told them not to. I was afraid I’d lose them on the way here. I’m already all over the place, how could I keep track of all that?”

Malon gave up listening and cracked the window open slightly. He had thought Sixx was quite talkative, but compared to Derek, he was really much better. And on closer listening, Sixx didn’t really talk about useless things. Anyway, Malon concluded that Sixx was much easier to live with than Derek and silently drove the car. He parked in front of the mansion and called the male servants to help with the luggage. Derek, not used to being served, jumped up and insisted on carrying his own luggage.

“Please don’t! I’m really strong! Adelia, you should carry your own stuff too.” 1 QjT5

The servants, who had come out to see the new arrivals, were astonished to see the small girl lift a large suitcase with ease. Sixx awkwardly laughed and led them into the mansion. A few minutes later, he came back outside and embraced Malon, who was leaning against the car.

“I showed them to the guest rooms and told them to unpack. I also showed them where the bathroom and dining room are.”

“Good job.”

Pleased with how efficiently Sixx handled everything, Malon kissed his forehead. fK8sXp

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Ktlcur tjnf yffc rb tfmalm rlcmf fjgilfg. Tbe wera yf fnfc wbgf algfv, Zjibc. Dea atjcxr obg mbwlcu ab atf agjlc rajalbc klat wf. Mgbw cbk bc, P’ii ajxf mjgf bo atfw. Tbe mjc ub yjmx ab kbgx.”

“Cigluta, tjnf oec. Jjii wf lo atfgf’r jcs qgbyifw.”

“Vegf. Vff sbe ja vlccfg.”

Sixx smiled brightly and gave him a light kiss on the lips. His unusually lovely demeanor made Malon reluctant to leave for work. It would be perfect to kidnap him and go on a quiet date somewhere. He gently pressed Sixx’s plump lips with his thumb, causing him to blush and lower his eyebrows in a sweet, mildly scolding voice. xHgrDO

“Malon… what if someone sees?”

“No one in this house would say anything. Who doesn’t know about our relationship?”

Sixx could only blink, unable to refute that. Malon chuckled unintentionally.

“Wow, you two are really close! I guess that’s what it’s like when you’re paired. I’m so jealous!” WpPq9m


Although no one would say anything, the newly arrived wolf was an unintentional spoilsport. Malon silently glared at Derek, who trembled in fear, not knowing why. It seemed foolish to expect anything else from that clueless wolf. Smiling with effort, Malon told Sixx to enjoy his time and got back in the car.

Chrysanthemum Garden.


Since Antonio Cage had been incarcerated, this was the first time guests had stayed at the Cage mansion for an extended period, so Derek and Adelia’s presence caused quite a stir. The fact that they were guests of Sixx, who had firmly established his position as another master of the mansion, played a significant role. The servants were happy behind the scenes, realizing that Sixx had truly settled down by Malon’s side. While Malon Cage wasn’t a bad employer, his peculiar job and his always guarded demeanor made it hard for people to approach him. However, since Sixx’s arrival, his previously stern demeanor had softened, and he generally seemed in a better mood, making it easier for people to talk to him. xeaO2i

Thus, Sixx was very precious to them, and by extension, so were his guests. The blonde youth, who appeared to be Sixx’s age, had some odd quirks, but considering he was from a remote part of Canada, they could accept it. Mrs. Isabella was thrilled and prepared a feast. Derek, like the friend of Sixx he was, made a fuss, claiming it was the best food he’d ever eaten. Adelia also cleaned her plates, making the mistress of the house even happier. Sixx watched them with a giggle.

“You two just ate a week’s worth of food in one day.”

“What? Really? Sorry, should I go catch a deer or something?”

The servants, watching them, laughed, thinking it was a joke. 8UDIBm

“There aren’t any deer that big around here.”

Knowing well that it was no joke, Sixx laughed as he answered. He was relieved that the mansion staff didn’t dislike Derek. Since Derek was his guest and not Malon’s, he thought they might be reluctant to treat him well, but Derek’s friendly and outgoing nature seemed to have won them over. In contrast, Malon, who disliked noise, was more of a mismatch. But since Malon went to work during the day, there was little chance of them crossing paths.

A few weeks ago, a call came from the White Valley. Before leaving, Alik had asked Malon to leave a phone number so they could contact him in case of emergency. It seemed wolves living outside the valley, like Rasmus and Sixx, stayed in touch with the valley through phone calls. So, Malon had left the number for the Cage mansion. After that, there was no contact until one day, Cynthia, looking slightly flustered, knocked on his door. When asked what was wrong, Cynthia hesitated a bit before saying that a call had come in from someone who seemed a bit strange but was asking for him.

