Wolf In The CageChapter 50

Sixx bought a green notebook at a stationery store downtown. To be precise, Madam Isabella bought it for him as a reward for helping her with her shopping. This meant that its existence was completely secret from Malon.

Sixx’s To-Do List (*As Malon Cage’s spouse) Sfjqdl


“What? What does the spouse of a mafia boss usually do?”

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“Yes. I’m not very familiar with this world. I thought maybe Patrick might know something.”

“…Hmm, I don’t know why you’re asking, but the wife of a mafia boss would naturally be different from a typical housewife. It would be better to leave household chores like cooking and cleaning to professionals. She would likely focus on raising and educating the children. Later on, they might help with their father’s work since children are more trustworthy than strangers.” dH4nUR

  1. Contribute to the prosperity of the Cage family

Hearing Patrick’s words, Sixx’s hand, holding the new notebook, trembled. Children… he had hit a snag right from the start. He was willing to do anything for Malon, but raising Malon Cage Jr. was biologically impossible for him. He had already been startled when Malon mentioned children during the ceremony in the valley, but now Patrick was saying the same thing. Well, Luca got married early and had two daughters… Even though Malon said he didn’t need any, it seems that both humans and wolves naturally lean towards reproduction when they pair up.

Seeing Sixx’s noticeably gloomy face, Patrick finally understood the intent of the question. This incredibly diligent young man thought he had to do something for Malon. More precisely, as his ‘spouse.’ Patrick laughed helplessly. A spouse! It sounded so strange. He didn’t think his bad-tempered boss would marry like other people, but he never expected him to bring a twenty-year-old boy into the organization as his mate. Of course, Patrick liked Sixx as a human being. He was a really good young man. Pretty, kind, pure, and sometimes unintentionally irked their boss… (one of Patrick’s greatest pleasures in life was teasing his boss about it). However, Sixx didn’t fit this cruel and cold world. Ah, how did he get enchanted by that ruthless man? Still, Patrick couldn’t completely fail to understand Sixx. His thorough boss, who seemed to leave no room for error, was surprisingly lenient only towards Sixx. Patrick had seen his boss act uncharacteristically several times just for Sixx. He would probably be very happy if Sixx just smiled in front of him. When Patrick heard about the scale of the gift Malon prepared for Sixx this time, he had to suppress the urge to ask if he was really Malon Cage.

“…But, it also depends on the person. We’re not talking about just any mafia boss, but Malon Cage. If it’s Hawk I know, he wouldn’t be fond of children.”

“He told me the same thing. But who knows if it would have been different if he had a choice.”


Moreover, a child resembling Malon would be incredibly beautiful. Sixx murmured with a hint of regret in his voice, gently stroking his flat belly. Seeing this, Patrick felt a bit puzzled. He wasn’t fully aware of his boss’s sex life, but he seemed to remember hearing that Malon had ‘taken Sixx’s virginity.’ And while others might not have noticed, Patrick, who was always by Malon’s side, could tell that his boss’s walk occasionally slowed down ever so slightly, emitting a strange atmosphere on those days… Damn it, anyway.

“…Hold on. Why would you be the one to have the baby?”

“Even if it’s just an imagination, I can’t picture Malon being pregnant… Malon has outside work and my body is much stronger, so if it were possible, it would make more sense for me to carry Malon’s child. It’s just hypothetical, but still.”

“Hmm, I’ve heard of such creatures. What was it, seahorses…?” 0ydM6D

Patrick answered reluctantly, but Sixx wasn’t really listening anymore. He seemed genuinely wanting to carry Malon’s child, his cheeks flushed as he caressed his belly. Sixx was a good kid, but sometimes he talked complete nonsense, Patrick thought. No matter what kind of look you give me, Sixx, I can’t agree with you… And it would be fortunate if the child resembled Sixx, but if it inherited Malon’s temperament, it would be a disaster. Patrick shivered in horror. One Malon Cage was enough for the world. Especially for the peace and stability of society. I’m not a model citizen, but I don’t want our society to go further downhill…

“…Patrick? You don’t look so good.”

“Anyway, don’t worry too much about what I said earlier. It’s not like a mafia boss has to have kids. It’s better than having another one like Luca. Besides, the boss is probably satisfied just having you by his side. Even if he pretends not to be sometimes.”

“Still, I want to do something for Malon too.” P42KRO

“Madam Isabella said you’ve been helping her a lot. Isn’t that enough?”

“Anyone can do housework. I want to do something only a spouse can do.”

“I understand what you mean, but I can’t think of anything else. Sorry. Oh, now that I think about it, Lorenzo’s been going on about wanting to get married lately. Why don’t you ask him? You know, about the romance of marriage and all that. Although I doubt Hawk shares the same dreams as Lorenzo… Men are all the same at their core, so you never know. Go ask him!”

