Wolf In The CageChapter 51

Sixx lifted his shirt with trembling hands, revealing his well-muscled chest. He had massaged it with lavender oil beforehand, so it smelled good and probably felt nice too. Whether it was due to the sudden exposure to the air or Malon’s gaze, his nipples stood erect. Malon stared intently at Sixx’s chest before finally grabbing a handful of his right pec. Sixx covered his mouth to stifle a gasp; even though he had expected it, he almost cried out in surprise. Malon continued to knead his chest nonchalantly, a smile forming on his lips. It seemed he was pleased with Sixx’s little event.

“How is it? Do you feel less stressed?” p785BG

“Hmm, I guess I do feel like sparing the life of the guy who pissed me off earlier. Maybe this is why Patrick carries a stress ball around.”

“I’m glad it’s working. It was worth the preparation.”

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“Ah, I thought the scent and feel were different. Did you prepare this for me?”

Now both of Malon’s hands were on Sixx’s chest. Every time he squeezed, Sixx’s chest bounced back like pudding. Even though it was his own chest, Sixx didn’t know where to look. Malon buried his face in the middle of Sixx’s chest, inhaling the scent, then gently flicked his firm nipples with his fingers, playing with them delightedly. Sixx had never felt much from his chest before, but seeing Malon enjoy it made him happy. He responded with a trembling voice, “Yes,” and Malon seemed very satisfied with his answer. NU6 PI

“Good boy.”

Malon kissed his cheek, and Sixx wrapped his arms around Malon’s neck. When Malon doted on him, he couldn’t help but act cute. How did I end up doing something so adorable, Sixx wondered with a smile. He couldn’t admit it was on Lorenzo’s advice, so he just said, “Just because.”

“I guess that’s why people like young ones.”

Sixx grinned, feeling giddy. “Kiss me on the lips too.” Malon obliged.



“Hello, Letty! Long time no see! How have you been? How are the others?”

– Long time no see, Sixx. We’re all fine here. How about you? Are things good with him?

Leticia’s voice held a note of concern, surprising Sixx. He hadn’t mentioned the incident with the valley, so he wondered if something was wrong on her end. T8x6bd

“Of course, we’re doing great. Why? Is there bad news?”

– No, we’re all fine. It’s just, after talking with the others, we were a bit worried. You’re always so gentle, and he seems very assertive. We thought maybe you were not speaking up for yourself. Are you okay? You shouldn’t let that happen from the start, Sixx!

“Wait, Letty. I think you’re misunderstanding. Malon is a wonderful person.”

– A wonderful person? 2q6R0o

“Yes! He’s so good to me. Malon never forces me to do anything. Actually, it’s me who’s the assertive one. I was the one who liked him first, confessed first, and even insisted despite his initial refusal. Malon has never forced anything on me… Oh.”

A memory suddenly hit Sixx, causing a pang in his chest. It was true that Malon never forced him, but there was a time when Malon tried to leave him. He had planned to disappear when Sixx was busy, knowing Sixx would object. If he had lost Malon then, what would have happened? Sixx would have pursued him relentlessly, but Malon was equally determined, making the outcome uncertain. The thought alone was terrifying. Losing seven years was bad enough; he didn’t want to waste more time. Although Malon returned to him, Sixx sometimes felt anxious. What if Malon left again? He realized that he was the one who was more clingy. Previously, he had even jumped in front of a moving car to stop him, resorting to ridiculous threats. It had worked that time, but there was no guarantee it would work again. Malon could vanish without any warning, which made Sixx even more anxious. The only solution was to be the best partner possible, ensuring Malon had no reason to leave. He couldn’t afford to lose him again. Never again… Never.

– Sixx?

“Oh, it’s nothing. Really, don’t worry about me. I’m doing great.” acLeXv

– That’s a relief. Oh, I have some fun news. Corbin finally got a proper job. He’s even a regular employee now. Can you believe it? Seeing his face at the breakfast table every morning.

“Really? Where is he working?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

– Don’t tell him I told you. He’d be mad. It’s a small flower shop on the outskirts of town.

“Pfft. Seriously? He’s watering flowers?” KyUlXE

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

– Isn’t it hilarious? But he says the job is surprisingly tough. He looks miserable.

“Ktja’r agef. Kjxlcu mjgf bo qijcar lrc’a fjrs. P’ii tjnf ab ub nlrla tlw cfza alwf.”

– I can already imagine him freaking out and running away.

