Thriller TraineeCh203 - Let’s Make a Huge Scene

Tsuchimikado seemed like he was struck by lightning after hearing this news.

He reluctantly put down the circus props in his hand, then hurriedly made an excuse to pee, walked to the corner, threw a navigation, and ran towards the Magician. AJ0R9d

According to what he just overheard, these survivors were not worried about whether they could catch him and the Magician, nor were they worried about whether they could contact the main system. They could be so fearless, naturally they had something to rely on.

Because the summoned had been cursed, they could be summoned again and make contact with the main system…

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It was very likely that the main system would not be able to contact them until the evil god was summoned to this S+ rank instance. Because only in this way would this S+ rank instance space be broken by the evil god of a higher dimension and the signal could pass through the strange space coordinates in the Dark Dimension and successfully connect to the survivors.

But the problem was that Zong Jiu and Tsuchimikado were the sacrifices. JA1Hde

Only by sacrificing them would the evil god appear. If they were not sacrificed, the evil god would not appear at all.

This was a dead end.

“Okay, time is almost up, let’s get started.”


Just now, the members of the Sect dragged a few humans with red X’s on their heads and told the butcher standing next to the altar to cover the altar with blood.

The butcher grabbed the gleaming knife and simply chopped off the heads of the humans like cutting vegetables.

Instantly, the white brains flowed down from the heads.

They cursed and threw away the head. After grabbing the X section of the head, they used it on the surface of the altar like holding a paintbrush, and immediately dyed the cold and hard black and gray surface into a bright red color. I1GMV9

The original bigtop was half dismantled and turned into a semi-open-air style. The round stage in the center just happened to be the best choice for the altar.

The members of the Sect were all dressed in black cloaks and pointed hats. Most of them gathered around the altar, clasping their hands together and chanting something.

At some point, the sound of the orchestra began to become strange.

The violin and flute accompanying the original holy Christmas carol had gradually changed its tune. PTmlna

The members of the Sect around the altar sang loudly.

“Look to the sky, way up on high, there in the night stars are now right.”

It was a recitation that started with an unknown voice, one after another.

It was a little vague at the beginning, but as all the members of the Sect joined in, the words gradually became clearer, brighter, and suddenly high and sharp. XmZNU7

This recitation and song seemed to have some indescribable magic, which made people open their mouths involuntarily and join in with this strange and rhythmic tone.

Gradually, not only the members of the Sect, but all the animals standing in the square sang. Even the humans who were tied with reins and collars and imprisoned in the stables ready for sacrifice.

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They all opened their mouths and sang along with the carols, singing a strange Christmas carol.

It was not the holy and bright original song, but strange, cold, and gloomy to the point of being unbelievable. yP2upJ

“Ignorance and stupidity become the new masters.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“There in the night stars are now right. Eons have passed: now then at last. Prison walls break, Old Ones awake!”

Ktfgf kjr cb vbeya atja atlr kjr jc fzagfwfis ragjcuf rmfcf. uzDs1k

Mbg rbwf gfjrbc, Ibcu Ale gfwfwyfgfv atf qjlcalcu tjculcu lc atf nfafglcjgs tbrqlaji.

Ktf yjmxugbecv bo atf qlmaegf kjr jirb atf rjwf vffq cluta jr atlr Mfralnji.

Ccv lc atf mfcafg bo atf qjlcalcu, lcrlvf atf mlgmer afca, atf bcibbxfgr kfgf kfjglcu yijmx mibjxr jcv qblcafv tjar, rb vfcrf atja sbe mbeivc’a rff atf fcv ja j uijcmf.

The blood-stained altar was flowing in the center of the cloaks. 8pBX7C

Some of them held blood-stained knives, some held thick parchment, some knelt on the ground, and some raised their arms as if welcoming the coming of God, with a fanaticism on their faces that couldn’t be expressed in words.

Just like some deadly and contagious plague, crazy and unreasonable.

All of them were the same.

The chanting was still repeating, and Zong Jiu felt that he was getting irritated again. c7rzod

[Hesitatingly received some kind of mental pollution, you need to pass a sanity check. Success deducts 1 sanity point, failure deducts 1 to 3 sanity points. Please]

[Your roll result is 72/50, sanity check failed]

[Your sanity value is subtracted by 2 points, S-rank trainee Zong Jiu’s sanity value is now 38/50]

[Note that you are now in an unknown scene, staying in the scene for too long may cause continuous deduction of sanity] xkUoSW

Just as Zong Jiu was trying to ignore the singing and calm his headache, a stone suddenly hit his back.

The Magician instantly became alert.

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He secretly glanced at the black cloak immersed in the chanting, and quickly ran away under the cover of the crowd.

This was a very simple thing, because now all the living things that could make sounds in the square were singing except Zong Jiu and Tsuchimikado. 1sDmn2

“What’s wrong? Any new information?”

The two of them turned to a remote corner one after the other.

Tsuchimikado looked unhappy, and after a pause, he told the shocking news he had just found out.

“…” wae0zL

Zong Jiu took about three seconds to digest the “shocking news” from the Yin-Yang master.

