The Young Lord's Way OutChapter 26

During his year here, Huai Zhen had experienced more freedom than he had experienced in his eleven years of being alive. Even when he made a mistake, the Devil Lord, who was said to be cruel and vicious, would merely scold him with a few words before turning a blind eye. There was no confinement, no physical punishment, and not even any harassment from the disciples of Black Mane Palace. Huai Zhen was allowed to eat as much as he wanted without having his food tossed. He got to train in swordsmanship until his hands ached. And he was able to laugh and talk to people around his own age without worrying that they were judging him.

All in all, it was a fruitful experience and his letters to Baili Liuye were brighter each time. xPDU7h

However, as he grew more and more comfortable, he realized that an ugly side of him had evolved. He lowered his head to his hands and groaned.

How could he lose his temper like that!? So, what if Ge Nianlan didn’t want to do swordsmanship? Not even the Devil Lord has said anything, so who was he to throw a tantrum? And what had he said before that? “How can he protect him”? What was that?! How embarrassing! He had never yearned for anyone’s protection—not even his own shizun. So, what had suddenly come over him? What on earth made him say that?!

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Huai Zhen lifted his head slightly and glanced at the sword attached to his side.

He had to go back to the training hall and return this. But if he went back, then he would bump into Ge NIanlan. If not Ge Nianlan, then he would run into the staff. The servants were normally very kind and respectful to him, but after seeing him throw such a tantrum, they would probably dislike him now, right? On top of that, Ge Nianlan was probably mad at him. Xsm4rf

Huai Zhen let his hands fall to his lap.

Even when he was tormented by his bullies, he never lashed out. How could he lash out to the person who was the nicest to him?

The guilt ate at him. He shifted on the tree branch and waffled between jumping down to apologize to him now or waiting for the evening. A soft sigh left his lips as he settled back on the tree branch. He looked up at the beautiful blue skies and pouted.

He’ll apologize to him after a few more minutes. He was still a little frustrated.


As he waited for the congestion in his chest to vanish, he saw something feathery and black out of the corner of his eyes. He scrambled to sit up as Gugu landed in front of him. The arrogant bird held out his leg and waited for Huai Zhen to take the letter. Huai Zhen hesitated for only a second before he untied it and unraveled it.

“Are you mad at me?”

Huai Zhen pursed his lips. No…no, he wasn’t mad…

He let out a soft sigh. He attempted to gather Gugu so that he could bring him back to Ge Nianlan when he went to apologize, but Gugu flew away from him. Huai Zhen watched as the chubby bird dove down and landed perfectly on the shoulder of an all too familiar young boy. iEUXx4

Huai Zhen’s eyes widened as he met Ge Nianlan’s bright eyes.

“So, are you?”

Huai Zhen turned away.

Ge Nianlan pouted. He leaned against the tree. His eyes bore into the back of Huai Zhen’s head. “A-Huai, the reason I don’t want to practice swordsmanship is because I’m not good at it and I’m too lazy.” ZDPU0O

“You could get better at it,” Huai Zhen mumbled.

“I’m far better at playing instruments and chess and reading and painting. These are the things I want to focus on,” Ge Nianlan said. He grinned. “I can’t protect you from bullies outside of Black Mane Palace, but at least now I can cheer you up by playing you a tune.”

Huai Zhen fidgeted silently.

“Or is there another reason you’re upset?” Ge Nianlan asked. mLqWUH

Huai Zhen risked a glance in Ge Nianlan’s direction. The boy’s round, clear eyes were watching him worriedly. It made his heart skip a beat. Huai Zhen quickly averted his gaze again.

“I’m worried that you can’t protect yourself,” Huai Zhen mumbled.

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Ge Nianlan’s eyes widened in surprise before he bent over with laughter. “What are you talking about? There are many people who can protect me!”

“What about when they can’t?” Huai Zhen asked. In this year, he heard about just how cruel life in Yinxue Region was. There were many disciples who lost their family members or friends to some freak accident on the streets. jdS5Dk

“Then, I still have you, don’t I?” Ge Nianlan said with unfounded confidence.

Huai Zhen met his eyes again.

“If I don’t have anyone else in this world, then there is still you. I know that you, at least, would never betray me, right?”

Huai Zhen glared at Ge Nianlan. He couldn’t help but wonder how a person could be so naïve. “But there might be a time when I’m not around.” mdBTN1

“Then, I’ll be extra careful during those times,” Ge Nianlan said. “So, don’t be worried anymore, alright?”

Huai Zhen wanted to snap at Ge Nianlan—to argue with him so that he could realize how much danger he was in if he was all alone. However, the cutting words he formulated in his mind vanished when he saw the carefree smile on Ge Nianlan’s face. His heart softened and he suddenly forgot everything he was going to say.

