When A Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated Into The Original NovelCh1 - The Prologue—You Absolutely Cannot Skip This Prologue!

Edited by Elanor

《The Chronicles of the Nine Thousand Worlds Vicissitudes》 was a currently popular work of xuanhuan, or cultivation fiction, telling the story of two youths from a cultivation sect who overcome numerous difficulties and obstacles to eventually reach the peak hand in hand, ascending together to immortality. It was a work suitable for all ages, with an author and protagonists who were upright and honorable, and where the love between the two young men was one of friendship, of brotherhood, of camaraderie within the sect. The two protagonists were comrades in arms, bound together by life and death, their feelings for each other deep yet pure, encompassing everything yet avoiding non-platonic love.

However, the so-called “rotten women” (fujoshis) saw “rot” everywhere, as they say, “A gay sees gay, and a straight sees straight.” The author of the original work had written the relationship between the two youths as deep as the ocean, yet had left it at a deliberately ambiguous point. W7jrzL

Zhangsun Zijun was a lofty youth who only ever displayed his warm affection toward Yi Xichen, while Yi Xichen was a handsome youth, pure on the inside but shameless on the outside. Together, they sparked countless explosions of intense homosexual chemistry.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yi Xichen would tease Zhangsun Zijun every chance he got, turning his face red and eliciting sighs of exasperation; in times of danger, Yi Xichen would prefer to sacrifice himself to save Zhangsun Zijun; when Zhangsun Zijun  fell into a qi deviation and slaughtered indiscriminately, Yi Xichen was the only person who could awaken him to reason, who would rather injure himself than hurt Zhangsun Zijun. Yet even until the end, Zhangsun Zijun and Yi Xichen remained no more than friends sharing a smile beneath the shade of an ancient banyan tree, leaving countless readers howling in anguish, starved for more. Thus, a great number of fanworks were born in response.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

In the realm of fan fiction, the hottest story was 《Bondage Play in the Vineyard》 by the author “Golden Egg Beats Silver Goose.” This work was set in the world of the original work, but the characters’ personalities had been OOC’d to the extreme, and the story itself was as Mary Sue as it could be. Nearly every sentence of the story embodied the title and pen name of this fanfic writer.

In the original work, Zhangsun Zijun, mature, restrained, and enduring, had been OOC’d into a lovesick nutjob with an overactive libido, while Yi Xichen, a charming rogue with a heart of gold, had been broken down even further, becoming a delicate little angel whose role mostly consisted of whimpering lines like, “Ah, ah, don’t, don’t, faster, faster, you’ll break me, ahh!” on the bed—and still somehow managed to be universally loved and adored by all! Moreover, he was a shou pursued by ten thousand suitors who wanted to pluck his chrysanthemum. 9EAqmU

Rjaegjiis, atlr Zjgs Vef ojcolm kjr wfa klat lar ojlg rtjgf bo mbcagbnfgrs. Gfrqlaf tjnlcu mbecaifrr vfagjmabgr jcv mglalmr, la kjr ralii gfnfgfv jr j kbgx bo ubvis qgbqbgalbcr ys wjcs qjgmtfv gfjvfgr vef ab lar rmbgmtlcu tba rfz rmfcfr.

One day, after “Golden Egg Beats Silver Goose” had updated once again, a black fan reader left a sarcastic comment: “Great God ah, are you sure it’s okay to write these characters like this? Have you ever considered how terrifying it would be if the protagonists in the original work were to become like this?”

Ktf wbwfca atlr mbwwfca kjr qbrafv, tfjnfc jcv fjgat rtbbx nlbifcais, jcv j ybia bo ktlaf ilutaclcu oijrtfv atgbeut atf klcvbk…

Something miraculous happened!



Namizaki here once again.. :).. (Did I hear claps?? Thank you.. thank you (*waves, bows*). Alrighty, as everyone might have read the intro on NU, there were other translators who started this novel but haven’t continued posting for 2 years now. I would have liked to picked up from where they stopped but since all my other works in CG are a complete chapters of novels, therefore, I have re-started translating from the start so that Chrysanthemum Garden have the complete chapters, just in case the previous site will not be available. Although the previous translators and my translations differ in style and interpretation, the story goes the same (and also I would like to thank BC Novels for some of the important notes, specially those references on Chinese Literatures). For those who had read from the other site, please wait for me to catch up with the chapters, but if you want to start with me then that would be greatly appreciated.. (it would be better that way so the flow will be the same..hehehehe)

Alright, FELLOW FUJOSHIS come and join me and jump right into the pit!!!

———– p0dQ s

(P.S. Please consider supporting the author of this novel… (umnn I forgot the link on how to but it’s somewhere on the CG page *facepalm*). Greatly appreciate it!)


Translator's Note

or we usually call them Xanxia

Translator's Note

倒挂葡萄架 – lit. The Hanging Grapevine. It’s a reference to a famously kinky scene in a movie, basically bondage play.

Translator's Note

金蛋打银鹅 ~~Golden Eggs beating Silver Goose. Ximen Qing’s “throwing the pot” has a more unique meaning compared to ancient plays. It is a manifestation of sexual activity and sexual promiscuity, which Ximen Qing is most skilled at and enjoys. The throwing meat pot is called “golden bullet hitting silver goose”, and “silver” and “lewd” are homophonic.

Translator's Note

菊苣 – lit. chicory. Internet slang. A sarcastic way of addressing someone respectfully.

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  1. I’ve been waiting for this for so long. A big thank you to both the translator and editor! You’re greatly appreciated <3

  2. New adventure! o(≧∇≦o) I wanted to read it for a long time, so I’m suuuuuper happy to do it with Yours amazing translation! ❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ ) This novel sounds like a big mess and I can’t wait to read more! ^^

    • Lico-licky, I always see you in my novel translations. Thank you very much sweetie.. rest assured I’ll work harder to give you all a fun ride 🙂 Thank you dear. Enjoy reading.. (I’m late on replying to comments again (facepalm)