Transmigrated Senior Martial BrotherCh16 - Conspiracy

Editor: DarkSapphire

Although Qin Mo increased the speed of the Cloud Boat, it still took a few days for his party to reach the Zhengyang Sect. w3J9n7

When they arrived, they climbed off the Cloud Boat just outside of the Zhengyang Sect’s gate. Just as they got off, they spotted a group of people coming out from inside. They rushed out and stopped in front of them.

It was several middle-aged men, all wearing the Zhengyang Sect’s earth-colored robes. They swept over the newly arrived party with uncertainty.

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The group’s leader was a tall, buff man with bronze skin, emitting an aura of authority. Just hearing his clamorous question was enough to draw everyone’s attention, “Are all of you from the Yueqing Sect?”

After Qin Mo’s group gave a positive answer, the middle-aged, muscular leader furrowed his brow and fixed his eyes firmly onto them. Because of the largeness of his eyes, the moment they’d settled on them, the man gave off a sense of ruthlessness. “Your claims are unsubstantiated. Where is your proof?” TBoR5O

Hearing this, the faces of the Yueqing Sect’s disciples turned grim. What did the Zhengyang Sect mean by doubting their identities? But it would do no good to provoke those before them right now, so all they could do was swallow their dissatisfaction.

Qin Mo furrowed his brow and slowly spoke, “This senior, what do you mean by this?”

“When I say show us your proof, you must prove your identity with something. Doesn’t the Yueqing Sect have this…this identification jade for its disciples? Why make everything so complicated!” The man was obviously not a patient one. Seeing no movement from the other side after a while, he became more irritated.

“You…” Before Qin Mo could finish what he was just about to say, he was interrupted by the man before him. The man roughly grabbed the fabric at Qin Mo’s waist, tightly seized his cosmic bag, as though looking for something inside.


In reaction to the man’s actions, Qin Mo brought up his right hand, sending out a cluster of violet light. But with a wave, the man dissipated the ball of lightning into thin air.

Faced with such circumstances for the first time, Qin Mo was shocked. He jerked both of his hands and immediately, Biyou appeared in his hand; its tip pointed forward at the person in front of him.

The man, seemingly angered by Qin Mo’s attitude, released his hold and balled his hands into fists. His eyes lit up as if they were on fire as he shouted, “Kid, you hesitate to comply only to be forced onto worse, this great one is not one you could afford to offend!” Once he finished, he threw his fist towards Qin Mo.

The man’s punch was covered in a layer of red flames, placing intense pressure on Qin Mo. The young man’s eyes darkened, estimating that this person’s cultivation level must be at the Golden Core at least. Even with that mind, his hands still clenched around Biyou. CYJc23

“Halt, you think my disciple is so easily bullied? Are you really treating our Yueqing Sect like nobody?” As the man’s fist was inches away from hitting Qin Mo, a sudden roar bellowed from the side, leaving the crowd in a state of shock and blinding their vision. Once they could see again, they found a figure appeared between the young man and the muscular man, blocking the attack.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Sect Leader!” The Yueqing Sect’s disciples couldn’t resist gasping out in joy at the sight of Jin Linfeng.

Alc Olcofcu cbvvfv abkjgvr atf vlrmlqifr jcv delmxis fzjwlcfv Hlc Zb’r rajaf, gfijzlcu bcis joafg tjnlcu obecv cb lcpeglfr. Lf atfc aegcfv ab ojmf atf ragbcu wjc klat j nlmlber uijgf, rqfjxlcu lc j rjgmjralm abcf, “Kb atlcx atf Ofjvfg bo atf Itfcusjcu Vfma kbeiv fcpbs yeiislcu atf peclbgr.”

The ill-tempered man was the Sect Leader of the Zhengyang Sect, Kong Fan. Listening to Jin Linfeng’s mockery, his tanned face turned red. Then he remembered something and glared at the group of juniors, speaking defensively, “He was unwilling to authenticate his identity as a member of the Yueqing Sect. Moreover, he was the first to attack!” Confidence framed across his face as he finished. azD8HM

“You… you bastard!” Hearing his reasoning, Jin Linfeng’s became even more enraged. He raised the longsword in his hand as if prepared to start a fight with Kong Fan.