  1. Contribute to the prosperity of the Cage family

→ On hold for now. Biologically impossible. Need to explore other options. (What does “seahorse” mean?) 1enNxc

“What? Why do you want to get married?”

Lorenzo frowned momentarily at the sudden question, but then, true to his talkative nature, he started to ramble excitedly. Normally, Sixx would have half-listened and then slipped away, but this time he listened intently, hoping for useful information. Lorenzo twisted his body as if the mere thought of marriage thrilled him, passionately detailing his vision. Sixx had no idea Lorenzo was this eager about married life.

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“…Ct, pera atf atbeuta bo tfg kjlalcu obg wf ja tbwf ulnfr wf rb wemt fcfgus. Pwjulcf, joafg j tjgv vjs, P bqfc atf vbbg jcv rtf gecr lcab ws jgwr, jr yfjealoei jr j Xgffx ubvvfrr. Ktfc P’v jrx, tbcfs, kts jgfc’a sbe jriffq sfa? Ccv rtf’v gfqis lc j nblmf ilxf j ojlgs rlculcu lc atf olfivr, Obgfchb, tbk mbeiv P riffq mbwobgajyis klatbea sbe ys ws rlvf? Ccv rtf’v xlrr ws mtffx rboais. P’v yf atf tjqqlfra wjc lc atf kbgiv!”

“Thanks for the epic. But you usually come home early because you don’t have much work these days.” Dd0LF3

“That’s not the point right now!”

Lorenzo bristled at Sixx’s logical observation, then changed his tactics, looking at Sixx with pitying eyes as if mocking his understanding of love.

“Oh, Sixx! I never expected a non-Italian like you to understand my dreams. Your heart is as dry as a desert, devoid of any sentiment. Don’t you watch romance movies?”

“I don’t really like romance, so I don’t watch them much… So basically, you want your wife to stay up and wait for you to come home at night? Is that really why you want to get married?” xU0EtN

“No, not at all!”

Seeing Lorenzo’s face turn as red as a tomato, it was clear he was unhappy with Sixx’s summary. But it wasn’t Sixx’s fault. Lorenzo’s overly elaborate descriptions made it hard to grasp the main point. Was it the part about sharing a morning coffee? If Malon were here, he’d have glared at Lorenzo with his cold eyes and snapped, Get to the point. Malon was a quarter Italian too, so how could they be so different?

“What I mean is, a couple should be a source of comfort for each other. Even when facing hardships, knowing that a loving wife is waiting at home would keep me from feeling too discouraged. Similarly, if something bad happens to my wife, I’d be there to support her. Do you understand? Marriage is about finding a companion to walk through life with!”

“Yeah, I get what you’re trying to say.” 3gQRXK

“Right? Ah, where is my beloved bride?”

Right. Except for the fact that Lorenzo doesn’t have a wife or even a girlfriend, his words sounded quite convincing. But his advice wasn’t entirely useless. Malon, who had always been busy, became even more so after taking control of the Cage family. He was constantly swamped with work and often came home exhausted. Recently, he had spent almost a month dealing with issues in the White Valley, leaving him with a substantial backlog. Although his insomnia had improved to the point where Sixx no longer had to act as his pillow, the amount of time Malon allocated to sleep was still insufficient. Why was everyone always seeking him out? Sixx understood that it was because Malon was exceptional, but it still annoyed him at times. If only he could keep him tied to the bed all day. Sixx was startled by his own audacious thought.

But wasn’t it tempting? Early in the morning, as usual, Malon would try to get out of bed for a meeting, only to find his hands tied and unable to move. He would pull hard, but his hands wouldn’t budge. Damn it! As he muttered curses, Sixx would appear with a somewhat artificial smile.

“Good morning, Malon. Is there a problem?” e6dQm3

Though the ‘problem’ would be obvious, Sixx would feign ignorance. Malon would instantly realize the culprit.

“What is this, Sixx?” At his fierce gaze, Sixx would widen his eyes and ask, “What do you mean? You said you wanted a day to rest completely, so I’m just helping you out. Let’s rest all day.”

And then, Sixx would kiss Malon’s pale neck as he struggled to free his wrists.

“Shh, don’t be so noisy. Someone might come looking for you… Do you want to let them hear your naughty voice?” When he nibbled on the tender skin behind Malon’s ear, Malon would let out a rough breath. BiIURh

“Let’s not leave the bed today…” Malon would grit his teeth and resist, but Sixx wouldn’t let go. The furrowed brow in anger would be utterly adorable. Ah, Malon, my Malon…

“…S! Sixx! Hey, snap out of it! Why are you spacing out all of a sudden?”

