The Two Proud Sky Dragons’ Shura FieldsCh127 - For the rest of one’s life

However, the Demon World’s Holy Maiden held an extremely high status. The Demon World also worships gods, and the Holy Maiden is the leader of the divine religion within the Demon World. Her position is so unique that even the Demon Emperor dares not easily offend her.

The selection of the Holy Maiden is not based on bloodline, but before the death of the previous generation’s Holy Maiden, they would ask their servants to go to a specific location to wait for a newborn born at a specific time. It is believed that the Holy Maiden’s soul is eternal, merely losing its memories with each reincarnation, but growing stronger with every cycle. c4pXx6

Whether this theory is true or not is unknown, but the Holy Maiden’s strength is undeniably astonishing. They inherit the powers of their predecessor, initially controlling only a fraction of it, but their mastery deepens over time.

In the original story, the current Holy Maiden appeared with the strength of the late Reunification Realm and fell in love with Pei Ming at first sight. She was his most biggest guide and equipment provider in his early stages. As her feelings for Pei Ming grew, she eventually betrayed Shen Xing for him, supporting Pei Ming in the battle for the throne.

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But that was just the original story. Pei Ming’s real world had diverged so much that even the author wouldn’t be able to recognize it. The Holy Maiden did not fall in love with Pei Ming at first sight and was eventually hacked to death by him. In Pei Xiaoming’s world, it was even more absurd—the Holy Maiden was likely killed by temporal chaos and was now replaced by Pei Ming.

“Boy from the He family, do you dare to touch my person?” The Holy Maiden’s beautiful eyes flashed with anger as she coldly questioned. npG3z5

Held in the Holy Maiden’s arms, Yue Xiuzhi heard her angry yet inherently sweet and feminine voice and couldn’t help but lower his head, his shoulders shaking slightly.

He was shaking with laughter!

Although he felt sorry for his beloved A-Pei…how could he not find this funny?

Pei Ming, feeling the continuous trembling of the person in his arms, looked at He Mingxun with a stern gaze, a trace of helplessness flashing deeply in his eyes.


He really didn’t expect this damn Heavenly Way to have such an identity for him at first!

After discovering that he had become the Demon World’s Holy Maiden, Pei Ming had immediately dragged the Heavenly Way over, coldly demanding an explanation, clearly intending to beat him up if he didn’t get a satisfactory answer.

However, the Heavenly Way didn’t give him a proper explanation.

The answers were just empty words about how the previous Holy Maiden happened to die due to temporal chaos and that many people in the demon capital died because of it. The Heavenly Way also reiterated the rule of “not getting acquainted with the child of fate.” T930wC

Then, the Heavenly Way unconvincingly reassured him that it was merely an illusion, and that nothing would be missing or altered about him, so he shouldn’t worry about losing any “parts.”

Pei Ming: “…”

Just when he was on the verge of losing his patience, the Heavenly Way mentioned, “Yue Xiuzhi has entered Rong Jin’s body and is likely having a hard time. You should go check on him.”

After that, the Heavenly Way immediately left this world, either returning to Pei Ming’s world or Cecil’s world. In short, he reached a distance where Pei Ming could not easily drag him over. T4O9FC

Thinking about Yue Xiuzhi becoming Rong Jin, Pei Ming knew all too well what kind of life Rong Jin had in the Rong family. Although he knew Yue Xiuzhi wouldn’t be in any real danger, he was still eager to see his lover.

Later, he learned from a maid that tomorrow was the royal hunt. He casually asked if the Rong family’s eldest illegitimate son would attend, and after the maid confirmed, he decided to come today.

Upon hearing the Holy Maiden’s questioning, He Mingxun bowed his head even lower. “Mingxun was unaware that Young Master Rong had become the Holy Maiden’s person.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Are you questioning me?” The Holy Maiden suddenly cracked her whip, landing just an inch in front of He Mingxun, causing the ground to shatter like an explosion, sending fragments everywhere. He Mingxun was directly blown away by the impact. nsdeoQ

Lf gbiifv bc atf ugbecv j ofk alwfr, atfc mgjkifv yjmx jcv tewyis xcfia yfobgf atf Lbis Zjlvfc.