Cao Yong, an elder of the Zhengyang Sect who had been standing behind Kong Fan the whole time, stepped forward. He pulled the hostile Kong Fan back and blocked Jin Linfeng’s advance at the same time. An honest smile appeared on his face as he said, “Sect Leader Jin, please don’t misunderstand. Our Sect Leader is just feeling irritated. So much has happened recently that put him in a bad mood.”

As he spoke, his expression became graver. “As of late, someone has been impersonating as disciples of major sects and infiltrating my Zhengyang Sect. Many of the Zhengyang Sect’s disciples ended up murdered, which is why we are here to confirm the identities of all disciples entering the Zhengyang Sect. Furthermore…”

Pausing, the elder scanned through the group of disciples behind Jin Linfeng. “The invitation letter asking for everyone’s presence at the Zhengyang Sect wasn’t sent by our sect. The disciples who’d come here to participate in the sparring session were all ambushed on the way; many sects lost a great deal of young disciples.” a746dn

“What? How could there be such a thing?” Hearing the news, Jin Linfeng’s expression changed as well. He might appear rough, while he was usually crude, he was in actuality quite sharp at times. At first, he had found the invitation quite strange, but he had not expected such a sinister scheme.

“That’s true, we were indeed ambushed during our journey.” Qin Mo, who had been standing silently at the sidelines, also came forward. He nodded slightly to the disciple behind him, prompting him to bring out Shi Ying’s corpse.

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Seeing Shi Ying, Cao Yong, who’d just been speaking, showed a shocked look and suddenly trembled uncontrollably as he muttered, “I never thought this one would be a spy.”

After a moment, he seemingly realized his blunder and a smile returned to his face. He spoke to Qin Mo, “Could the fellow disciple hand him over to me? After all, he was my…ill-intentioned disciple.” tZqpkh

Hearing this, Qin Mo nodded without saying anything.

Realizing the entrance wasn’t the best place to discuss, the members of the Zhengyang Sect welcomed Jin Linfeng and others inside.

It seemed as though all kinds of disciples, from large and small sects of the Blue Sky Realm alike, were all present. Following Jin Linfeng’s arrival, he was invited to the main hall of the Zhengyang Sect, and a discussion of the odd events ensued. In the meanwhile, Qin Mo and other disciples were led to a separate room.

Qin Mo sat on a soft couch, carefully thinking over the contents of the original novel, but still couldn’t remember what had happened during this timeframe. However, original Lin Zizheng seemed to have made his appearance after his Senior Martial Brother entered the Foundation Building. Was there really going to be a competition after everything was done? 3BtSpr

Someone knocked lightly on the wooden door in front of the room, Qin Mo stopped his random guessing, got up and opened the door, there was a strange disciple standing outside the room, with food in his hand, look at his reserved look , seems to be a disciple of the outer sect of Zhengyang Sect.

Someone knocked on the wooden door lightly. Qin Mo stopped his wild contemplations, got up and opened the door. At the door stood an unfamiliar disciple, carrying food in his hands. Examining his reserved figure, he appeared to be a disciple from the Zhengyang Sect.

Seeing Qin Mo had opened the door, a smile rose on the disciple’s face. He handed Qin Mo the food, saying, “Fellow Shixiong, here is tonight’s dinner.”

Qin Mo nodded, accepted the meal, and thanked the disciple before he turned back to the room. sj73Zk


Many people had gathered in the main hall of the Zhengyang Sect, all of whom wore serious expressions.

“According to the captured traitor, they are undercover spies planted by the Demonic School in various sects a long time ago. The attacks on each of the major sects were all perpetrated by the Demonic School.” A woman sitting beside Jin Linfeng said as she put down her jade cup, glancing through the crowd.

The woman, who looked to be in her mid-twenties, had a highly dignified bearing. She sat upright at this moment, looking ahead with a very stern expression and steadfast gaze. iHMDQf

Everyone present didn’t dare to underestimate her for being a woman, for she was one of three major sects’ leaders, Sect Leader Liu Yun of the Yunyin Sect. Listening to her at the moment, their faces revealed expressions of hesitance.