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“Sorry. I was just thinking for a moment…”

“What kind of thoughts make you ignore someone calling you?” mRQr2v

“Just dreaming about something that would never happen…”

Yes, it was a dream. Reality would never go that way. Even if he tied Malon to the bed, with just a word from him, Sixx would untie him. Or perhaps he wouldn’t even need to speak much. If Malon called, “Sixx,” in a calm voice and gave a light gesture, Sixx would feel guilty and immediately untie the ropes. Then, with his eyebrows drooping, he would apologize, “I’m sorry.”

Malon would gently pat his head, saying, “Our puppy must have been very bored. I’ll make time for you soon,” comforting him. This side of Malon was also so lovable! In fact, Sixx loved Malon in any form.

“Hey, you’re spacing out again. I’m a busy person too, Sixx. So, what exactly do you want to know?” YF0Ch1

“Well, how would you want your wife to comfort you?”

Lorenzo’s cheeks flushed at Sixx’s question, suggesting he had an impure imagination. Annoyed, Sixx glared at him silently, prompting Lorenzo to hastily clear his throat. Ahem, ahem!

“It doesn’t have to be something grand. Sure, having dinner at a fancy restaurant or receiving a great gift is nice, but just knowing my wife cares about me would be enough. Even if it’s small, as long as it’s heartfelt, I’d appreciate anything. Hugging me tightly or holding my hand…”

Nodding, Sixx quickly jotted down notes in his notebook. L3Z1Wc

  1. Boost Malon’s spirits when he’s tired from work. (*Lorenzo says even small gestures are fine!)

→ Show abundant affection.

But Sixx already showered Malon with affection every day. He hugged him, held his hand, and kissed his cheek morning and night. He needed a more effective approach.

“Is there anything else? Something more proactive would be fine.”

“…Oh, speaking of proactive, I once heard my friend Mark talking about something.” xeV2Hz

Lorenzo grinned lewdly. He seemed to interpret ‘proactive’ in a different way. No wonder he didn’t have a girlfriend. Sixx sighed. Malon already struggled during their intimate times; he couldn’t bear to trouble him more. Though considering the result of Elliot’s previous advice, maybe it was worth hearing out… Finally, Sixx asked, “What is it?”

“A while ago, Mark came home exhausted and collapsed on the sofa after a rough fight. His wife, who he hadn’t been getting along with lately, suddenly came over and asked if he was home and if work had been tough. So he nodded eagerly, and then she started taking off her top. Now, I’ve seen his wife before, and she’s quite well-endowed. Her size is roughly—”

“Got it. She has a big chest. Please, spare me the details.”

“And then she asked, ‘Do you want to touch them?’ Naturally, Mark was disappointed because he was expecting something more daring. But since it was rare for her to initiate, he agreed.” Ro0ilC


“Well, of course, he fondled them a lot. Surprisingly, it felt really good. His hands were filled with that soft flesh, and as he kept squeezing, he felt his stress melt away and his fatigue disappear. Suddenly, his wife looked even more lovely to him. He thought, ‘This is why I got married.’”

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“…Really? Just from touching her chest?”

That sounded a bit exaggerated. Seeing Sixx’s skeptical expression, Lorenzo became defensive. tyKRj7

“It’s true! It felt so good, he was like a man possessed, just completely absorbed in it. It’s not like he hadn’t touched her before, but maybe because she asked first or the atmosphere was right, it felt that good. Funny, isn’t it? He’s still waiting eagerly for her to ask again.”

Lorenzo chuckled, but Sixx couldn’t laugh. The method didn’t seem entirely impractical. He glanced down at his own chest. In fact, his chest was quite large for a man’s, and Malon had seemed to enjoy touching it before. Could this actually work? Sixx pondered for a moment and decided there was no harm in trying. Even if it failed, the only thing he’d lose was a bit of pride about his chest. That was a risk worth taking. Sixx thanked Lorenzo, who smugly replied, “See? Listening to your big brother never does you any harm.”

* * *

In truth, there wasn’t much to prepare. Before executing his plan, Sixx could only make sure to wear a loose T-shirt for easy removal and apply oil to his chest so the skin would be soft and smooth to the touch. What he needed most was courage. The opportunity came quickly, fortunately or unfortunately. One day, while waiting for the right moment to act, Malon announced that he would spend the day working in his study instead of going out. Even at home, Malon worked in his usual crisp shirt and suit pants, explaining that small lapses in appearance could lead to mistakes. Though Sixx didn’t fully understand this, he admired Malon’s serious attitude toward work. It was a spouse’s duty to help relieve his stress and provide moments of relaxation, according to Lorenzo’s logic. Taking a deep breath, Sixx knocked on the door. nv1DI9

“Malon? Can I come in for a moment?”

“Come in.”