It turned out the caller was Derek. He was making a fuss, saying it was his first time calling someone, which explained Cynthia’s somewhat bewildered reaction. Malon finally calmed Derek down and asked how he was. Derek responded energetically, saying he was doing great. After about an hour of what Malon would consider ‘useless’ chatter, he finally got to the point of the call. Derek grandiosely explained plans to study human customs in detail and learn the latest technologies to help advance the White Valley. But in the end, it seemed Derek just wanted to visit Portland. After some contemplation, Sixx agreed, feeling he owed them from before and could accommodate such a request. TdSOqi

That evening, when Sixx informed Malon that Derek would be visiting Portland, Malon nodded and mentioned preparing the guest room. Sixx was surprised, as he had planned for Derek to stay at a hotel in the city. Despite Sixx’s repeated assurances that it wasn’t necessary, Malon was adamant. It was unacceptable to have his guest stay elsewhere, considering their relationship. Sixx felt a bit guilty, especially when Derek declared he would be bringing his younger sister along. While Malon didn’t dislike children as much as one might think, it still added to Sixx’s concerns.

“Finish that, and let’s head out.”

Sixx had already planned the perfect tour. Most of the mansion staff were Portland natives, making it easy to get help. Today, they would visit the old amusement park in Oaks Park. They planned to buy silly souvenir T-shirts and oversized sunglasses, eat long churros, and ride the carousel and Ferris wheel. Just thinking about it made Sixx happy. He liked amusement parks, but he felt guilty about taking Malon to such places since they were crowded, noisy, and filled with childish rides that Malon likely wouldn’t enjoy. However, Sixx was sure Derek and Adelia would love Oaks Park enough to bet five dollars on it.

While Derek was engrossed in his food, Adelia, seemingly full, had been staring at Sixx with wide eyes. Sixx smiled at her, wondering if she found him fascinating. She reminded him of his younger self, who used to stare at Malon in amazement. How could someone so cool and beautiful exist? He often thought that back then. Although Adelia might not be thinking the same, she quickly turned her head away from Sixx’s smile, making him scratch his cheek awkwardly with a laugh. IuqAmj

“We’re off, everyone!”

Derek bowed dramatically as he bid farewell to the mansion staff, making Sixx hurry to pull him away while everyone laughed and told them to have a good time. Sixx drove the siblings to Oaks Park, with Derek in the passenger seat, chatting non-stop as if he had taken all the words his sister didn’t speak.

“Wow, what is all this?”

Derek’s reaction was explosive when they arrived at the amusement park. The colorful flags, giant balloons, and costumed characters waving from all around captivated the siblings who had spent their lives in a remote mountain cave. Even Adelia, who rarely showed much emotion, was wide-eyed and exclaiming. Sixx felt a proud smile spread across his face, almost as if he owned the amusement park. He couldn’t wait to see how much more they would enjoy the various rides inside. uDq hL


“That was the best day of my life.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

They had a great time at the amusement park. However, perhaps because they had too much fun, Adelia fell asleep in Sixx’s arms on the way out. Derek teased his sleeping sister, poking her cheek and laughing at how foolish she looked. Although there was a significant age difference, he seemed like an immature older brother. Sixx pushed his rainbow-colored sunglasses back up with his shoulder as the wind from the Willamette River tousled Adelia’s golden hair.

“It’s funny how she’s sleeping so soundly in your arms when she was so shy earlier.” M3cq0d

“Haha, I wonder why she fell asleep with me instead of her comfortable big brother.”

“Actually, from Adelia’s perspective, this is a golden opportunity. She’s sleeping in the arms of Prince Sixx, after all.”

“Prince Sixx?”

Sixx tilted his head, having never heard such a title before. Derek, realizing his slip, tapped his mouth. It seemed like something he wasn’t supposed to say. However, unable to contain himself, Derek started spilling secrets, asking Sixx not to tell Adelia. d uXGs

“I was actually planning to come alone, but Adelia begged me to bring her.”


“Because of you! She heard stories about your parents in history class. She was so impressed she talked about it all day. So, I bragged. I told her I was friends with their son.”

Sixx laughed, imagining Derek proudly boasting to his younger sister. zFab5f

“So she was like, ‘What? You know Prince Sixx?’ She called you a prince! We don’t have kings or anything, but that’s how she saw you. When I said I was going to the human world to meet you, this usually timid girl insisted on coming along.”

“…That’s kind of embarrassing.”

For Sixx, who had never been an object of respect or admiration before, it was a somewhat unfamiliar situation. Of course, when he went to the White Valley and his parents’ identities were revealed, it did cause a bit of a stir among the wolves. However, he never imagined that even a young child would know about him. After all, it was his parents’ achievements, not his. As he gently laid Adelia down in the back seat, Sixx realized it was uncomfortable to be worshipped so unconditionally. Still, he found it endearing that Adelia admired him, so he gently stroked her blonde hair.