Ktfs ijeutfv obg j ktlif. Dbat tjv j qifatbgj bo qjga-alwf pby fzqfglfcmfr lc atflg affcjuf sfjgr, yea ecilxf Vlzz, ktb kbgxfv lc njglber rtbqr, Jbgylc tjv jikjsr wjlcajlcfv tlr lwjuf ys vblcu ecmbcnfcalbcji pbyr ilxf yjgafcvlcu jcv kbgxlcu ecvfg j ajaabb jgalra. Pwjulclcu Jbgylc lc jc jqgbc, mifjclcu ijguf ifjnfr, kjr tlijglber. pDXSO

“Ah, before we hang up, Letty, I have something to ask you.”

– What is it?

“Don’t get me wrong, I know you have no plans of getting married. But if you were to get married, what would you want from your husband? The more specific, the better.”

– Oh, Sixx. Are you trying to score points with him? YVjaCc

As expected, Leticia immediately caught on. Sixx realized there was no point in denying it.

“Yes, I always want to impress him, and recently he did something incredible for me. I’m so grateful that I want to reciprocate, but I don’t have many ideas.”

– If he truly loves you, just knowing you feel that way is enough.

“I know, but I still want to do something nice.” IgkR1e

– …Ah, now that you mention it, I remember something my colleague’s husband did recently. It was so touching that, despite not wanting to get married, I felt like I wanted to in that moment.

“Why? What did he do?”

– She had been really down after receiving harsh criticism from a student. During lunch, her husband showed up at the center with a lunchbox. Apparently, he had taken the day off, cooked all her favorite dishes, and brought them to her. Isn’t that amazing? She was so happy she even cried. Everyone else was envious too.

Sixx, impressed, quickly took out a notebook to jot it down. It was a fresh idea he would never have come up with on his own. MXhZem

  1. Surprise visit to his workplace! (Recommended by Leticia. Will it really be effective?)

→ Prepare a lunch box and visit his workplace.

It seemed he had done well to ask Leticia. When Sixx asked for confirmation, Leticia assured him that his colleague’s husband’s gesture had indeed been well received. “Thanks for the advice, Letty!” Sixx said cheerfully before hanging up. As a result, he didn’t hear Leticia’s attempt to add, “But Sixx, isn’t your husband’s workplace not like that?” In reality, Malon Cage’s workplace was not like that at all.

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Sixx went straight to Madam Isabella. While he had confidence in his strength and stamina, he lacked the delicate touch needed for cooking. For the success of this event, he needed her help. Madam Isabella, who had been responsible for Malon’s meals for a long time, would surely know how to cater to his picky tastes. Sixx had always observed that Malon seemed to have little appetite. Outside of mealtimes, it was rare to see him eating, and even during meals, he didn’t appear to enjoy it. The only time he cleaned his plate was when Madam Isabella had prepared the food. When Sixx suddenly appeared and asked her to teach him how to cook, she gave him a stern reminder that mastering cooking in a day was impossible.

“I don’t need to master it. I just need to make one good meal.” RYv89a

“Ha, you’re something else… What are you planning?”

“I want to bring Malon a lunch box. When I worked as his driver, he rarely ate lunch on time. Lately, he’s been even busier, so he’s probably not eating properly. I know it’s presumptuous, but I just want him to have a delicious lunch on time, at least for one day.”

Sixx’s passionate plea moved Madam Isabella. Sighing, she agreed to help him. She instructed Sixx to buy the necessary ingredients from the grocery store and prepare them thoroughly. In the process, he learned a few surprising facts. For instance, Malon had liked cornbread when he was younger, which was unexpected given Malon’s current image. Seeing Sixx’s wide-eyed surprise, Madam Isabella explained, “When his father picked on him and he skipped meals, I’d secretly bake cornbread and bring it to him. It wasn’t much, but it was something I could make, and he seemed to enjoy it when he was hungry.”

Listening to her story, Sixx remembered the times Andy and Corbin had smuggled dry bread to him when he was punished and went hungry. Despite its toughness, the bread had tasted incredibly good. It was comforting to know that young Malon had someone like that too. However, it also made Sixx realize how little he knew about Malon. Of Malon’s thirty-plus years, he knew only a fraction. Malon wasn’t one to share his past unless asked, and even then, he kept it brief. Sixx might have felt a tinge of sadness because while Malon knew almost everything about him, the reverse wasn’t true. The unknown gaps in Malon’s history fueled his anxiety, mingling with the unease sparked by his conversation with Leticia, and shook him deeply. But Sixx forced himself to calm down. Malon wasn’t hiding his past; he just didn’t feel the need to share it. Sixx would simply have to persuade him that he wanted to know Malon’s past as well as Malon knew his. Malon had chosen to stay by his side despite everything, so Sixx had to trust that Malon wanted to walk the rest of the path with him. He had to believe it firmly. Ct0Dny

The next morning, as soon as Malon left, Sixx rushed to the kitchen. Though Madam Isabella was there to help, he was responsible for making the food. He spent half the day wrestling with knives, fire, and the oven. Near lunchtime, he finally managed to close the lunch box. Hugging Madam Isabella tightly and thanking her profusely, he hurriedly changed into his best outfit and left, lunch box in hand. He took a taxi to where Malon was, having asked Patrick earlier. “Please take me to Gartner’s Butcher Shop.” But he wondered if Malon actually owned a butcher shop.

