Thriller Tour GroupChapter 106


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Translator's Note

Manchu-han Imperial Feast: According to wiki, refers to a style of cooking and a type of grand banquet that combines elements of Manchu and Han’s Chinese cuisine developed in the Qing dynasty of China (1636–1912). In modern times, the Chinese term “Manhan Quanxi” can be used as an idiomatic expression to represent any feast of significant proportions. As an example, various media outlets may refer to a dinner gala as “Manhan Quanxi”, while in China there are also numerous cooking competitions which make use of the aforementioned name, while not specifically referring to the original meaning of the imperial feast. The name is also used extensively in product names in the food industry, such usage evident as brands of sauces and instant noodles by various companies.

Translator's Note

the jade here, (In Chinese, ‘Cui’) shares the same word as the ‘cui’ from Xiaocui 

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  1. Thank you for the chapter! Is there a paragraph or two missing at the beginning? It seems to cut from a random guy to Wei Xun suddenly having something from the Devil Businessman. Or is that just the way it was written?

    • Hello! You’re right, thanks for noticing it. The raws that I’m using has a chunk of missing text, and after verifying with other sources, I managed to find the missing chunks. I’ll be updating this in due time and making an announcement about it soon. Once again, tysm!