Ktf reggbecvlcu cbyifr kjamtfv rlifcais, cb bcf vjglcu ab rqfjx bg tfiq Lf Zlcuzec.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Vemt lr atf Gfwbc Qbgiv, ktfgf gfrqfma lr bcis obg atf qbkfgoei, gfujgvifrr bo bcf’r rajaer.

“Lf kjrc’a yfobgf, yea ogbw cbk bc, tf lr atf Lbis Zjlvfc’r wjc!” Ktf Lbis Zjlvfc vfmijgfv, revvfcis aegclcu Tef Wlehtl’r tfjv jcv qgfrrlcu tfg gfv ilqr ab tlr. Rtx26

Yue Xiuzhi: “…”

Wait, let me think about how I should maintain my persona in this situation!! If I were Rong Jin, what would he do if he was suddenly kissed?

But he soon had no energy to think about this. Despite the Holy Maiden’s beautiful exterior, Pei Ming at his core was still a kissing maniac. Yue Xiuzhi was kissed so intensely that he could barely breathe.

The nobles watched the two kissing on the horse. Although Rong Jin was a taller man, he looked especially tempting when pinned down and kissed by the petite Holy Maiden. His eyes turned red at the corners, and his throat made sounds that were a mix of resistance and pleasure. p35YTS

No wonder the Holy Maiden fell in love with him at first sight. If it were me…

Noticing that others were eyeing his treasure, the Holy Maiden released the young man and glared coldly at those around.

Everyone instantly lowered their heads.

Yue Xiuzhi’s neck was still a bit sore from the difficult kissing position just now. Struggling to think with his kiss-dazed brain, he wondered what Rong Jin would do now… 2xKQTy


Yue Xiuzhi suddenly remembered that the Heavenly Way had promised he didn’t have to strictly maintain his persona when with Pei Ming.

Then everyone can be happy—let’s just say Rong Jin fell in love with the Holy Maiden at first sight. _(:3」∠)_

Anyway, the Holy Maiden was beautiful, powerful, and rich— She is simply a rich woman with fair skin, beautiful face and high education. Which useless pretty boy wouldn’t like her? (Not really) aXPyhn

—Yue Xiuzhi thought irresponsibly.

Just when the scene was awkward, the royal family came one after another.

The nobles quickly bowed, seemingly grateful for the chance to escape this awkwardness (…)

And every royal family member who came would nod to the Holy Maiden, representing the royal family’s respect for her. 3dG2oS

They all noticed that the Holy Maiden had someone new with her, who seemed to be the Rong family’s useless eldest son, but no one dared to ask about it.

The Holy Maiden’s unpredictable moods were well-known. Rather than risking her ire, they would rather ask about it later.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Finally, the leader of this generation of royals, the Third Prince, arrived.

Surveying the scene, he laughed loudly. “Now that everyone is here, let the hunt begin!” MNz5Y3

It’s still the same old rules: the one who catches the most prey wins. Each higher realm counts as ten times the next lower realm, and so on. In three days, we will meet here again to determine the winner.”

“The winner may enter the Demon Palace’s treasury and select any treasure!”

“Then I declare that this hunt begins!”

With the Third Prince’s command, everyone rode towards the depths of the Great Void Mountain. 2q1agQ

Pei Ming held Yue Xiuzhi tightly, laughing softly in his lover’s ear. “Let’s go too.”

Yue Xiuzhi nodded.

The horse beneath them started running at an incredible speed, quickly leaving everyone behind.