* * *

Gartner’s Butcher Shop was a real butcher shop. Aside from the fact that the owner was a mafia boss and strange screams sometimes came from the back, it was known in the neighborhood for selling quality meat. If unsettling noises were heard when customers were in the shop, the staff would immediately start grinding meat, which somewhat masked the sound. They’d then use the freshly ground meat to make sausages, which they offered as a special service to customers. The sausages were delicious. Friendly staff, quality meat, and sausages made with a hint of screams – that was Gartner’s Butcher Shop’s secret to popularity. And Sixx was now standing in front of it.

“Welcome.” MkKsAv

The doorbell tinkled as Sixx entered, greeted by a beaming clerk and surrounded by red meat. It was indeed a real butcher shop. It wasn’t particularly surprising; the places Malon had sent him to were all legitimate businesses, like Fillmore Restaurant, which served authentic Italian cuisine. This must be the right place, but Sixx couldn’t see Malon anywhere. Strange, Patrick said he was here. Maybe he’s in the back? Left with no choice, Sixx approached the clerk and asked discreetly.

“Excuse me. I’m here to see Malon. Is he inside?”


“Malon Cage. Some people call him Hawk.” KabzLQ

At that, the clerk started looking at him as if he were a madman. Sixx couldn’t understand this reaction. If the clerk knew who Malon was, shouldn’t he at least pretend to pass on the message that a visitor had arrived? Or was it a mistake to try to meet the mafia boss without an appointment? On second thought, that seemed likely. Even though it was meant to be a surprise, he probably should have given a heads-up that he’d be dropping by Malon’s workplace. But the situation was already unfolding, and the food he had painstakingly prepared was cooling in the lunch box. Sixx wanted to deliver a warm meal to his partner as soon as possible.

“Look, it was my mistake to come unannounced, but I know Malon. Actually, we’re very close. He’ll be happy to see me.”


“Please, instead of just staring at me, could you go inside and tell him I’m here? If you say Sixx is here, he’ll understand. I’m in a bit of a hurry. Please.” qpt1cD

“…Is this guy crazy?”

The clerk’s previously cheerful face twisted into a scowl. He leaned forward, scrutinizing Sixx as if checking if he was mentally sound. Crazy? Sixx was taken aback by the sudden hostility.

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“No, I’m perfectly sane.”

“Get lost, you lunatic! Where’d you even hear that name? If the gang sees you, it won’t end well. If you don’t want to get beaten to a pulp, get out of this shop right now.” NcIqbS

“I don’t think you understand. I know Malon.”

“Hey, you crazy bastard, I told you to get out—”

“What’s this kid doing here?”

A large man emerged from the back of the shop, likely hearing the clerk raise his voice. The new arrival had an aura that screamed he was from that world. As he strode around the counter towards Sixx, the clerk rolled his eyes, clearly thinking, “I told you to leave while you could!” But Sixx stood his ground, knowing he had done nothing wrong. Judging by the unfamiliar face, this man was probably a member from the Cage family. 97x IM

“I’m here to see Malon.”

“Malon? This idiot’s dropping names! You think the boss is your buddy?”

“Malon told me to call him that.”

“Bullshit! Who the hell are you to say the boss let you call him by his name? What are you, someone special?” qaKd9k

Actually, yes. He was Malon’s acknowledged…spouse. Sixx felt his cheeks heat up again. He still wasn’t used to the fact. The man seemed taken aback by Sixx’s sudden blush, frowning deeply and shoving him.

“What the hell is wrong with this creepy bastard?”

Naturally, Sixx didn’t budge. Now fully awakened as a werewolf, no mere human could push him. The man widened his eyes in surprise, looking at his hand before shoving Sixx again with more force. Sixx grabbed the man’s wrist, pulling him close until their faces were inches apart. The man’s eyes filled with shock. This close, he’d hear him clearly.