*** gI0c5i

“Ah, that explains why she kept glancing at you. That’s what it was.”

After a busy day playing tour guide, Sixx returned home and recounted the day’s events to Malon, including the story about Adelia. Malon nodded in understanding.

“What do you mean?”

“When I picked them up at the train station. That girl kept looking at you from the start.” NFEhcp

“Really? I didn’t notice at all.”

“So, how does it feel to be a shy girl’s prince, Sixx?”

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Malon teased with a mischievous grin. Sixx blushed and grumbled, telling him not to tease. He figured that after a few days together, Adelia’s illusion would eventually shatter. Moreover, being called a prince didn’t suit him at all. The person who best fit the image of a prince was standing right in front of him—cool, handsome, charismatic, his perfect prince.

“Malon is my prince.” pLCZyl

Sixx declared shyly, almost as if making a confession, causing Malon to burst into laughter.

“Haha, no one in this world would agree with that.”

“That’s a relief. If everyone asked Malon to save them, that would be troublesome.”

“I’m not planning to save anyone but you.” D1OEdn

Well, that’s a relief… Sixx wrapped his arm around Malon’s shoulders and kissed him gently. Malon received his kiss but naturally pulled away before it deepened too much.

“You said you had to go out early tomorrow. How about we just hold hands and sleep tonight, princess?”

At the cheesy nickname, Sixx blushed down to his neck. He couldn’t win against him. Sixx quietly held Malon’s hand and walked to the bed, falling asleep while holding his hand tightly.

*** OE7x5P

Sixx spent a busy week. Derek and Adelia weren’t particularly difficult guests to entertain, but he couldn’t just leave them to fend for themselves in the human world for the first time, so he spent most of his days with them. As a result, Sixx visited places in Portland he had never been to before, like the International Rose Test Garden and the Portland Art Museum. Derek enjoyed everywhere they went, and although Adelia didn’t express it verbally, she seemed to have a good time too. They often approached unfamiliar objects to sniff them, requiring constant supervision, but this became an amusing episode for the mansion staff. Both adapted quickly, though.

The most noticeable change was how Adelia, who had been aloof, started to follow Sixx closely. She not only trailed him all day but also became sulky when it was time to return to their respective rooms at night, pouting and kicking the ground.

“I want to sleep with Sixx instead of Derek.”

“Adelia, do you like Sixx that much? I’m hurt.” Xfd9nL

Derek pretended to be offended, but Adelia ignored him and looked only at Sixx. Feeling awkward, Sixx sweated nervously as he tried to persuade Adelia. He wasn’t very successful, and she eventually returned to her room with teary eyes. Feeling troubled, Sixx consulted the mansion staff. Isabella, who had raised several children, offered wise advice.

“Why don’t you set up a tent at a nearby campsite and sleep with her for a night? The weather isn’t too cold these days, and stargazing before sleep would be perfect. If you promise her this, she might stop asking until then.”

“That’s a great idea!”

Sixx gave a thumbs-up with both hands. Although sleeping next to Adelia for one night wasn’t difficult, his main concern was that it wouldn’t end with just one night. He wanted to keep the spot next to him reserved for Malon. While Malon probably wouldn’t mind if he slept elsewhere for a few nights, Sixx wanted to be there for Malon whenever he needed him—whether he couldn’t sleep or just needed someone’s warmth. Sixx didn’t want to miss even the slightest chance of being there for him. Therefore, he couldn’t offer Adelia more than a single night. xs9FtN

Fortunately, there were camping supplies in the storage, so Sixx made the proposal to Adelia following Isabella’s advice. When he suggested camping out the night before she had to leave, Adelia was a bit sad about having to leave soon but was purely delighted at the idea of camping. Sixx was relieved that things had worked out. He covered the napping Adelia with a soft blanket on the living room sofa, after enjoying Isabella’s desserts, and then headed to the woods behind the mansion with Derek. It was the forest that Malon had gifted him. As soon as they entered, Derek’s jaw dropped.

“Is this really your forest?”

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“Wow, I’m so jealous. I want my own forest. Malon is the best….” QGDkzA

Though humans might not understand, owning and ruling over one’s own territory was every wolf’s dream. Given that he lived in a valley teeming with wolves, Derek’s reaction was understandable. Sixx felt proud that his partner’s gift was so well-received. How could Malon be perfect even with his gifts? Derek seemed eager to transform into a wolf and run through the forest, having been unable to do so since their arrival. Sixx was also excited to play with the tire swing he had recently hung with Derek. Thus, the white wolf and the golden wolf happily spent the afternoon frolicking in the forest.