Once they reached a deserted area, Pei Ming gradually slowed down. yk9xRN

At this moment, Yue Xiuzhi couldn’t help but laugh again. He said, “How on earth did the Heavenly Way come up with the idea to turn you into the Holy Maiden? Hahahahaha, my goodness…”

The more he thought about it, the funnier it became. It’s not terrible for boys to like wearing women’s clothes. What was frightening was someone like Pei Ming—someone who defied description—turning into a woman!

Pei Ming got off the horse, pulling his lover down with him, and pressed him against a nearby tree. Lowering his voice, he asked, “Is it that funny?”

His tone was dangerous and ambiguous. Normally, Yue Xiuzhi might have been a little scared. But now, seeing Pei Ming with that stunningly beautiful face, pressing him against a tree, having to look up to threaten him since he wasn’t as tall… 9xCyPz

Yue Xiuzhi couldn’t help but laugh again.

Pei Ming: “…”

Pei Ming gritted his teeth, feeling both frustrated and helpless. “Xiuzhi, I’m really getting angry.”

“Okay, okay, I won’t laugh…” Yue Xiuzhi forced himself to calm down. “I mean, I mean… A-Pei, you look really good like this… Hahaha, I’m sorry, I can’t hold it in!” fZzOFG

Pei Ming: “…”

“Xiuzhi, if you keep this up, I’ll take back what I promised you earlier,” Pei Ming suddenly said. He then looked at his horse and told Yue Xiuzhi, “I’ve always wanted to try it on horseback, but I was worried you couldn’t handle it… But today, it seems like a good opportunity…”

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Yue Xiuzhi’s face instantly became expressionless.

“Not funny. This is not funny at all,” Yue Xiuzhi suddenly said indignantly. “That damn Heavenly Way, treating my A-Pei like this!” 3bcKXB

Just kidding, Pei Ming had finally agreed to let him be on top! How could he ruin it now?

And doing it on horseback… That was too intense. His old bones wouldn’t be able to handle it.

“Alright then,” Pei Ming said, seemingly regretful.

“So, where are we going next?” Pei Ming asked. rX1TQo

“Let’s just wander around. I’ve heard the Great Void Mountain is quite interesting,” Yue Xiuzhi suggested.

Over the next three days, the nobles and royals hunting would often encounter the Holy Maiden and the Rong family’s eldest son. Most of the time, the scene was the Holy Maiden catching high-level prey, all of which had one common trait: tender meat.

They watched the usually lofty Holy Maiden, who never lifted a finger, earnestly and seriously roasting the prey. But clearly, the Holy Maiden hadn’t mastered this skill. The meat was often half-cooked, with some parts burnt and others still raw.

The Holy Maiden would frown, take a bite, realize it was inedible, throw it away in frustration, and start roasting another piece. 0yZq3S

Those who saw this would quickly leave, marveling at the charm of the Rong family’s eldest son to make the Holy Maiden stoop so low. Curious glances confirmed that he was indeed a beautiful young man, but before they could get a closer look, they would be met with a fierce glare from the Holy Maiden and had to hurriedly leave.

This all stemmed from an incident where Pei Ming had complained about the inedibility of airplane food and its lack of spiritual energy, promising to learn how to cook for Yue Xiuzhi.

Since they had nothing better to do, Pei Ming decided to put this plan into action. However, it seemed Pei Ming had a negative talent for cooking. After a long time of trying, all the prey was ruined, and Yue Xiuzhi always looked at him with a smile.

Pei Ming’s confidence waned, turning into frustration. Just as he was about to throw away another piece without even tasting it, Yue Xiuzhi bit into the burnt part. NVk2Lv

“Well, it’s not good,”

“But I like it.”

Yue Xiuzhi said, and kissed Pei Ming on the check.

Pei Ming couldn’t help but smile, his previous resentful heart seemingly being filled with a light, soft feeling. y5IbPG

Xiuzhi, when I think about spending such a long life with you, I feel—

It’s truly wonderful.

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M1zushi: I’ve finished translating all the chapters~ only 9 chapters~~
We’ll reach the end in 3 weeks! without ko-fis


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