“So what you mean is that if we stick our heads out, it will be cut off, and if we hide our heads, it will also be cut off. We can only wait for death?”

Tsuchimikado nodded in grief and indignation.

That was right. After so much effort, they finally found out that it was all for nothing. It would be hard for anyone to accept it. jS0p 1

“When I came here, I had already asked the sub-system. It said that if the space barrier of this S+ rank instance is not broken, there will be absolutely no way to contact the main system.”

So the topic returned to the beginning. If the two little white mice were not sacrificed, the evil god would not come out at all.

“Oh, I see.”

Zong Jiu nodded, suddenly spread out his left hand, and knocked on it with his right fist, “Then I have a way.” c8DIdZ

Tsuchimikado: ???

No, things are like this, what could you do!

Tsuchimikado was a little frustrated, “If you have a way, tell me quickly, their Festival has started, and they are about to summon us, and you are still keeping us in suspense!”

“The way is—” N3yrRG

Two business cards suddenly appeared in the hands of the white-haired young man, “This. “

[You have used the B-rank item: the Clown’s Friendship Card]

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[You have used the B-rank item: the Mad Hatter’s Friendship Card]

[Because this item is a friendship item, trainees need to ask for permission after using it. Please wait…] yuXSOR

The next second, a ghost suddenly appeared in front of them.

The Mad Hatter was maintaining an elegant posture, holding a blue court teacup in one hand and a cup holder in the other.

Tsuchimikado could clearly see that the teacup was not filled with black tea, but a full cup of human blood.

“Oh, Mr. Little White Bird Magician, long time no see!” UFLNQ1

The Mad Hatter showed an exaggerated smile, which made people wonder whether the paint on his face would fall off.

He raised his glass to the two of them, “Would you like to try a fresh Bloody Mary? This is a specialty for the tea party, and even Alice said it tastes good.”

Tsuchimikado again, “…”

He lowered his voice, and his voice was still trembling, “Isn’t this the ghost NPC from the Halloween event?” jJ7y5Z

Now they were in an S+ rank dungeon, not only were they powerless, but a ghost had also come, which was really life-threatening.

“It’s fine, they’re our own people.”

Zong Jiu patted his shoulder and greeted the Mad Hatter very skillfully, “Long time no see, where is the Clown?”

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, S+ rank, oh! So you also invited the Clown! Aaah, you are worthy of being the Magician, you can always bring me new surprises when I am bored, I really like you too much.” oDIWdg

The Mad Hatter’s eyes lit up all of a sudden, and he was about to speak, but there was another “bang” in the air.

This time it was the Clown who appeared.

Unlike the Mad Hatter who quickly accepted the invitation and came directly from the tea party, the Clown obviously came after some preparation.

He changed into a neat purple suit, combed his messy hair back, and even repainted his eye shadow and lipstick in bright colors. It was obvious that he dressed up carefully after receiving the invitation. YEPX21

By the way, the corners of this outfit were stained with scarlet blood. Who knew which unlucky guy it was snatched from.

“Mr. Magician, long time no see~”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The Clown bowed politely with a still creepy smile on his face.

“I really missed you… I didn’t expect that you still remembered me after such a long time.” mREVxn

He seemed a little at a loss, not knowing how to express his happiness and excitement, which made his expression more ferocious and twisted.

Tsuchimikado shivered and took a step back behind Zong Jiu silently.

When the business card invitation was received, the Clown was killing people.

Then the next second, the man who was about to die saw this dark sovereign throw away the dagger in his hand, take off his suit, quickly put it on, and disappeared without a trace. pu5hSG

So it was inevitable that the clothes were stained with blood.

Of course, Zong Jiu pretended not to see it.

“Wait, wait, wait, there is only half an hour, let’s make it short, old friends.”

The Mad Hatter interrupted this touching reunion, threw away the teacup and coaster in his hand, and put his hands together, “Mr. Magician invited us to come this time…” Q2ZVBW

“Of course.” Zong Jiu raised his eyebrows, “I will only call you if there is something fun.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the Mad Hatter and the Clown laughing and clapping, making shouts such as “Yeah! ” and other cheerful and expectant words.

The Clown held his face with his hands, looking happy, “I am so honored to be able to help Mr. Magician solve his problems!”

The Mad Hatter excitedly tap danced on the ground, “So, what fun things are there? Is it a surprise performance by the Clown, the Mad Hatter and the Magician!” NgViEJ

Tsuchimikado looked at Zong Jiu’s nod with horror, “Yes.”

The white-haired young man held two ten-sided die in his hand, and said calmly, “Anyway, there is no way to get out.”

“Then we can only destroy this instance.”

The Magician let go of the madness that had been hidden in his eyes since he entered this instance, and the pupils reflected by the ten-sided die were full of interest. s84xvz

“Let’s make a huge scene.”

A/N:Jiujiu: Let’s make a huge scene

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The Clown: Great!

Mad Hatter: Great! FqyWjH

Tsuchimikado: Trembling in the midst of a group of lunatics.jpg

The lyrics of this chapter come from The Carol of the Old Ones, a Cthulhu theme song.


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