Worldly Affairs and Sand SculptureCh46 - Meeting

In front of outsiders, losing his face is indirectly equivalent to losing his own. Even though he knew how absurd this reason was, Mr. Li still managed to hold the corner of his mouth and asked with a smile: “Really?”

Li Xiangfu turned the drawing board, showing an outstanding portrait of a character. RxwaJX

With solid evidence, Mr. Li couldn’t say anything more.

Looking behind Mr. Li, Li Xiangfu took the initiative to stand up and say hello, then looked at his father with a forced smile: “The guest you invited?”

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With his back to the two people behind him, Mr. Li took a deep breath to adjust himself, and turned around to do the things one by one. Introduction: “This is your Uncle Zhao and his daughter.”

The girl took the initiative to reach out and give a handshake. “Hello, my name is Zhao Yizhu.” evmAiF

The atmosphere finally relaxed a little, and Mr. Li coughed. “Do you have any impression? When you were a child, you played with Yizhu.”

Li Xiangfu shook his head honestly.

Uncle Zhao on the side said cheerfully: “How can he still remember something that happened so long ago?”

Seeing everyone chatting in the room, Li Xiangfu quickly introduced another person here, pointed to Qin Jin on the projection and said: “This is Mr Qin, Qin Jin, my special model, is also my… friend.”


After reading the last two words, his tone paused unnaturally.

Qin Jin is undoubtedly the most popular figure in the circle in the past two years, and the Zhao family’s father and daughter naturally know him.

It’s just that the conversation was a bit awkward in this state. The father and daughter looked directly at the projection screen and said politely, “I have admired you for a long time.”

During this period, Uncle Zhao’s eyes were complicated. There had been rumors of discord between the Li family and the Qin family for a long time. However, Li Xiangfu, who was the source of the conflict, was in contact with Qin Jin. He couldn’t understand this situation, no matter what. kvBLSt

After opening the window to air out the alcohol smell, Li Xiangfu said to the screen, “I’ll get back to you later” and took the initiative to turn off the video.

The characters on the projection disappeared, and the weird atmosphere instantly became much more harmonious.

Zhao Yizhu glanced around at random: drawing board, guqin, flute… She even saw needlework on the table. These things did not affect the cleanliness of the room at all, and even the bed had few wrinkles.

To sum up, he lived a more exquisite life than a girl. OHzRkq

“Miss Zhao…” Seeing the other party in a daze, Li Xiangfu shouted.

Zhao Yizhu came to her senses and couldn’t help laughing, and everyone else also laughed, thinking that she called a girl as a joke.

Looking at a certain place, Zhao Yizhu was stunned again and said, “The writing on the wall of yours is quite elegant.”

“It was my motto.” lQXL E

Mr. Li had never entered his youngest son’s room every day, so he looked up after hearing this. He saw only one line of words written in a clear and flowing manner: ‘Don’t be afraid of your bones being shattered into pieces, you must leave your innocence in the world.’

It was a good sentence, but combined with the curtains scattered on the ground, it reminded me of the previous scene of Li Xiangfu trying to cover Qin Jin’s upper body, and I always felt that something was not right.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Let’s talk downstairs,” Li Xiangfu said at the right time: “I’ll make you a pot of tea.”

Distracted by this, no one mentioned the matter of appreciating the paintings. avBjMJ

Taking out a good tea set, Li Xiangfu’s movements were very fluid. No one noticed how regular he was when pouring the tea into the tea. Instead, the focus was on his slender fingers and the tender green tips of the tea leaves. The green color makes his skin whiter. It’s extremely pleasing to the eye.

Zhao Yizhu doesn’t know how to taste tea, and her impression is that it is both bitter and sweet.

Usually parents get together to praise each other’s children. Li Xiangfu’s experiences are few that can be used to praise, so the topics mostly focus on the latest popular events in the circle.

Uncle Zhao: “The CEO of Xiaoshuo Media will announce the news of her engagement in near future.” fY39RB

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zg. Ol gjlrfv tlr fsfygbkr jcv rjlv “Yt” ja atf rjwf alwf: “P atbeuta atja ilaaif ulgi kbeivc’a rajga j ojwlis lc tfg ilof.”

Fcmif Itjb kjr jirb delaf fwbalbcji: “Pa’r cba j qeyilm wjggljuf. P tfjgv atja atf wjc lr cba kfii-xcbkc.”

Mgbw atflg wbeatr, Ol Wljcuoe gbeutis qlfmfv abufatfg atf mbwqifaf lcobgwjalbc. Ktf meggfca wjcjufg bo Wljbrteb Zfvlj lr j kbwjc. Ktf yibbv bo atf kfjiats ojwlis lr mifjgis gfoifmafv tfgf. Lfg ylbibulmji wbatfg ojnbgr rbcr bnfg vjeutafgr, jc liifulalwjaf mtliv jrrjrrlcjafv tfg jcv jiwbra ibra tfg ilof. Lbkfnfg, akb bg atgff sfjgr jub, rtf revvfcis aegcfv jujlcra atf klcv jcv rfca atf ktbif ojwlis lc klat fnlvfcmf rtf obecv ogbw cbktfgf.

