These Tentacles Are Eager to Stick Close!Ch27.1 - The Candy Was Poisonous?!

Translator: Deyonna

A few minutes ago, all three people in the car thought that tonight would be a wasted trip. 2UMOst

Unsure if their guess was wrong, Ma Lin didn’t hide the chip inside the signal car at all. Either someone took the chip ahead of time, or Ma Lin hid the chip too deep to be found in a short time.

In short, regardless of the reason, the final outcome was a failure. But unexpectedly, things took a sudden turn—

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The key chip that none of the three of them could find, despite their carpet-like searching, suddenly appeared without warning in the arms of the “little jellyfish.”

Chip… vLuVrR

“Chi chi chi… Chip?!!”

For a moment, all three people in the car were stunned.

Chen Xinyue’s expression showed clear excitement. Even though she usually remained calm and serious, in moments of great ups and downs, when she suddenly found hope amidst despair, she found it hard to control herself.

The woman frequently glanced at the rearview mirror, observing the chip that the “little jellyfish” in Yuan Ye’s hand held up high.

5p2g o

Jon was also excited, but his injuries were too severe and painful. After weakly uttering the word “chip,” he couldn’t speak anymore.

Even Yuan Ye was stunned for a full ten seconds before realizing that the “little jellyfish” was holding the recording chip that they had been searching for in vain!

He moved the little octopus to the palm of his left hand, then used his right hand to take the chip that the other was holding up high.

Yuan Ye first carefully examined the appearance, confirming that it was indeed the communication recorders’ chip. Then, he quickly but meticulously checked the model serial code of the chip, confirming that it did not belong to any of the communication recorders in those four vehicles. o2RFIV

In that case, there is a ninety percent chance that this is the chip from the communication recorder in Bard’s team’s signal car!

At this moment, Yuan Ye raised his eyes and gave Chen Xinyue a look of confirmation.

The latter had been paying close attention to Yuan Ye’s change of expressions and almost immediately understood the meaning behind that look.

She got the answer she wanted the most. xeyicQ

—It’s the thing they are looking for!

This chip will record the time and location of the signals sent by the communication device, along with important information such as the recipient’s area code.

In other words, as long as they have this chip, they can use the information inside to find the mastermind behind the incident this time.

The rims of the woman’s eyes slightly reddened and her hand gripping the steering wheel tightened, almost turning white. SsJCXP

“Thank… Thank you. Thank you.”

Her voice was hoarse, so she had to repeat it twice.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

At one moment, she looked at Yuan Ye in the rearview mirror, and at another, she glanced at the “little jellyfish” in his palm.

The little octopus sensed her gaze and turned back. It seemed as if Chen Xinyue’s eyes were filled with a kind of… joy and gratitude similar to that of a drowning person grasping at a straw of rice. hq4Hea

He subconsciously restrained his originally exaggerated and childish movements, crouching slightly reservedly in Yuan Ye’s palm.

But the next second, Yuan Ye turned him around.

“Where did you find it?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“……” oHqZUv

Ktf ilaaif bmabqer rmgjamtfv tlr tfjv.

Ct, atlr defralbc.

Ofa’r gfklcv alwf yjmx akfcas wlceafr jub—

Ca atja alwf, Tf Tecojc rfjgmtfv atgbeut jii atf rqjgf algfr yea vlv cba olcv atf mtlq. Ca atja wbwfca, tf jirb rerqfmafv ktfatfg rbwfbcf tjv ajxfc la jtfjv bo atfw. adDPjA

Dea rbbc, Tf Tecojc bnfgaegcfv atlr uefrr.

Because if anyone really wanted to come here to search for the chip, no one would be faster than himself, who had been informed of the hiding place by Ma Lin in person.

And now, when the search results contradicted Ma Lin’s answer, the only possibility was that the “common ground” between the two was not a “common ground” after all.

Just like when Ma Lin mentioned the signal car before, the signal car he referred to wasn’t Bard team’s signal car that they assumed, but rather the signal car used to set up a temporary signal station. sutMqC

So, this spare tire is likely the same.

It should not be the spare tire underneath several cars that Ye Yunfan initially thought of.

A spare tire that’s not a spare tire… but it must still be a tire, for sure.

With this in mind, the little octopus immediately expanded its search target, inspecting the tires of all four signal cars and eventually focusing on the left front tire of the main control vehicle. Lz2dCb

Although this tire looked no different from the others on the outside, with wear and dirt similar to the rest, it was the only tire without mud in the tread grooves.

You see, the temporary signal station was set up halfway up the mountain, and the vehicles drove on dirt roads to get there. It’s impossible for the tire grooves not to have compacted mud inside them.

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So the only explanation is that this tire was newly replaced after the vehicle came to a stop here.

A newly replaced… tire! WRQqfO

Facts prove Ye Yunfan’s guess was very accurate this time. He reached out his tentacles and searched for seven to eight minutes, quickly locating the chip inside a layer of the tire’s inner sidewall.

The little octopus was extremely excited, but soon he immediately calmed down.

—Because the item couldn’t be taken out just like that.

He can’t say for sure if there are people out there watching. A7ZNbo

So the little octopus made himself a little bigger, then hid the chip under his belly, curling his tentacles to conceal the item, waiting for Yuan Ye to come and get him.

This is really inconvenient. If he could speak, he could just shout and call someone over.

Although the process was a bit convoluted, the final outcome was still good.

But now, the little octopus, who doesn’t have a mouth to open or make a sound, didn’t know how to explain things to Yuan Ye. VLloGi

After thinking for a while, a light bulb suddenly lit up above his head.

Then, the little octopus shrank himself, curled into a ball, trying hard to resemble a tire, and rolled back and forth in Yuan Ye’s palm.