“Fine. And…I’m sorry for lashing out at you,” Huai Zhen mumbled. His eyes shifted away. “I don’t know what came over me.”

Ge Nianlan giggled. “Alright, alright. Enough with the apologies. Come down!” wTd8lV

“…You move a little first.”

“It’s okay, just jump!”

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Huai Zhen looked at him unsurely, but decided to jump towards the spot to the left. He pushed himself off the branch and to his utter shock, he watched as Ge Nianlan moved into his way. At the last minute, Huai Zhen tried to shift his body weight, but he felt Ge Nianlan’s grab onto his waist. The two of them went tumbling for a few paces until they finally stopped. Huai Zhen propped himself and he glared at Ge Nianlan.

“Cgf sbe mgjhs!?” el1qsB

Xf Rljcijc’r ijeutafg oliifv Lejl Itfc’r fjgr. Lf kjamtfv jr atf ybs gbiifv jgbecv lc atf rboa ugjrr, ugjrqlcu ja tlr rabwjmt ogbw tbk tjgv tf kjr ijeutlcu.

Ktf ogbkc bc Lejl Itfc’r ilqr alutafcfv. Lf rtloafv mibrfg jcv rabqqfv Xf Rljcijc ogbw gbiilcu jcswbgf. Lf ibkfgfv tlwrfio rilutais rb atja tf kjr obgmfv lcab Xf Rljcijc’r ilcf bo nlrlbc.

“Are you okay?” Huai Zhen reluctantly asked. “You didn’t get hurt, did you?”

Ge Nianlan shook his head, but still limply allowed Huai Zhen to lift up his arms and legs to check. He giggled as Huai Zhen sat back and glared at him. U5CuKj

Huai Zhen sighed in frustration. “Really, what’s wrong with you?”

Ge Nianlan giggled again and sat up. “A-Huai, did you know that you get super angry when you’re worried about someone?”

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Huai Zhen stiffened. “I…I…”

“So, it’s okay,” Ge Nianlan said. He shifted closer and patted Huai Zhen’s head. “When you yelled earlier, it was because you were worried about me. I know how you are and I’m fine with that. So, don’t feel bad anymore, alright?” jAxCHw

Huai Zhen lowered his head slightly. “…Well, I don’t like yelling at you. So, I’ll try to show my concern in a different way next time.”

“Then, alright. A-Huai you’re such a good boy.”

Huai Zhen remained still until Ge Nianlan removed his hand. He looked up at the boy, who had fallen back onto the soft grass and was looking up at the blue skies. His black bird fluttered around him, before landing comfortably on his stomach. The pair made a goofy pair, but the scene made Huai Zhen’s anxiety calm down.

He crawled to the spot beside Ge Nianlan and laid down. “I’m not asking this to force you or anything, but why don’t you try out martial arts?” x5NL6a

“Just don’t really feel like it,” Ge Nianlan said, his eyes closing drowsily.

Huai Zhen pouted. “But you’re so talented in everything else. You learned to read so quickly and your paintings were even complimented by a master. I know you mastered the qin in a short time too. If you put your mind to martial arts, then you’ll surely do well.”

Surely, he would. Ge Nianlan agreed. He was, after all, extremely gifted.

“It’s just unappealing,” Ge Nianlan said. He placed his hand on his chest. “Besides, when I move for too long, my chest hurts.” Q5sJvu

Huai Zhen’s eyes widened in alarm. “Really?”

Ge Nianlan hummed painfully. “Why would I lie to you?”

Huai Zhen frowned. “Then…don’t run laps anymore if it’s that painful.”

“I can still handle that much,” Ge Nianlan said. p5NdZE

He wanted to avoid picking up a sword, but he should still exercise. He had already gotten a warning from Baili Yinghui, through his many replies. If he ever ended up staying at Yunkong Pavilion, he wanted to make sure that he didn’t suffer too badly.

Huai Zhen hummed. He rested his cheek against his hand as he observed Ge Nianlan’s side profile. “Nianlan.”


Ge Nianlan’s drowsy response made Huai Zhen hold back. He hesitated. There were many things he wanted to ask, but he wasn’t sure he really wanted to know the answer to any of them. If they were unpleasant, then what should he do? So, he hesitated until Ge Nianlan opened his eyes again and looked at him. hYr31J

“What’s wrong?”

“Are you taking a nap?”

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“I think so. The weather is so nice,” Ge Nianlan said as he yawned and closed his eyes again. “There are no lessons today…it’s the perfect time to take a nap.”

Huai Zhen hummed. “Then, you nap. I’ll accompany you.” 1PSpCw

Ge Nianlan nodded and said nothing else. After a few minutes, Ge Nianlan really did fall asleep. As Huai Zhen silently watched him breathe, he found himself smiling somewhat. Nothing was happening, but for some reason, Huai Zhen didn’t want this moment to end.