“Something happened in the family,” Li Xiangfu took a sip of tea and asked casually, “The stock price was not affected?” mQCO0f

The two elders laughed and Uncle Zhao waved his hand: “Under certain scandals, the stock price will rise.”

Decathlon does not include just the business world. Li Xiangfu just listened without bothering to understand it‌.

Mr. Li suddenly said: “I am quite curious about her fiancé. He is probably not a simple person.”

It takes an extraordinarily sincere heart or an extremely calculating mind to get someone who has experienced family frustration and torment to get married. IfO5iG

Zhao Yizhu took out her mobile phone. “The reporter took a photo.”

She pulled out the news from the past few days and found a photo of an underground garage, in which a man was getting into the car. This face looks too young and always gives people the impression of a young boy. Li Xiangfu couldn’t help but take a second look and felt that his face seemed familiar.

After chatting for a while, under the witness of Mr. Li, the two young people became friends with each other, and then they finally regained their freedom.

Because there was still a dinner party in the evening, Zhao Yizhu left with her father quickly. After receiving them, Mr. Li was a little tired and went back to his room to rest. UgGmvF

The way he looked at Li Xiangfu before going upstairs was very thought-provoking: “I remember mentioning it more than once, to have less contact with Qin Jin.”

Li Xiangfu said sternly: “Sister gave him a 5.5.”

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Li Xichun has no shortage of basic people-reading skills. A first impression of two or three points is undoubtedly ridiculously bad. A score of seven or more is often good at disguise. Five points is the most beautiful middle value. The character of a person who fluctuates within this value range should not be too bad.

Mr. Li was heartbroken after hearing this, but he really couldn’t find anything to say to refute. bvG7A5

There was only one person left in the living room.

Li Xiangfu found the news report, sat alone on the sofa, enlarged the picture, and scrutinized it.

He has great insights into human bones, and the transition of facial features in the photos is not very natural. Li Xiangfu tried to search for more relevant information on the Internet, but unfortunately there was very little introduction about the man.

“Dad.” SyRfBp

Li Xiangfu tightened his fingers and shuddered. “When did you come?”

“Three minutes ago.” Not caring about this ‘arrogance,’ Li Shasha tactfully mentioned that he wanted to take a few more days off.

This time Li Xiangfu was surprisingly easy to talk to and agreed to give him a job until next week.

Li Shasha was satisfied and asked what he needed to look at. v5P01q

“Appearance, eyes.” Li Xiangfu pointed to the slightly smiling man in the photo and opened the photo he took last time at Qin Jin’s old house.

Li Shasha had piercing eyes and could tell at a glance that even though they had two different faces, they felt the same when they smiled. Even the dimples and the curves of the ends of the eyes were strangely similar.

“When Qin Gayu smiles in the family photo, the thumb of his left hand will unnaturally press down on the center of his index finger, and so does the person in the photo.” Li Xiangfu faintly said, “Looks can be changed, but a person’s habitual actions are engraved in the bones.”

Li Shasha raised his head: “Do you suspect that he and Qin Jiayu are the same person?” 7ju5JV

Li Xiangfu nodded: “If Qin Jiayu suddenly returns with his original identity, it will definitely cause an uproar, and some of the things he does will not be without financial support.”

He called up a recent statistical chart: “This is the number of people in the city who have suddenly become rich in the last four years, excluding those who don’t fit the age profile, there are only eight left, but the pre-fame experiences of these eight people can be found on the Internet.”

Judging from the school where they graduated, it is enough to rule out suspicion. After scanning the statistical chart, Li Shasha took a deep look at Li Xiangfu and secretly thought that he was indeed a master of house fighting who had been praised by Jiuqu Linglong, and he had done so many investigations in private.

Too lazy to go upstairs, Li Xiangfu directly sent the picture to Li Xichun, leaving a message: [Sister, how impressive do you think this person is? ] fgk2de

Li Xichun came back with a question mark.

In the past thirty seconds, another message was sent: [This face should have been under a knife. ]

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

She analyzed the unnatural way the light fell on the bridge of the nose, and the slightly higher root of the hill, and concluded with a sentence: [This plastic surgery is more successful than many celebrities].

After reading the analysis, his doubts deepened. Until dinner, Li Xiangfu was thinking about how to meet the person. dq9xgn

He went to the courtyard to relax for a while and asked for leave from school. When he came back, Aunt Zhang stopped him and called out: “I have your express delivery.” Li Xiangfu was surprised.

He had previously said that all express delivery in the past two days would not be returned.

Aunt Zhang: “It’s a letter. The postman said that someone paid extra and asked him to deliver it in person.”

The red envelope was very conspicuous on the marble table. There was only an invitation in it, inviting him to the engagement banquet. e6cQqA

“Su Tao…”

Li Xiangfu narrowed his eyes. Isn’t this the current female president of Xiaoshuo Media?

He and Su Tao had never crossed paths before, but the invitation letter was designated for him and was specifically confirmed to contain no names of other people in the family.

The engagement banquet will be held on the 14th of this month, which is three days later. From the time the news was revealed to the wedding banquet, it seems to be extremely tight. omMcbd

Li Xiangfu stood there for a few minutes holding the invitation and suddenly sent a message to ‘-‘: [Is that you?]