Sixx returned to the mansion covered in dirt. As he thought about taking a quick shower, a familiar scent greeted him at the entrance. Malon had returned. He hadn’t mentioned coming back early…! Sixx hurriedly ran inside, following Malon’s scent. It led to the parlor.

“…Hmm, that’s an interesting opinion.”

“Malon!” ri47tM

To his surprise, Malon was sitting on the sofa, chatting softly with the now-awake Adelia. He chuckled upon seeing Sixx’s dirty appearance, indicating he had been playing hard.

“You must have had a lot of fun, Sixx. You should have included this young lady here too.”

“Adelia was sleeping… When did you get back? I didn’t expect you early.”

“About an hour ago? The meeting in the afternoon was canceled. I called, but they said you weren’t in the mansion.” MNRXYe

“…I’m sorry.”

When Sixx apologized, crestfallen, Malon frowned, looking puzzled.

“I don’t understand what you’re apologizing for. That’s what the forest I bought you is for, Sixx. I’d be more concerned if you didn’t go there often. I’m glad you had fun with your friend; it makes me happy as the one who gifted it to you.”

“R-Really?” rlDxZq

“Yes. So, cheer up and go take a shower.”

Malon lounged back on the sofa, waving his fingers lazily. Though he couldn’t quite manage to smile, Sixx turned as instructed. As he took each step toward the bathroom, a strange anxiety grew.

Was he really not mad? No, the atmosphere had definitely felt off… While others might not notice, Sixx knew Malon’s moods better than anyone. It was a field he was confident in. Therefore, he could say with certainty: Malon Cage was angry. Maybe only a little, but definitely. But why? It couldn’t be because he missed a phone call while playing in the forest. Malon would have outright denied it if that were the case. Perhaps something had gone wrong outside today? …No, that didn’t seem right either. He did say the meeting was canceled. There must have been something else that upset Malon, but Sixx couldn’t figure out what it was.

Hot water poured over Sixx’s white hair, now tangled with complex thoughts. Even by the time he finished his shower, he hadn’t found the cause. Hopefully, it was just a temporary mood swing. Sixx sighed, towel-drying his hair. It was now time to have dinner with Malon. GFM41Y

I’ll go and see. If he still seems upset, I’ll ask him directly. I’ll say I’m a clueless fool who doesn’t know why he’s mad, so please tell me. If it’s my fault, I’ll apologize right away; if it’s not, we’ll both get angry together. That was Sixx’s simple plan.

“Sixx, come sit down.”

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As soon as Sixx entered the dining room, Malon beckoned to him. He and Adelia were already seated at the table. Sixx glanced at Malon and sat opposite him. Fortunately, he didn’t seem angry. Could he have calmed down already? Sixx blinked. Malon was particularly inscrutable today. He even poured water into Sixx’s cup with his usual kindness.

“You must be hungry after all that fun.” OoM8tB

“Yes… I feel like I’m starving.”

When Sixx grumbled, Malon chuckled, saying, “Oh dear, we can’t have that.” The strange chill from earlier had vanished. Though Sixx didn’t fully understand what had happened, it seemed the crisis had passed. Soon, Derek entered the dining room, complaining about his hunger. Shortly after, a servant brought out a basket full of freshly baked bread. Sixx and Derek quickly grabbed and devoured the bread as if competing, while Malon watched them with an amused smile. Perhaps they had gotten closer while chatting earlier, as Malon spoke to Adelia first.

“Do you still think Sixx is like a prince after seeing him like this?”

“…Cough, cough!” iPCmTs

Had he eaten too greedily? Sixx tensed up, waiting for Adelia’s response. Surprisingly, she nodded her little head. Even after seeing him like this, she still viewed him through rose-colored glasses. His mom and dad must really be amazing… Sixx thought to himself, impressed.

Soon, more food was brought to the table. Sixx, suppressing his urge to dive in, continued his meal as calmly as possible. However, Malon, noticing his effort, encouraged him to eat comfortably. Derek teased that Sixx looked like a ripe tomato, making the staff laugh, and even Malon seemed to smile slightly. Unable to hold back, Sixx kicked Derek’s shin under the table, causing him to groan and drop his bread. Malon sighed.

“It feels like I’m raising two kids. And I’m not talking about Adelia.”

“…I’m sorry.” Jy w2A

Being treated like a child again. Though he had to admit, his behavior just now was childish. This never happened when it was just Malon and him. It was all Derek’s fault. Calling him a tomato when he already blushed easily was too much! Clenching his fists under the table, Sixx vowed revenge and resumed cutting his steak with a composed demeanor. Fortunately, Derek, wary of Malon’s gaze, didn’t provoke him further.

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  1. Awe this chapter was so cute! I love when Sixx turns into a wolf. Thank you for posting 💕