“Is the Demonic School mad? They’ve always been weak, with strength far below that of the three major sects! Why would they set up such a gathering and take out all the major sects at once?” Kong Fan huffed from above. He was never one that considered much and was quite skeptical of Liu Yun’s statement.

Seeing that no one believed her, Liu Yun didn’t show any expression of dissatisfaction. Instead, she went on, “A few days ago, we saved a man on the road.”

Speaking of this, Liu Yun frowned slightly, and took another sip of tea before continuing: “The village where this person lived before was slaughtered by the demon cultivator!” BjOf8R

Having said that, Liu Yun furrowed her brow slightly. She took a sip of her tea before continuing, “The village this individual was from was annihilated by the demonic cultivators.”

This revelation made everyone in the room suck in a cold breath of air. Only those demonic cultivators were deranged enough to commit something like massacring an entire village.

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“According to that man, it seemed that the cause was that one of the villagers had found a type of valuable spirit grass near the village. The demonic cultivators silence them so the news would not spread.” When she reached here, she paused to survey around the room, before she finished the last part.

“The most important thing is that the entrance to Huangtian’s Secret Realm is right next to this village!” Although Liu Yun’s face was still serious, but at the end of speaking, a surprised expression appeared on her face. m0j5fR

“Most importantly, the Secret Realm of Summer’s entrance is right next to the village.” At first, Liu Yun maintained the seriousness on her face, but it was inevitable for her to show a bewilderment on the last part.

“You mean, that spirit grass was found near the edge of the secret realm? That can’t be right. It’s too soon for it to be open.” Jin Linfeng questioned, feeling at a loss. Suddenly, as though he’d just thought of something, he showed a stern expression and took a deep breath, concluding, “You mean that the Secret Realm of Summer has opened prematurely?”

This conclusion brought a dramatic change in everyone’s expression, oddly enough, also revealing a hint of excitement.

The Secret Realm of Summer was the most mysterious secret realm in the Blue Sky Realm. Its access is open once every fifty years, and only cultivators below the Golden Core cultivation level can enter. Every cultivator that had entered the secret realm would always come out with great finds. 5uZi16

In all of the Blue Sky Realm’s history, the Secret Realm of Summer had recorded cases of opening in advance. This only happens once in a million years, but whenever it did open early, there were countless valuables inside, even the sweet-dew grass that is used to help a cultivator to make a breakthrough to the Nascent Soul could be found everywhere.

Most of the people present were the leaders of various sects, many of whom were stuck in the peak of the Golden Core. Thus, hearing this piece of information, they unconsciously showed expressions of delight.

If the Secret Realm of Summer was truly opening in advance, everything that the Demonic School had done made so much more sense.

Each time the Secret Realm of Summer opens, it has an entrance limit of a hundred people. Individual sects have countless disciples in low cultivation level that meet the requirement, but they can only send elite disciples in because of the limit to the number of people who can enter the Secret Realm of Summer. Not to mention this is a place where danger lurks in every corner. If an ordinary disciple enters, they will be lucky if they can survive a single day. HtSPWa

For the Demonic School, as long as they could eliminate elite disciples of other sects, more of their own disciples could enter.

“Then let’s go investigate that village.” As fire lit inside everyone’s hearts, they got out of their chairs one after another, ready to head out to confirm if the information was true. However, before they could fully stand, they fell back into their chairs.

When everyone analyzed the states of their body, they were shocked. They had unknowingly consumed a dissipated spiritual pill.

A dissipated spiritual pill is a type of a poison in the Blue Sky Realm. When it is mixed in water and drunk by a cultivator, it will make the cultivator’s spiritual energy disappear for a day. For that single day, the cultivator will be no different from an ordinary person. 21r8X5

At a glance of their respective jade cups, they immediately understood where the dissipated spiritual pill had been stowed. All of them were under the impression that nothing could happen to them within the Zhengyang Sect’s main hall. Little could they guess the demonic cultivators would have the chance to take advantage.