The latter was completely surprised by his move, immediately putting the chip aside and then holding him with both hands.

Woozy, woozy. d VvNP

The little octopus rolled several times and suddenly felt a bit dizzy.


The little octopus spread flat, his pair of moist, blue, large eyes gazing at Yuan Ye with a misty and somewhat expectant look.

How about it, do you understand? elfyEc

The latter stared at him without blinking, staring blankly, completely unresponsive.

Ye Yunfan: “……?”

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A little tentacle formed a question mark.

No, what about their previous tacit understanding?! H04m5Z

Yuan Ye, what about the Ren and Du meridian you previously opened up?!?

He’s been trying so hard to perform so obviously!

However, at this moment, Yuan Ye completely lacked the awareness to interpret the content he needed from the “little jellyfish’s” performance.

His attention was entirely on the rolling “little jellyfish.” S05A p

The familiar feeling from before returned, and Yuan Ye felt his chest slightly burning hot, as if something was melting inside.

The young man still vividly remembered when the other party peeled off his glove, leaving him in a sorry state. He also remembered inwardly making a firm resolution at that moment to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

But now…

Yuan Ye suddenly felt the strong urge to touch, to feel this “little jellyfish” that always made strange movements. xb7kRC

Or, when it huddled itself into a flat dumpling, reaching out, wanting to give it a pinch, to make it issue a squeaky sound.

Alternatively, flip the little guy, who is currently dizzy, onto its back, exposing its milky soft belly, poke it with a finger, and give it a gentle rub.

Humans are indeed very strange creatures. When they find a cute creature adorable, their heart rate increases, their breathing quickens, and their body temperature rises. Simultaneously, they experience a strong protective instinct and a desire to engage in intimate behaviors like touching, caressing, and hugging.

At the same time, there will also be opposing thoughts of wanting to squish and bully. The reason for the emergence of the latter… XbmKaW

—It’s because the brain was overwhelmed by cuteness.

Yuan Ye is currently in this state.

A strong desire to touch, protect, and an inexplicable urge to bully suddenly rose from the depths of his heart, intertwining like silk threads in the young man’s heart, forming layer upon layer, densely packed and mixed with each other.

Seeing that Yuan Ye truly did not understand, the little octopus who worked hard without complaint curled up again. zXkm35

At this moment, Yuan Ye also didn’t understand what was happening to him. However, this strange and intense desire and emotion felt like the whispers of a demon, tempting him to reach out his sinful hand.

—Pinched the little octopus tire that rolled halfway.

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Jigu, jigu~

The wet, slippery, and soft little body indeed produced such a sound when squeezed. bX87Ia

Ye Yunfan: “……???”

He looked up, bewildered and shocked.

What’s wrong? Why did he suddenly pinch him?

Yuan Ye discovered for the first time that he, surprisingly, needed to exert a great deal of effort to flatten the corners of his upturned lips. E8SzMZ


The young man reluctantly cleared his mind of all the cluttered thoughts and returned to the business at hand. After pondering for two seconds, he recalled the front tire of the main control vehicle that the “little jellyfish” refused to leave.

“Are you saying you found it inside the tire?”

“!” 3U4HJF

The little octopus’ attention immediately shifted. He felt that the tacit understanding between himself and Yuan Ye that had died was revived, nodding happily.

Yuan Ye did not delve into why the “little jellyfish” could find the chip inside the tire.

Because this little guy has always liked to collect all kinds of metal pieces. As soon as it entered the car, it searched for several nooks and crannies for them.

So, finding the chip in the tire is not surprising; it may just be good luck, or perhaps it has some innate talent for finding metal pieces. BVhaAr

Ye Yunfan had been paying attention to Yuan Yes’s expression. Seeing that he did not show an inquiring or puzzled look, he confirmed that his false octopus persona had effectively served its purpose.

At the same time, he cautiously glanced at Captain Chen.

The ‘little jellyfish’ that liked metal pieces found the chip hidden in the tire, and Chen Xinyue also didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.

After all, it had always liked her identity tag. d5lrky

Anyway, the chip has been found, and the other trivial details are not important.

After confirming that no one had any suspicions, Ye Yunfan breathed a sigh of relief and he checked his stamina value.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Stamina Value: 190/355]

It’s probably due to running around searching for the chip and the increase in his size; his stamina value dropped by more than twenty directly. qcz4iR

It’s like having dinner for nothing.



The little octopus curled up and nestled in the palm of the young man to rest, contemplating whether he should ask for a midnight snack after they got back. FesJp3

Perhaps after experiencing the danger of his stamina value dropping to zero before, Ye Yunfan always wanted to stock up more, preferably eating his fill in one go.

The “little jellyfish” curled up and nestled in the palm, looking particularly well-behaved without its usual antics. Yuan Ye couldn’t resist reaching out to touch its soft head.

Perhaps with the groundwork laid in the previous two times, now the touch through two layers of gloves no longer elicited an overly strong reaction from him.

To the point that Yuan Ye was starting to like this feeling. 3Wc hD

Ye Yunfan, who was being touched on the head, did not have any special reaction because the touch was very gentle, with a cautious and solemn sense of probing, which did not make him feel repulsed.

Moreover, he was now a baby octopus.

Just go ahead and touch.

Ye Yunfan adapted well. ya8360

Having experienced the hardships of poverty in his childhood, he had become the kind of person who could survive well anywhere.

Translator's Note

Like the feeling you want to squish an adorable puppy to death because it’s so cute

Translator's Note

Squish, squish, it sounds so cute so I used the pinyin

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  1. Oh my God, that was so cute 💗💗 thank you so much for the translation, I can’t wait to see this couple being more intimate 🫀🔥