When the afternoon hit, Fu Qing managed to find Ge Nianlan and Huai Zhen, thanks to Ling Tong. She knelt down beside Ge Nianlan and gently coaxed him awake. When the boy’s lashes fluttered open, he looked at Huai Zhen distractedly for a moment before turning to look at his maid.

“What’s wrong?”

“His Excellency has requested that you and Young Master Huai eat dinner with him this evening.” boKd9F

Ge Nianlan sat up. He rubbed his eyes. “All of a sudden? How come?”

“This servant is not sure,” Fu Qing said.

“Alright,” Ge Nianlan said with a stretch. He turned to Huai Zhen. “Let’s go.”

The boys normally ate dinner with Ge Jinsheng five days of the week, but this was an extra day. During those days, they would be dressed in their best attire and would then be escorted to the dining hall. Because Ge Jinsheng was so busy, dinner would normally be had early in the day. After getting dressed, they were quickly rushed over. N6Vsh

Ge Nianlan had yet to fight the drowsiness from his eyes and had not yet come to his senses when the doors opened.

Ge Nianlan placed his hands together to greet his father, but a sharp nudge woke him up. He looked at Huai Zhen curiously, then followed his horrified gaze.

Squatting on the ground, next to some statues, was Ge Jinsheng. A few disciples stood behind him anxiously and an unfamiliar man looked on with pain in his eyes. The man was quite short and had looks that could only be described as average. But there was something about him that put Ge Nianlan on the edge. He felt that despite his averageness, he wasn’t someone to look down upon.

“Young Lord and Young Master Huai have arrived.” Dgw1KY

Ge Jinsheng stood and walked over to his son and his son’s companion. “You’re here.”

“So, we’re not just eating dinner?” Ge Nianlan asked with a glance at the empty table.

Ge Jinsheng chuckled. “Unfortunately, not. I have asked you two here to aid me.”

The great Devil Lord needed their help? Ge Nianlan’s interest was piqued. ut2D4n

“There’s a child,” Ge Jinsheng said. He glanced over his shoulder and whispered. “Something unfortunate happened to them until very recently, so they are afraid of adults. Even the attendant who raised them since they were a baby is being avoided. We figured you two boys could help.”

Ge Nianlan glanced around Ge Jinsheng at the crowd and nodded. He grinned. “Leave it to me!”

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If there was anything he was good at, then it was getting people to like him.

Huai Zhen, on the other hand, shifted awkwardly. “I don’t think I—” UJkIGj

“It’s alright. Just follow my lead,” Ge Nianlan said confidently. He softly cleared his throat. “Can everyone leave?”

The man, who looked like he was about to cry, turned to Ge Jinsheng uncertainly. The Devil Lord nodded and he left, followed by the rest of the servants.

“Thank you, Young Lord,” the teary-eyed average man said.

Ge Nianlan hummed. Once the doors were closed, Ge Nianlan walked over to the corner, where the child was hiding. 5NyOLt

As soon as everyone left, Ge Nianlan already saw a part of the child. They were hidden under a large draping cloak and had unevenly chopped hair. They were significantly smaller than either him or Huai Zhen, so Ge Nianlan assumed that they were also younger.

Upon approaching them, the child quickly shrank back behind the statue and hid themselves very well.

Huai Zhen glanced at Ge Nianlan uncertainly, but Ge Nianlan only waved his hand and gestured for Huai Zhen to sit down.

The two boys sat and the silence continued. e23CKp

After a while, the child popped their head back out curiously, only to start and hide again.

Ge Nianlan smiled and didn’t make any moves to reach out or communicate. Huai Zhen watched him unsurely. Were they just going to sit here all evening?

To Huai Zhen’s surprise, that truly was Ge Nianlan’s plan.

The servants stopped by at one point with food but were quickly hurried out by Ge Nianlan once they placed everything down. Even until the sun set, neither Ge Nianlan or the child said a word. p05gC

“Nianlan,” Huai Zhen whispered.

“It’s okay,” Ge Nianlan said. “We’ve worn down the target.”

Huai Zhen wanted to ask what he meant, but just as he opened his mouth, the small head popped out again and Huai Zhen met a pair of startling green eyes.

The child glanced between the two of them, but didn’t hide again. JgzPWr

“Hello,” Ge Nianlan grinned. “My name is Ge Yonghao. What’s your name?”

The child stared at him blankly before shaking their head.

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“What’s wrong? You don’t want to tell gege?”

The child shook their head more emphatically this time. They opened their mouth and made odd grunting sounds, then pointed to their throat before shaking their head again. At this point, it looked as if the child was about to burst into tears. dVs3 k

“They’re mute,” Huai Zhen realized.

Ge Nianlan’s eyes widened. He looked at the child again and attempted a friendly smile. “Did someone do this to you?”