When the phone screen was about to darken, he received a reply: [I believe we will have an unforgettable reunion after a long time.]

Glancing at Li Shasha who was helping to set the bowls, Li Xiangfu lowered his head: [I’m looking forward to it.]


July 14th, this day is known as Silver Valentine’s Day. It is rare that the almanac records that the same day this year is the best time to get married.

Before going out, Aunt Zhang was stunned for a moment when she saw Li Xiangfu.

Instead of his usual white shirt and light-colored trousers, today he wore a black shirt with embroidered patterns. The trousers were also pure black, his hair was slightly curly, and he looked like an extraordinarily gorgeous black rose.

After the people left, Aunt Zhang recovered from her surprise. Thinking of the newly built threshold, she couldn’t help but have a ridiculous idea: This threshold seemed to be tailor-made for Li Xiangfu. rXW1qI

When they went there, the father and son took a taxi, and the breeze blew in through the half-open gap, ruffling their hair.

Li Shasha’s voice was deep: “Are we getting closer to the truth?”

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Li Xiangfu didn’t answer. The car turned around, and the sun became dazzling. He put on his sunglasses and slowly said three words: “Hongmen Banquet.”

Although it was not clear what Qin Jiayu was doing. He had prepared some kind of “meeting gift,” but he had already prepared a return gift in advance. Assuming that the binding went smoothly, he hoped that the other party would learn to be sensible in the Nuzun Kingdom. 1udi82

The main building of Dongtai Center.

The venue is exceptionally magnificent and magnificent. The floor is so rich and translucent that you can’t bear to step on it. You can feel the generosity of the couple in every detail.

Su Tao’s fiancé appeared in front of everyone for the first time. His attitude was neither humble nor arrogant. His appearance and temperament were both first class, especially his smile, which had a rare sense of clarity.

Because it was not a formal engagement, Su Tao and the fiancé received the guests together. There was a gap between them, and she whispered softly: “Li Xiangfu hasn’t come yet.” cTmqR2

“He will come.” Qin Jiayu’s lips curled up slightly: “And he is always doing things by surprise. .”

A pair of eyes that seemed to be extraordinarily clean reflected the glitz in the hotel. Along with this brilliance, there was also excitement, ridicule, urgency… and even madness.

“I’m looking forward to what ‘gift’ Li Xiangfu will bring today.”

Time passed by, and the guests were gradually arriving. 3XrVZO

Su Tao: “Could it be that he was afraid and escaped before the battle?”

“You don’t know him well,” Qin Jiayu said with paranoia in his eyes: “The later you prove it, the more confident you will be.”

“Taotao.” At this moment, a woman with long hair walked towards her, and took Su Tao’s hand affectionately: “You are so beautiful today.”

Su Tao smiled politely, pretending to be angry: “I thought you weren’t coming.” H1bLYu

“On the way. I met two drivers and they were arguing in the middle of the road… Who do you think they are now?” The woman sighed. “By the way, there was someone who just wanted to come in and have a seat with a holiday invitation.”

There have been precedents in the industry where some people would take risks and sneak into other people’s parties or banquets in order to catch money and make connections.

Su Tao said ‘Ah’ in surprise.

“That man was brave enough to swagger in,” the woman said with her tongue. “When he made the move, he only took a share of two hundred yuan…” DUbfYC

At this point, she burst into laughter and said, “You didn’t know what was going on around you at that time. Everyone was shocked. The other party also brought a child, thinking that this way, others could lower their vigilance.”

This is Su Tao’s engagement party, who would give a gift that doesn’t start with 100,000 yuan?

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When Su Tao heard that he was getting a child, he was startled: “Then he is now…”

“Of course he was kicked out.” yBF3TY


At the entrance of the hotel.

Behind him were security guards who were watching eagerly. Li Shasha turned around and asked, “Dad, why didn’t you identify yourself just now?” Sy3UEh

Li Xiangfu said, “I don’t know anyone around here.”

Xiaoshuo Media is mainly involved in film and television investment, and most of the people who came to Su Tao’s wedding banquet were He Entertainment. There are not many people involved in business circles. He is not a well-known figure like Qin Jin. Unless he is in a circle, no one knows about him, the young master of the Li family.

Li Shasha was silent for a while and then said, “Frankly speaking, two hundred… is a bit too little.”

Li Xiangfu, who was drinking the northwest wind, asked: “…Really?” 26ntCT

Li Shasha pursed his lips: “We came and spent fifty-two dollars just on cabs.”


Author’s Note:

Qin Jiayu: I’m looking forward to what surprises he will bring. OudEYh

Li Xiangfu: The starting salary is 100,000 yuan? ! It turns out that I don’t deserve it.

Translator's Note

It seemed to be a high-ranking noble from his previous life

Translator's Note

Hong Men Yan is also an idiom in Chinese, which means an invitation to a banquet with bad intentions, and is a metaphor for a banquet where one wishes to harm the one invited.
The idiom “Hong Men Yan 鸿门宴” is still widely used today to refer to invitations with impure motives.

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