“I want to see Malon Cage. Do you understand? Don’t make this difficult.” N9QJeu

The man nodded frantically, simultaneously struggling to free his wrist. Sixx let him go, and he quickly ran to the back of the shop. The clerk stared at Sixx from behind the counter, wide-eyed.

“What are you? Some kind of strongman?”

“No. Not really…”

“I can tell you’re strong, but you should get out of here. That guy’s definitely bringing more people. Even for you, fighting a bunch of gangsters won’t be easy. I don’t mind watching a fight, but take my advice.” lk6ri3

“Thanks for the advice. You’re a good person. Could you hold this for a moment?”

Sixx handed the lunch box to the clerk, who took it hesitantly.

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Sixx handed him the lunch box. As the man took it, about to ask something, a few rough-looking men stormed out from the back of the shop, just as he had anticipated. Each one looked like they could handle a fight. Why did it feel like the situation was getting worse and worse? Sixx sighed. He kept saying he was just here to meet Malon, but for some reason, everyone he met kept trying to throw punches at him. Why did he have to fight Malon’s subordinates?

“I really am just here to meet Malon—” sWVw1

Before he could finish his sentence, a fist came flying at him. Sixx dodged it easily, grabbed the man’s arm, and tossed him into the corner of the shop. Thankfully, there was nothing there. With a loud crash, startled glances flew their way. The man in the corner, who couldn’t believe he was taken down so easily, turned red with rage and glared at Sixx. But before he could get up and attack, another member’s fist came flying. Their skills are getting worse and worse, Sixx thought, tripping the man. With a thud, the man hit the floor face first. As two men were easily taken down by Sixx, the other members looked visibly alarmed. Yeah, they probably expected the opposite.

“I don’t want to fight. Why is no one listening to me? I’m here to meet Malon.”

“What business could someone like you have with the boss?”

The member lying on the floor, wiping away a stream of blood from his nose, yelled. The red liquid dripping from his nose formed a small puddle on the shop floor. In the end, there was bloodshed. Sixx sighed again. Why do these guys all act like their brains are filled with muscles? W3wY7h

“It’s a personal matter, so I can’t disclose it. Just please pass on a message for me.”

“A personal matter?”

Suddenly, whispers spread among the men. A personal matter? Could he really know the boss? Hey, you never know, maybe the boss even recruited him because he’s so strong… But wait, is he really that strong? Maybe he’s using some trick. I couldn’t even see him move. And his face is unnecessarily good-looking… Hey, wait, that’s it! A member with slicked-back hair, as if realizing something, stomped his foot and pointed at Sixx. He gestured wildly. What do they see me as?

“What is it?” gUcuJI

“Damn it, you idiot! He’s a guy, a kid, and good-looking, so that means he’s…”


The man lowered his voice to a whisper, but Sixx heard it clearly. The boss’s lover! At that moment, a wave of realization spread among the men. They all let out dumbfounded sighs and looked uncertain about what to do next. They seemed flustered. Hey, how do we treat the boss’s boyfriend? How would I know! Just go tell the boss! Sixx pretended not to hear. Boyfriend… It was true, but hearing such an embarrassing word to his face made him unsure how to react. Luckily, things seemed to be going in the direction Sixx wanted. One of the members, after some discussion, ran back inside. The noisy shop fell into an awkward silence. Haha… The member who first attacked Sixx laughed awkwardly. So, the weather’s nice, huh? Sixx replied, Yeah, it is…

They seemed curious about Sixx, sneaking glances at him while pretending not to. It was obvious. Feeling like a rare endangered reptile at the Portland Zoo, Sixx began to ponder the point of this surprise event. Fortunately, the member who had gone inside returned. Uh, the boss is asking you to come in. They seemed unsure what to call Sixx. But their attitude had clearly become more cautious compared to earlier. With a wry smile, Sixx took the lunch box from the clerk and followed the member inside. The interior was quite spacious, contrary to how it looked from the outside. jrVH3w

“Boss, he’s here.”

The member stopped in front of a certain door and knocked. Moments later, the door burst open, revealing the person Sixx had been desperately looking for. He had probably come out in the middle of work; his once-neat hair was slightly disheveled, and there were specks of blood on his cheek. He had his favorite brand of cigarette between his lips. Avoiding Sixx’s gaze, he exhaled a long stream of smoke and smiled. Sixx had told him many times he didn’t need to quit, but Malon had been trying to stop smoking lately.

“I just had one. So, what brings you here?”

“Malon!” 8L65dS


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  1. Sixx: I’m just here to see malon

    Goons: who are you to call him that

    Sixx: but I’m just here to see malon

    🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the update