Sixx promptly opened the door and stepped inside. Malon was sitting at his desk, looking over some documents. He kindly glanced up at Sixx and said, “Wait a moment,” before returning his gaze to the papers. Sixx closed the door and waited patiently. Watching Malon work was enjoyable, so he wasn’t bored. Even the way Malon blinked slowly while concentrating was endearing. After flipping through a few pages, Malon bit his lip and frowned in displeasure, even muttering a soft curse, “Damn it, these bastards…” Sixx chuckled softly. Only Malon could make cursing sound sexy. It was unfortunate for the ‘bastards’ who would soon face Malon’s wrath, but for now, Sixx enjoyed the sight and sound of him. Malon leaned back, closed his eyes, and ran a hand through his neatly styled hair, causing a few strands to fall onto his smooth forehead. He sighed deeply and opened his eyes, his clear ice-blue gaze meeting Sixx’s. A shiver ran down Sixx’s spine.

“Come here.” It was the perfect moment to execute his plan. Sixx was thrilled and quickly approached. eoW9rm

“Sorry, there’s been a lot of troublemakers in my area lately, so I’ve been busy. Have you been very bored?”

As Sixx stood beside him, Malon spun his chair around to face him. Noticing the subtle hint of guilt in Malon’s eyes as he looked up at him, Sixx hurriedly waved his hands.

“Oh, no, Malon! I didn’t come here to ask you to spend time with me. You’ve already spent so much time with me before. I should be the one apologizing… Is there anything I can help you with? Anything at all?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think so. But I appreciate the thought. So, what is it?” kTo9EQ

“Well, um…”

As Sixx hesitated, trying to find the right words, Malon’s eyes filled with curiosity. He furrowed his dark eyebrows and quietly watched Sixx, as if asking, “What is it?” Sixx felt frustrated with himself for not being able to speak up. It wasn’t easy to suddenly suggest that Malon touch his chest. When Mark’s wife had done it, it might have seemed plausible, but Sixx was a nearly 2-meter-tall adult man. Despite Malon finding him endearing, there was no guarantee he wouldn’t be shocked by such an unconventional proposal. Sixx stammered,

“Uh, it’s nothing really. It’s just that you seem tired from work lately…”

“And?” agpDdV

“I was wondering if there’s any way I could help relieve your fatigue… I heard about something.”

“Ah, what exactly did you hear?”

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“Would you, um, like to touch my chest…?”

“…….” W1jPsZ

Silence filled the study. Even Malon seemed lost for words, slightly parting his lips and staring blankly at Sixx. He looked as if he was questioning whether he had heard correctly. Sixx felt his face flush with heat. Damn, I shouldn’t have listened to Lorenzo’s advice. As if Malon, who is always so busy, would want to touch a man’s chest. This must be a distraction from his work. Sixx felt like banging his head against the wall. He clenched his fists and bit his lips. I feel like crying. How stupid must I look? My chest isn’t even that impressive. I need to make an excuse.

“…Ha, haha, you must find this ridiculous, right? I’m sorry. But apparently, some people relieve stress by, um, massaging their spouse’s chest. Weird, right? Not that I think you have strange tastes, Malon! Just thought, you know, since my chest is kind of big… Maybe, just in case…”

Ugh, what am I even saying…! I should have just kept my mouth shut. My brain feels like it’s been baked in an oven. Malon, please just tell me to get out…

“So, massaging a spouse’s chest can relieve stress, huh?” CdvJHg

Surprisingly, Malon repeated his words calmly, as if he had been listening to his rambling all along.

“Yes? Yes.”

Without thinking, Sixx nodded. To his astonishment, Malon responded, “Alright, I’ve been really stressed lately,” and tapped his lap. It seemed like he wanted Sixx to sit on his lap. Sixx’s eyes widened. That couldn’t be right. The last time he had sat on Malon’s lap, he was twelve. That was when he was small and skinny. There was no way he could place his large frame on Malon’s lap now. Even though Malon must have considered his weight, there was a chance he underestimated it. Sixx whispered, “I might be too heavy.” But Malon was firm. He tapped his lap again.

“It’s fine. Come sit.” 0NmLft


“Why isn’t my puppy listening to me? Have you grown too big to sit on my lap now?”

“…Okay, but if it feels too heavy, I’ll get up immediately.”

It was clear Malon was just saying that to get him to sit down, but Sixx didn’t want to disappoint him. Reluctantly, he spread his legs and perched on Malon’s lap. He was ready to get up at the first sign of discomfort from Malon, but he genuinely seemed unbothered. “Good job, Sixx.” Malon’s voice was low as he said his name. His face was very close. Sixx felt his cheeks grow warm. That face is always so mesmerizing. How is it possible that someone so handsome and beautiful is my husband? Do I really deserve this happiness? I don’t think I’ve been that good a person. Onc3iV

“Your chest?”

“Oh, um, here it is.”

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