Kong Fan gritted his teeth hard. With rage burning in his eyes, he roared, “Damn it, there are more traitors in the Zhengyang Sect?!”

Beside him, Cao Yong’s face suddenly turned very pale. His lips trembled as he commented, “By now, all the disciples within the sect should have finished their dinner.”

Hearing this, the entirety of the main hall immediately fell silent. This could only mean that everyone in the Zhengyang Sect had very likely consumed a dissipated spiritual pill by now. UaeXMt

The translator has something to add:

Teo: Dark helped me edit this project back when I just started (and maybe Bean? It’s been so long, and the original post is already in the abyss so I can’t check). There was another editor that joined in the middle of the project but went mia (they even quietly left the translation group’s discord). Sad face.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Also, sorry for being selective on the pinyin title. It dawned on me that if I am using shixiong, shishu, or shidi. I should be using pinyin for ‘sect leader’ as well. But who the heck uses zhangmen in fan translations? In my defense, zhangmen is less common than something like shifu. Translating is hard. This reminds me of this translator who uses pinyin for blood related families like cousin (biaoge) and uncle (shushu). Following that logic, shouldn’t they use pinyin for father, sister, brother, mother as well?

Lastly, if you reach this far, congratulations. This is a PSN to read this with logic tossed out. The author has a tendency to forget what they have written and contradict with prior novel settings. Just go with the flow and don’t dwell on the details too much, trust me. BHybIP

Translator's Note

Direct, to drink a penalty toast after refusing to drink when toasted. To be forced to do something after initially turning down a request to do that thing. It’s a metaphor for not knowing what’s good for you.

Translator's Note

Typo of 教 for 交 (both are jiao with same tone). The first one means discipline/ teach and the second one means hand over/ deliver. Going by the original, it would be ‘could the disciple discipline him for me’.

Translator's Note

A school of cultivation or martial arts. Doesn’t differ much from a Sect.

Translator's Note

Roughly, hidden cloud.

Translator's Note

Wiktionary is like, literally, summer, and this translator was sold. Directly, it means ‘yellow sky’. Yellow as in the color and sky means spirit. It’s supposed to give people a sense of relaxation, hope and energy.

Translator's Note

So this translator would have miss it if it wasn’t for the novel’s comment section. According to chapter five, sweet-dew grass is what Jin Linfeng needed to advance. While jade-root grass was used to get Qin Mo back on his feet. The author flipped the two here.

Translator's Note

There are censor words/ boxes in this novel. This translator will do my best to decipher the words instead of keeping the boxes in the text.

Translator's Note

This translator would describe it more like a ‘medicinal pill with harmful/ negative effect’ instead of poison. Essentially, it’s a debuff.

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  1. Yeah, I was wondering why sect leader sent his disciples away by themselves and popped out later, but I will let my brain log out~

    Thank You for the new chapter (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡

    • Yeah, a lot of comments questioned why the sect leaders are so dumb. What can I say, author is the God of their novel.

  2. No gonna lie, the insane logic is what I’m enjoying the most about this story. Just look at all the fun stuff happening this chapter:

    Other sect leader knows fake invitations have been sent out to lure baby cultivators into an ambush. So what does he do when confused baby cultivators show up on his doorstep? Yells at them then tries to kill them.

    Baby cultivators are saved by the sect leader popping up out of nowhere. Why did he show up? Who knows!

    The demonic sect is killing baby cultivators so they can have more of the limited spots into the secret realm … that only they know is open/opening early.

    During a meeting discussing spies in their sects a bunch of sect leaders are poisoned. Somehow, none of these powerful individuals noticed that their spirital power was gone.

    With this kinda insane logic running things you never know what’s going to happen next. Makes for a fun ride.

  3. I have the feeling that Qin Mo didn’t eat the dinner nor let anyone there eat it either

    Boy is smart if there are spies in a sect you eat nothing you didn’t see getting made

  4. Tbh I love that this story is illogical. It’s a simple, transmigration novel, and I’ve read dozens that are essentially the same concept. But idk why, this one stands out to me? I think it’s cause I like the MC but I’m not sure