The child shook their head.

A sense of ease settled over the two boys. sqmzOW

“Then, you were born this way?”

The child nodded again.

Ge Nianlan’s smile grew brighter. “That’s okay! Can you write, xiao didi?”

The child hesitantly nodded. H8xT6m

“Alright,” Ge Nianlan hummed. He turned to Huai Zhen and whispered, “Can you ask the servants to get us some writing utensils.”

Huai Zhen nodded and quickly got up.

Ge Nianlan remained where he was. He glanced at the child again and smiled. The child flinched, but his eyes were unmoving from Ge Nianlan. After a moment, the child pointed at Ge Nianlan.

Ge Nianlan raised a brow and thought about it. “Do you want me to talk about myself?” hpeEKH

The child nodded.

“Alright. I’m eleven, turning twelve in a few months,” Ge Nianlan said. “I like reading novels, studying strategy, and painting. I have a pet bird named Gugu. He’s usually following me around, but when he isn’t, he’s flying around the sect. I have a bodyguard named Ling Tong, who is always hiding in the shadows. I have three close friends—Huai Zhen, the boy just now, Qianwu-gege, and Yuying-jiejie. I was a sickly child until last year, so there’s very little that I know about the world. Right now, I’m trying to relearn everything.”

Huai Zhen returned with parchment, ink, and a brush. He sat back down before he carefully placed the parchment and writing utensils in front of the child.

“Huai Zhen is actually not from here,” Ge Nianlan said. pHd8V6

“I’m a disciple from Yunkong Pavilion, a righteous sect from the Yunheng Region,” Huai Zhen said.

The child’s eyes widened in surprise. They wiggled their hands out from under their cloak and placed it into a differential salute.

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Ge Nianlan smiled to himself when Huai Zhen returned the gesture.

“Now, can you tell us a bit about yourself?” Ge Nianlan asked. hSJBPT

The child hesitated before pulling the paper over.

After a while, the paper was turned back over to Ge Nianlan and Huai Zhen. The child’s handwriting was neat, like that of an expert calligrapher.

“My name is Na Yongkai. I’m eight. I was born mute. I can communicate with animals. I lived in the northeast my whole life. This is my first time so far south. You two seem nice.”

Ge Nianlan glanced at Huai Zhen. Huai Zhen met his gaze and turned back to the child. He smiled gently and pushed the paper back over. SxtCAD

“Can you tell us why you’re hiding here?”

Na Yongkai fidgeted for a moment before they hastily scribbled something down.


“And why are you scared?” Huai Zhen asked. rlpuGU

Na Yongkai looked as if they were reluctant to write anymore.

Ge Nianlan and Huai Zhen didn’t press them further and sat silently, waiting for a response. About half an hour later, Na Yongkai finally wrote on the paper again.

“I remember being kidnapped on my way home. Then, I bumped my head and I don’t remember much else. I remember that this cloak was given to me by my shifu and I remember my name and I remember that I could talk to animals. But I don’t remember anything else. The people who grabbed me were scary. The man who saved me is also scary. He looked scary when he killed all those people. I don’t want to see him.”

“What about the others?” Ge Nianlan asked. “You were also hiding from the servants too, right?” UX89LK

Na Yongkai hesitated before writing, “They kept reaching out for me.”

Ge Nianlan and Huai Zhen met each other’s gaze. With a soft nod from Huai Zhen, Ge Nianlan stood.

“I’ll be back, Yongkai,” Ge Nianlan said. “You two can eat without me first.”

Ge Nianlan gave Huai Zhen one last look before he left the dining hall. mSYcwV

Outside, the man from before and Ge Jinsheng were waiting anxiously. Beside them were several other people—the remaining six Saints were also there.

“How did it go?” Ge Jinsheng asked.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ge Nianlan looked at the man standing near his father. His eyes didn’t carry the warmth that it normally did. For a split moment, the Devil Lord and the six Saints were reminded of when Ge Nianlan had just woken up again. The guarded expression on his face made them all uneasy.

“I think we need to talk,” Ge Nianlan said. “I would like an explanation from this gentleman before I reveal anything.” FnAMki

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  1. I’ve had Na Yongkai for five minutes and I’m already willing to die for them ^^

    Huai Zhen and Nianlan are so cute, I love how good Nianlan is at reading people

    Thanks for the chapter ^^

  2. “There’s a child” / “Something unfortunate happened to them” [Theory To Find Evidence For clicked] when i say i sprinted to my character notes OH BOY!!! i flew!! is this the missing Raven Saint?? 👀👀👀👀 rhetorical Q akxhakdj

    absolutely adore that Ge Nianlan isnt concerned by Huai Zhen yelling at him; im with HZ that it’s not enjoyable to do so with someone you like, but it’s still nice that there’s no hard feelings